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Ziman J.M. — Electrons and Phonons: The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids |
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Dislocations, edge 229 356
Dislocations, effective mass 234
Dislocations, elastic continuum 51
Dislocations, electrical, resistance due to 350 6
Dislocations, electron, scattering by 235 7
Dislocations, flutter 233 325 328
Dislocations, lattice conduction, effect on 325
Dislocations, linear chain 13 59
Dislocations, mobile 232
Dislocations, observation by neutron and X-ray diffraction 43
Dislocations, partial 241 352
Dislocations, phonon interaction 137 141
Dislocations, phonon scattering by 228 34
Dislocations, screw 229 237 356
Dislocations, semiconductor effects 238 430
Dispersion of lattice waves 31 34 38
Distribution function for electrons 262
Distribution function, boundary scattering, effect on 453
Distribution function, deviation from equilibrium 275 386
Distribution function, magnetic field, effect on 484
Distribution function, rate of change of 264
Domains, ferromagnetic 379 489
Domains, order in binary alloy 244
Dominant phonon mode 307
Drift veolocity, of carriers 257
Dulong — Petit law 48 156
Dulong — Petit law, cyclotron 514
Dulong — Petit law, Effective mass 87 107 111
Dulong — Petit law, electrons and holes 423
Dulong — Petit law, longitudinal 442
Dulong — Petit law, negative 98
Dulong — Petit law, principal 98 119 441
Dulong — Petit law, tensor 97 502
Dulong — Petit law, theorem 94 169
Dulong — Petit law, transverse 442
Dulong — Petit law, volume variation of 445
Einstein model 1 54 144 357
Einstein model, temperature 55 58 145
Elastic constants 50
Elastic constants, effect of alloying 178
Elastic constants, ionic crystals 39
Elastic constants, second order 149
Elastic constants, temperature variation 155
Elastic constants, volume variation 151 155
Elastic scattering, transport theory for 268 384
Elasticity, classical theory of 49
Elastoresistanee 444
Electric field, effect on carriers 92 95
Electric field, effect on electron distribution function 264 267
Electric field, entropy production by 282
Electrical conductivity 376 417
Electrical conductivity and resistivity, lattice resistance of metals 334 357 82
Electrical conductivity, alloys 337 44
Electrical conductivity, Bloch theory 364
Electrical conductivity, dislocations 349 55
Electrical conductivity, electron-electron scattering 412 17
Electrical conductivity, electron-phonon scattering 357 76
Electrical conductivity, ferromagnetic anomaly 378 80
Electrical conductivity, impurities 337 44
Electrical conductivity, interstitials 344
Electrical conductivity, macroscopic definition 270
Electrical conductivity, magnetic field effects (see Hall effect)
Electrical conductivity, Magnetoresistance, pressure effects 419
Electrical conductivity, magnitude 370
Electrical conductivity, non-cubio metals 395
Electrical conductivity, phonon drag 408
Electrical conductivity, rare earths 381
Electrical conductivity, residual resistance of metals 337 57
Electrical conductivity, resistance minimum 344 9
Electrical conductivity, semiconductors (see Mobility)
Electrical conductivity, size effects 456 74
Electrical conductivity, spin disorder 348 9
Electrical conductivity, stacking faults 355
Electrical conductivity, temperature dependence 365 418
Electrical conductivity, theory 268 283 5
Electrical conductivity, theory, in general 258 262 268 280 384 404
Electrical conductivity, transition elements 376 80
Electrical conductivity, vacancies 344
Electron gas, effect on elastic properties 40
Electron-electron collisions 415
Electron-electron collisions, de Haas-van Alphen effect 108 115 116 122 523
Electron-electron collisions, ferromagnetism 378
Electron-electron collisions, resonance scattering by 343
Electron-electron collisions, spin degeneracy 349
Electron-electron collisions, thermopower 400
Electron-electron interaction 80 82 159
Electron-electron interaction, bound electrons 173 380
Electron-electron interaction, collective coordinates for 163
Electron-electron interaction, correlation effect 81 167
Electron-electron interaction, electrical conductivity, effect on 412 15
Electron-electron interaction, exchange 81
Electron-electron interaction, mobility, effect on 429
Electron-electron interaction, plasma oscillations 161 5
Electron-electron interaction, scattering cross-section 170 2
Electron-electron interaction, screening 159 61 166 70
Electron-electron interaction, short-range 167
Electron-electron interaction, thermal conductivity, effect on 416
Electron-electron interaction, U-processes 172 412
Electron-phonon interaction 175 219
Electron-phonon interaction, adiabatic principle 175 81 212
Electron-phonon interaction, Bar-deen theory 197 202 369 393
Electron-phonon interaction, Bloch theory 181 364
Electron-phonon interaction, deformable ion model 188 91
Electron-phonon interaction, deformation potential 191 6 205 329 431 447
Electron-phonon interaction, electrical conductivity 357 76
Electron-phonon interaction, impurity effect on 324
Electron-phonon interaction, in metals 202
Electron-phonon interaction, kinetic method 215 18
Electron-phonon interaction, lattice conduction 320 3
Electron-phonon interaction, many-valley model 440 3
Electron-phonon interaction, optical modes 206 439
Electron-phonon interaction, phonon drag 407 11 447 50
Electron-phonon interaction, polar modes 208 11 434—8
Electron-phonon interaction, processes 182 203 363 369 393 4 410 11
Electron-phonon interaction, rigid ion model 183 7
Electron-phonon interaction, semi-metals 326
Electron-phonon interaction, semiconductors 326 33 431 40 447 50
Electron-phonon interaction, thermal conductivity 387 96
Electron-phonon interaction, thermopower 403 12
Electron-phonon interaction, transition metals 204 377
Electron-phonon interaction, transition probability 181
Electrons in metals in semi-conductors 97 118 421 3 440 2
Electrons in metals, band theory of 66 92
Electrons in metals, dynamical properties of 92 100
Electrons in metals, statistical mechanics of 100 4
Empty lattice test 88
Energy factor, in electron-phonon interaction 186 190 194 201
Energy gap 74 117 206 421 444
Energy surfaces, electronic 77 97 100
Energy, conservation of 42 183 216
Entropy, electric field 282
Entropy, electron-electron scattering 413
Entropy, electron-phonon scattering 320 387 403
Entropy, flux of 274
Entropy, impurity scattering 283
Entropy, inelastic scattering 381
Entropy, macroscopic 282
Entropy, magnetic fields 511
Entropy, phonon-phonon scattering 293
Entropy, polar mode scattering 435
Entropy, production 273 281
Entropy, statistical formula 281
Equation of state for solids 155
Equivalent Hamiltonian theorem 94
Ettingshausen effect 496 497
Ettingshausen — Nernst effect 497
Exchange energy 81
Exchange energy, hole 82
Excitons, heat transport by 319 428
Exclusion principle 64 100
| Face-centred cubic lattice 4 25 112 115 116 122 240
FE (see Iron)
Fermi area 105 373 375 479
Fermi area as chemical potential 160 383
Fermi area in semiconductors 422
Fermi area, Al 116
Fermi area, alkali metals 110 399 411 504
Fermi area, Cu 113
Fermi area, cylindrical model 520
Fermi area, displaced by electric field 261
Fermi area, electrical conductivity 373
Fermi area, energy 40 109 111 115 190
Fermi area, expansion in Kubic Harmonics 504
Fermi area, experimental study of 105 9
Fermi area, graphite 122
Fermi area, Hall effect 488 518
Fermi area, impurity effect on shape 349
Fermi area, lattice wave, effect on 216
Fermi area, level 65 76
Fermi area, magnetoresistance 504 519
Fermi area, multiply connected 79 514
Fermi area, noble metals 112 370
Fermi area, non-cubic metals 396
Fermi area, orbit of electron in magnetic field 513
Fermi area, Pb 122
Fermi area, potential 101 383 421
Fermi area, radius 65 111
Fermi area, skin effect 480
Fermi area, Sn 122
Fermi area, sphere 112
Fermi area, strain effects on 192
Fermi area, strain, effects on 192
Fermi area, surface 65 77
Fermi area, thermal conductivity 386
Fermi area, thermopower 397
Fermi area, thin films 468
Fermi area, topology 77 79
Fermi area, transition metals 376
Fermi area, velocity 106 111 115 376
Fermi — Dirac distribution 101
Fermi — Dirac distribution in semieonductors 104 421
Fermi — Dirac distribution, entropy in 281
Fermi — Dirac distribution, equilibrium 266
Fermi — Dirac distribution, integrals over 102 4
Fermi — Dirac distribution, tail of 332
Fermi — Dirac statistics 64 100 4
Ferromagnetic metals, electrical conductivity 378
Ferromagnetic metals, Hall effect 489
Ferromagnetic metals, magnetoresistance 490
Ferromagnetic metals, resistance minimum caused by 348
Film, thin, electrical conductivity 467 472
Floquet’s theorem 20
Fock equation 81
Force, constants, interatomic 39 52
Force, generalized thermodynamic 273
Four-phonon processes 146 301
Fourier’s theorem, for periodic functions 27 66
Free electron model 62 72
Free energy of crystal 153
Free energy of electrons 384
Frequency surfaces, for phonons 31 34 45 52 135 136 144 301
Friedel effect 343
Friedel effect, anisotropy of transport coefficients 395
Friedel effect, electrical conductivity 374
Friedel effect, Gallium, Ga 117
Friedel effect, Hall constant 488
Friedel effect, magnetoresistance 492
Friedel effect, resistance minimum caused by 346
Friedel effect, sum rule 227 237 342
Galvanomagnetism 123 483 523 Magnetoresistance Hall
Galvanomagnetomorphic effect 469 522
Germanium, anharmonicity 151
Germanium, deformation potentials 447
Germanium, elastoresistance 445
Germanium, electron-phonon interaction 205 207
Germanium, energy surfaces 97 119 440
Germanium, Ge 118 20
Germanium, lattice spectrum 40
Germanium, magneto-resistance 507
Germanium, mobility of carriers 443
Germanium, thermal conductivity 302 311 326
Germanium, thermopower 450
Glass, electron mobility in 248
Glass, lattice spectrum 249
Glass, theory of phonon scattering in 248 56
Glass, thermal conductivity 317
Gold, anharmonicity 151
Gold, area of Fermi surface 375
Gold, Au 113
Gold, Debye temperature 366
Gold, Debye temperature, electrical conductivity 371 374
Gold, Fermi surface 113 394 399
Gold, Hall constant 488
Gold, magnetoresistance 492 494
Gold, resistance minimum 344 346
Gold, thermal conductivity 394
Gold, thermopower 399
Gold, thermopower of alloys 401
Grain boundaries as dislocation arrays 245
Grain boundaries in semiconductors 246
Grain boundaries, connexion with resistance minimum 346
Grain boundaries, effect on electrical conduction in metals 352
Grain boundaries, effect on lattice conduction 316 328
Grain boundaries, scattering of electrons and phonons by 244
graphite 120
Graphite, Fermi surface 121
Graphite, specific heat 48
Graphite, thermal conductivity 316
Griineisen theory of thermal expansion 154
Group theory 8 82 88
Group theory, velocity of electron 92
Group theory, velocity of phonon 16 31 38
Grtineisen formula for electrical conductivity 322
Gruneisen’s 154 229
Gruneisen’s effect on thermal, conductivity 295
Gruneisen’s effect on thermal, effect on volume coefficient of electrical conductivity 419
Gurevich effect (see Phonon drag effect)
Hafnium, electrical conductivity 374
Hafnium, Hf 123
Hall angle 487
Hall angle in film 473
Hall angle, coefficient 486
Hall angle, constant 488
Hall angle, effect 108 486
Hall angle, ferromagnetic 489
Hall angle, free electrons 487
Hall angle, high field 517
Hall angle, low field 504
Hall angle, metals 488
Hall angle, mobility 490
Hall angle, semiconductors 490
Hall angle, two-band model 489 495
Hall effect 488 518
Hall effect, interaction with phonons 205
Hall effect, mobility 426 428 443
Hall effect, semi-metals 400
Hall effect, semiconductors 118 422
Hall effect, thermopower 397 400 426
Hall effect, ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ 118 119
Hamiltonian operator of elastic continuum 50
Hamiltonian operator of electron gas 162 164
Hamiltonian operator of electrons in lattice 62 176
Hamiltonian operator of enharmonic terms 130
Hamiltonian operator of lattice' dynamics 6 18
Hamiltonian operator of polar modes 209
Hamiltonian, equivalent 94 95
Harmonic formula for thermal resistance by impurities 308
Harmonic terms 7
Hartree equation 81
Hartree model 195 198
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