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Mayer J.E., Goeppert Mayer M. — Statistical mechanics |
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Alkali atom 142
Ammonia molecule 199
Andrews, D.H. 184
Antisymmetric eigenfunctions 64 65 123 175—176 196 363 374
Argon, boiling point 122
Argon, heat conductivity 27
Argon, viscosity 27
atom 52
Atomic spectral terms 140—141
Barnes, R.B. 256
Benzene molecule 185
Beth, Erich 122 415
Bethe, H. 395
Binomial coefficient 436
Birge, R.T. 470
Black-body radiation 365—374
Black-body radiation, definition 365
Black-body radiation, distribution function 366 370
Black-body radiation, pressure 373
Black-body radiation, quantum states 368
Black-body radiation, thermodynamic functions 372—374
Blackman, M. 254
Bohr magneton 344
Boltzmann system, definition 66—67
Boltzmann system, definition, perfect gas, limit of treatment as a 120—122
Boltzmann system, definition, perfect monatomic gas treated as a 114—122
Boltzmann, L. 10ff 66 114ff 119 401ff
Born, Max 246 260 261 283 299 460
Bose — Einstein system 63—67
Bose, S.N. 63ff 111ff 229 416ff
Brillouin function 346—348
Brillouin, L. 260 346
Brown, R. 2
Brunauer, Stephen 189
Calculus, notation of 427—430
canonical ensemble 219
Carbon dioxide molecule 186
Cauchy, A.L. 459 460
Cell method for liquid partition functions 319—326
Cells as synonym for quantum states 42 53 63 110 123 201 221 363 401
cells, number of 54—55
Cells, number of translational 54—55 110 375 416
Chemical equilibrium constant 207
Chemical equilibrium in gases 203—217
Chemical estimation 215
Chemical interpretation 213
chemical potential 104—108 438—440 see
Chemical potential in a gas 126
Chemical potential in a gaseous mixture 203
Chemical potential in a reaction at equilibrium 205—207
Chemical reactions involving isotopes 210
Clausius — Mossotti formula 339
Clausius, R. 339 348 351
Cluster integrals 278—288 297—299 455—459
Coefficients of terms in the cluster integrals 455—456
Coefficients, binomial 436
Coefficients, multinomial 436
Collisions in a perfect gas 18—22
Collisions of electrons in metals 397—407
Combination of independent systems 49—53 63—67
Combinatory problems 435—438
complex numbers 43 46
Condensation from an imperfect gas 295—317
Condensation in an Einstein — Bose system 418—426
Condensation, van der Waals' 272—274
Configuration integral 229—230
Configuration integral, evaluation 277—284
Configuration space 133 215—217 231 277
Conversion table for energy units 471
coordinates 35—36
Coordinates and configuration space 229—230
Coordinates and phase space 39
Coordinates, Eulerian angles 192
Coordinates, normal of crystals 238 248
Coordinates, normal of polyatomic molecules 183
Coordinates, polar 35 37
Corrections for high temperatures in diatomic gas functions 163—166 452—453
Critical point 308—314
Critical point in a van der Waals' gas 270
Crystals 237—261
Crystals, classical treatment 240—242
Crystals, Debye function 251
Crystals, Debye treatment 249—255
Crystals, general thermodynamic functions 243—245
Crystals, normal coordinates 238 248
Crystals, one-dimensional model 246—248
Crystals, stress and strain 258—261
Curie, P. 340 350
Czerny, M. 256
Davis, Clyde, O. 166
Debye formula 251
Debye, P.P. 249 255ff
Definite integrals 430
Degeneracy 44
Degenerate gas see "Einstein — Bose gas" "Fermi
Degrees of freedom 36
Degrees of freedom, number of, in crystals 237 251
Degrees of freedom, number of, in polyatomic molecules 181
Devonshire, A.F. 261 324
diatomic molecules 61—62
Diatomic molecules, constants (table) 468—469
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of 149—177
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, classical thermodynamic functions 171
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, classical treatment 167—171
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, elements 172—178
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, high-temperature corrections 162—166
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, nuclear spin 174—178
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, oscillator contributions 157—160 444
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, oscillator contributions, tables 445—447
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, rotator contributions 151—157 448—449
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, rotator contributions, tables 450—452
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, symmetrical molecule 172—178
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, thermodynamic functions 443—453
Diatomic molecules, gas composed of, with general molecules 160—171
Diatomic molecules, quantum levels 61—62 149
Diatomic molecules, quantum levels of general molecule 160 452
dielectric constant 331—340 361
Diffusion in gases 27—30
Dipoles 327—330
Dipoles, non-rigid 335—338
Dirac, P.A.M. 63ff 111ff 229 374
Distribution of energy among atoms 110—114
Distribution of molecules with respect to clusters in space 283—284
Distribution of molecules with respect to internal states 132—134
Distribution of molecules with respect to kinetic energy 10—17 119—120
Distribution of molecules with respect to space 74—77 325—326
Distribution of molecules with respect to velocity 10—17 119—120
Distribution, black-body radiation 367 371
Distribution, concept 78—80
Distribution, example 74—77 89—90
Distribution, Gaussian 76—77
Distribution, Maxwell Boltzmann 10—17 119—120
Distribution, number of quantum states 88
Distribution, probability of a 79
Distribution, the most probable 80—81 88
Drude, P. 364
Dulong, P.L. 241 245
Dushman, Saul 393
Eckart, Carl 365
Ehrenfest, P. 172
Eigenfunctions 43—46 see "Antisymmetric
Eigenfunctions and configuration integral 231
Eigenfunctions of a mass point in field free space 46
Eigenfunctions of electrons in metals 389—390
Eigenvalues see "Quantum states"
Einstein heat capacity equation for a crystal 245
Einstein — Bose gas 63—67 111—113 416—426
Einstein — Bose gas, condensation 418
Einstein — Bose gas, integrals 419
Einstein — Bose gas, thermodynamic functions 421
| Einstein — Bose systems 63—67
Einstein, Albert 63ff 99 111ff 229 245 415 416ff
Elastic constants 259—261
Electric displacement vector 357ff
electric field 327ff
Electric field, thermodynamic functions for systems in an 356—362
Electrical conductivity of metals 399 407—409
Electron gas in metals 364 387—390 see
Energy 1 see
Energy, arbitrary zero 134—135
Energy, conversion of units (table) 471
Energy, fluctuations in a system of fixed temperature 227
Energy, kinetic 1 5 9 36 147
Energy, levels see "Quantum states"
Energy, potential 1 38 145 230—231
Energy, potential of a crystal 238
Energy, potential of a diatomic molecule 167
Energy, zero point of a crystal 240ff
Energy, zero point of a Fermi — Dirac gas 374—377
Energy, zero point of an oscillator 48 150
Entartung 44 364 see "Fermi
Enthalpy see "Heat content"
entropy 86 92—98 104—107 438—440 see
Entropy and uncertainty of energy 100—102
Entropy of isotope mixing 138—140 209—213 443
Equilibrium 81 see
Equilibrium, constant 207
Equilibrium, distribution 80—81
Equilibrium, position of atoms in crystals 237
Equilibrium, position of atoms, diatomic molecules 149
Equilibrium, position of atoms, diatomic molecules, table of 468—469
Equilibrium, position of atoms, polyatomic molecules 179—181 195—199
Equilibrium, thermodynamic criteria 104—108
Ergodic systems 56 62 83
Error function (Gaussian) 76
Ethane molecule 148 189 197
Euler — Maclaurin summation formula 152 431—432
Euler, L. 431
Eulerian angles 192
Eyring, Henry viii 323 324
Factorial 432—433
Fermi energy 375
Fermi — Dirac gas 63—67 111—114 374—414
Fermi — Dirac gas, distribution function 378 381
Fermi — Dirac gas, integrals 378—385
Fermi — Dirac gas, zero point energy 375—377
Fermi — Dirac gas, zero point pressure 377—378
Fermi — Dirac systems 63—67
Fermi, Enrico 63ff 111ff 187 229 374ff
ferromagnetism 348—352
First law of thermodynamics 86
Forces 38
Forces, thermodynamic 70—74 96—97
Fowler, R.H. 396
Franz 400 412
Free energy 105—108 438—440 see
Fuchs, K. 283 299 460
Gamma space 40 68
Gases, imperfect 262—294 see "Imperfect "Diatomic "Polyatomic etc.
Gases, mixtures 201—203
Gases, perfect 1—30 109—217
Gauss, C.F. 76
Gaussian distribution 76
Giauque, W.F. viii 166
Gibbs' phase integral 223 229 234 see
Gibbs' statistics 218ff
Gibbs, Willard J. 40 102 219ff 228
Gibson, R.O. 25
Gilbert, W.S. 98
Goudsmidt, S. 140
Guggenheim, E.A. 324
Halogen atom 142
Hamilton function 38
Hardy, G.H. 282
harmonic oscillator see "Oscillator"
Harmonic vibrations in crystals 237—240
Harrison, Sally F. 299 306 313 455
heat capacity 438—440 see
Heat conductivity in gases 26—27
Heat conductivity in metals 397—399 409—411
Heat content 438—440 see
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 41—42 62 101
Heisenberg, W. 42 352
Helium 121
Helium, heat conductivity 27
Helium, liquid 414—426
Helium, viscosity 27
Helmholtz free energy 105—108 see
Herzfeld, K. viii 260
Hindered rotation 148 189 197—198
Hirshfelder, J.O. 323 470
Houston, W.V. 365
Hydrochloric acid molecule 151 469
hydrogen molecule 122 151 157 166 177—178 468
Identical particles 63—67
imaginary numbers 43
Imperfect gases 262—294
Imperfect gases, condensation 295—317
Imperfect gases, critical point 308—314
Imperfect gases, general theory 277—294
Imperfect gases, potential energy 277
Imperfect gases, thermodynamic functions 291—293
Imperfect gases, van der WaaLs' equation 262—276
Inhibitions 81—85
Iodine molecule 151 157 166 469
Irreducible integrals 285ff
Irreducible integrals, temperature dependence 305—308
Isotope mixing 138—140 209—213
Johnston, Herrick L. 166
Jordan, P. 57
Joule, J.P. 2
Kahn, B. 281 283 419
Kettering, C.F. 184
Kincaid, J.F. 324
kinetic energy 1 36—38
Kirchhoff's law 367
Kirchhoff, G. 367
Kirkwood, J.G. viii 325
Lakde, A. 343ff
Lande g-factor 343—345
Langevin function 330
Langevin function, figure 347
Lattice see "Crystals"
Law of corresponding states 269—272
Lennard-Jones, J.E. 261 269 324
Lewis, Gilbert, N. 108
Liouville theorem 58—63
Liouville theorem in quantum mechanics 56—58
Liouville, J. 40 58ff
Liquid helium II 414—426
Liquid, cell method of treatment 319—326
Liquid, condensation to a 295—317
London, F. 365 415 418
Lord, Richard C., Jr. 188
Lorentz — Lorenz force 338
Lorentz, H.A. 339
Lorenz, L. 339
Maass, O. 314
Maclaurin, C. 431
Magnetic cooling 352—356
Magnetic fields 327ff
magnetic susceptibility 340—348
Magneton 344
Magri, L. 340
Maximum frequency of crystal oscillators 251
Maximum term in configuration integral development 283—284
Maxwell — Boltzmann collision equation 401—407
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution law 10—17 119—120
Maxwell, Clerk 10ff 119ff
Mayer, Robert 2
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