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Ziman J.M. — Electrons and Phonons: The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids |
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Surface of specimen, boundary conditions on Boltzmann equation 453 456
Surface of specimen, dependence of scattering on wavelength 459 463
Surface of specimen, effects of 451 81
Surface of specimen, electrical conduction 465 73
Surface of specimen, lattice conduction 460 3
Surface of specimen, polish of 456
Surface of specimen, reflection of plane waves by 457 60
Surface of specimen, roughness for electrons 468 478
Surface of specimen, skin effect 474 81
Surface of specimen, statistical definition 457 460
Surface of specimen, thermopower of semiconductors 450
Surface of specimen, ‘asperity’ of 458
Symmetry, of scattering operator 278
Symmetry, of scattering operator, points of zone 82 85
Symmetry, of scattering operator, translational 8 18
Tantalum 127
Tantalum, Debye temperature 366
Tantalum, electrical conductivity 374
Tantalum, Hall constant 488
Tellurium 127
Tensor notation 18
Tensor notation in magnetic field 496 9 516 18
Tensor notation, transport coefficients 262 268 355
Thallium, electrical conductivity 374
Thallium, Hall constant 488
Thallium, lattice conduction in alloys 324
Thallium, Tl 117
Thermal conductivity by phonons 326 33
Thermal conductivity expansion, theory of 152
Thermal conductivity of insulators 288 319
Thermal conductivity of metals, electronic, definition 271
Thermal conductivity of metals, lattice conduction 319
Thermal conductivity of semi-conductors, by electrons 427
Thermal conductivity of semi-metals 326
Thermal conductivity, alkali halides 306
Thermal conductivity, atomic weight effect 305
Thermal conductivity, boundary scattering 291 301 460 5
Thermal conductivity, convergence of theory 300
Thermal conductivity, Debye theory 288
Thermal conductivity, dislocation scattering 325
Thermal conductivity, dominant phonon formula 307
Thermal conductivity, electron-electron scattering 417
Thermal conductivity, electron-phonon interaction 394
Thermal conductivity, electron-phonon scattering 319 23
Thermal conductivity, elementary theory 384
Thermal conductivity, Fermi surface 394 5
Thermal conductivity, glass 317
Thermal conductivity, graphite 316
Thermal conductivity, harmonic formula 308
Thermal conductivity, impurity effects 292 306 9 315
Thermal conductivity, impurity scattering 385
Thermal conductivity, inelastic scattering 382
Thermal conductivity, irradiation effects 318
Thermal conductivity, isotope effect 310 14
Thermal conductivity, kinetic formula 259 288
Thermal conductivity, Klemens formula 309
Thermal conductivity, lattice scattering 387 95
Thermal conductivity, magnetic fields 494 501
Thermal conductivity, magnitude 296
Thermal conductivity, mixed crystals 315
Thermal conductivity, non-cubic metals 395
Thermal conductivity, O-processes 305
Thermal conductivity, other mechanisms 319
Thermal conductivity, Peierls’ theory 289 294
Thermal conductivity, phonon drag 408
Thermal conductivity, phonon-phonon U-processes 291 311
Thermal conductivity, size effect 301 460
Thermal conductivity, solid He 303
Thermal conductivity, variational formulae 294 309 314
Thermal conductivity, Wiedemann — Franz law 260 385 389
Thermoelastic effect 157 214
Thermoelectric effects 271 5
Thermoelectric effects, force 272
Thermoelectric effects, power (see Thermopower)
Thermomagnetic effects 495 501
Thermopower 271 396 407
Thermopower in alloys 401
Thermopower, Fermi potential 383
Thermopower, general formula 396
Thermopower, Kelvin — Onsager relations 273
Thermopower, macroscopic theory 271
Thermopower, magnetic fields 497
Thermopower, measurement 275
Thermopower, monovalent metals 399
Thermopower, phonon drag 410 447
Thermopower, phonon scattering in metals 403 7
Thermopower, resistance minimum and anomalies of 347
Thermopower, semiconductors 425 447 50
Thermopower, semimetals 399
Thermopower, size effect 302 450
Thermopower, transition metals 400
Thomas — Fermi method 160
Thomas — Fermi method, electron-electron interaction 160 169
Thomas — Fermi method, electron-phonon interaction 192
Thomas — Fermi method, impurity scattering 224 227
Thomson effect 275
Thorium, Th, anharmonicity 151
Three-phonon processes 132 45
Tight-Binding Method 82 110
Tin, electrical conductivity 374 376
Tin, Fermi surface 122 375
Tin, Hall constant 488
Tin, resistance minimum caused by 346
Tin, Sn 122 3 117 122 123
Titanium, dioxide, , thermal conductivity 311
Titanium, electrical conductivity 374
Titanium, Hall constant 488
Titanium, Ti 123
Transition metals 124 7
Transition metals, alloys 247 400
Transition metals, electrical conductivity 376 81 416 18
Transition metals, electron-electron interaction 170 415
Transition metals, electron-phonon interaction 204
Transition metals, ferromagnetism 378
Transition metals, residual resistance in Cu 343 401 402
Transition metals, resistance minimum caused by 348
Transition metals, thermopower 400
Transition probability 129 135 266 276
Translation group 3 8 18
Transport coefficients, anisotropy, in non-cubic metals 395
Transport coefficients, general formulae for 384 404 496
Transport coefficients, macroscopic 270 497
Transport coefficients, Onsager relations 273 498
Transport equation (see Boltzmann equation)
Transport theory, allowed processes 137
Transport theory, Debye temperature 58 370
Transport theory, electron interaction with 196 202 394
Transport theory, formal 257
Transport theory, Griineisen constant for 155
Transport theory, kinetic method 257
Transport theory, lattice resistance due to 370 373
Transport theory, macroscopic relations 270
Transport theory, specific heat 58
Transport theory, spectrum 45
| Transport theory, statistical-mechanical method 262
Transport theory, thermodynamics of 273 83
Transport theory, variational method 275 87
Transverse phonons 34
traps 228
Trial functions for electrons 279 285 404
Trial functions for phonons 294 300 308 309 407
Trial functions, anisotropic scatterers 354
Trial functions, electrical conduction 284 358 368
Trial functions, electron-electron scattering 412 415
Trial functions, Matthiessen’s rule 286
Trial functions, non-cubic metals 396
Trial functions, optical and polar mode scattering in semiconductors 436
Trial functions, thermal conduction 388
Trial functions, thermopower 404
Trial functions, transition metals 376 415
Tube integral 516
Tungsten, anharmonicity 151
Tungsten, Debye temperature 366
Tungsten, electrical conductivity 374
Tungsten, Hall constant 488
Tungsten, magnetoresistance 492
Tungsten, W 127
Twin boundary 239
Two-band model, anisotropy of relaxation time for 506
Two-band model, electrical conductivity 361 369 372
Two-band model, electron-electron 172 415
Two-band model, electron-phonon 182
Two-band model, galvanomagnetism of 488 494 518
Two-band model, lattice conduction 290 7
Two-band model, optical modes 145
Two-band model, phonon drag 410
Two-band model, phonon-phonon 14 133
Two-band model, selection rules 142
Two-band model, thermal conductivity 393
Two-band model, thermopower of 400
Two-band model, transition probability 182 185 201 202
Two-band model, U-processes 14
Umklapp resistance 292 306
Vacancies, electron scattering by 223
Vacancies, phonon scattering by 222
Vacancies, residual, resistance due to 344 352
Valence band 118 422 440
valence electrons 62
Van Hove’s theorem 47
Vanadium, anharmonicity 151
Vanadium, electrical conductivity 374
Vanadium, Hall constant 488
Vanadium, V 127
Variational function 279 283
Variational function, integral 280
Variational method for calculation of band structure 88
Variational method for solution of Boltzmann equation 275 85
Variational method in magnetic field 510
Variational method, application of 283
Variational method, boundary scattering 510
Variational method, dislocation scattering 354
Variational method, electrical conductivity of metal 283 5 357 64 368 376 7 408 413—15
Variational method, general formulation 283
Variational method, lattice conduction 294 5 308 309 313 320 1
Variational method, Matthiessen’s rule 286
Variational method, mobility in polar crystal 435 7 439
Variational method, nonspherical Fermi surfaces 396
Variational method, phonon drag 407 11
Variational method, principle of transport theory 275 85
Variational method, proof 279
Variational method, thermal conductivity of metals 387 91 396
Variational method, thermodynamic interpretation 280 3
Variational method, thermopower 404 6
Vector potential 95
Virtual bound states 228
Voigt’s notation 50
w (see Tungsten)
Wannier functions 91
Wannier’s theorem 93
Wave constant 23
Wave function, adiabatic 176
Wave function, Bloch 70
Wave function, determinantal 64 81 99
Wave function, plasma 167
Wave function, spatial 65
Wave function, spin 64
Wave function, spin, number 9 13
Wave function, spin, packets 92 95 96
Wave function, spin, vector, electron 64 70 71
Wave function, spin, vector, phonon 23
Wavelength, phonon 14 23 31 213 218 324
Wiedemann — Franz law 260
Wiedemann — Franz law in magnetic field 500
Wiedemann — Franz law in semiconductors 427
Wiedemann — Franz law, derivation 260 270 385 389
Wiedemann — Franz law, electron-electron scattering 418
Wiedemann — Franz law, lattice conduction 321 3
Wiedemann — Franz law, non-cubic metals 395
Wiedemann — Franz law, validity 334 389 392
Wigner — Seitz cell 4 26
Wigner — Seitz cell, electron-phonon interaction 184 187 189 192 196
Wigner — Seitz cell, method 86
Wigner — Seitz cell, neutral impurity scattering 227
Wigner — Seitz cell, sphere 86
Wire, thin, electrical conductivity 466 470
X-rays, emission spectrum 107
X-rays, inelastic scattering 40 57
Zener breakdown 97
Zero-point energy 13 39 44
Zinc, anisotropy of transport coefficients 395
Zinc, electrical conductivity 374 375
Zinc, Hall constant 488
Zinc, lattice spectrum 43
Zinc, magnetoresistance 492
Zinc, Zn 114
Zirconium, electrical conductivity 374
Zirconium, Zr 123
Zone 26
Zone for Bi 124
Zone for electrons 69
Zone for FCC lattice 26
Zone for graphite 122
Zone for HCP lattice 115
Zone for phonons 26 52 133
Zone or BCC lattice 110
Zone, boundary of 31 33 98 100 111
Zone, Brillouin 26
Zone, Debye 52 56
Zone, extended 72
Zone, first 26 33
Zone, Jones 73 114 122 4
Zone, reduced 71 183
Zone, repeated 78 183
О-processes 305
‘Flutter’, effect 233
‘Horizontal’ scattering process 386 394 396 501
‘Vertical’ scattering process 386 394 396 501
“Asperity” 458 463
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