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Lekhnickii S.G. — Theory of elasticity of an anisotropic body |
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Abramyan B. L. 263 282 360 416 418
Aleksandrov K. S. 59 418
Aleurolith, elastic constants of 59
Almansi E. 328 418
Ambartsumyan S. A. 416
Andreevskaya G. D. 65 416
Angle of twist 91 270 272 294 298 310 362 364
Anisotropic elastic materials, crystalline 58
Anisotropic elastic materials, modern 585
Anisotropic elastic materials, non-crystalline 60ff
Anisotropy diagrams 56f
Anisotropy, axis of 68 71 124
Anisotropy, centre of 71f
Anisotropy, curvilinear 25 67f
Anisotropy, cylindrical 685 215ff
Anisotropy, measure of 171
Anisotropy, parameters of 191f
Anisotropy, rectilinear 255 66
Anisotropy, spherical 71
Arutyunyan N. Kh. 263 292 360 416
Ashkenazi E. K. 43 4 57 62 64f 416 418
Auerbach F. 59 418
Axially symmetric deformation of body of revolution 376 387ff 393 401 411
Axially symmetric deformation, general equations 377 383
Axially symmetric deformation, theory of 376
Axially symmetric deformation, transversely isotropic 382 390 393 398
Babloyan A. A. 383 387 389f 418
Bar, bending of 90f 96
Bar, extension of 79f 96
Bar, homogeneous 79
Bar, non-homogeneous 210
Bar, torsion of 2635
Basic variational principles 735
Batugin S. A. 60 191 418
Beam 214
Beam, on two supports 92
Bekhterev P. V. 10 27 30 381 416 419
Bending of bar 905 96
Bending of beam 925 214
Bending of cantilever 314 3235 335 344 349
Bending of curved rod 256
Bending of rectangular section 331 341
Bert C. W. 243 419
Bessel’s function 254 302 373 387 393
Bhowmick S. K. 369 419
Body of revolution 3525 376ff
Body, anisotropic 25
Body, curvilinearly 67 72
Body, cylindrically 124ff 215ff
Body, homogeneous 25
Body, isotropic 25
Body, orthotoropic 30 32 35ff
Body, rectilinearly 28 134f
Body, transtropic 38
Body, transversel 30 32 37
Bolotin V. V. 65 419
Bomstein R. 417
Bor C. J. 416
Bose S. C. 368 419
Burov A. K. 65 416
cantilever 90 314 323 328 331 335 337 344 349
Castigliano’s variational formula 77 288 335
Cavity 159 363 404
Chattarji P. P. 369 419
Chen W. T. 384 405 410 419
Chentsov’s coefficients 31
Chontsov N. G. 30f 49 419
Complex parameters 51 117
Complex potential 118 274
Composite materials 645
Concentration of stress 363
Concentration of stress, factor of 367
Continuous medium, Co-ordinates in tree-dimentional space 16
Continuous medium, differential equations for 20
Continuous medium, states of stress and strain 15
Core, stresses in 1975
Couple stresses 15
Curved rod, bending by force 260ff
Curved rod, pure bending by moments 258ff
Cutout 137
Cylinder, bending of 965 144ff
Cylinder, extension of 144ff
Cylinder, torsion of 308ff
Das S. C. 367 419
Dilatation 855
Dini — Bessel series 373
Direction curve 54
Direction surface 525
Double integrals 108
Doutsch E. 419
Dutt S. B. 364 419
Dzhanelidze G. Yu. 328 419
Elastic characteristics 27
Elastic constants 27ff 48 525 583 63f 70
Elastic constants for crystals 59
Elastic constants, reduced 49f 218
Elastic constants, variation of 525
Elastic equilibrium 74
Elastic half-plane 147 153 158
Elastic half-space 147 150 157f
Elastic potential 27f 34 39f 58 116 380
Elastic properties of rocks 595
Elastic space 159
Elastic symmetry 335 58
Elastic symmetry, plane of 34
Elasticity of crystals 58
Elliott H. A. 383 386 420
Energy method 288
Engineering constants 30 32 36 38 170
Eshelby J. D. 407 420
Faverman E. A. 12 417
Flamant’s problem 157
Flexure function 336
Flint E. E. 416
Fundamental problem of elasto-first 74 106 120 144 162
Fundamental problem, mixed 75
Fundamental problem, second 74 107 120 150 162 169
Galerkin B. G. 13
Ganov E. V. 43 49 57 62 416
Geckeler J. W. 59 420
Generalized plane strain 134f 147 215 220 234
Generalized plane stress 62 139 143 145 154 207 226 230
Glass-fibre reinforced plastics 645 1815
Goodier J. N. 399 418
Gradshtein I. S. 416
Green A. E. 416
Half-plane 147 153 158 206
Half-plane, isotropic 156
Half-plane, non-orthotropic 158
Half-plane, orthotropic 158
Half-plane, radial stress distribution in 206ff
Half-space 147 150ff 157f
Hooke’s law, generalized 245 32 38 59 635 70ff
Hu Hai-chan 3855 420
Huntington H. B. 410 420
Isobar 155 209
Khatiashvili G. M. 328 420
Khatkevich A. G. 420
Kilogram-force 58
Kintsls T. Ya 65 416
Kolchin G. B. 12 214 417
Kolosov G. V. 15
Korn G. A. 254 291 417
Korn Th. M. 254 291 417
Kosmodamianskii A. S. 179 328 417 420
| Lagrange’s variational equation 76 335
Lame’s problem 251
Landau L. D. 417
Landolt H. H. 416
Least work principle 77 288
Leibenzon L. S. 16 19 76 78f 87 276 289f 292
Lekhnitskii S. G. 150 170 179 197 205 263 292 303 310 312 315 337 344 353 360 363 391 398 417 420f
Lifshits E. M. 417
Lokshin A. Sh. 276 422
Love A. E. H. 16 33 39 58 276 359 379 382 404
Lur’e A. I. 405 412 417
Malmeister A. K. 27 32 417
Mapping 150 162 205
Matrix 406ff
Measure of anisotropy 171
Michell J. H. 328 422
Mikhlin S. G. 143 422
Minasyan R. S. 287 422
Minchev I. T. 422
Mitinskii A. N. 234 422
Mixed problem of elastostatics 75
Morozov A. S. 65 418
Mossakowska Z. 422
Mossakowski J. 158 422
Muskhelishvili N. I. 13 107 140 147 150 158 204 417
Muskhelishvili's method 150 158
Neumann F. 33 417
Neumann’s function 254
Neumann’s principle 33
Nirenburg R. K. 60 191 418
Novozhilov V. V. 16 29 217 417
Nowacki W. 387 422
Operator, differential 108 380
Papkovich P. F. 13
Plane problem 47 140 143 149 150 164 169 179
Plane problem, solution of 204ff
Plane strain 134f 139 143f 149 153 162 221 254
Plane strain, generalized 134 147 215 220 234
Plane stress 179
Plane stress, generalized 62 139 143 145 154 207 226 230
Plate with core 1935
Plate with hole 1703 1795
Plate, rectangular 2105
Plotnikov M. M. 243 258 422
Plywood, kinds of 63f
Plywood, plate 623 173f 180
Poisson’s ratio 30f
Prandtl’s analogy 292
Quartz, elastic constants of 58
Rabinovich A. L. 30f 43 54 61 79 422
Reduced strain coefficients 104 347
Relation between strain components and displacement projections 185
Rigid-body displacements 80 97
Rigidity 95 272 278 290f 298 306 309 312f 321
Rigidity, generalized 267 270 278
Rigidity, torsional 267 270 279 285 291
Rocks, elastic constants of 60
Rose A. V. 65 416
Rostovtsev N. A. 210 423
Ryzhik I. M. 416
Ryzhova T. V. 59 418
Saint — Venant’s principle 79 82 138 142 220 222 230
Saint — Venent B. 10 53 55 68 79 82 138 142 220 230 234 263 276f 288 324 327 329 331 334 412
Sarkisyan V. S. 337 418 423
Savin G. N. 143 418 423
Scale factor 53
Second-degree surface 83
Sekerzh — Zen’kovich Ya. I. 30 423
Sharmazanashvili A. Kh. 423
Shear 30 835
Small parameter method 337
Soldatov V. V. 170 421
Somigliana C. 100 423
Soos E. 243 245 423
Spherical co-ordinates 358
State of stress 15 73 264 271
Strain, coefficients 26f 250
Strain, components 18 26f
Strain, energy 76f 114
Strain, reduced 104 347
Stress distribution 795 875
Stress distribution axially symmetric 230ff
Stress distribution in bar 815 965 363
Stress distribution in cantilever 903 328ff 349
Stress distribution in cone 401ff
Stress distribution in cylinder 965 995
Stress distribution in half-space 400
Stress distribution in inclusion 1935 4043
Stress distribution in non-homogeneous bod 121ff 131ff
Stress distribution in plate, with core 1935
Stress distribution in space 159f
Stress distribution with hole 170f 179f
Stress function 105 1125 117 123 128 273 324 355
Stress(es) 165
Stress(es), components 165 26
Stress(es), normal 165
Stress(es), shearing 165
Stress(es), tensor 16f
Stress(es), transformation to new axes 215
Stress-strain relations 15
Structural symmetry 65
Subramaniam R. 369 423
Tamazh V. P. 32 417
Tensile stress concentration factor 186
Tension coefficient surface 55
Teters G. A. 32 417
Theory of axially symmetric deformation 376
Theory of bending 334f
Theory of elliptical (circular) section 2808
Theory of torsion 352
Theory, cylindrical (prismatic) 304 312f
Timoshenko S. P. 399 418
Torsion of cylinder 3725
Torsion with inclusion (cavity) 363ff
Torsion, curvilinearly anisotropic 359
Torsion, generalized 263f 267 277 357
Torsion, hollo 3085
Torsion, homogeneous 3575 375
Torsion, non-homogeneous 352ff
Torsion, of bodies of revolution 352ff
Torsion, of rectangular section 283 295 300
Torsion, problem 263ff 357 359 363 367 369
Torsion, pure (simple) 263 27ff 280 288
Torsion, solution of 288 354ff 369
Torsion, stress function in 273
Torsion, theory of 3525
Transformation of complex parameters 51f
Transformation of elastic constants 39ff
Transformation of reduced elastic constants 49f
Transformation of stress components 21ff
Twisting 91
Uniform compression 855
Uzdalev A. I. 328 424
Vasil’ev V. Z. 392 424
Virtual displacements 76
Virtual work principle 76 291
Voigt W. 27 58 69 79 110 234 263 277 310 315 418 424
Watson G. N. 374 418
Weber’s function 387
Wolf K. 398 424
Wood, elastic constants of 61f
Wood, simplified model of 61
Young’s modulus 30f 42 57
Zerna W. 416
Zhigun I. G. 65 416
Zhitkov P. N. 243 424
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