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Wilson A.H. — The Theory of Metals |
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-alloys 105 108
-alloys, Brillouin zone 107
-alloys, conductivity 106
-alloys, crystal structure 106
-alloys, diamagnetism 106 168
-alloys, solubility range 109
Adenstedt, H. 319
Alkalis, Brillouin zone 86
Alkalis, cohesion 74
Alkalis, compressibility 75
Alkalis, crystal structure 64
Alkalis, electrical conductivity 270 280
Alkalis, Hall coefficient 215
Alkalis, paramagnetism 156
Alkalis, thermal conductivity 288
Alkalis, Thomson coefficient 208
Alkalis, wave functions 65 69
Alloys, -phase 105
Alloys, -phase 107
Alloys, -phase 106
Alloys, bismuth 228
Alloys, Copper-Zinc 104ff
Alloys, failure of classical valency rules 104 108
Alloys, gold-silver 103 274
Alloys, Hume-Rothery rules 108ff 192
Alloys, magneton numbers of ferromagnetic alloys 191ff
Alloys, paramagnetism of alloys of the transition metals 158
Alloys, primary and secondary 102
Alloys, resistance 274
Alloys, silicon 125
Alloys, superlattices 110
Anderson, J.S. 122 124
Andrew, E.R. 246
Appleyard, E.T.S. 245
Ariyama, K. 214 217
Baber, W.G. 282
Bands in the energy spectrum of a onedimensional lattice 25ff 65ff see
Bardeen, J. 79 125 254
Basis of a composite lattice 57 80
Basis of a composite lattice, bismuth 63
Basis of a composite lattice, cubic structures 58 59
Basis of a composite lattice, graphite 61
Basis of a composite lattice, hexagonal close-packed structures 61
Basis of a composite lattice, selenium 62
Bender, O. 75
Berman, R. 288 289
Beryllium, Brillouin zone 90
Beryllium, crystal structure 61
Beryllium, energy levels 90
Beryllium, Lorenz number 320
Bidwell, F.C. 208
Bismuth, alloys 228 229
Bismuth, Brillouin zone 92
Bismuth, crystal structure 63
Bismuth, degeneracy temperature 169 174
Bismuth, diamagnetism 159 169 173
Bismuth, effective mass of electrons 159 169 174 229
Bismuth, free path 230 264
Bismuth, Hall coefficient 229
Bismuth, Lorenz number 290
Bismuth, magneto-resistance effect 229
Bismuth, number of free electrons 93 159 174 228 231 270
Bismuth, thermal conductivity 291 296
Blackman, M. 135 141 143.173
Bloch, F. 19 39 182 277
Body-centred cubic lattice, Brillouin zone 85
Body-centred cubic lattice, relation to simple cubic 59
Bohr, N. 3
Boltzmann equation for the distribution function 4 52 193 195 200 263 292 300
Borelins, G. 204 222
Born, M. 135 139
boundary conditions 14
Bradley, A.J. 107
Bragg reflexion, of electrons 35
Bragg reflexion, of X-rays 34
Bravais lattice 57 140
Brillouin zones 36 80ff 105ff
Brillouin zones, -phase 106
Brillouin zones, bismuth 92
Brillouin zones, cubic lattices 38 81ff
Brillouin zones, hexagonal lattices 89ff
Brillouin, L. 37 52 54
Calcium, Brillouin zone 85
Calcium, crystal structure 59
Calcium, energy levels 85
Campbell, L.L. 217
Carshaw, H.S. 163
Chambers, R.G. 218 222 231 243 248
Chapman, S. 10
Chodorow, M.I. 86
Cohesion in metals 70ff
Collision operator 5
Collision operator for elastic spheres 8
Collision operator for impurities 266ff
Collision operator for lattice vibrations 260 263 292
Compressibility of metals 75
Conduction electrons 18 19 see
Conductivity see "Electrical conductivity" "Ideal "Residual "Thermal
Conwell, E. 266
Coordination number 70 101
Copper, Brillouin zone 82
Copper, crystal structure 59
Copper, elastic constants 75
Copper, energy levels 82
Copper, specific heat 148
Correlation forces 74 77ff
Coster, D. 97
Coupling, of the lattice vibrations and the electronic motion 254ff
Coupling, of two lattice vibrations 149 296 298
Courant, R. 23
Cowling, T.G. 10
Crystal rectifiers 120
Crystal structures 57ff
Cuprous oxide 122ff
Cuprous oxide, conductivity due to excess oxygen 118 119 122
Cuprous oxide, conductivity in the pure state 112 124
Cuprous oxide, deficit semi-conductor 117 122
Cuprous oxide, free path 125
Cuprous oxide, Hall coefficient 122
Cuprous oxide, inner photoelectric effect 122
Cuprous oxide, thermoelectric effect 122 124
Current 45
Current, connexion between current and energy 46
Current, non-diagonal elements 46 47 49
Cyclical metal 14 28 81
Daunt, J.G. 149
Davis, L. 227
de Boer, J.H. 118 123 282
De Haas, W.J. 160 169 282
de Nobel, J. 319
Debye temperature, connexion with the velocity of sound 134 143
Debye temperature, list of values 143
Debye temperature, variation at low temperatures 141 280 289
Debye, P. 11 134
Degeneracy temperature 16 129 158 159 169 174 189 190 277 330 see
Degenerate gas 16 330
Dehlinger, U. 59 108
Density of states 43 104
Density of states, determines the paramagnetism and the specific heat 144 151
Density of states, effect of zone-boundaries 44
Density of states, effect on X-ray spectra 95ff
Diamagnetism, de Haas — van Alphen effect 169ff
Diamagnetism, of -alloys 106
Diamagnetism, of atomic cores 155 160
Diamagnetism, of bismuth 169
Diamagnetism, of bound electrons 175ff
Diamagnetism, of free electrons 155 160ff
Diamagnetism, variation with held strength 167
Diamagnetism, variation with held strength, and temperature 168
Diamond, Brillouin zone 87
| Diamond, crystal structure 59
Diamond, energy bands 87
Dingle, R.B. 173
Dirac, P.A.M. 12
Discontinuities in the energy spectrum 21ff 34 41 56 81 91 93 107
Drude, P. 1
Duenwald, H. 119 122
Dunlap, W.C. 129 248
Effective mass of electrons 41 43 50 84 91 93 113 146 148 152 159 169 170 174 178 217
Elastic constants 75
Electric field, motion of an electron in 49
Electrical conductivity in a magnetic field, for anisotropic conductors 225ff
Electrical conductivity in a magnetic field, for isotropic metals 215 313ff
Electrical conductivity in a magnetic field, for semi-conductors 235ff
Electrical conductivity of alloys 274
Electrical conductivity of bismuth alloys 228
Electrical conductivity of metals, at high temperatures 276
Electrical conductivity of metals, at low temperatures 277ff
Electrical conductivity of metals, at normal temperatures 269ff
Electrical conductivity of metals, classical value 2 8 10
Electrical conductivity of metals, divalent metals 214 217 270
Electrical conductivity of metals, for anisotropic media 196 320
Electrical conductivity of metals, in terms of time of relaxation 8 17 196ff
Electrical conductivity of metals, in thin films 242ff
Electrical conductivity of metals, numerical values 270 271
Electrical conductivity of metals, of transition and ferromagnetic metals 271ff 277 324 see "Residual
Electrical conductivity of semi-conductors 12 112 117 127 131 231ff 264ff
Energy bands of standard form 42 44 196 199 209ff
Energy levels, numerical calculation of 64ff 82ff
Engelhard, E. 122 125
entropy 329
Erfling, H.D. 319
Estermann, I. 248
Eucken, A. 230
Exchange forces 74 76
Exchange forces, effect on density of states 78
Exchange forces, effect on ferromagnetism 182ff
Exchange forces, effect on paramagnetism 153
Exclusion principle 12 194
f-sum rule 47
Face-centred lattice, Brillouin zone 82
Face-centred lattice, relation to simple cubic 58
Fermi energy, numerical values of 94 174 270 see
Fermi energy, of bismuth 174
Fermi energy, of free electrons 16
Fermi energy, of germanium 129
Fermi — Dirac statistics 13 326ff
Fermi — Dirac statistics, integrals connected with 13 331ff
Fermi, E. 18
ferromagnetism 154 178ff
Fletcher, G.C. 84
Floquet’s theorem 21
Floquet’s theorem, three-dimensional analogue 29
Foerster, F. 230
Foner, A. 248
Fourier series, solution of the Schroedinger equation by 34ff
Franz, R. 1
Free electrons 1 12 16 17 19
Free electrons, form open and dosed groups 19 57
Free electrons, in semi-conductors 113ff
Free electrons, number 11 124 128 158 159 171 249 270 289
Free energy 160 164 329
Free path 3 8 11 18 124 128 230 238 247 264 274 see
Fritsch, O. 121
Froehlich, H. 265
Fuchs, K. 75 243
Galvanomagnetic effects 18 208ff 224ff
Germanium 59 129ff
Germanium, magneto-resistance effects 238 248
Goens, E. 287
Gold, crystal structure 59
Gold, electrical conductivity 280
Gold, gold-silver alloys 102 274
Gold, magneto-resistance effect 318
Gold, minimum in the electrical resistance 282
Graphite, Brillouin zone 91
Graphite, crystal structure 61
Graphite, de Haas — van Alphen effect 157 169ff 231
Greene, J.B. 87
Greenwood, N.N. 122 124
Grondahl, L.O. 122
Grueneisen, E. 279 287 312 319
Gudden, B. 112 118
Hall coefficient 11 207 209 213ff 226
Hall coefficient for a semi-conductor 117ff 127 234
Hall coefficient in strong fields 213 236
Harding, J.W. 235
Haupt, O. 23
Haupt’s theorem 23
Heisenberg, W. 181
Henisch, H.K. 120 122
Herring, C. 90
Hexagonal lattice 60
Hexagonal lattice, basis 61ff
Hexagonal lattice, Brillouin zone 89ff
Hilbert, D. 23
Hill, A.C. 90
Hoare, F.E. 159
Holes in complete zones, behave like positive charges 50 145 151 198 219
Holes in complete zones, cause anomalous Hall effects 213 234
Holes in complete zones, cause anomalous Hall effects, and Thomson effects 205 232
Holes in complete zones, effect on the conductivity of semi-conductors 114ff
Houston, W.V. 93
Howarth, D.J. 70 266
Hulm, J.K. 289 296
Hume-Rothery, W. 59 64 108
Hund, F. 67 87
Hunt, K.L. 183 190
Ideal resistance 251 280 310
Impurities, effect on electrical conductivity 19 266 282
Impurities, effect on thermal conductivity 285 286ff 308
Impurities, produce electrons and holes in semi-conductors 114ff
Insulators, density of states 44
Insulators, valency electrons form a closed group 19 56
Iron, crystal structure 59 60
Iron, density of states 87
Iron, specific heat 149
Jaeger, J.C. 163
Jeans, J.H. 10
Johansson, C.H. 110
Jones, H. 48 70 90 107 108 216 225 229
Juse, W. 120
Justi, E. 230 314 318
Kapitza, P. 314
Keesom, W.H, 148
Kellerman, E.W. 141
Kimball, G.E. 87
Kingston, R.H. 94
Klaiber, F. 120
Klemens, P.G, 298
Koenigsberger, J. 12
Kohler, M. 194 201 230 300 312 313
Kohn, W. 70
Kok, J.A. 148
Kroll. W. 305
Kronig, R. de L. 26 97
Krutter, H.M. 82 85
Kurtschatow, B.W. 124
Landau, L. 169
Langevin, P. 150
Lattice constants 59ff
Lattice vibrations, classical theory 135ff 251ff
Lattice vibrations, coupling between lattice and electrons caused by volume changes 254
Lattice vibrations, coupling due to anharmonic forces 149 292
Lattice vibrations, free path 292ff
Lattice vibrations, normal coordinates 137 251
Lattice vibrations, representing travelling waves 136 253
Lattice vibrations, steady state of 296ff
Lattice vibrations, wave functions 257
Lattice, specific heat of 133ff
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