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Charles S.Barrett — Structure of Metals
Charles S.Barrett — Structure of Metals

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Íàçâàíèå: Structure of Metals

Àâòîð: Charles S.Barrett

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2007

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 580

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 05.08.2009

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Focusing cameras      84 121
Foote      183
Form, planes of      8 18 19
Fourier analysis of structure      144 542—551
Fowler      242
Fracture      317—324
Fricke      374
FriedePs law      89
Fuller      412 449 498
Furth’s theory of      321
Gallium liquid      227
Gamma phases      213—216 265
Gas, structure of      1
Geisler      467—474
Gensamer      268 328 407 416 431
Germer      441 493—504
Glassy state      1 229
Glide plane symmetry      21
Glocker      268—282 424 426
Gnomonic projection      43 90
Goldschmidt      150 208 209
Goniometers, for crystal orientation      165 173
Goniometers, for crystal orientation for preferred orientation      163
Goss      409 416 424 432 451
Gough      310 378
Grain boundaries, effect of deformation      325
Grain size, after cold work      1 363—375
Grain size, after cold work, by spot size      82
Grain size, after cold work, determination of, by line broadening      142 363—372
Graphical methods, for powder patterns      127 134
Greenland      292 298
Greninger      167 477—491
Greninger chart      170
Griffith      332
Groth      145
Guinier      471
Guinier — Preston zones      470—474
Habit planes, austenite decomposition      484—491
Hanawalt      413 414
Hanawalt’s chemical analysis system      139—141 497
Hardness vs. grain size      326
Hardness vs. grain size of solid solutions      326 340
Hardness vs. grain size of superlattices      246
Hardness vs. grain size, vs. line widths      375 376
Harker      544 546
Haworth      221 365—370
Heindlhofer      323
Hemihedral symmetry      16
Hemimorphic crystals      16
Hendricks      358 496
Hermann — Mauguin notation, space-lat-tices      6 22
Hermann — Mauguin notation, space-lat-tices, symmetry elements      16 17
Heusler alloys      234 248
Hexagonal close-packed structure      197
Hexagonal crystals, axes of      4
Hexagonal crystals, axes of, indices of      9
Hexagonal crystals, axes of, interpretation of patterns from      131
Hexagonal crystals, axes of, stereographic projection of      37
Hexagonal crystals, axes of, unit cell of      7
Holohedral symmetry      16
Homopolar binding      196
Hot rolling textures      416
Howe      305
Huggins      550
Hull      139
Hull — Davey charts      128
Hume — Rothery      120 184 185 476
Hume — Rothery 8-N rule      199
Hume — Rothery structurally analogous phases      211—216 265
Imperfection in crystals      82 219—223
Imperfection in crystals, asterism from      358
Indices, determination of, metallograph-ically      41
Indices, determination of, metallograph-ically of directions      8
Indices, determination of, metallograph-ically of Laue spots      90
Indices, determination of, metallograph-ically of planes of form      8 18
Indices, determination of, metallograph-ically, law of rational      12
Indices, determination of, metallograph-ically, Miller      7
Indices, determination of, metallograph-ically, Miller — Bravais      9 10
Indices, in powder patterns      126
Indices, in powder patterns of reflected beams      75 84
Indices, in powder patterns, in rotating crystal patterns      100
Indices, in powder patterns, in Weissenberg patterns      111
Indices, in powder patterns, transformation of      11
Indices, in powder patterns, zone      8 13
Insulators, theories of      254—261
Intensities of reflections, absolute      83
Intensities of reflections, absolute for electron diffraction      508
Intensities of reflections, absolute formulas (x-rays)      79 541
Intensities of reflections, absolute, along Laue streaks      351
Intensities of reflections, absolute, Laue spots      81 93 538
Intensities of reflections, absolute, measurement of      65 83
Intensities of reflections, absolute, relation of, to crystal structure      78—80 524—551
Intermetallic compounds      204
Internal friction      341—344
Interplanar spacings      76 126
Interstitial compounds      216
Inversion, center of      14
Iodine structure      200
Ionic binding      196
Ionization spectrometer      83
Iron, line widths from      376
Iron, line widths from, microstructure from transformation      40
Iron, line widths from, preferred orientations in      386 391 394 402—410 417 424 431—433
James      527 533
Jay      234
Jeffries      424 461
Jette      121 124 138 188 203
Jetter      464—471
Jevons      447 450
Johansson      230 241
Johnson      53
Jones      265
K series      47 85
Kaiser      470
Kanter      345
Kauzmann      345
Kettman      134
Kies      379
Kikuchi      508
Knot theory of age hardening      461
Koeler      336—339
Kommers      378
Kurdumow — Sachs orientation relationship      481
Lark — Horowitz      498
Lattice complex      148
Lattice constants, precision determination      132—139
Lattice constants, precision determination, theoretical calculations      253
Lattices      2
Lattices, types of      5 6
Lattices, use of term      3
Laue      44
Laue equations      71—74
Laue equations, in rotating-crystal method      98
Laue method      80 88—96
Laue method, asterism      350—362
Laue method, shapes of spots      93
Layer lines      82 98 108
Lees      419 505
Leonhardt      94
Lester      267
Limiting sphere      106
Line broadening, from cold work      363—372
Line broadening, from cold work, from particle size      142 370—372 501 502
Lineage structure      221
Lineage structure, Upson      476 549
Liquid crystals      2
Liquid, structure of      1 224—229
Local-curvature theory      356 359—362
Lonsdale      149 532 544
Lorentz factor      535
Lustman      431
Magnesium, directional properties in      449
Magnesium, directional properties in, preferred orientations in      410—414 433
Magnetic domains      263
Magnetism, changes during annealing      375
Magnetism, changes during annealing, theory of      261—265
Marsh      194
Martensite      478
Martensite, Greninger — Troiano theory of      483
Martensite, habit planes      483—485
Martensite, orientations      480—484
Martensitic transformation, in $\beta$—brass      309
Mathewson      308—313 323 388
McKeehan      126 264 314
Mehl      202 239 407 464—492
Mercury      227
Merica      461
Mesomorphic state      2
Metallic binding      196 251
Meteorites, structure of      464
Mica, structure of      2
Microcreep      348
Microstructure, during age hardening      461—470
Microstructure, during age hardening vs. strength      328
Microstructure, during age hardening, in steel      475—491
MoCandless      491
Molecular binding      196
Moller      270—282
Monochromator      118 125
Mosaic blocks      219—223
Mosaic blocks, effect of, on dislocations      337 338
Mosaic blocks, on intensities      372
Mosaic blocks, on line widths      363—371
Moseley’s law      48
Mott      468 470
Multiplicity factor      536
Nabarro      468 470
Nelson      501
Neuberger      552
Neumann bands      308
Nickel arsenide structure      210 216
Nishiyami      482
Nishiyami orientation relationship      482
Nitride needles (plates)      42
Nix      231 436
Norbury      215
Normalizing, random texture from      433
Northcott      437
Norton      283—285 417
Omega $(\omega)$ coordinate      106 112
Optical synthesis of series      549
Order in superlattices      230—250
Order in superlattices, long range      235
Order of reflections      71 75
Order of reflections, in Laue spots      81
Order of reflections, ir reciprocal lattices      102
Order-disorder transformations      230—250
Orientation of crystals, determination, stereographic      38 40 41
Orientation of crystals, determination, stereographic of precipitate      466—474
Orientation of crystals, determination, stereographic, preferred      87 381—442
Orientation of crystals, determination, stereographic, representation of      34
Orthohexagonal axes      11
Orthorhombic crystals, diffraction lines from      131
Orthorhombic crystals, diffraction lines from, example of structure determination      151
Oscillating crystal method      109
Overgrowths      491
Parameters (atom positions)      149
Parametric method      182 187
Particle-size determination      142 370 502
Patterson $F^{2}$ series      544
Patterson — Harker series      546
Pauling      151 527
Pauli’s exclusion principle      255
Pearlite      477
Pearlite, orientations in      484
Penfield protractors      28 33
Periodic table      198 219
Permalloy, line widths from      365 368
Pfeil      305
Phase changes, stereographic analysis of, in iron      40 (see also “Transformations”)
Phase diagrams, determination of      178—195
Phase rule      180
Phases, determination of, in alloys      178—195
Phases, determination of, in alloys, identification of, by x-rays      86
Phases, determination of, in alloys, in Fe — C alloys      475—480
Phases, determination of, in alloys, intermediate, structure of      208—219
Phases, determination of, in alloys, theories of      265
Phillips      447 458
Physical constants, table of      556
Piezoelectric crystals      16
Pinacoids      19
Planck constant      50
Plane of symmetry      14
Planes, indices of      7
Planes, indices of, intersection of      38
Planes, indices of, spacing of      12
Planes, indices of, traces on two surfaces      37—42
Plastic deformation, grain distortion from      362
Plastic deformation, grain distortion from, mechanism of      288—330
Plastic deformation, grain distortion from, theories of      332—348
Point groups      13
Point groups, table      17
Points, coordinates of      18 24
Pole figures, cold rolling      398—416
Pole figures, cold rolling, compression textures      386 392 393
Pole figures, cold rolling, deep-drawn pail      418
Pole figures, cold rolling, plotting of      158—162
Poles of planes      25 33 37—42
Polished metal      1
Polished surfaces, electron diffraction studies of      503—505
POST      403 410
Powder cameras, errors in      132—137
Powder method      80 83 115—143
Powder method for binary diagrams      179—185
Powder method for ternary diagrams      185—195
Powder method, absorption errors      135—137
Powder method, choice of camera dimensions      119
Powder method, choice of radiation      85 125 138
Powder method, interpretation of films      125—143 151
Powder method, specimens      118 121 122 184
Precipitation, during age hardening      461—474
Precipitation, during age hardening of planes, analysis of      37—42
Precision lattice constants      86 132—139
Preferred orientations      87 381—442
Preferred orientations from cold drawing      417
Preferred orientations from cold rolling      395—415
Preferred orientations from compression      385—395
Preferred orientations from deep drawing      417
Preferred orientations from hot rolling      416
Preferred orientations from riiachining and polishing      418
Preferred orientations from torsion      417
Preferred orientations from wire drawing      381—395
Preferred orientations in deposited films      439—442
Preferred orientations in rolled sheet recrystallized      424—434
Preferred orientations in wires, recrystallized      420—424
Preferred orientations, after compression and recrystallization      422 42
Preferred orientations, analysis of      154—163
Preferred orientations, causing asterism      351—354
Preferred orientations, directional properties from      443—452
Preferred orientations, effect of, on properties      381 443—453
Preferred orientations, electron diffraction evidence of      502 503
Preferred orientations, in castings      435—437
Preferred orientations, recrystallization, theories      420 428
Preferred orientations, S from cross rolling      415
Preston      357 471
Primitive space-lattices      6
Primitive translations      2
Principal stresses      269
Principal stresses, measurement of      270—287
Prisms (crystal forms)      19
1 2 3
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