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Feodosiev V.I. — Advanced Stress and Stability Analysis |
Предметный указатель |
Admissible stress 365
Alloyed steel 362
Aluminium 105
Amorphous metal 359
Angle of rotation 118
Angle of shear 118 122
Angle of tangling 321
Angle of twisting 118
Angle, twist 14 38
Angular speed 356
Angular velocity 316
Anisotropy 39 360
Atmosphere pressure 233
Axes of inertia, principal, central 119
Banded matrix 332
Beam, Bernoulli 154 155
Beam, Timoshenko 154
Bending in plane 47
Bending mode 284
Bending moment 231 257 375 394
Bending nonuniplanar 242
Bending stress 34 250
Bessel functions 295
Bifurcation point 268
Bolt 3 8 83 92 221
boundary conditions 230
Bow-string 411
Braid 376
Brittle filaments 10
Buckling 41 42
Buckling mode 43 237
Buckling safety factor 50
Bundle of filaments 10 97
Cable shaft 376
Center of twist 118
Circular cylinder 366
Circumferential stress 367
Clamped rod 257 291
Clearance 47
Coefficient of friction 13 115
Coefficient of torsion rigidity 329
Cohesion forces 362
Coils of spring 367
column 233
Column buckling 42 335
Column cantilever 48
Column Euler 44 45
Composite material 39 95
Composite material cells 39
Composite material Crosshatch reinforced 40
Composite material model 40
Composite material “filament-matrix” type 40
Composite material, one-directional reinforced 40
Compression 4
Compression uniaxial 38
Conservative system 383
Continuum elastic homogeneous 9 95
Contraction 358
Cooling 11 105
Coriolis acceleration 316
Crack 358 361
Critical force 41 43 226 251
Critical load 46
Critical moment 233
Critical temperature 42
Critical velocity 320
Cross-section 13
Cross-section, circular 13
Cross-section, constant 5 83 84
Cross-section, narrow rectangular 15
Cross-section, polygon 12 112
Cross-section, thin strip 113
Cross-section, variable 5
Cross-section, weakened 37
Curvature 236
Curvature of ring 257
Curvilinear equilibrium state 273
Cylinder, thin-walled 34 38
Dead force 288
Deflection 39
Deflection curve 47 251
Deflection lateral 46 48
Deformation of thread 8
Deformation, hoopential 107
Deformation, plastic 38
Design, constructive 9 95
Determinant 222
Diagram, elongation 10 98
Diagram, elongation test 98
Diagram, tension or compression 105
Disk 355
Disk spring 400
Displacement 3 10 98
Displacement, axial 5
Displacement, elastic, mutual 95
Displacement, full 3
Displacement, linear, axial 84
Displacement, linear, full 81
Displacement, mutual 8 14
Distributed load 277
Distributed rod 292
Distribution of forces 7—9
Distribution of forces in threaded joint 93 94
Distribution of forses in thin tube 108
Distribution of secondary tangential stresses 15
Distribution of stresses 12 14
Distribution of stresses, uniform 8 90
Dynamic criterion of stability 286
Eigenfrequency 291 383
Elastic constants 39
Elastic strain energy 322 413
Elasticity modulus 360
Elasticity modulus shear 39
Elasticity modulus tensile 39 40
Elliptical integral 270 278 411
Elongation 39 83
Elongation, circumferential 374
Elongation, thermal 85
Energy conservation principle 384
Energy elastic strain 5
Energy method 43
Energy of bending 349
Energy potential strain 3
Epure of displacements 6
Epure of torque 13 115
Equation, transcendental 46
Equilibrium equations 325
Equilibrium mode 240 275 294
Euler force 47 232
Fibers 9 95
Fibre, artificial fibre 362
Fibre, boric fibre 359
Fibre, carbon fibre 359
Fibre, glass fibre 359 361
Fibre, steel fibre 359
Filament flexible 7 86
Filament rigid 11
Filaments brittle 10
Filaments brittle elastic 97
Filler 9 95
Finite-difference method 349
fit 11 12 108
Flexible filament 7
Flow velocity 318
Follower force 287 386
Force method 329
Force tightening 42
Force, buoyant Archimede's 44
Force, compressive 47
Force, follower 57
| Force, normal 257
Force, shear 394
Force, tensile 13 394
Free vibrations 381
frequency 292 301 311 383
Friction 12 13 107
Gaussian curvature 391
Geometrical adjectives 120
Geometrical adjectives, nonconventional 120
Glass 361
Glued joint strength 14
Glued spot 116
Gravitational constant 340
Gravity force 351
Half-wave mode 284
Heating 11 104
Heating, constrained 234
Heating, homogeneous 5 84
Hook's law 360
Hoop strain 322
Impact toughness 359
Inclusions 9
Inertial force 236 289 301 315
Inertial moment 301
Inextensibility condition 408
Instability 268
Internal pressure 235
Isotropy 40
Joint, rivet 7
kinetic energy 367 414
Law, Hooke's 88
Law, Pascal 36
Law, twoness, tangential stresses 13 112
Layer structure 358
Linear interpolation 318
Load, critical 47 48 50
Load, uniformly distributed 50
Local buckling 360
Longitudinal-transverse bending 26
Mass per unit length 289
Method of initial parameters 332
Mode of vibrations 292
Modulus, elasticity 4 84
Modulus, shear 14
Mohr's integral 133
Moment diagram 372
Moment of fractional forces 114
Moment, bending 34
Moment, torque 13 15 38
Moment, twisting 120
Neck 358
Netting wire of “halffang” braiding 39
Newton's law 340 350
Nonconservative system 384
Nut 4 8 95 221
Pipeline 315
Plate 220
Plate, anisotropic 39
Plywood 39
Poisson's ratio 39 395
potential energy 247 349
Power series 318
Preliminary tightening 336
Pressure 33 36
Pressure of gas 257
Pressure of liquid 257
Pressure, contact 13 107
Pressure, external uniform 35
Pressure, inernal 10
Pressure, internal 34
Pressure, internal and external 34
Principal stress 367
Recess 37
Recess, annular groove 37
Reciprocity principle for displacements 361
Reciprocity theorem 362
Reknagel's apparatus 36
Rigidity bending 39 48
Rigidity in compression 6
Rigidity tension 7
Rigidity torsional 13 113 114
Rim 406
Ring 11 257 277 322 331 374
Rivet 7 88
Rocket engine 237
Rod 46
Rod rubber 10
Rod slender 41
Rod straight 3
Rod twisted 14
Rope flexible 48
Rotation angle 230
Rubber rod 10
Rubber thread 258
Rubber-cord 10 99
Safety factor yield 35
Sag 7
Screw 94 95
Section modulus 132 241
Self-gravitating ring 349
Semi-follower moment 300 306
Shaft 13 114
Shaped cylinder 365
Shear 231
Shear angle 118 122
Shear force 257 394
Shear pure 37
Shear stress 314
Sheet 8 40
Shell rubber 11
Slippage 108 114
spacer 4 83
Specific weight 263 363
Specimen, cylindrical 4 84
Spoke 356 406
Spring 286 367
Stability 43 51 52 268 403
Steelyard 82
Stiffness 4 41 81
Stiffness characteristics 40
strain 5
Stream 237
Strength 117 359
Strength criterion, maximum shear stress 35
Strength criterion, maximum shear stresses 34
Strength criterium of glued joint 14
Strength criterium, energetic 34
Stress, bending 34
Stress, breaking 14
Stress, breaking point 10 97
Stress, hoop 12
Stress, normal 15
Stress, normal, diagram 37
Stress, normal, local 38
Stress, principal 33
Stress, residual 105
Stress, state 33
Stress, state, all-round uniform tension 37
Stress, state, biaxial 34
Stress, state, triaxial 34
Stress, state, uniaxial 34
Stress, tangential 12 14 15 112 114 117 120
Stress, tangential, twoness law 13
Stress, tensile 15
Stress, ultimate 359
Stress-strain diagram 334
Strip 15 38 264 313
Strip thin 13
Sylphon 235
Temperature 314
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