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Jones R.M. — Mechanics of composite materials
Jones R.M. — Mechanics of composite materials

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Название: Mechanics of composite materials

Автор: Jones R.M.


This book balances introduction to the basic concepts of the mechanical behavior of composite materials and laminated composite structures. It covers topics from micromechanics and macromechanics to lamination theory and plate bending, buckling, and vibration, clarifying the physical significance of composite materials. In addition to the materials covered in the first edition, this book includes more theory-experiment comparisons and updated information on the design of composite materials.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Механика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second edition

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 519

Добавлена в каталог: 19.10.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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Adams, D.F.      146 152 156 254 362
Adelman, H.M.      117
Almroth, B.O.      284 506
Alva, F.      48
Ambartsumyan, S.A.      91 350 355 361
Analysis      372—373 376
Analysis in design      381
Angle-piy laminate      216—217
Angle-piy laminate, antisymmetric      216—217 222 233 298—301 312—315 320—322
Angle-piy laminate, bending      291—295 298—301
Angle-piy laminate, buckling      306—307 312—315 328
Angle-piy laminate, interlaminar stresses      260—275
Angle-piy laminate, stiffnesses      232—237
Angle-piy laminate, strength      255—258
Angle-piy laminate, symmetric      212—213 233 291—295 306—307 317—318
Angle-piy laminate, vibration      317—318 320—322
Anisotropic lamina      77—79
Anisotropic material      see also “Anisotropy”
Anisotropic material, anisotropic behavior      14 80
Anisotropic material, definition of      12
Anisotropic material, engineering constants      78—79
Anisotropic material, invariant properties of      85—87
Anisotropic material, plane stress state      70
Anisotropic material, strain-stress relations      60 79
Anisotropic material, stress-strain relations      56 79
Anisotropy      336—337 343 454—456
Antisymmetric laminate      214—222
Antisymmetric laminate, angle-ply      216—217 222 233 298—301 312—315 320—322
Antisymmetric laminate, bending      295—301
Antisymmetric laminate, buckling      307—315
Antisymmetric laminate, cross-ply      215—216 226 295—298 307—312 318—320
Antisymmetric laminate, vibration      318—322
Applications of composite materials, automotive      50—52
Applications of composite materials, civil aircraft      47—50
Applications of composite materials, commercial      52
Applications of composite materials, military aircraft      38—46
Applications of composite materials, space      50
Ashton, J.E.      199 289 292—295 306—307 328—329 350 355 360 364 435 454 456 485 489—494
Asymmetric laminate      see “Unsymmetric laminate”
Axiai strength      88 91 93 101
Axial stiffness      91—95 101 127—128 149
Baker, D.J.      272
Batdorf shell curve parameter      361
Beam boundary conditions      496—498
Beam equilibrium equations      495—498
Beer, R.      350
Bend-twist coupling      198—199 211—215 233 235 278—279 290—295 306—307 317—318 323 327—328 439 454—455
Bending of laminated plates      277—278 282—285 289—301 323 360
Bending of laminated plates, antisymmetric angle-piy laminates      298—301
Bending of laminated plates, antisymmetric cross-ply laminates      295—298
Bending of laminated plates, boundary conditions      283—285
Bending of laminated plates, cylindrical bending      346—350
Bending of laminated plates, equilibrium equations      282—285
Bending of laminated plates, solution techniques      288—289
Bending of laminated plates, specially orthotropic laminates      290—291
Bending of laminated plates, symmetric angle-ply laminates      291—295
Bending of laminated plates, unsymmetric cross-ply laminates      324—325
Bending-extension coupling      7 198—199 206 214—222 227—228 277—279 290 295—301 307—315 317—327 355 361 408 439 454 456—457
Benign failure      382
Berg, K.R.      419
bernoulli      374 399
Bert, C.W.      91
Betti’s law      66
Biaxial strength criteria, for a lamina      102—118
Biaxial strength criteria, Hoffman failure criterion      105 112—114 422
Biaxial strength criteria, maximum strain failure criterion      105 107—109
Biaxial strength criteria, maximum stress failure criterion      105 106—107
Biaxial strength criteria, Tsai — Hill failure criterion      105 109—112 115—116 241 246 249—250 256—258
Biaxial strength criteria, Tsai — Wu tensor failure criterion      105 114—118
Bifurcation      302
Bimetallic strip      6—7 202
Bimetals      6—7
Boeing      777 849
Boeing AV-8B Harrier      44—45
Boeing F-18      43—44
Boron fibers      4
Boron-aluminum      392 458
Boron-epoxy      17 19 21—22 30 67 69 81—82 91 100—101 113—118 147 152—155 182 221 298 304 306 311—312 316 334 336—337 359 380 392 421 457 485 489—491
Boundary conditions, beam      496—498
Boundary conditions, plate      283—285 287—288 501—503
Boundary layer effect      267
Broutman, L.J.      363
Browning, C.E.      246 360
Brozovic, G.      48
Brush, D.O.      506
Buckiing of laminated plates      277—278 285—288 301—315 323—329
Buckiing of laminated plates, antisymmetric angle-ply laminates      312—315
Buckiing of laminated plates, antisymmetric cross-ply laminates      307—312
Buckiing of laminated plates, boundary conditions      287—288
Buckiing of laminated plates, governing equations      285—288
Buckiing of laminated plates, initial imperfections      303
Buckiing of laminated plates, solution techniques      288—289
Buckiing of laminated plates, specially orthotropic laminates      303—305
Buckiing of laminated plates, symmetric angle-ply laminates      306—307
Buckiing of laminated plates, unsymmetric cross-ply laminates      326—327
Buckling      277 285—288 301—315 323 357 360—361 374 381—382 398 427
bulk modulus      67
Carbon fibers      4
Carbon matrix materials      23 392
Carbon-carbon      362
Card, M.F.      221 406 408
Carll, B.      48
Catastrophic failure      382
Ceramic matrix materials      23 392
Chamis, C.C.      120 137 147 158 306 345
Chen, E.P.      345
Cheng, S.      361
Chentsov coefficients      80 84
Cheron, T.      363—364
Chou, P.C.      89 362
Chou, T.W.      245—246
Clad metals      7
Classical lamination theory      190—203 260—264 267 271—272 274 337 346—348 350—352 354 356
Classical lamination theory, bending-extension coupling      198—199
Classical lamination theory, cylindrical bending      346—350
Classical lamination theory, laminate forces and moments      195—199
Classical lamination theory, middle-surface curvatures      194
Classical lamination theory, middle-surface strains      194
Classical lamination theory, strain and stress variation      191—195
Cocuring      25
Coefficients of moisture diffusion      245
Coefficients of moisture expansion      245
Coefficients of mutual influence      79 84
Coefficients of thermal expansion      242 245
Cole, B.W.      113—114 116—117
Compliance matrix      see “Compliances”
Compliances, elastic constants      58
Compliances, for anisotropic material      79
Compliances, for orthotropic material      64—66
Compliances, in stress-strain relations      58 118
Compliances, mnemonic notation      58
Compliances, relation to stiffnesses for orthotropic materials      66
Compliances, restrictions on      68
Compliances, symmetry of      58
Composite materials, advantages of      2
Composite materials, characteristics of      2—11
Composite materials, classification of      2—11
Composite materials, definition of      2
Composite materials, history of      2
Composite materials, manufacturing of      18—26
Composite materials, mechanical behavior of      11—14
Composite materials, tailoring of      12 18
Composite structures cost      368—369 375 412 425
Composite structures weight      375 377 425 427
Concentric cylinder model      144 147
Concentric spheres model      143
Configuration selection      369 376 400—417
Constitutive relations      see “Strain-stress relations” “Stress-strain
Contiguity      147—151
Contiguity factor      149—151 160—163
Contiguity factor, degree of      147
Contracted notation      56 475
Contracted notation, strains      56 475
Contracted notation, stresses      56 115 475
Corten, H.T.      120 345 363
Cost      31—36 47—48 411 424 463—464 “Life-cycle
Coupling      7 211 215
Coupling, bend-twist      198—199 211—215 233 235 278—279 290—295 306—307 317—318 323 327—328 439 454—455
Coupling, bending-extension      7 198—199 206 214—222 227—228 277—279 290 295—301 307—315 317—327 355 361 408 439 454 456—457
Coupling, shear-extension      14 59 77 81 91 97 205 211—213 230 235—237 258 269 273 277—278 291 306 317 348 439 454—455
Coupling, shear-shear      80
Coupling, stiffnesses      198 277
Coupling, thermal      252—253 258
Crack propagation      334 339—345
Cracks      333—334 339—345 359
Cramer’s Rule      472
Crocker, J.F.      47
Cross-beam test      99—100
Cross-ply laminate      188 206 210 213 215—216 224—232 354
Cross-ply laminate, antisymmetric      215—216 226 295—298 307—312 318—320
Cross-ply laminate, bending      290—291 295—298 324—326
Cross-ply laminate, buckling      303—305 307—312 326—327
Cross-ply laminate, interlaminar stresses      271 273
Cross-ply laminate, stiffnesses      224—232
Cross-ply laminate, strength      246—255
Cross-ply laminate, symmetric      210—211 225 354
Cross-ply laminate, unsymmetric      323—327
Cross-ply laminate, vibration      315—320 327—328
Cross-ply ratio      224
Cruse, T.A.      345
Curing      23—26
Cylindrical bending      346—350
Damage, fatigue      333—336
Damage, growth      333—336
Damage, mechanics      333
Daniel, I.M.      269—270
Davies, G.J.      165 167
Davis, J.G.      364
de Malherbe, M.C.      152 156
Debonding      261 (see also “Delamination”)
Deflection      382
Deflection of plates      see “Bending of laminated plates”
delamination      260 271—272 333
Delamination-suppression, concepts      274—275
Design      373 431
Design drivers      372 378 382 385—386 390 463
design elements      376—380
Design failure criteria      370 422—425
Design load definitions      424—425
Design load definitions, design load limit      424
Design load definitions, design ultimate load      424
Design load definitions, ultimate load      424
Design modification      see “Design reconfiguration”
Design objectives      372 385 448
Design parameters      see “Design variables”
Design philosophy      371 374
Design requirements      370 373 380—381 384 389 422—425 427
Design space      377
Design variables      370—371 373 377—378 383 426
Design, buckling-critical      399
Design, constraints      434
Design, cost-effective      398
Design, isotropic plate      431
Design, laminate      431—440 446—453 461—462
Design, least-weight      398
Design, merit function      434
Design, simplified design space      439
Design, stiffness-critical      399
Design, strength-critical      399
Design, testing during      388 389
Design-analysis      386
Design-analysis iterations      384—385
Design-analysis philosophy      453—463
Design-analysis stages      386—389
Design-analysis, final      387—389
Design-analysis, intermediate      387—388
Design-analysis, iterations      384—385
Design-analysis, philosophy      453—463
Design-analysis, preliminary      387—388
Design-analysis, stages      386—389
Detailed design      388
Deterministic      373—374 381 432 434
Dickerson, E.O.      69
Dietz, A.G.H.      3
Diffusion coefficient      245
DiMartino, B.      69
Dispersion-stiffened composite material      135 137—143 158—159
Doner, D.R.      152 156 254
Dong, S.B.      191 361
Dow, N.F.      169—172 177 181—182
Duke, J.C.      333
Eccentrically stiffened plates and shells      221 (see also “Coupling”)
Eisenmann, J.R.      335 345
Ekvall, J.C.      47 135
Elastic constants      see also “Compliances” “Engineering “Stiffnesses”
Elastic constants, definition      118
Elastic constants, restrictions on      67
Elasticity      264—268 340—341 343 346—348 350 353—354
Elasticity approach to micromechanics      122 126 137—163
Elasticity approach to micromechanics, bounding techniques      137—144
Elasticity approach to micromechanics, contiguity      147—151
Elasticity approach to micromechanics, discrete element approaches      125 137 145
Elasticity approach to micromechanics, exact solutions      137 145—147
Elasticity approach to micromechanics, Halpin — Tsai equations      151—158
Elasticity approach to micromechanics, microstructure theories      137 158
Elasticity approach to micromechanics, self-consistent models      137 147
Elasticity approach to micromechanics, statistical approaches      137
Elasticity approach to micromechanics, variational techniques      137
Electrical conductivity      359
Energy      424
Engineering constants      63—64 118 191
Engineering constants, apparent for orthotropic lamina      80
Engineering constants, restrictions on      67
Environmental effects      359—361
epoxy      5 393—394
Eudaily, R.R.      47—48
Euler      374 399
Ewing, M.S.      329
Expansional strains      242—246 360
Extrema of material properties      81—85 118
Factor of safety      382—383 448
Failure      370
Failure analysis      382—383
Failure criteria      370
Failure criteria, for a lamina      102—118
Failure criteria, for a laminate      237—260
Failure criteria, Hoffman criterion      105 112—114 422
Failure criteria, maximum strain criterion      105 107—109 112 435 453
Failure criteria, maximum stress criterion      105—107 112
Failure criteria, Tsai — Hill criterion      105 109—112 115—116 241 246 249—250 256—258
Failure criteria, Tsai — Wu criterion      105 114—118
Failure envelopes      102—105
Failure, benign      382
Failure, catastrophic      382
failure, modes      381
Fatigue      2 7 272 333—336 339 370 398 440
Fatigue life      390
Fatigue strength      272 333—336 339
Fern, P.      363
Fiber buckling      171—183
Fiber buckling, extensional mode      171—178 180—183
Fiber buckling, shear mode      171—174 179—183
Fiber buckling, transverse mode      171—178 180—183
Fiber misalignment factor      149 160
Fiber selection factors      391
Fiber-matrix interface      339 360
Fiber-reinforced laminated composite materials, advantages of      11
Fiber-reinforced laminated composite materials, applications of      37—52
Fiber-reinforced laminated composite materials, constituents of      15—18
Fiber-reinforced laminated composite materials, curing of      23—26
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