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Jones R.M. — Mechanics of composite materials |
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Maxima and minima of functions of a single variable 479—483
Maximum strain failure criterion 105 107—109 112 435 453
Maximum stress failure criterion 105—107 112
McCullers, L.A. 435
Measurement of stiffness, cross-beam test 99—100
Measurement of stiffness, for a lamina 91—102
Measurement of stiffness, rail shear test 100
Measurement of stiffness, torsion-tube test 99
Measurement of stiffness, uniaxial tension test 93—98
Measurement of strength, cross-beam test 99—100
Measurement of strength, for a lamina 91—102
Measurement of strength, rail shear test 100
Measurement of strength, torsion-tube test 99
Measurement of strength, uniaxial tension test 93—98
Mechanical behavior of composite materials 11—14
Mechanical properties 100—101
Mechanics of materials approach to micromechanics, of stiffness 123 126—137 158—164
Mechanics of materials approach to micromechanics, of strength 126 163—183
Mechanistic relationships 371 374 376 386
Merit function 377—378 427 434
Metal matrix materials 23 392
Microcrack see “Cracks”
Micromechanics 393 454 457—458
Micromechanics, definition of 12 122
Micromechanics, elasticity approach 122 137—163
Micromechanics, mechanics of materials approach 122 126—136
Micromechanics, of stiffness 123
Micromechanics, of strength 123
Micromechanics, representative volume element 124
Micromechanics, restrictions on theory 123
Micromechanics, strain assumptions 126
Mindlin, R.D. 350
Minimum complementary energy 138
Minimum potential energy 140 479
Modes of failure 381
Moire technique 269
Moisture 359—360
Moisture absorption 245—246 360
Molding 20—23
Monoclinic material 59
Monoclinic material, plane stress state 70
Monoclinic material, strain-stress relations 61
Monoclinic material, stress-strain relations 59
Morgan, H.S. 99 314 322—324 361—362 457
Mosesian, B. 47—48
Motifs circle 477
Muskhelishvili, N.I. 145
Nanyaro, A.P. 118
Narayanaswami, R. 117
Narrow optimum design 378
NASTRAN 388—389
Netting analysis 137 253
Newton’s method 430
Nishimatsu, C. 158
Nodal line 302
Nomex 413
nondeterministic 374 433—434
Nonlinear behavior 458
Nonlinear stress-strain behavior 362
Nonsymmetric laminate see “Unsymmetric laminate”
Norris, C.H. 355
Northrop Grumman B—2 45—46
Noton, B.R. 365 412
Olsen, F.O. 435
Open- versus closed-section stiffeners 405—407
OPLAM 435 439
Optimization 370—371 376—377 385 425—454
Optimization, artificial constraint 437
Optimization, brute-force search 428—429 433 435
Optimization, constraints 427 434
Optimization, fundamentals of 426
Optimization, laminate 431
Optimization, mathematical 370 428—430
Optimization, merit function 427 434
Optimization, nonlinear 429
Optimization, strength 435
Optimization, structural 426
Optimization, Tsai’s laminate ranking procedure 433
Orthogrid 410—411
Orthotropic lamina 70—73 (see also “Generally orthotropic lamina” “Specially
Orthotropic lamina, definition of 70—73
Orthotropic lamina, invariant properties of 85—87
Orthotropic lamina, stiffness in arbitrary coordinates 74—84
Orthotropic lamina, strength 88—118
Orthotropic material 59
Orthotropic material, compliances for 64
Orthotropic material, definition of 11
Orthotropic material, engineering constants of 63
Orthotropic material, invariant properties of 85—87
Orthotropic material, orthotropic behavior 12—13
Orthotropic material, plane stress state 70
Orthotropic material, strain-stress relations 61
Orthotropic material, stress-strain relations 59
Orthotropic modulus ratio 298 300 311—312 314 320 322 328
Orthotropy 191 200 264 282 336—337 343—344 346 348 350 455
Overdesign 383 384 404 447
O’Brien, R. 48
Padding up 409
Pagano, N.J. 85 87 89 97—99 119—120 261 264 266 268—273 346—347 348—350 353 355 363 365 440—443 446—447 460—461 466
Particulate composite materials 158—159
Particulate composite materials, definition of 2 8
Particulate composite materials, types of 8—10
Particulate reinforcement 2 8—10 136 158—159 163
Paul, B. 137 143 158—159 163
Perrone, N. 364 466
Petit, P.H. 199 485 489—494
Philips, L N. 365
Piate aspect ratio 279
Pinckney, R.L 334
Pipes, R.B. 99 113—114 116—117 245—246 261 264 266 268—273 460
Pister, K.S. 145 191 361
Plane stress 70
Plastic deformations 340 362
Plastic-based laminates 8
Plate boundary conditions 501—503
Plate buckling equations 505—506
Plate equilibrium equations 498—505
Plate vibration equations 506
Plates, laminated see “Laminated plates”
Ply drops 409
Plywood 2
Poisson’s ratios 13 63—67 84 101
Poisson’s ratios, apparent 140—143
Poisson’s ratios, apparent for a lamina 132—133 142—143 148
Poisson’s ratios, definition of 64
Poisson’s ratios, effect on transverse modulus 131
Poisson’s ratios, restrictions on 67—70
Polymer matrix materials 392
Polymers, branched 5
Polymers, cross-linked 5
Polymers, linear 5
Post, D. 269
Postcuring shapes of laminates 356—359
potential energy 357
Preliminary design-analysis 387—388
Principal material coordinates, definition of 59
Principal material coordinates, shear strength in 89
Principal material directions 59 (see also “Principal material coordinates”)
Principal material directions, definition of 59
Principal material directions, determination of 67
Principal material directions, nonalignment with coordinate directions 74
Principle of minimum complementary energy 138
Principle of minimum potential energy 140 479
Principle of stationary potential energy 292 479
Pultrusion 22—23
Quasi-isotropic laminate 219—220 435 445
Radiation 361
Rail shear test 100
Rayleigh — Ritz method 289 292—294 306 318 328
RC7 435
| Reciprocal relations 65 68 72 80 95
Reciprocal relations, generalized Betti’s law 66
Reddy, J.N. 91 277
Reduced bending stiffness, approximation 328—329 456
Reduced stiffnesses 71 77 191
Reed, D.L. 335
Regular antisymmetric angle-ply laminate 217 232
Regular antisymmetric cross-ply laminate 216
Regular laminate 210—212 216—217 219
Regular symmetric angle-ply laminate 212 232
Regular symmetric cross-ply laminate 210
Reifsnider, K.L. 333
Reissner variational theorem 355
Reissner, E. 191 350 355 419
Representative volume element 124—134 145—146 168 172
Representative volume element, definition of 124
Resin-transfer molding 20—21
Reuter matrix 75—76 78
Reuter, R.C. 75
Riley, M.B. 147
Roll-forming 22
Rosen, B.W. 4 143—144 147 163 168—172 177 181—182
Rule of mixtures 127 132 135 138 144 149 151 156 159
Rutan Voyager 48
Saint-Venant, Barre de, end effects 97
Saint-Venant, Barre de, semi-inverse method 145
Salkind, M.J. 333 335 362
Savin, G.N. 336
Schapery, R.A. 362
Schmit, L.A. 431 447
Schuerch, H. 182—183
Schwartz, H.S. 120
Schwartz, M.M. 394
Schwartz, R.T. 120
Schwartzkopf, P. 158
Self-consistent model 137 147 151
Semi-inverse method 145
Sendeckyj, G.P. 118 137 147 158
Sensitivity studies 371 378
Separation of variables 289 291
Serafini, T.T. 345
Shear deformation theory 350—355
Shear moduli 13 63—64 99—101 133—134 149 151—152
Shear stiffness 88 91 96—101 115 133—134 149
Shear strength 88 91 96—101 115
Shear-extension coupling 14 59 77 81 91 97 205 211—213 230 235—237 258 269 273 277—278 291 306 317 348 439 454—455
Shear-shear coupling 80
Sheet molding compound 22
Shells, laminated 361
Shen, C.H. 245
Shockey, D. 99
Shtrikman, S. 143 159
Sierakowskl, R.L 277
Signorelli, R.A. 365
Sih, G.C. 345
Sims, D.F. 362
Skew plates 293—307
Softening strip concept 338—339
Solution techniques 288—289
Solution techniques, complex variable mapping 145
Solution techniques, finite differences 145 266—267 289
Solution techniques, finite elements 125 145 289
Solution techniques, Galerkin method 289
Solution techniques, Rayleigh — Ritz method 289
Solution techniques, semi-inverse method 145
Solution techniques, separation of variables 289
Space effects 361
Specially orthotropic lamina 76 78
Specially orthotropic laminate 214 278—279 290—291 303—305 315—317
Specific stiffness 3—4 27—31
Specific strength 3—4 27—31
Springer, G.S. 245 276 360
Stacking sequence 219 240 272
Stansbarger, D.L. 100
Stationary potential energy 292 479
Stavsky, Y. 191 355
Stiffened structures 400 414
Stiffened structures, advantages of composite materials 401
Stiffened structures, honeycomb core 414—415 421
Stiffened structures, isogrid 411
Stiffened structures, metal versus composite 402
Stiffened structures, optimization 402
Stiffened structures, orthogrid 410—411
Stiffened structures, sandwich core 414
Stiffened structures, shells 361
Stiffener design 407—410
Stiffeners 379 400
Stiffeners, design 407—410
Stiffeners, design parameters 407
Stiffeners, eccentricity 408
Stiffeners, embedded stiffening strap 404
Stiffeners, hat 405—406
Stiffeners, manufacturing 403
Stiffeners, open- versus closed-section 405
Stiffeners, optimum design 404
Stiffeners, sandwich-blade 405—406
Stiffeners, types 403
Stiffening strip concept 338—339
Stiffness 2 26—31 381 390 398 423
Stiffness in fiber direction 88
Stiffness ratio 225 (see also “Orthotropic modulus ratio”)
Stiffness tensor 91 102
Stiffness transverse to fiber direction 88
Stiffness-sensitive structures 386
Stiffnesses see also “Coupling”
Stiffnesses, bending 198—199
Stiffnesses, bending-extension 198
Stiffnesses, comparison of measured and predicted 222—237
Stiffnesses, definition of 56
Stiffnesses, elastic constants 58
Stiffnesses, extensional 198—199
Stiffnesses, for bending-extension coupling 199
Stiffnesses, in fiber direction 88 91 93—95
Stiffnesses, inversion of 222—224
Stiffnesses, laminate 198—237
Stiffnesses, measurement of 91—102 229—232 235—236
Stiffnesses, mnemonic notation for 58
Stiffnesses, of anisotropic layer 205—206
Stiffnesses, of generally orthotropic layer 205
Stiffnesses, of Isotropic layer 203—204
Stiffnesses, of specially orthotropic layer 204—205
Stiffnesses, reduced 191
Stiffnesses, relation to compliances for orthotropic materials 66
Stiffnesses, restrictions on 68
Stiffnesses, shear 88 91 96—101 115
Stiffnesses, special cases for 203—222
Stiffnesses, symmetry of 58
Stiffnesses, transformation of 77 85
Stiffnesses, transformed reduced 191
Stiffnesses, transverse to fiber direction 88 91 95—96
Stiffnesses, unequal in tension and compression 89—91
Stinchcomb, W.W. 333
Strain distribution 281
Strain energy 138—141 340—341 345
Strain-displacement relations 56 193 265
Strain-energy-release rate 340—342
Strain-stress relations, anisotropic 60
Strain-stress relations, isotropic 62
Strain-stress relations, monoclinic 61
Strain-stress relations, orthotropic 61
Strain-stress relations, plane stress (orthotropic) 71
Strain-stress relations, transversely isotropic 61
Strains, engineering shear strain 56—57 75
Strains, expanstonal 242—246
Strains, linear strain-displacement relations 56
Strains, principal 88
Strains, tensor shear strain 56—57 75
Strains, transformation of 74
Strains, volumetric strain 67
Street, K.N. 365
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