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Callen H.B. — Thermodynamics |
Предметный указатель |
Adiabatic compression 125
Adiabatic demagnetization 255
Adiabatic process 16
Adiabatic process near zero temperature 189
Adiabatic wall 15
Affinities 284
Air-standard diesel cycle 359
Angular dilatation 217
Antiferromagnetic materials 252
Berthelot equation of state 341
Brayton cycle 358
Caratheodory theory 42
Carnot cycle 77ff
Carnot efficiency see "Thermodynamic engine efficiency"
Celsius scale of temperature 41
Centigrade scale of temperature 41
Characteristic function of distribution function 273
Characteristic vibrational temperatures for various gases 331
chemical potential see "Electrochemical potential"
Chemical reactions 199 203
Chemical reactions, additivity of 211
Chemical reactions, in ideal gases 207
Clapeyron — Clausius equation 157ff
Closed systems 15
Coefficient of heat pump performance 75
Coefficient of refrigerator performance 75
Coefficient of thermal expansion 54
Coefficient of thermal expansion near zero temperature 185
Coefficient of thermal expansion of general ideal gases 326 336
Coefficient of thermal expansion of liquids 344 346
Coefficient of thermal expansion of solids 350 352
Coefficients of thermal strain 232
Coefficients of thermal stress 232
Complementary subsystem 132
Compliance matrix 178 364
Composite functions 311
Composite system 23
Compressibility of general ideal gases 326 336
Compressibility of liquids 344—346
Compressibility of solids 351—352
Compressibility, isothermal 54
Configuration space, thermodynamic 59ff
Constraints, internal 23
Correlation of fluctuations 274
Critical field of superconductors 260
Critical fluctuations 280
Critical opalescence 269 280
Critical phases, and second-order phase transitions 172ff 194
Critical point 159
Critical pressure 159
Critical temperature 159
Critical temperature of superconductors 259
Curie temperature 252
Curie — Weiss law 251
Debye theory of specific heat 353ff
Degree of reaction 202
Degrees of critical regions 173
Degrees of freedom 50 165
Demagnetization coefficients 248
Derivatives, formal relations among 309ff
Derivatives, method of reduction of 121ff
Diamagnetic materials 250
Diathermal wall 15
Diesel cycle 359
Diffusion 290
Displacive transitions 176
Distillation 164
Distribution function of fluctuations 267
Distribution function of fluctuations, characteristic function of 273
Distribution function of fluctuations, Gaussian approximation to 280
Distribution function of fluctuations, moments of 272 274 279
Domains, magnetic 239 253
Dulong — Petit value of specific heat 354
Efficiency see "Thermodynamic engine efficiency"
Ehrenfest's theory of second-order phase transitions 180
Elastic compliance coefficients 226 364
Elastic constants see "Elastic stiffness coefficients"
Elastic stiffness coefficients 226 361
Elastic stiffness coefficients, adiabatic 235
Elastic stiffness coefficients, in cubic systems 228
Elasticity 213ff
Electric conductivity 296
Electric conductivity, adiabatic 306
Electric conductivity, isothermal 305
Electrochemical potential 31
Electrochemical potential, as partial molar Gibbs function 115
Electrochemical potential, units 46
Endothermic reaction 204
Energy, conservation of 10
Energy, current density 288
Energy, free see "Helmholtz potential" "Gibbs
Energy, internal 10
Energy, measurability of 15ff
Energy, minimum principle 85ff
Energy, representation 36
Energy, units 20
Engines 69ff
Enthalpy 99 110ff
Enthalpy, minimum principle 106
entropy 24
Entropy of mixing in ideal gases 337
Entropy, current density 287
Entropy, discontinuity in phase transition 156
Entropy, instantaneous 269
Entropy, local 286
Entropy, production of 28
Entropy, representation 36
Entropy, statistical significance 315
Equation of state 33
Equation of state of monatomic ideal gas 51
Equation of state, Berthelot's 341
Equation of state, magnetic 249
Equation of state, van der Waals' 147 341
Equilibrium 11ff
Equilibrium constant 208
Equilibrium constant, additivity of 212
Equilibrium constant, temperature dependence of 209
Equilibrium with respect to matter flow 45ff
Equilibrium, in chemical reaction 201
Equilibrium, mechanical 43ff
Equilibrium, metastable 14
Equilibrium, postulate on existence of 12 192
Equilibrium, stable 28
Equilibrium, thermal 37 89
Equilibrium, unstable 28
Ettingshausen effect 307
Euler equation 47 193
Eutectic solution 170
Exothermic reaction 204
Expansion coefficient see "Coefficient of thermal expansion"
Extensive parameters 9
Extensive parameters, current density of 287
Extensive parameters, electric 243
Extensive parameters, energetic 36
Extensive parameters, entropic 36
Extensive parameters, instantaneous 269
Extensive parameters, local 286
Extensive parameters, magnetic 238
Extremum principles, for energy 85ff
Extremum principles, for entropy 24
Extremum principles, for Massieu functions 116
Extremum principles, for potentials 103ff
Fahrenheit temperature scale 41
Fahrenheit temperature scale, absolute 40
Ferrimagnetic materials 254
Ferroelectricity 173
Ferromagnetic materials 253
ferromagnetism 173 253
Fick's law of diffusion 290
Fluctuations 267ff
| Fluxes 284
Forces in irreversible thermodynamics see "Affinities"
Free energy see "Gibbs function" "Helmholtz
Free expansion 127
Fundamental equation 25
Fundamental equation of monatomic ideal gas 53
Fundamental equation, differential form 31
Fundamental equation, energetic and entropic forms 36
Fundamental equation, for elastic systems 219
Fundamental relation see "Fundamental equation"
Gases 324ff
Gases, ideal monatomic 51ff
Gases, multicomponent ideal 335
Gases, nonideal 338
Gases, single component, general ideal 324
Geometry and Legendre transforms 92
Gibbs free energy see "Gibbs function"
Gibbs function 99 115
Gibbs function, minimum principle 106
Gibbs phase rule 159 163
Gibbs phase rule, for chemically reactive systems 206
Gibbs — Duhem relation 48ff 193
Gibbs — Duhem relation, for general ideal gases 327
Gibbs' theorem of gas mixtures 335
Grand canonical potential 100
Gruneisen constant 355
Gruneisen equation 355
Hall effect, adiabatic 306
Hall effect, isothermal 306
Hamiltonian, and Legendre transformation 96
Heat conductivity 297
Heat conductivity, adiabatic 306
Heat conductivity, isothermal 306
Heat content see "Enthalpy"
Heat function see "Enthalpy"
Heat of fusion 156
Heat of reaction 204
Heat of reaction at zero temperature 209
Heat of reaction of ideal gas reactions 210
Heat of sublimation 156
Heat of vaporization 156
Heat pump 74ff
Heat, current density 295
Heat, latent 156
Heat, qualitative definition 7
Heat, quantitative definition 17ff
Heat, relation to entropy increase 32
Heat, units 20
Helmholtz free energy see "Helmholtz potential"
Helmholtz potential 98 106ff
Helmholtz potential, minimum principle 105
Homogeneous first-order function 26
Homogeneous quadratic forms 134
Homogeneous zero-order function 33
Hooke's equation of state 236
Hydrogen, ortho and para 13
Hysteresis 239
Ideal gas, general 324 335
Ideal monatomic gas 51ff 328
Imperfect differential 19
Implicit functions 312
Instantaneous parameters 269
Intensive parameters 31
Intensive parameters, electric 244
Intensive parameters, entropic 35
Intensive parameters, instantaneous 270
Intensive parameters, local 286
Intensive parameters, magnetic 243
Inversion temperature, for ideal gas 114
Inversion temperature, in Joule — Thomson process 113
Irreversible process 63 283ff
Irreversible process, entropy changes in 68
Isothermal compression 126
Jacobians 128ff
Jacobians and elastic systems 236
Joule cycle 358
Joule heat 300
Joule — Thomson process 112
Joule, James 11 17
Kelvin relations of thermoelectricity 293 300—302
Kelvin scale of temperature, absolute 40 80
Kelvin scale of temperature, international 41
Kinetic coefficients 289
Lagrangian, and Legendre transformation 96
Lame constants 229
Langevin — Weiss equation 253
Latent heat 156
Le Chatelier principle 135
Le Chatelier principle, in chemically reactive systems 205
Le Chatelier — Braun principle 139ff
Leduc — Righi effect 307
Legendre transformations 90ff 193
Lever rule 154
Linear dilatation 217
Linear irreversible processes 289
liquid helium 173
Liquids, properties of 344ff
Liquidus curve 169
Magnetocaloric effect 255
Magnetoconductivity coefficient 308
Magnetoresistance see "Magnetoconductivity coefficient"
Markoffian system 288
Mass action law 208
Massieu functions 101
Massieu functions, maximum principles 116
Maximum work processes 66
Maxwell relations 56 117ff 193
Maxwell relations, for elastic systems 224
Mean square deviation of fluctuations 273 278
Meissner effect 259
Metastable states 162
Mixing entropy 337
Mnemonic diagram see "Mnemonic square"
Mnemonic square 119ff
Mnemonic square, for elastic systems 224
Mnemonic square, for general systems 194
Mnemonic square, for magnetic systems 246 247
Molar Gibbs function 115
molar mass 8
Molar volume 9
Mole fraction 9
Mole number 8
Mole number, in isotopic mixtures 9 (Prob. 1.2-13)
Moments of distribution of fluctuations 272 274 279
Neel temperature 252
Nernst effect, adiabatic 307
Nernst effect, isothermal 306
Nernst postulate 27 182ff
Nernst postulate, Planck form of 27 182
Normal coordinates 6
Normal modes 5
Ohm's law 290
Onsager's reciprocity theorem 289
Onsager's reciprocity theorem, statistical basis of 290
Order-disorder transition 173 176
Osmotic pressure 107
Otto cycle 357
Paramagnetic materials 250
Partial derivatives 309ff
Partial pressure in gas mixtures 337
Peltier effect 299
Phase diagrams 167
Phase loci 157ff
Phase nucleus 163
Phase transitions 136 146ff
Phase transitions, higher-order 172
Phase transitions, in multicomponent systems 163
Phase transitions, polymorphic 146
Phase transitions, second-order, Ehrenfest's theory 180
Phase transitions, second-order, Tisza's theory 172
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