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Ziman J.M. — Electrons and Phonons: The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids |
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Acceleration of conduction electron 97
Acoustic inodes 37 43 48 52 144
Adiabatic principle 6 175 176
Adiabatic principle, breakdown of 212 219
AG (see Silver)
Alkali halides, anharmonicity 151
Alkali halides, electrical conductivity 370 371
Alkali halides, Fermi surface 109 399 411 504
Alkali halides, magnetoresistance 492 504
Alkali halides, metals 109
Alkali halides, thermal conductivity 393
Alkali halides, thermopower 399 411
Alloys, disordered 246 263 338
Alloys, electron scattering in 247
Alloys, lattice conduction 323 4
Alloys, ordered 244 338
Alloys, residual resistance 337 44
Alloys, thermopower 401 3
Alumina, , thermal conductivity 292 311 316 328 464
Aluminium, Al 116
Aluminium, anharmonicity 151 152 155
Aluminium, area of Fermi surface 375
Aluminium, Debye temperature 366
Aluminium, electrical conductivity 374 375
Aluminium, Fermi surface 116
Aluminium, Hall constant 488
Aluminium, lattice spectrum 32 43
Aluminium, resistance minimum not observed 346
Aluminium, stacking faults 243
Ambipolar diffusion 427
Amorphous solids 248
Anelasticity 156
Anharmonicity 130 4
Anharmonicity, dislocation field 232
Anharmonicity, elastic continuum 147 52 231
Anharmonicity, lattice conduction 295 323
Anharmonicity, specific heat 156
Anharmonicity, thermal expansion 153 5
Anharmonicity, value, for various solids 151 152
Anisotropic continuum model 60
Annihilation operator for phonons 12 30 41 132 277
Antiferromagnetism 349
Antimony, Sb 123 124
Antimony, Sb, electrical conductivity 374 376
Antimony, Sb, Hall constant 488
Antimony, Sb, magnetoresistance 492
Antimony, Sb, thermal conductivity 326
Antimony, Sb, thermopower 399
APW (Augmented Plane Wave) Method 90 242
Arsenic, As 123 134
Arsenic, electrical conductivity 374 376
Arsenic, Hall constant 488
Arsenic, magnetoresistance 492
Arsenic, thermal conductivity 326
Arsenic, thermopower 399
Atomic heat 48
Atomic heat, radius 5 109 114 117 123 127
Atomic heat, variance of isotopic 311
Atomic heat, volume 6
Atomic heat, weight, effect on thermal conductivity 305
AU (see Gold)
Autocorrelation function 250 253 458
Band of electrons 69 72
Band of electrons, augmented plane wave (APW) 90
Band of electrons, Bardeen formula for electron-phonon interaction 197 201 203 369 372 393
Band of electrons, cellular 85 85
Band of electrons, d-electrons 112
Band of electrons, full, carries no current 98
Band of electrons, holes 99 118 422
Band of electrons, impurity 327
Band of electrons, inverted 107
Band of electrons, LCAO 85
Band of electrons, orthogonalized plane wave (OPW) 89
Band of electrons, overlap of 74
Band of electrons, quantum defect 87
Band of electrons, structure, methods of calculation 82 92
Band of electrons, tight binding 82 85 90
Band of electrons, Wannier function 91
Band of electrons, Wigner — Seitz 86
Barium, anharmonicity 151
Barium, Ba 116
Barium, Debye temperature 366
Barium, electrical conductivity 374
Barium, magnetoresistance 492
Basis 4
Beryllium, Be 114
Beryllium, Debye temperature 366
Beryllium, electrical conductivity 374 375
Beryllium, Hall constant 488
Beryllium, magnetoresistance 492
Bismuth, Bi 123 124
Bismuth, electrical conductivity 374 376
Bismuth, Fermi surface 124
Bismuth, Hall constant 488
Bismuth, magnetoresistance 492
Bismuth, thermal conductivity 326
Bismuth, thermopower 399
Bloch 1
Bloch function 70
Bloch function, integral equation 368
Bloch function, sum 83 89
Bloch theory of electronic conduction 322 357 391
Bloch — Gruneisen formula 364 369 371 372
Bloch’s theorem, general proof, applications 83 86 93 181
Bloch’s theorem, general proof, for electrons 70
Bloch’s theorem, general proof, for phonons 20
Body-centred cubic lattice 25 109 110
Bohm — Pines method 162 5
Boltzmann distribution 104 421
Boltzmann equation for 277
Boltzmann equation for electrons scattered by dislocations 354 7
Boltzmann equation for electrons scattered by electrons 413
Boltzmann equation for electrons scattered by impurities 267 283 428
Boltzmann equation for electrons scattered by optical and polar modes 435 40
Boltzmann equation for electrons scattered by phonons in semiconductors 431 3
Boltzmann equation for electrons scattered by phonons, in metals 357 61 387 90 403—6
Boltzmann equation for phonons scattered by electrons 321 407
Boltzmann equation for phonons scattered by impurities and imperfections 306 9
Boltzmann equation for phonons scattered by in finite specimens, ‘rough’ surfaces 461
Boltzmann equation for phonons scattered by in finite specimens, ‘smooth’ surfaces 462
Boltzmann equation for phonons scattered by phonon-phonon processes 292 301
Boltzmann equation in skin effect 475
Boltzmann equation with internal scattering 463 466
Boltzmann equation with magnetic field 470 472
Boltzmann equation, boundary conditions 453
Boltzmann equation, canonical form 276
Boltzmann equation, derivation 264 7
Boltzmann equation, dislocation, impurity scattering 225 429
Boltzmann equation, dislocation, scattering 230 237
Boltzmann equation, elementary solution 268 433
Boltzmann equation, entropy production 281
Boltzmann equation, equation 264 85
Boltzmann equation, integral equation 267
Boltzmann equation, kinetic interpretation 455 476 516
Boltzmann equation, linearized 266
Boltzmann equation, solutions by inspection 298
Boltzmann equation, thermodynamic interpretation 280 2
Boltzmann equation, thin films 467 472
Boltzmann equation, thin wires 466 470
Boltzmann equation, validity 167 212 262 4
Boltzmann equation, variational method, in general 283 4 404 511
Boltzmann equation, variational principle 278 80
Boltzmann equation, variational principle for 281
Bom approximation, validity for electronelectron scattering 171 415
Bom — Oppenheimer method 176
Born-von Karman conditions 19
Born-von Karman conditions, model 59
Boron, B, anharmonicity 151
Bose-Einstein particles, distribution function for 44 47
Boundary conditions for Boltzmann equation 453 456
| Boundary conditions for unit cell 86
Boundary conditions, Bom-von Karman 19
Boundary conditions, cyclic for lattice 8 18 28 50
Boundary conditions, scattering of phonons by ‘rough’ and ‘smooth’ surfaces 456
Boundary conditions, scattering of phonons thermal conductivity 291 301 328 460 5
Boundary conditions, scattering of phonons thermopower 450
Boundary conditions, Wigner — Seitz 226
Branch, of spectrum 31 33
Brass, (CuZn), anharmonicity 152
Brass, (CuZn), lattice spectrum 43
Bravais lattice 4 33
Bridgman relation 499
Brillouin zone (see Zone)
Brooks — Herring formula 225 428
Burgers vector 229
Cadmium, anisotropy of transport coefficients 395
Cadmium, area of Fermi surface 375
Cadmium, Cd 114
Cadmium, electrical conductivity 374 375
Cadmium, Hall constant 488
Cadmium, magnetoresistance 492
Caesium, Cs 109
Caesium, Debye temperature 366
Caesium, electrical conductivity 371 374
Caesium, Hall constant 488
Caesium, thermal conductivity and Fermi surface 394
Caesium, thermopower and Fermi surface 411
Calcium, anharmonicity 151
Calcium, Ca 114 115
Calcium, Debye temperature 366
Calcium, electrical conductivity 374 375
Calcium, Hall constant 488
Cauchy relations 39 40
Cauchy relations for anharmonic coefficients 149
Cell as molecule 38
Cell of reciprocal lattice 24
Cell, unit 3 27
Cell, volume of 5
Cell, Wigner — Seitz 4 26
Cellular method 85
Central forces 39 40
Chromium, anharmonicity 151
Chromium, Cr 127
Chromium, electrical conductivity 374
Chromium, Hall constant 488
Chromium, resistance minimum caused by 345 346
Cobalt, Co 127
Cohesive energy of ionic crystals 39
Cohesive energy of metals 195
Collective coordinate and momentum, operators 164
Collective coordinates 162
Collective coordinates, modes 162 263
Commutation relations 7 11 12 27 30 50
Conduction band 118 422 440
Conduction band, electrons 62 118
Conductivity maximum 292 314
Continuum, anharmonic 147 52
Continuum, anisotropic 60
Continuum, Debye model 55
Continuum, dispersive 59
Continuum, elastic 13 31 36
Continuum, isotropic 58
Continuum, vibrations of 49 52
Conwell — Weisskopf formula 225 428
Copper of dislocation 232
Copper, anharmonicity 151 152 155
Copper, anomalous skin effect 482
Copper, area of Fermi surface 375
Copper, Cu 112
Copper, Debye temperature 336
Copper, electrical conductivity 371
Copper, electrical conductivity of alloys 341 343
Copper, Fermi surface 113 349 394 399 514
Copper, Hall constant 488
Copper, lattice conduction 324
Copper, lattice spectrum 43
Copper, magnetoresistance 504
Copper, resistance minimum 345 346
Copper, stacking faults 243
Copper, thermal conductivity 394
Copper, thermopower 399
Copper, thermopower of alloys 347 401 402
Core, atomic 62 89
Coriolis force 509
Correlation of electron motion 81 159 167 195
Correlation of electron motion, length of amorphous structure 252 255
Cosmological principle 28 131
Coulomb field of charged impurity 223 7
Coulomb field, between electrons in a metal 63 66 80 161 71
Coulomb field, inside a cell 195
Coulomb field, screened 159 166 72 224
Covalent solids, lattice dynamics of 39
Creation operator for phonons 12 30 41 132 277
Critical points of lattice spectrum 47
Curie point, anomaly in electrical conductivity at 380
Current, generalized 273
Cut-off in lattice spectrum 13 53
Cut-off in plasma spectrum 168
Cyclotron frequency 96 512 514
Cyclotron frequency, mass 515
Cyclotron frequency, radius 473
Cyclotron frequency, resonance 108 118 123
D-electrons in noble metals 112 372
D-electrons in transition metals 125
D-electrons, band width 125 418
Debye distribution 56
Debye distribution from electrical conductivity 365 369 370
Debye distribution, formula 54 322
Debye distribution, integral functions 54 310
Debye distribution, model for lattice spectrum 1 55 136
Debye distribution, radius 53
Debye distribution, sphere 52
Debye distribution, temperature 49 366
Defect, lattice (see Vacancy Interstitial)
Deformable ion model 188 191 207
Deformation potential 186
Deformation potential of dislocation 235
Deformation potential of optical mode 439
Deformation potential of phonon in metal 191 6 201 364
Deformation potential of phonon in semiconductor 205 329 431 447
Degeneracy of lattice modes 34 140 301
Density in semiconductors 422
Density in transition metals 126
Density of electrons 101
Density of phonons 45
Density of states in energy 75
Density, effect of electron-phonon interaction 348
Density, effect on electron-electron interaction 161
Density, effect on electron-phonon interaction 191
Density, effect on lattice resistivity 373
Density, experimental determination 106
Density, level (see Density of states in energy)
Density, matrix 130 212
Detailed balance, principle of 265
diamond 118
Diamond, deformation potentials in 206
Diamond, energy gap 120
Diamond, lattice spectrum 40
Diamond, structure 117 118
Diamond, thermal conductivity 311 316 462
dielectric constant 208 429 438
Diffraction of electrons 67
Diffraction of neutrons 40 42
Diffraction of X-rays 40 42
Diffraction, theory for distribution of random sources on surface 250
Dilatation, elastic 150 154 186 192 222 231 444
Direct space 23
Dislocations, arrays of 245
Dislocations, Bom-von Karman model 59
Dislocations, diatomic linear chain 36
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