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Ewald P.P. — The physics of solids and fluids |
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Adiabatic change of volume 166
Adiabatic stratification 177
Aerofoil 319
Aerofoil, drag on 320
Aerofoil, lift on 240 320
Aerofoil, theory of 326 330
Aeroplane 251 353
Aeroplane, stalling of 356
After-glide 133
After-stretching 133
After-stretching in crystals 133 134
After-working 29 145
After-working, elastic 146
Air pump 166 351
Airscrew 336
Airship 184 353
Airy's stress function 28
Alloys (crystal) 127 143 144
Aluminium, glide in 121 126 128
Aluminium, recrystallization in 35
Anemometer 360
Aneroid barometer 164
Angle of attack or incidence 320
Archimedes' principle 181
Aspect ratio 321
Atmosphere (unit of pressure) 194
Atomic coupling 95
Atomic method 81
Autographic apparatus 18
Ball bearing 77
Balloon 184
Bar (unit of pressure) 195
Barker's mill 249
Barometer 164 193
Barometer, aneroid 164
Barometric formula 175
Beam, built in 54
Beam, simply supported 53
Beams, bending of 51
Beats 265
Bellows 168
Belt drive 78
Belt, friction of 77
Bending see “Flexure”
Bending moment 4 51
Bending of beams 51
Bernoulli's theorem 214 215 216 230 233
Bi-crystal 139
Bismuth, glide in 121 123
Blowing engines 166 351
Borda's mouthpiece 249
Born's hypothesis of central forces 100
Born's lattice theory 85
Born's lattice theory, support for 92
Born's law, support for 103
Born's theory, problems beyond 106
Boundary layer 275
Bourdon gauge 192
Boyle's law 164 195
Brake, Prony 79 80
Brass, recrystallization in 35
Breaking strain 18
Breaking stress 18
Breaking stress, in lattice 106
Bridgman, single crystals 92
Brinell hardness number 41—43
Brinell hardness test 41—43
Brittle crystals 118 123
Brittle materials 17 20
Brittle metals 19
Buckling 63 64 65
Buoyancy in air 183
Buoyancy in liquids 180
Canting 64 65
Capillary constant 105
Carpenter and Elam, single crystals 116
Cartesian diver 187
Cauchy's relations (elasticity) 91 92 100 104 151
Cavitation 313 342
Central line of beam 53
Centre of pressure 179
Centre of pressure of an aerofoil 323
Centrifugal pump 351
Centrifugal, spiral volute chamber of 222 352
Charles' law 165
Chemistry, and the lattice 84
Chezy's formula 298
Circulation 222 231
Clay 19 20
Coefficient of contraction 218 249 302
Coefficient of velocity 302
Cohesion 1 7 37
Cohesion, in lattice 88
Collapse of tube 65
Compatibility, of strains 25
Compressibility 102
Compressibility of gases 164 205
Compressibility of liquids 154
Compression 4
Compression pump 166
Compression pump, work done in 168
Compression, modulus of 22
Concrete 17 19 21
Conduction, electric and thermal 84 109—111
Conductivity in polar crystals 111 112
Cone, pressure 36
Constants, elastic 44 45
Constants, elastic, table of 45
Constants, elastic, tests for 57—59
Contact, Hertz theory of 41
Continuity 209
Continuity, equation of 211
Contraction, lateral 5
Control of ships and aircraft 355
Control surface 248
Coulomb's law of friction 69 74 75
Coulomb's rule (fracture) 37
Coulomb's theory of fracture 37
Couple 3 4
Cracks, action of 113
Cracks, in crystals 106
Critical stress in crystals 123
Critical velocity 297
Crushing limit 19
Crystal 82
Crystal form 108 109
Crystal hardening 124—127
Crystal nuclei 115
Crystal optics 85
Crystal surfaces 104 108
Crystal surfaces, solution at 109 113
Crystal type 106
Crystal type, problem of 106
Crystal, basic group in 85
Crystal, cohesion in 88
Crystal, critical stress in 123
Crystal, double 139
Crystal, ideal 106
Crystal, natural state of 88
Crystal, real 106 109 112 113
Crystal, real, Smekal on 113 114
Crystal, twinning in 33 134
Crystal, weak places in 113
Crystalline and amorphous 82
Crystalline form 108
Crystals, brittle 118 123
Crystals, hardening in 118 124 125 132 133 135
Crystals, polar and non-polar 83
Crystals, polar, lattice theory of 85
Crystals, production of 114—117
| Crystals, production of, from fused material 115
Crystals, rupture strength of 88 105 114
Crystals, single 82 83 92
Crystals, single, production by recrystallization 116
Curie theory of crystal form 108 109
Current meter 361
Curve load-deformation 29
de Laval's steam nozzle 260
Debye term in lattice energy 97
Debye, on thermal conductivity 110
Deformation, homogeneous (lattice) 86 92
Deformation-slip 72
Deformations 4
density 171
Diffusion, in solids 112
Dilatation 7
Dilatation, cubical 22 24
Dipole, induced 84 104
Discontinuity, layer of 233
Discontinuity, surface of 225 227 246
Displacements, strains in terms of 24—27
distortions 4
Draft-tube of turbine 350
Drag coefficient 320 330 331
Drag coefficient, induced 328
Drag coefficient, profile 330
Drag on an aerofoil 320
Drawn texture 140 141
Ductility 17
Duralumin, under test 36
Eddy see “Vortex”
Efficiency 80
Efficiency of propeller 335
Efficiency of pump 352
Efficiency of turbine 350
Efficiency of water wheel 346 347
Efficiency, hydraulic 335
Efflux from a vessel 216 218 223 302
Eiffel's experiments on resistance 307 315 322
Einstein term in lattice energy 97
Elam, on crystals 116 122 128 129
Elastic coefficients 100
Elastic constants 44 45
Elastic constants, table of 45
Elastic limit 16
Elastic limit (repeated loading) 32
Elastic problem, plane 28
Elastic spectrum 104
Elasticity, applications of theory 2
Elasticity, coefficients of 89 90 104
Elasticity, definition of 16 20 21
Elasticity, modulus of 21
Elasticity, statistical theory 86
Elasticity, theory of, in crystals 86
Energy function, strain 104
Energy, free, of lattice 100
Energy, lattice 97 101 104 107
Energy, strain 44 46 47
Equation of continuity 211
Equations for stress and strain 24 26
Equilibrium of floating bodies 186
Equilibrium of heavy gas 174
Equilibrium of heavy liquid 171
Equilibrium of liquid in field of force 199
Equilibrium, equations of (elasticity) 27
Equipotential surfaces 200
Euler's hydrodynamical equations 215
Euler's method of representing fluid motion 207
Euler's theory of buckling 63 64
Euler's turbine theorem 253 348
Expansion, thermal 98 99 100
Expansion, thermal, cause of 98
Extension 5
Extension, in glide 118 120 131
Extension, voluminal 7
Extensions, component 24
Factor of safety 44
Fan, centrifugal 351
Fatigue, elastic 29
Fatigue, fracture 37
Faulting, in rocks 20
Flexural rigidity 52
Flexural vibrations 60
Flexure 3 4
Flexure of beams 51
Flexure of plates 55
Floating of heavy bodies in air 250
Flow about a non-rotating cylinder 284
Flow about a rotating cylinder 241 287
Flow about a sphere 238
Flow about an obstacle 219
Flow against a fixed plane 236
Flow against a plate 312
Flow along a plate 276 282
Flow between two parallel plates 290
Flow figures 33 35
Flow liability models 125
Flow over a weir 267 305
Flow past a hollow 228
Flow past a row of blades 251
Flow through channels of varying cross-section 302
Flow through contracted pipe 303 304
Flow through narrow tubes 270 281
Flow through sand 289
Flow through straight pipes and watercourses of constant cross-section 297
Flow through suddenly enlarged pipe 250 303
Flow through widening nozzle 262
Flow with appreciable volume changes 256
Flow “creeping” 275 289
Flow, in metals 16 17 19
Flow, in rocks 20
Flow, laminar 270 277
Flow, lines of see “Stream-lines”
Flow, secondary 286
Flow, sinuous 277 279
Flow, streamline 270 277
Flow, turbulent 277 279
Flow, two-dimensional 238
Fluid lines and surfaces 230
Fluid, frictionless 212
Fluid, ideal 212
Force, repulsive, between ions 101
Forces, atomic 100 101
Forces, inertial 4
Fracture, by severance 35 36
Fracture, by shear 35 36 37
Fracture, Coulomb's theory of 37
Fracture, fatigue 30 31 37
Fracture, in crystals 118 121 123
Fracture, Mohr's theory of 38—40
Fracture, Navier's theory of 37
Fracture, theory of 22 35 36—40
Fracture, types of 37
Francis turbine 350
Frenkel, file model for glide 136
Frequencies, proper 94
Frequency, standardization 87 95
Friction 67
Friction and speed 74
Friction in fluid see “Viscosity”
Friction wheels 79
Friction, angle of 68
Friction, applications of 76
Friction, belt 77
Friction, boring 72 75
Friction, coefficient of 68
Friction, coefficients (table) 74
Friction, Coulomb's law of 69
Friction, fluid 72
Friction, internal 30
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