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Biederman H., Kothe G., Lazar M. — Polymer Physics |
Предметный указатель |
-Polybutadiene 80
-Camphor membrane 79
-Hydroxymcthylacrylamide 95
-Aminobenzonitrile 81
butyl cumyl peroxide 173
butyl pcrbcnzoate 175
- isomerization 6 16 36—38
-scission 178
H-NMR spectroscopy 7—11 23 29—48
1,2-Polybutadiene 162
1-Menthol membrane 79
2, 2 -Azobis (2-acetoxa propane) 177
2, 2 -Azobis (2-acetoxy butane) 177
2,5-Dimethyl-2,5-di- butyl peroxyhexane 173
2,5-Dimethyl-2,5-di- butyl peroxyhexin 173
2,5-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPM) 98
2-Acrylamide-2-methyl-1 -propanesulfonic acid (AMPS) 95
2-Methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid (AMPS) 95
3- butyl peroxy-3 (4-chlorphenyl) phthalide 176
4-Chloro butyl perbenzoate 177
4-Microstructure 96
A-V shunt 76
Ablation 70 71
Acetylacetonate 92
Acrylamide 95
Acrylonitrile 76
Ag/hard carbon 92
Alkyl macroradicals, recombination 152
Ambipolar diffusion coefficient 65
Anisotropic g-values 75
annealing 32 38 47
Anode glow 62
Antireflective-coated 80
Aston dark space 61
Athrombogenic characteristics 76
ATP release 76
Baboon 76
Band gap 93
Bentonite suspension 95
Benzylviologen (1, 1 -dibenzyl-4, 4 -bipyridinium dichloride, ) 98
Biocompatibility 75 101
Bistable switching effect 80
Branching, polyfunctional 157
Brilliant green (BG) 99
Cage reactions 167
Casing 101
Catenane linking 193
Cermet (cermic-metal) 85
Cermetfilm 90
Child — Langmuir law 66
Cold plasma 94
Collective motions 6 37
Collision cross section 63
Combustion theory, polymerization front 135
Composite films 81
Composite hard carbon 91
Conformational order 6 17 41—43
Contact angle 103
Copper acetylacetonate (CuAA) 85
Correlation times, distribution of 23 38
Couette flow, screw channel 137
Creep, resistance 186
Crosslink density 159 188
Crosslink distribution 172
Crosslinking chain scissions 162 167 168
Crosslinking coagent 179
Crosslinking efficiency 155 166 169 171 181
Crosslinking efficiency disproportionation 168
Crosslinking efficiency polyfunctional monomers 176
Crosslinking gel content 160
Crosslinking mechanical properties 183 184f
Crosslinking microvoids 188
Crosslinking radiation yield 162
Crosslinking recombination 160
Crosslinking thermal stability 187
Crosslinking, antioxidant 182
Crosslinking, blends 184
Crosslinking, degree of 158
Crosslinks, H-type 156
Crosslinks, thermoelasticity 157
Crosslinks, thermomechanical resistance 158
Crosslinks, Y-type 156
Crystallites, thickness 186
Cumyl hydroperoxide 175
Curing liquid, flow 138f
Debye length 64
Density operator formalism 15
Di- butyl peroxide 173
Di- butyl peroxy terephthalate 176
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) 71
Dicobaltooctacarbonyl 84
Dicumyl peroxide 174 190
Dicyclohexyl-18crown-6 80
Dielectric studies 23 24
Diethylselenide 93
Diethylzinc 93
Disproportionation, transition states 154
Drift mobility 64
Ekonol 85
Elastic constants 28 46
Elastic valve 79
Electric breakdown 60
Electric field orientation 28 46
Electroluminescent cells 93
Electron beam patterning 93
Electron impact dissociations 67
Electron spin echo (ESE) 14
Electron tunneling effect 80
Energy-deficient 70
Entanglements, catenane-like 157
Enzyme immobilization 96
Epitaxial films 93
ESR, continuous wave 11 21—29 38 43 46
ESRtechnique, transient 14
Etching processes 70
Ethylene/propylene copolymers 177
Ethylene/propylene elastomers 172
Even-odd effect 44
Excitation threshold 67
Extrusion, solid-state 46
Faraday dark 61 62
Fermi level 91
Ferrocene 84
Filling factor 89
films 85
Floating potential 65
Flow rate dependence 123
Flow, cylindrical tube 117
Fountain effect flow front 140 f
Fragmentation 168
Fragmentation, radical decay 155
Frank — Kamentskii Number 135
Friction coefficient 101
Front polymerization 135 f
Fumaronitrile 81
Gel point 178
Glass transition process 23 24 38 39
Glow discharge 59
Glow discharge polymerization 70
Gold (III)-ethyl-(2,4-pentane-dionato) 84
Gold clusters 88
Gold-doped fluorocarbon films 93
Hall mobility 93
Halocarbon 82
Hard carbon 81
Hard carbon films 83
Hard polymer 71
Heat balance equation, polymerizing liquid 117
Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene 96
Hexafluoroethane 76
| Hexamethyldisiloxane 73 75 78
Hollow fibers 78
Hopping 91
Humidity sensor 85
Hybrid film 81
Hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) 95
Intermolecular motions 6 17 23 36—38
Intramolecular motions 6 16
Ion plating 88 .
Ionization potential 68
Iron pentacarbonyl 84
Jump process 16
Langmuir probes 86
laser beam 93
light emitting diodes (LEDs) 93
Linking, catenane 193
Linking, physical/chemical 192
Liquid crystal polymers, classification 3 f
Liquid crystal, phases 3
Liquids, curing 111
Liquids, polymerizing 111 ff
Liquids, rheokinetic 112
Macroorder 6 17 26 27 45—48
Macroradical decay, isotactic polypropylene 169
Macroradicals, disproportionation 153
Macroradicals, migration 163
Magnetic field orientation 28 46
Manganese( )-dicyclopentadienyl 93
Maxwell — Garnet model 90
Maxwellian energy distribution 63
Mean free path 63
Meltspinning 46—48
Memory switching effects 92
Metal/organic 81
Metastablc species 68
Metastablc states 68
Methacrylic acid 95
Methathesis, cycloalkene side groups 152
Methylene blue 99
Methylviologen 92
Microcrystalline diamond films 71
Microwave discharge 71
Millipore filter 76
Mobility gradient 35 36 38 42
Molecular dissociation 67
Monomer-deficient 70
Nickeltetracarbonyl 84
Non-equilibrium 59
Non-polymer-forming 101
Non-polymer-forming gas 70
Non-thromobigenic properties 75
One-electron process 98
Optical emission spectroscopy 71
Optical lenses 80
Optical recording 93
Optical reflection 101
Order parameters, macroorder parameter 17 26 27 45—48
Order, orientational order parameter 17 24—26 43—45
Order, segmental order parameter 17 41—43
Organometallics 87
Organosiloxanes 76
Orientational distribution function 17
Orientational order 6 17 24—26 43^5
Overall motions see Intermolecular motions Oxygen enricher 78
Oxygen separation 78
Palladium-cyclopentadienyl 84
Pashen s Law 61
Penning ionization processes 68
Percolation threshold 90 91
Perfluorobenzene 77
Permeability 101
Permselective membranes 81
Peroxides, photolytic decomposition 171
Photoconductivity 81
Photocrosslinking 170 f
Photofragmentation 170f
Photoisomerization of radicals 166
Photoreduction, polyethylene 171
Photovoltaic effect 81
Phthalocyanine 85
Physical entanglements 174
Planar magnetron 73 86 92
Plasma ablation 101
Plasma etching 101 104
Plasma modification 102
Plasma or glow discharge polymerization 70
Plasma oscillation 64
Plasma polymerization 59
Plasma reduction 98
Plasma treatment 59 101
Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition 84
Plasma-induced polymerization 70
Plasma-initiated copolymerization 97
Plasma-initiated emulsion polymerization 95
Plasma-initiated graft polymerization 97
Plasma-initiated polymerization 59 94
Plasma-initiated solvo-polymerization 96
Plasma-polymerized ethylene 73
Plasma-polymerized styrene 75
Plasma-polymerized tetrafluoroethylene 76
Platelet 76
Polyalkenes crosslinking 149ff
Polyalkenes electrical/optical properties 188
Polyalkenes, crosslinked, solubility/swelling 188
Polyalkenes, functionalization 191
Polyethylene crosslinking, ionization/UV synergism 166
Polyethylene crystallinity, irradiation 164
Polyethylene, chain-end double bonds 161
Polyethylene, internal double bonds 162
Polyethylene, irradiation 161 167
Polyethylene, silylated 158
Polyfunctional monomers 156
Polymerizing liquids 111 ff
Polyolefin branching 155
Polyolefin crosslinking 149 ff
Polyolefin crosslinking, antioxidants 155
Polyolefin crystallinity, crosslinking 186
Polypropylene crosslinking, polyfunctional monomers 169
Polypropylene, disproportionation 178
Polypropylene, irradiation 167
Polypropylene, macroradicals 168
Polytetrafluoroethylene 103
Polyurethane, MMD 134
Pore size 79
Positive column 62
Post-irradiation oxidative effects 183
Post-polymerization 94
Pressure-flow rate 126
Propagation, front 135
Protective coatings 80
Pulse sequences, inversion recovery sequence 9
Pulse sequences, Jeener Broekaert sequence 9
Pulse sequences, quadrupole echo sequence 8
Pulse sequences, saturation recovery sequence 9
Pyridine film 73
Quenching 32
Reactive ion etching 71
Reactors, hydrodynamic properties in operation 118 f
Reactors, plug-flow 118 121
Reactors, screw 137
Reactors, stirred tank 118
Reactors, tubular 117 134
Rectifying behavior 81
Residence time distribution 118
Reverse osmosis 76
rf discharge 66
Rheokinetics 112f
RIM process 138
Ring flips 6 16 23 38
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