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Ziman J.M. — Electrons and Phonons: The Theory of Transport Phenomena in Solids |
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Noble metals, thermo-power 399
Norbury’s rule 340
Nordheim’s rule 337
Normal coordinates 10
Normal coordinates, coordinate operator 10 30
Normal coordinates, modes 1 29
Onsager relations 273 4
Onsager relations in magnetic field 498
Onsager relations, general proof 511
Optical modes 37
Optical modes in Debye model 56
Optical modes, carrier interaction with 206 8
Optical modes, effect mobility 439 40 444
Optical modes, effect on lattice conduction 305
Optical modes, Einstein, model for 58
Optical modes, group velocity 38
Optical modes, phonon interaction with 144 305
Optical modes, Raman effect 43
Optical modes, specific heat 55
OPW (Orthogonalized Plane Wave) method 89 242
Orbit, of electron on Fermi surface in magnetic field 513 514 520
Orbit, quantized 521
Orbitals, atomic 83 85 88 89
Order-disorder transition 338
Osmium, electrical conductivity 374
Osmium, Os 127
Overlap integral 84 187
Overlap integral, electrical conductivity 374 377 380 417
Overlap integral, Hall constant 488
Overlap integral, Palladium, Pd, anharmonicity 151
Overlap integral, thermopower of alloys 401
Paramagnetism, spin 106
Peierls’ force 234 325
Peierls’ force, theorem 289 294 410
Peierls’ force, theory of lattice conduction 289 294
Peltier effect 272 3 449 497
Period effect 343
Perturbation theory, validity of 130 211 212 219
Phase velocity, of lattice wave 13 24 33 36 51 59
Phase-shift method for scattering problems 171 225 237 342
Phonon drag effect in amorphous solids 248 56
Phonon drag effect, boundary scattering 456 60
Phonon drag effect, creation and annihilation operators 12 30
Phonon drag effect, definition 16
Phonon drag effect, dislocation scattering 229 34
Phonon drag effect, dispersion 13 31
Phonon drag effect, distribution function 44
Phonon drag effect, electrical conductivity 408
Phonon drag effect, energy transport by 15
Phonon drag effect, frequency 12 30
Phonon drag effect, general theory 407
Phonon drag effect, group velocity 16 31
Phonon drag effect, impurity scattering 220
Phonon drag effect, longitudinal 34
Phonon drag effect, mean free path 288
Phonon drag effect, metals 408 11
Phonon drag effect, momentum 133
Phonon drag effect, phase velocity 13 32
Phonon drag effect, Phonons 1 61
Phonon drag effect, polarization 33
Phonon drag effect, scattering by X-rays and neutrons 41
Phonon drag effect, semiconductors 447 50
Phonon drag effect, specific heat 43 61
Phonon drag effect, spectrum 31 45
Phonon drag effect, thermal conduction by 288 333
Phonon drag effect, thermal conductivity 408
Phonon drag effect, thermopower 409 11 447 50
Phonon drag effect, transverse 34
Phonon drag effect, U-processes 411
Phonon-phonon interaction 128 58
Phonon-phonon interaction, an-harmonic terms for 130 2
Phonon-phonon interaction, energy conservation in 135
Phonon-phonon interaction, entropy production by 293
Phonon-phonon interaction, four-phonon processes 146
Phonon-phonon interaction, Hamiltonian for 130
Phonon-phonon interaction, impurity and isotope resistance 308 313
Phonon-phonon interaction, lattice conduction 289 98 302—5
Phonon-phonon interaction, optical modes 144 305
Phonon-phonon interaction, selection rules for 134 137 43
Phonon-phonon interaction, transition probability 136
Phonon-phonon interaction, U-processes 133 142 3 290—8
Piezo-resistance 417 444 7
Plasma frequency 162 169
Plasma frequency, oscillations 161 181 201
Plasmon 162
Platinum, anharmonicity 127
Platinum, electrical conductivity 374 417
Platinum, Hall constant 488
Platinum, magnetoresistance 492
Platinum, Pt 127
Point imperfections, scattering by 221
Poiseuille flow of phonons 465
Polar modes, effect on mobility 434 8
Polar modes, interaction with electrons 208
Polarization of lattice wave 33 42 51
Polarization, electric 208
Polarization, electric factor 186 190
Polaron 210 438
Potassium, anharmonicity 151 152
Potassium, chloride, KC 1
Potassium, Debye temperature 366
Potassium, electrical conductivity 371
Potassium, Fermi surface 109 411
Potassium, Hall constant 488
Potassium, K 109
Potassium, magnetoresistance 492
Potassium, Quantum defect method 87
Potassium, thermal conductivity 145 306 311 315
Potassium, thermopower 411
Raman effect 43 144
Rare earth metals 127
Rare earth metals, anharmonicity 151
Rare earth metals, electrical conductivity 174 381 2
Rare gas solids 39
Rayleigh scattering of phonons by clusters of impurities 315
Rayleigh scattering of phonons by dislocations 232
Rayleigh scattering of phonons by point imperfections 221 307
Reciprocal lattice 22 27 71 73
Reflection coefficient, crystal surface 456
Reflection coefficient, grain boundary 244 245
Reflection coefficient, stacking fault 243 352
Relaxation length 299
Relaxation length in finite specimen 455
Relaxation length or elastic scattering 268
Relaxation length, anisotropic 270 505
Relaxation length, impurity scattering of carriers 428
Relaxation length, in semiconductors 425
Relaxation length, phonon drag 448
Relaxation length, phonon scattering of carriers 433
Relaxation length, time 258 261 299
Relaxation length, validity of perturbation theory 157 212 15
Residual rays 209
Residual resistance 335 337 57
Resistance minimum 335 344 9
Resistivity, as variational function 283 358
Resistivity, electrical, thermal (see Electrical conductivity Thermal etc.)
Reststrahlen 209
Rhenium, electrical conductivity 374
Rhenium, Hall constant 488
Rhenium, Re 127
Rhodium, anharmonicity 151
Rhodium, electrical conductivity 374 417
Rhodium, Hall constant 488
Rhodium, magnetoresistance 492
Rhodium, Rh 127
Righi — Leduc effect 497
Rigid ion model 183 191
Rotational specific heat 319
Roughness of crystal surfaces for electrons 468 479
Roughness of crystal surfaces, effect on thermal conductivity 460
| Rubber 3
Rubidium, Debye temperature 366 372
Rubidium, electrical conductivity 371 374
Rubidium, Fermi surface 109 394 411 505
Rubidium, Hall constant 488
Rubidium, Rb 109
Rubidium, thermal conductivity 394
Rubidium, thermopower 411
Ruthenium, d scattering 377
Ruthenium, e-electrons in transition metals 125 376 416 8
Ruthenium, electrical conductivity 374
Ruthenium, Hall constant 488
Ruthenium, Ru 127
SB (see Antimony)
Scattering cross-section 221 269
Scattering cross-section, factor, atomic 172
Scattering cross-section, operator 278
Scattering cross-section, vector 174 185
Scattering cross-section, width 221 231 237
Screening by electrons 159 61
Screening charge 226
Screening charge, length 161 168
Screening, classical theory 170 224
Screening, dislocation field 235
Screening, electron-electron interaction 166 169
Screening, electron-phonon interaction 193 199
Screening, impurities 224 7
Screening, perturbation theory 198 200
Screening, plasma theory 162 6
Screening, Thomas - Fermi theory 195 201 342
Seebeck effect 272 497
Selenium, Se 127
Self-consistent field 82 197
Semi-metals 120 123
Semi-metals, electrical conductivity 376
Semi-metals, Hall constant 489
Semi-metals, thermal conductivity 326
Semi-metals, thermopower 399
Semiconductors 421 50
Semiconductors, band scheme 75 79
Semiconductors, carrier distribution functions 104 421
Semiconductors, degenerate 423
Semiconductors, dislocations 238 430
Semiconductors, elastoresistance 444 7
Semiconductors, electron-phonon interaction 205 8
Semiconductors, energy conventions 422
Semiconductors, energy surfaces 117 19 440
Semiconductors, grain boundaries 246
Semiconductors, Hall effect 490
Semiconductors, holes 118 422
Semiconductors, impurity scattering 224 8 428 30
Semiconductors, lattice conduction 305 315 319 326 33
Semiconductors, lattice scattering 432
Semiconductors, magnetoresistance 507
Semiconductors, many-valley model 440 4
Semiconductors, mobility 424 43
Semiconductors, phonon drag 447 50
Semiconductors, piezo-resistance 444
Semiconductors, plasma frequency 169
Semiconductors, thermal conductivity 326 33 427
Semiconductors, thermopower 425 426 447
Shear waves (see Transverse phonons)
Shubnikov-de Haas effect 522
Silica, deformation potentials 447
Silica, elastoresistance 445
Silica, electron-phonon interaction 205 207
Silica, energy surfaces 118 20 440
Silica, lattice spectrum 40
Silica, magnetoresistance 507
Silica, mobility of carriers 434 443
Silica, Si 02
Silica, thermal conductivity 311 326
Silicon, Si 118 20
Silver chloride, AgCl, lattice spectrum 43
Silver, Ag 113
Silver, anharmonicity 151 152
Silver, area of Fermi surface 375
Silver, Debye temperature 366
Silver, electrical conductivity 371 377
Silver, Fermi surface 113 375 394 399
Silver, Hall constant 488
Silver, resistance minimum 345 346
Silver, thermal conductivity 394
Silver, thermopower 399 401 402
Site, lattice 3
Size effects 451 74
Size effects, electrical conduction 465 74
Size effects, thermal conduction 302 460 5
Size effects, thermopower of semiconductors 302 450
Skin effect 474 82
Skin effect, anomalous, area of Fermi surface 375
Skin effect, Boltzmann equation 475
Skin effect, classical, normal 474
Skin effect, Fermi surface 109 112 122 482
Skin effect, field distribution 479
Skin effect, general solution 481
Skin effect, ineffectiveness concept 480
Skin effect, kinetic solution 476
Skin effect, roughness 478
Skin effect, surface impedance 478 481
Slip bands, phonon scattering by 324
Sn (see Tin)
Sodium, bromide, NaBr, thermal conductivity 145
Sodium, chloride, NaCl, lattice spectrum 58
Sodium, Debye temperature 366
Sodium, electrical conductivity 371 374
Sodium, Fermi surface 109 411 505
Sodium, Hall constant 488
Sodium, magnetoresistance 505
Sodium, Na 109
Sodium, thermal conductivity 145
Sodium, thermopower 411
Sommerfeld theory 66
Sound, absorption in solids 156 218
Sound, velocity of 2 51 330 462
Specific heat, crystals 39
Specific heat, Debye model 54 56
Specific heat, Einstein model 55
Specific heat, electronic 105 114
Specific heat, high temperature 156
Specific heat, ionic crystals 39
Specific heat, lattice 43 61
Specific heat, optical modes 55
Specific heat, rotational 319
Spectrum, phonon (see Lattice spectrum)
Spin waves, conduction by 319
Spin, electronic, degneracy of electron states 64 100
Spin, electronic, interaction with lattice 156
Spin, electronic, paramagnetism 106
Spin, electronic, scattering of conduction electrons 348 380
Spin-orbit interaction 118 489
Stacking fault 239
Stacking fault, electron scattering by 241 3 352
Stacking fault, energy 244
Stimulated emission 277
Strain, elastic 50
Strain, elastic in dislocation fields 229 236 246
Strain, elastic, effect on electrons 236 241
Strain, elastic, semiconductors 445
Strain, elastic, tensor 60 192
Strontium, anharmonicity 151
Strontium, Debye temperature 366
Strontium, electrical conductivity 374
Strontium, Sr 115
Structure factor 73
Structure scattering 318
Subsidiary conditions 163 167
Superconductivity 106 263 326 348
Surf-riding resonance 215 216 330
Surface impedance 475 478 481
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