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Elliott R.J., Gibson A.F. — An Introduction to Solid State Physics and Its Applications |
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-particle luminescence 242
-rays 143
'SLUGS' 366
'SQUIDS' 366
Absorption see Optical Absorption
Acceptor 178 232 247
Acoustic amplification 306
Acoustic branch 59
Activator (luminescent) 239
Adiabatic approximation 29 190
Alfven waves 274 279
Alkali halides 7 131 143 175 189 218 KCl KI)
Alloy junctions 162 389
Alloys 187
Aluminium 81 109 291 358
Aluminium oxide see Sapphire and Ruby
Ambipolar diffusion and mobility 377
Anharmonic effects 79 82 85 252 321
Anharmonic potential 29 253
Anomalous skin effect 272
Antiferromagnetism 448 454
Archaeological dating 245
Argon 78
Atomic model 30 421
Atomic states 92 422
Avalanche devices 397
Avalanche effects 229 329 389
Azbel — Kaner resonance 282
Band structure 106
Band structure of alloys 187
Band structure of polyvalent metals 109
Band structure of semiconductors 110
Band structure of simple metals 106
Band structure of transition metals 109 446
Band structure, experimental determination from magnetic resonance data 123 274
Band structure, experimental determination from magneto-acoustic effects 314
Band structure, experimental determination from optical properties 210
Band structure, experimental determination from transport properties 333ff.
band theory 92 102
Band theory, molecular field 445
Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer (BCS)Theory 351
Barium titanate 85
Binding 11
Bipolar transport 375
Birefringence 255 281
Bismuth 280 348
Bloch — Gruneisen relation 311
Bloch's theorem 33
Bohr magneton 422
Boltzmann distribution 127 129 297
Boltzmann equation 294ff. 318
Bose — Einstein distribution 43 76 204 460
boundary conditions 34
Boundary scattering 322
Bragg scattering 22
Brewster's angle 200
Bridgeman crystal growth method 158
Brillouin zone 11 33 37 50 62 94 106
Burgers vector 150
Cadmium 315 372
Cadmium sulphide 217 232 307
Cadmium telluride 333
Caesiurn 130
Calcium carbonate 241
Calcium fluoride 239
Calcium tungstate 160 251
Capacitance, ferroelectric 87
Capacitance, PN junction 382
Carrier injection 246 267 387
Cathodo-luminescence 241
Channelling 143
Circulator 473
Coaxial cable 47
Cobalt 110 447
coercive field 465 475 477
Coherence length 350
Colour centre 142 177
Colouration 143
Conduction band 92 128 147 211
Conductivity, anisotropic 337
Conductivity, bipolar 376
Conductivity, high frequency 265
Conductivity, hot electrons 326
Conductivity, ionic 144
Conductivity, temperature dependence 290
Conductivity, tensor 335
Conductivity, thermal see Heat transport
Configuration (electronic) 169
Conservation rules 39 198 210 219 225
copper 24 107 125 291 320 339 372 373
Copper, alloys of 187 313
Covalent crystals 16
Covalent crystals, vibrational spectra 64
Critical current 346 369
Critical field 346 349 367 369
Critical phenomena 456
Critical points 44 212
Critical temperature see Transition temperature
Cross section (collisional) 133 299
Cryotron 368
Crystal doping 159
Crystal field 169 423
Crystal growth 156
Crystal structure, simple lattices 4
Cuprous oxide 26 215 262
Curie's law 433
Cyclotron resonance 119 125 136 209 282 314
Czrochalski crystal growth method 158
data storage 476
De Haas — Van Alphen effect 125 317 340
Debye temperature 79 311 321
Debye theory of specific heat 78
Debye — Hueckel screening 132
Debye — Waller factor 23
Decoration (of dislocations) 154
Deep impurity levels 180
defects 138
Defects, Frenkel 142
Defects, Schottky 139
Deformation (plastic) 154
Deformation potential 302 310
Demagnetising factor 440
Density of states 43 101 105 123 130 219
Detailed balance 75 204
Diamagnetic energy 422
diamagnetic susceptibility 430 437
dielectric constant 71 179 200 265
Diffraction 17
Diffused junctions 162
Diffusion of defects 141 162
Diffusion of electrons 376
Diffusion of ions 144
Diode characteristics 379ff.
Dipole-dipole interaction 439
Direct gap 114 219
Dislocations 139 150 305
dispersion 201
Domains, electric 331
Domains, magnetic 466 470
Domains, superconducting 348
Donor 146 178 232
Doping 156 159
Drift mobility 290
Drude theory 265
Edge dislocation 139 150
effective mass 116 130 135 265 330 436
Effective mass approximation 178
Einstein coefficients 202 228 250
Elastic constants 60
Electroluminescence 246
| Electron bolometer 328
Electron dynamics 116
Electron lattice coupling 135 352
electron pairs 352
Electron traps 243
Electron-electron interactions 130 133
Electrons, band 120
Electrons, configuration of 169
Electrons, contribution to specific heat of metals 130
Electrons, free 264
Electrons, in magnetic fields 118 272
Electrons, scattering see Scattering of electrons
Electrons, spin resonance 426 471
Electrons, superconducting 346 353
Elementary excitations 31
emission see Optical emission
energy bands 33 90 102 210 330 342
Energy gap in superconductors 352 356
Epitaxial crystal growth 161
Equivalent circuit 411
Esaki diode 393
Etching 151
exchange interaction 440
excitons 133 209 213 230
Extinction coefficient 197
F-centre 142 173ff. 189 425
Faraday effect 273 425 471
Fermi energy 43 91 104 147
Fermi energy, temperature dependence 126 129
Fermi surface 91 105 125 315 338
Fermi — Dirac distribution 42 126 129 296
Ferrimagnetism 450 464
Ferrites 450 472 477
Ferroelectrics 85
ferromagnetism 439 442 446 464 475
Field-effect transistors 403
Fluorescence 193 237
Flux exclusion 345 367
Flux jumping 369
Flux pinning 364 369
Flux quantisation 363
Forbidden gap 33 47 104 110
Forbidden transitions 207
Force constants 62
Form factor 24
Frank — Condon principle 190
Frenkel defects 142
Frenkel excitons 214
Frequency mixing 253 334 384
Gallium 357
Gallium arsenide 70 114 135 223 227 330 342 394
Gallium arsenide-phosphide alloys 188
Gallium phosphide 115 233 261
Gallium selenide 220
Generation (of electrons and holes) 375
Germanium 16 114 121 181 210ff. 221 286 303 328 337 372 379 394
Glass 2 252
Gold 81 268 291
Golden Rule 206 301
graphite 26
Gruneisen constant 80
Gunn effect 330 342 401
Gyrator 474
Hagen — Rubens relation 268
Harmonic generation 253 384
Heat switch 357
Heat transport 317
Heat transport by electrons 317
Heat transport by phonons 320
Heat transport in superconductors 356
Helicon-waves 277
Holes 117 128 146 177 181 375
Hot electrons 326
Hume — Rothery rules 187
Hydrogen bonding 17
hydrogen molecule 13
Hysteresis 465 469 475
Impedance parameters 412
Impurities and imperfections 138 145 150 161
Impurities and imperfections in metals 184
Impurities and imperfections in semiconductors 145 178 209 232 247
Impurities and imperfections, aggregates 177
Impurities and imperfections, energy states 164 235
Impurities and imperfections, lattice coupling 189
Impurity band 187
Incoherent scattering 22
Independent electron model 30 92
Indirect gap 112 220
Indium 162 359
Indium antimonide 115 135 194 219 271 282 293 303 328 334 371
Indium arsenide 115 276 285 334
Indium phosphide 333
Infrared absorption 207
Infrared detectors 88 182 196 401
Injection (of charge carriers) 246 267 387
Insulated gate transistors 405
insulators 133
Interstitials 140
ion implantation 162
Ionic binding 15
Ionic conduction 144
Ionic crystals 15
Ionic crystals, dielectric constant 70
Ionic crystals, vibrational spectra 68
Iron 446
Ising 442
Isoelectronic series 17 212
Isolator 472
Isotope effect 352
Jahn — Teller effect 190
Josephson effect 361 364
Junction see PN junction LH
Junction devices 374
Kerr effect 252
Kohn anomaly 68
Kramers — Kronig relations 201
Krypton 78
Landau levels 122 273 283 340
Laser 171 204 237
Laser, injection 246
Laser, optically pumped 250
Laser, Q-switched 252
Lattice vectors 3ff.
Lattice vibrations see Vibrations and Phonons
Lead 68 355 368
Lead sulphide 303
Lead telluride 115 271
LH junctions 396
Lifetime (of charge carriers) 375
Ligand field theory 173
Line shape 202
Lithium 131 373
Lithium fluoride 323 325
Localised modes 166 228
Localised states 164
Locking (of dislocations) 154 (see also Flux pinning)
London equation 345
Lorentzian function 41 202
Luminescence 229 237 241
Lyddane, Sachs and Teller relation 72 224
Magnesium 131
Magnetic amplifier 476
Magnetic anisotropy 449 455 462 469
Magnetic breakdown 341
Magnetic effects, band electrons 120 436 445
Magnetic effects, free electrons 118 272
Magnetic effects, metals 122
Magnetic effects, superconductors 345 348 369
Magnetic forces 438
Magnetic order 447
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