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Ziman J.M. — Electrons and Phonons: The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids |
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Hartree — Fock equation 159
Helium, He, isotope effect in 311
Helium, He, liquid 147 263 465
Helium, He, thermal conductivity 303
Heurlinger relations 499
Hexagonal structures 114 116 121 123 240 241
Hg (see Mercury)
Holes 98
Holes, band of 107
Holes, distribution function 104 421
Holes, equations of motion 99
Ideal resistance (see Lattice resistance)
Imperfections, lattice, effects on electrical conductivity 344 349 57
Imperfections, lattice, effects on lattice conduction 305 19 324
Imperfections, lattice, effects on mobility in semisconductors 428
Imperfections, lattice, effects on phonons and electrons 220 56
Impurities, effect on lattice conduction 306 9 315 323 324
Impurities, effect on mobility 428 30
Impurities, electrical resistance due to 337 44
Impurities, electron scattering by 223 8 428 30
Impurities, Fermi surface affected by 349
Impurities, high densities of 247
Impurities, phonon scattering by 222
Impurities, resistance minimum due to 346
Impurities, spin localization on 348
Impurity band 327 333
Indium, antimonide, InSb 119
Indium, electrical conductivity 374
Indium, Hall constant 488
Indium, In 117
Indium, magneto-resistance 492
Indium, resistance minimum caused by 346
Indium, thermal conductivity of alloys 324
Ineffectiveness concept 468 480
Inelastic scattering 172
Inelastic scattering of electrons by impurities 269 381 2
Inelastic scattering of neutrons and X-rays 42
Infra-red absorption 37 57
Insulator, electrical 75 76
Inter-valley scattering 443
Interference factor, in electron-phonon interaction 187 194 197 202 368
Intermetallic compounds 119
Internal friction 156 214
Interstitial atoms, electrical resistance due to 344 352
Interstitial atoms, electron scattering by 223
Interstitial atoms, phonon scattering by 222
Intra-valley scattering 443
Ionic crystals, anharmonicity 151 152 155
Ionic crystals, elastic moduli 52
Ionic crystals, lattice dynamics of 38 39
Ionic crystals, mobility of electrons in 435 8
Ionic crystals, optical modes 37
Ionic crystals, polaron problem 208 12
Ionosphere, theory of radio scattering by 249
Iridium, electrical conductivity 374
Iridium, Hall constant 488
Iridium, Ir 127
Iron, anharmonicity 151
Iron, electrical conductivity 374 417
Iron, Fe 127
Iron, Hall constant 488
Iron, lattice spectrum 43
Iron, resistance minimum caused by 345 346
Irradiation effects on electrical conductivity 336 344
Irradiation effects on lattice conduction 318 328
Irreversible processes, Thermodynamics of 257 273 283
Isotopes, effect on thermal conductivity 310 14
Isotopes, phonon scattering by 222 248
Isotropic continuum model 51 58
Isotropic continuum model, an-harmonic coefficients in 150
Isotropic continuum model, Jellium 163
Isotropic continuum model, phonon processes 138 142 301
Jones — Zener method 501
Joule heat 273 274
K (see Potassium)
Kelvin — Onsager relations 273 274 384 498
Kinetic method in transport theory 257 61
Kinetic method in transport theory, boundary scattering 452 455 466 470 473
Kinetic method in transport theory, electrical conductivity 257
Kinetic method in transport theory, electron-phonon interaction 215 18
Kinetic method in transport theory, Hall effect 486
Kinetic method in transport theory, lattice conduction 288 299
Kinetic method in transport theory, magnetic fields 470 473 516
Kinetic method in transport theory, skin effect 476 480
Kinetic method in transport theory, thermal conductivity 259
Klemens formula for lattice conduction 309 312 313 314
Knudsen gas 3 463
Knudsen gas, minimum 465
Kohler diagram 492
Kohler’s rule 491 501
Kubic Harmonics 88 504
Kubic Harmonics, anharmonicity 151
Kubic Harmonics, Lanthanum, La 117
Kubic Harmonics, thermal conductivity 382
Lattice conduction 288 333
Lattice conduction in semiconductors 447 50
Lattice conduction, AI 46
Lattice conduction, constants of elements 5 109 114 116 120 122 124
Lattice conduction, Debye model 56
Lattice conduction, dynamics 6 63
Lattice conduction, glass 249
Lattice conduction, Li 57
Lattice conduction, molecular crystals 39
Lattice conduction, NaCl 58
Lattice conduction, resistance 357 82 Electron-phonon etc.)
Lattice conduction, spectrum 31 45 61
Lattice conduction, thermopower, in metals 409
Lattice waves, Lattice vibrations (see Phonons)
Lattice with a basis 4
Lattice, body centred cubic (BCC) 25 109 110
Lattice, Bravais 4 33
Lattice, crystal 3
Lattice, diamond 117 118
Lattice, diatomic linear 35
Lattice, direct 25
Lattice, face-centred cubic (FCC) 4 25 112 115 116 122 240
Lattice, hexagonal 114 116 121 123 240 241
Lattice, linear chain 6 59
Lattice, reciprocal 22 25
Lattice, simple cubic 4 39
Lattice, stability of 39
LCAO (Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals) method 85
Lead, anharmonicity 151
Lead, area of Fermi surface 375
Lead, Debye temperature 366
Lead, electrical conductivity 374 376
Lead, Fermi surface 122
Lead, Hall constant 488
Lead, magnetoresistance 492
Lead, Pb 122
Lead, resistance minimum caused by 346
Light, scattered by crystal 40 43
Lindemann melting formula 57 296 371
Lindemann theory of specific heat 48 52 54 154
Lindemann theory of thermal conductivity 288
Lindemann, formula 57
Lindemann, temperature variation 56 418
Lindemann, volume variation 154 419
Linde’s rule 341 343 344
Linear chain 6 35 59
Liquid metals 246 248 255
Lithium, allowed processes 137 139
Lithium, Debye temperature 58 370
Lithium, electrical conductivity 371 374
Lithium, electron interaction with 185 194 202
Lithium, Fermi surface 109 399 411 505
Lithium, fluoride, LiF, isotope scattering in 311
Lithium, Griineisen constant for 155
Lithium, lattice resistance due to 370
Lithium, lattice spectrum 57
| Lithium, Li 109
Lithium, long wave 139 143 298 301
Lithium, magnetoresistance 505
Lithium, specific heat 58
Lithium, spectrum 45
Lithium, thermopower 399 411
Long longitudinal waves, problem of 298 310
Long waves, method of 52
Longitudinal phonons 34
Lorentz force 96 486 512
Lorenz number 260 392
Magnesium, electrical conductivity 374
Magnesium, electrical conductivity of alloys 343
Magnesium, Hall constant 488
Magnesium, magnetoresistance 491
Magnesium, Mg 114
Magnesium, resistance minimum 346
Magnetic field, Boltzmann equation 483 502 512
Magnetic field, electrical conductivity (see Magnetoresistance)
Magnetic field, electron motion 95 513
Magnetic field, Hall effect 473 486 95 517
Magnetic field, high fields 512 23
Magnetic field, Onsager relations 498
Magnetic field, quantization of orbits 522
Magnetic field, semiconductors 490 506 7
Magnetic field, size effects 469 74
Magnetic field, table of Effects in 497
Magnetic field, thermal conductivity 495 501
Magnetic field, transport phenomena in 483 523
Magnetic field, variational principle 508 12
Magnetoresistance in ferromagnet 490
Magnetoresistance, free electrons 493
Magnetoresistance, high field 519 21
Magnetoresistance, Kohler diagram 492
Magnetoresistance, Kohler’s rule 491
Magnetoresistance, longitudinal 493 497
Magnetoresistance, low field theory 501
Magnetoresistance, many-valley model 490
Magnetoresistance, negative 348
Magnetoresistance, non-spherical Fermi surface 108 111 501 4
Magnetoresistance, observed in metals 490 3
Magnetoresistance, polycrystalline specimens 520
Magnetoresistance, semiconductors 507
Magnetoresistance, size effects 469 74
Magnetoresistance, transverse 493 497
Magnetoresistance, two-band model 494
Manganese, anharmonicity 151
Manganese, electrical conductivity 374
Manganese, Hall constant 488
Manganese, Mn 127
Manganese, resistance minimum caused by 344 346
Many-valley model of semiconductor 119 3595 102
Many-valley model of semiconductor, magnetoresistance 506
Many-valley model of semiconductor, mobility 440 3
Many-valley model of semiconductor, piezo-resistance 444 7
Matthiessen’s rule 285 7 337
Matthiessen’s rule failure, for Mg alloys 344
Matthiessen’s rule for alloys 337
Matthiessen’s rule for boundary scattering 464
Matthiessen’s rule for semiconductors 434
Matthiessen’s rule, failure, for lattice conduction 309 314
Matthiessen’s rule, theoretical validity 286 368
Mean free path 2
Mean free path by impurities 340
Mean free path by phonons 349
Mean free path in alloys 324
Mean free path in dominant mode 307
Mean free path in glass 317
Mean free path in irregular medium 255
Mean free path in semiconductors 328 449
Mean free path in solid He 304
Mean free path in thin film 467 473
Mean free path in thin wire 466 460
Mean free path of electrons in metal 259
Mean free path of phonons 288
Mean free path relative to phonon wavelength 213
Mean free path scattered by boundaries 451 64
Mean free path scattered by dislocations 325
Mean free path, harmonic formula 308
Mean free path, Ioffe formula 298
Mean free path, relation to relaxation length 299
Mean free path, Scattered by dislocations 350 357
Mean free path, scattered by electrons 330
Mean free path, scattered by isotopes 311 14
Mean free path, scattered by phonons 296 299 301
Mean free path, variational formula 313
Melting, Lindemann theory of 57
Mercury, anisotropy of transport properties 395
Mercury, electrical conductivity 374
Mercury, Hall constant 488
Mercury, Hg 116
Microscopic reversibility, principle of 266 276
Mobility 423
Mobility, drift 423
Mobility, general theory 424
Mobility, Hall 423 490
Mobility, impurities 428 31
Mobility, lattice scattering 431
Mobility, longitudinal 442
Mobility, many-valley model 440
Mobility, optical modes 439 40
Mobility, polar crystals 434 9
Mobility, pressure effects 444
Mobility, temperature variation 429 434 443
Mobility, transverse 442
Molecular solids, lattice dynamics of 38 39
Molybdenum, electrical conductivity 374
Molybdenum, Hall constant 488
Molybdenum, Mo 127
Molybdenum, resistance minimum in 346
Momentum operator 7 27 50
Momentum, conservation of 133 183 215 216
Momentum, conservation of crystal 133
Momentum, conservation of electron 95
Momentum, conservation of phonon 133
Mont roll’s theorem 47
Mott’s rule 340
Multi-phonon processes 207
N-processes, effect on impurity scattering 308 313
N-processes, effect on mean free path 299
N-processes, electrical conductivity 361
N-processes, electron-electron 172 412 417
N-processes, electron-phonon 182
N-processes, entropy production by 294
N-processes, lattice conduction 321
N-processes, no contribution to thermal resistance 289
N-processes, numbers of 300
N-processes, phonon drag 411
N-processes, phonon-phonon 133
N-processes, selection rules for 137
N-processes, transverse modes 196 201
Na (see Sodium)
Nemst effect 497
Neutrons, diffraction of 40 42
Neutrons, effect on lattice conduction 316
Neutrons, inelastic scattering 42
Nickel, anharmonicity 151
Nickel, electrical conductivity 374 378 380 417
Nickel, Hall constant 488
Nickel, Ni 125 7
Nickel, resistance minimum caused by 346
Nickel, thermopower of alloys 401
Niobium, electrical conductivity 374
Niobium, Nb 127
Noble metals 112
Noble metals, electrical conductivity 370
Noble metals, Fermi surface 112
Noble metals, magneto-resistance 521
Noble metals, resistance minimum 346
Noble metals, thermal conductivity 394
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