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Charles S.Barrett — Structure of Metals |
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Projections, gnomonic 42 90
Projections, gnomonic, nets 29 30
Projections, gnomonic, reflection 43
Projections, gnomonic, spherical 25 31 32
Projections, gnomonic, standard 33
Projections, gnomonic, stereographic 25
Protractors, stereographic 28 33
Pyramids 19
Pyroelectric crystals 16
Quantum numbers 258
Quarrell 499 501 506
Quasi-binary lines 194
Quick 379
Radii, atomic 150 216—218
Radiography 54
Radiography, voltages used 46
Radius errors 134—137
Randall 527
Ransley 415 448
Rational indices, law of 12
Reactions, orientation and habit in 491
READ 335—343
Reciprocal lattice 101 472
Reciprocal lattice for electron diffraction 507
Reciprocity law, x-ray 67
Recovery 375
Recovery, revealed by x-rays 86
Recrystallization 375
Recrystallization textures 420—434
Recrystallization textures, table, iron and its alloys 432
Recrystallization, accompanying age hardening 463 464
Recrystallization, revealed by x-rays 86
Reference sphere 25 42
Reflection projection 43
Reflection sphere 103
Reflection, of X-rays 70—87
Reflection, of x-rays, table of reflecting planes 522
Refraction error 138
Relative valency effect 206
Resistivity, changes during annealing 375 376
Resistivity, changes during annealing, in superlattices 243—245 248 261
Resistivity, changes during annealing, theories of 254—261
Resistivity, changes during annealing, vs. magnetism 264
Robertson 542 548 549
Rock salt structure 209
Rolling and recrystallization, textures from 424—434
Rolling textures 395—417
Rolling textures, theories of 406 407
Rontgen 44
Ross filters 58
Rotating crystal camera 145
Rotating crystal methods 80 82 97—114
Rotation axes, of symmetry 13
Rotation-inversion axes 14
Rutile structure 209
Sachs 270 283 286 330 354 364 395—431 463 481
Sauter 114
Sauveur 485
Scattering of X-rays 53 77 524 534
Scherrer 142
Scherrer particle size formula 142 370
Schiebold 536
Schmid 382—459
Schoenflies, space-group notation 6 22
Schoenflies, space-group notation, symmetry-class notation 15 17
Screens, intensifying 67
Screw axes 21
Screw axes, table of 22
Seeman — Bohlin camera 121
Seitz 251 335—342 345 454
Semiconductors 260
Shear stress, for slip 294—302 332 341
Shear, in twinning 315—317
Shearing fracture 321
Shockley 231 240 241 251
Shrinkage errors 132—137
Shroedinger equation 257
Siegbahn 138
Sisson 408 410
Sixths 432 452
Siz^ factor 206
Slide rule, for cubic patterns 127
Slip lines 291 338
Slip lines, analysis of, stereographic 37—42
Slip lines, precipitation along 462
Slip, crystallography of 288—294 304
Slip, crystallography of, rotation caused by 302—307
Slip, stress required for 294
Slip, stress required for, r 302 332—340
Slip, stress required for, theories of 332—341
Slits, design of 117
Smekal 332
Smith, C. S. 445
Smith, D. W. 461—468 474 484 485
Smith, G. V. 484 485 491
Sodium, liquid structure of 226
Solid solutions, in iron alloys 219
Solid solutions, in iron alloys, structure of 201—208
Solid solutions, in iron alloys, theory of 266
Sommerfeld’s theory 258
Space groups 19
Space groups, determination of 146
Space groups, tables of 148
Space-lattices 2
Space-lattices, determination of 146
Space-lattices, drawings of 5
Space-lattices, table of 6
Space-lattices, x-ray determination of 114 126 146 151
Spacings, interplanar 76 126
Specific heats, of metals 256
Specific heats, of metals of superlattices 242
Specimen preparation 118 121 122 184
Specimen preparation for pole figures 162
Spectrometer, ionization 83
Sphere of reflection 103
Spots, shapes of 93—96
Spretnak 409 496
Sputtered films 439—442
Steel, rolled, diffraction from 158 161 162
Steel, rolled, diffraction from for transformers 432
Steel, rolled, diffraction from, directional properties in 447 452
Steel, rolled, diffraction from, preferred orientations in 402—405 407—410 415—418 431-433
Stereographic projection 25—43
Stereographic projection of Laue asterism 351—354
Stereographic projection of Laue equations 73 74
Stereographic projection of orientation of crystals 34 40 163—177
Stereographic projection of preferred orientations 155—162 (see also “Pole figures”)
Stereographic projection, angle measurement on 26 32 33
Stereographic projection, applications 25 37 145
Stereographic projection, nets and their use 29—33
Stereographic projection, protractors 28 33
Stereographic projection, protractors, standard projections 33
Stibitz 365
Stickley 368 371
Stillwell 151
Strain hardening 298—302 326—330 335-338
Strains, macroscopic, measurement of, by x-rays 267—287
Stress coat 380
Stress measurement, by sectioning 286
| Stress measurement, by sectioning, by x-rays 86 267—287
Stresses, in age hardening alloys 467 468
Stresses, in age hardening alloys for cleavage 317—324
Stresses, in age hardening alloys for slip 294—302
Stresses, in age hardening alloys for twinning 315 322
Stresses, in age hardening alloys, altered by fatigue 282
Stresses, in age hardening alloys, from welding 281—285
Stresses, in age hardening alloys, macroscopic vs. microscopic 363
Stresses, in age hardening alloys, vs. asterism 354
Structurally analogous phases 211—216
Structure factor F 79 127
Structure, use of term 3
Sublimation energy 258
Superlattices 230—250
Superlattices, origin of resistance in 261
Symmetry elements 13 19
Symmetry elements, reflection characteristics of 147 546
Symmetry, determination of 81 144
Symmetry, determination of of point positions 148
Symmetry, determination of of x-ray patterns 89
Symmetry, determination of, r 148
Symmetry, determination of, rotation axes of 13
Systems, crystal 2 6
Tamman 230
Tarasov 451 452
Taylor 304 330 334—336 364 388—390
Tellurium structure 200
Ternary alloys, recrystallization textures in 430
Ternary diagrams 185—195
Tetartohedral symmetry 16
Tetragonal crystals, diffraction lines from 129
Texture (see “Preferred orientations”)
Thermal vibrations, asterism from 357
Thomas 127
Thomassen 374—377
Thomson 493 496 524
Torsion textures 417
Traces of planes 37—42
Transformations, in age hardening alloys 466—474
Transformations, in age hardening alloys of metals 474
Transformations, in age hardening alloys, asterism from 356
Transformations, in age hardening alloys, in steel 475—492
Translation groups 2
Translation, repetition by 21
Troiano 483 485
Tubes, X-ray 59—64
Tunell 540 549
Twinning planes, analysis of, stereographic 37—42
Twinning, atom movements in 313—315
Twinning, atom movements in, crystallography of 307—313
Twinning, atom movements in, effect of, on pole figures 413—415
Twinning, atom movements in, in magnesium 449
Twinning, atom movements in, shear in 315—317
Twinning, atom movements in, stresses for 315 322
Ulrey 45
Unckel 444
Unit cell 3
Unit cell, atoms in, determination of 148
Unit cell, choice of 145
Unit cell, determination of 145
Unit cell, hexagonal 7
Unit cell, Laue 93
Unit cell, rotating crystal 100 107
Unit cell, volume of 102
Uranium, structure of 151
Vacher 397 552
Valency compounds 208—211
Vegard’s Law 202
Velocity factor 540
Vilella 477 480
Vilella, von Hevesy 44 52
Waller 533
Warren 142 151 226 358 540
Wasserman 411—422 439—449 470-483
Wavelengths, electron 254
Wavelengths, electron, x-ray, table of 516—519
Wavelengths, of x-rays 45—49 138
Wavelengths, of x-rays, true scale vs. Siegbahn 138
Weissenberg goniometer 111
Welding stresses 281—285
West 542
Westgren 121
Westgren — Phragmen camera 121
Wever 133 134 219
Wever chart, for pole figures 160—162
White radiation 45—47 94
Widmanstatten figures, analysis of, stereographic 41 42
Widmanstatten figures, analysis of, stereographic, table of data 486
Wires, deformation textures in 381—385
Wires, deformation textures in, recrystallization textures in 421—424
Wires, deformation textures in, theories of 387—395
Wollen 527
Wood 285 368—378 437 438
Wooster 111 454
Wright 33 43
Wulff 505
Wulff net 29
Wulff net, uses of 38—42
Wurtzite structure 210
Wyckoff 22 88 93 151 196 537 538
X-bands 305
X-constituent in steels 480
X-ray tubes 59—64
X-rays, Absorption of 51 53
X-rays, absorption of, absorption coefficients 520
X-rays, absorption of, characteristic spectrum 47 85 516
X-rays, absorption of, chemical analysis by 44 49
X-rays, absorption of, choice of, powder method 85 125
X-rays, absorption of, continuous spectrum 46
X-rays, absorption of, diffraction fundamentals 69—87
X-rays, absorption of, discovery of 44
X-rays, absorption of, efficiency of production 45 47
X-rays, absorption of, filtering 56
X-rays, absorption of, fluorescent 52
X-rays, absorption of, generating equipment 59—64
X-rays, absorption of, intensity measurement 65
X-rays, absorption of, K and L series lines 47—49
X-rays, absorption of, line intensities vs. voltage 52
X-rays, absorption of, photographic effects of 65—68
X-rays, absorption of, pi^otection from 64
X-rays, absorption of, properties of 44 45
X-rays, absorption of, scattered 58 69
X-rays, absorption of, true wavelengths 138
Xi coordinate 106 112
Young 466 483
Zachariasen 151 356—358
Zener 341—344
Zernike — Prins formula 225
Zeta coordinate 106 112
Zinc blende structure 209
Zinc, rolled, directional properties in 449
Zinc, rolled, preferred orientations 410—414 433
Zinc, rolled, preferred orientations, standard projection of 37
Zinc-sulphide screens 68
Zintl 217
Zone axes 12
Zone axes, determination of 39
Zone theory 257—266
Zones 12
Zones in Laue patterns 81 90
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