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Поиск книг, содержащих: standing waves

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Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology. An introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience
Hayek S.I. — Advanced mathematical methods in science and engineering308
Smirnov V.I. — Higher mathematics. Vol.2496
Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R. — Fluid mechanics216—218
Nayfeh A.H., Mook D.T. — Nonlinear Oscillations544, 572
Miklowitz J. — The theory of elastic waves and waveguides189
Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume III: Analysis417
Browne M.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of physics for engineering and science195
Edminister J.A. — Schaum's outline of electromagnetics224—225
Powers D.L. — Boundary Value Problems: And Partial Differential Equations220
Rockmore D. — Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers196—197,216
Walecka J.D. — Fundamentals of statistical mechanics129
Haken H. — Laser light dynamics (volume 2)2, 5, 110, 111
Planck M. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics149
Planck M. — Mechanics of Deformable Bodies: Being Volume II of "Introduction to Theoretical Physics"107
Eddington A. — Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons234, 244
Collins G.W. — Fundamentals of Stellar Astrophysics209
Konopinski E.J. — Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles199, 219, 240, 596
Zajac A. — Optics288—293
Schercliff J.A. — Vector Fields190, 202, 249, 260, 314
Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics599, 44—18, 456
Cleland A.N. — Foundations of nanomechanics17, 21
van de Hulst H.C. — Light Scattering by Small Particles75, 155, 159, 281
Heitler W. — Elementary Wave Mechanics With Applications to Quantum Chemistry17, 48
Dally W.J., Poulton J.W. — Digital Systems Engineering (part 2)99—100, 452—453
Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure638
Adair R.K. — The Great Design: Particles, Fields, and Creation165—167
Rockmore D. — Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis196—197, 216
Cowan B. — Topics In Statistical Mechanics17, 55
Betchov R. — Stability of Parallel Flows100
Courant R., Hilbert D. — Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2761
Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology: an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience60, 90, 95
Mason G.W., Griffen D.T., Merrill J. — Physical Science Concepts155-156, 159-160
Selvadurai A.P.S. — Partial Differential Equations in Mechanics 1: Fundamentals, Laplace's Equation, Diffusion Equation, Wave Equation375
Evans G.A., Blackledge J.M., Yardley P. — Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations103
Bateman H. — Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics330
Slater J.C. — Introduction To Chemical Physics226—231, 242—252
Slater J.C. — Quantum Theory of Atomic Structure vol136, 65—70
Sears F.W. — Optics209
Fogiel M. — The optics problem solver2—9, 2—10, 9-9
Garbey M., Kaper H.G. — Asymptotic Analysis and the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 130259
Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics193, 207—208, 290
Slater J.C., Frank N.H. — Mechanics149, 170—177
Arya A.P. — Introduction to Classical Mechanics628
Cramer N.F. — The Physics of Alfvén Waves71
Taylor P. — Text-to-Speech Synthesis314
Carmeli M. — Classical Fields: General Gravity and Gauge Theory199, 200
Kimball A.I. — A college textbook of physics212, 213
Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids203
Pedrotti L.M. — Introduction to Optics192—94
Riley, Hobson — Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering626
Huang N.E., Shen S.S. — The Hilbert-Huang transform and its applications293
Slater J.C., Frank N.H. — Electromagnetism142—145
HarrisR. — Nonclassical physics: beyond Newton's view156, 169, 179—180, 237
Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of mathematics. Volume III. Analysis417
Greiner W. — Relativistic quantum mechanics. Wave equations237
Synge J.L. — Relativity: The Special Theory141, 191, 358
Authier A., Lagomarsino S., Tanner B. — X-ray and neutron dynamical diffractionsee "X-ray standing waves"
Slater J., Frank N. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics149
Campbell S.A. — The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication178
Blin-Stoyle R.J. — Eureka! Physics of particles, matter and the universe28—30
Liboff R.L. — Introductory quantum mechanics144
Constanda C. (ed.), Potapenko S.S. (ed.) — Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Techniques and Applications181
Constanda C., Potapenko S. — Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Techniques and Applications181
Constanda C. (ed.), Potapenko S. (ed.) — Integral methods in science and engineering181
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