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Chow W.W., Koch S.W. — Semiconductor-laser fundamentals |
Предметный указатель |
quantum well 224
Hamiltonian 177
theory 151 155
point 155
Absorption coefficient 81
Absorption spectrum 126
Absorption, free-carrier 82
Acceptor 4
Active region 4
Amplitude gain 28 47
Angular momentum, orbital 151
Annihilation operator 29
Anticommutation relations 29
Anticommutator 30
Antiguiding factor 54
Antiguiding parameter 69
Antiguiding spectra 142
Arsenides 185
Axial approximation 162 164
Background dielectric constants 145
Band structure 10 164
Band structure, engineering 175
Band structure, hole 161
Band structure, modifications 176
Band, dispersions 172
Band, extrema 10
Band, filling contribution 101
Band, offset ratio 214
Band-crossing 172
Bandedge shifts 190
Bandgap, absorption 81
Bandgap, crossing 215
Bandgap, energies 189 204
Bandgap, energy 7 197 210
Bandgap, renormalization 15 88
Bandgap, renormalized 89
Bandgap, shift 88
Basis set 32
Basis states 160
Bloch equations, semiconductor 73 78
Bloch equations, two-level 79
Bloch theorem 151 155
Block-diagonal Luttinger Hamiltonian 163
Bohr radius, exciton 13 92
Boltzmann collision integral 146
Boltzmann equations 145
Boltzmann scattering integral 111
Bose function 146
Brillouin zone 10
Bulk semiconductor media 143
Cancellation 142
Carrier, cooling 145
Carrier, distribution, nonequilibrium 114
Carrier, interaction, intraband 75
Carrier, leakage 215
Carrier-induced phase shift 93 99
Carrier-relaxation rates 43
cgs units 15
Charge carrier 12
Charge distribution, induced 85
chemical potential 16 19 25 53
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 153
Collision contributions 33 40 110 127
Complex susceptibility 27
Composition variations 222
Compounds II—VI 218
Compressive strain 179 190 205 211
computer time 134
Conduction band 11 157
Confinement factor 6 8
Confinement potential 21 23
Conservation rules 111
Constitutive relation 26
Continuum absorption 82 83
Correlation contributions 78 108 127
Coulomb enhancement 82 83 92 95 101 126
Coulomb interaction 75 79
Coulomb potential 75 199
Coulomb potential, screened 86 98
Coulomb scattering 76
Coulomb-hole self energy 88 93
Creation operator 30
Current injection 40
Cut-off 120
Debye shift 88
Deformation potentials 178 179 189
Degenerate bands 170
Degenerate perturbation theory 157
Density distribution 31
Density of states 25
Density of states, energy 18
Density of states, joint 48
Density of states, momentum 18 25
Density of states, two-dimensional 49
Density operator 84
Dephasing, diagonal 117 129
Dephasing, optical 116
Detailed balance 111
Diagonal collision terms 127
Diagonal dephasing 117 129
Diagonal dephasing approximation 142
Dielectric function, longitudinal 86
Differential gain 205 213
Dipole interaction 37
Dipole lifetime 45
Dipole matrix element 37 68 181—183 186 194 198 225
Dipole operator 39
Direct bandgap 10
Displacement electric field 26
Donor 4
Doped gain region 45
Doping 3
Double heterostructure 8
Drude dielectric function 87
Effective Luttinger parameter 162
effective mass 12 76 157 164 169
Effective radiative lifetime 229
Effective single-particle Hamiltonian 85
Eigenstates 30
el-hhl exciton 202
Elastic constants 189
Elastic moduli 176
Elastic strain 175
Electrodes 4
Electron, field operator 29 75
Electron, population equation 109
Electron-hole, mass, reduced 14
Electron-hole, representation 12 30 38 76
Electron-LO phonon coupling 145
Electrostatic potential 84
Elliot formula 81
Emission properties 200
energy bands 151
Energy shift 129
Energy subbands 23
Energy, conservation 112
Energy, density of states 18
envelope function 169 185
Equivalent functions 133
Exchange contributions 135
Exchange shift 79 125
Exciton 13 80
Exciton, absorption resonance 220 225
Exciton, binding energy 14 126 202 226
Exciton, Bohr radius 13 92
Exciton, peaks 82
Excitonic effects 218
expectation value 32
Experimental gain spectra 208 223
Factorization approximation 109
| Fermi — Dirac distributions 16 34
Field amplitude 27
Field operator, electron 29 75
Filamentation 204
Fitting parameter 141
Form factor 199
forward bias 5
Four-operator terms 77 109
Free-carrier absorption 82
Free-carrier, complex susceptibility 47
Free-carrier, Hamiltonian 37
Free-carrier, theory 37
GaAs bandstructure 164
GaAs-AlGaAs quantum wells 196
Gain 93 99
Gain coefficient 6 49
Gain region 53
Gain rollover 208
Gain saturation 62
Gain, guided 4
Generalized -function (Heitler Zeta Function) 110
Group-III nitrides 188 218 224
Hamiltonian, free-carrier 37
Hamiltonian, two-band 76
Hartree — Fock approximation, screened 83
Hartree — Fock contribution 77 123
Hartree — Fock factorization 78
Heavy hole 171
Heavy hole, light hole coupling 212
Heavy hole, light-hole splitting 179
Heisenberg equation 108
Heisenberg picture 34 38
heterostructure 4 7 166
Heterostructure, separate confinement 8
Hierarchy of equations 78
hole 12
Hole bands 180 186 193
Hole, bandstructure 161 172
Hole, burning, spectral 47
Hole, chemical potential 205
Hole, effective mass 76
Hole, operators 30 76
Hole, population 205
Homostructure 7
Hydrostatic shift 179
Identity operator 32
Induced charge distribution 85
InGaAs-AlGaAs structure 204
InGaAs-InP quantum wells 210
InGaP quantum wells 213
Inhomogeneous broadening 222 227
Injection current 6 41 229
Interband polarization 77 110
Interparticle distance 89
Intraband, carrier interaction 75
Intraband, scattering 41
Inverse screening length 92 99
Inversion energy distribution 55
Joint density of states 48
Kane matrix element 69
Kramers — Kronig transformation 51
Large optical cavity 8
Laser threshold current density 229
Lattice constants 189 191
lattice mismatch 175
Lattice vector 151 155
Lattice, matched 204
Lattice, periodic function 151
Length scales 167
Light hole 171
Lindhard formula 86 129
Lindhard formula, static 144
Lineshape function 50 141
Lineshape problem 141
Linewidth enhancement factor 70 203 213
Local gain 27
Longitudinal dielectric function 86
Longitudinal optical phonons 145
Lorentzian lineshape 46 50
Luttinger Hamiltonian 162
Luttinger Hamiltonian, block diagonal 163
Luttinger parameters 161 162
Magnetic field 26
Magnetic flux 26
Many-body hierarchy 109
Markov approximation 108
Mass reversal 172
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 19
Maxwell's equations 26
Memory effect 108
Memory requirement 122
MKS permittivity 15
mks units 15
Momentum conservation 112
Momentum operator 66
Momentum, density of states 18 25
Nitrides 185 224
Non parabolicity 188
Nondiagonal correlation contributions 130
Nondiagonal damping 117
Nonequilibrium carrier distribution 114
Noninteracting electrons 31
Nonlinear susceptibility 65
Nonradiative decay 40
Nonradiative recombination 13
Number conservation 112
Number operator 30 39
Numerical computations 133
Optical dephasing 116
Optical susceptibility 81
Orbital angular momentum 151 190
Oscillator strength 82
Pade approximation 91
Parity 171
Partition function 33
Pauli exclusion principle 14 29
Peak gain 96
Periodic boundary conditions 17
Perturbation theory 169
Perturbation theory, degenerate 157
Phase shift 27
Phase-space filling 14
Phenomenological gain 53
Phonon frequency 145
Phonon population 146
Phosphides 185
Plasma frequency 87
Plasma screening 83 84
Plasma temperature 112
Plasmafrequency 92
Plasmon-pole approximation 87
Poisson's equation 85
Polarization 26 37
Polarization amplitude 81 118 122
Polarization decay (dephasing) 40
Polarization, discrimination 205
Polarization, interband 77 110
Pump rate 40
Pump, blocking 41
Quantum confinement 21
Quantum dots 21
Quantum efficiency 6 41
Quantum well 21 98
Quantum well laser 8 49
Quantum wires 21
Quasi-equilibrium 111
Quasi-equilibrium distributions 16
Rabi frequency 79
radiative recombination 13 43
Rate equation approximation 45 90
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