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Konopinski E.J. — Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles
Konopinski E.J. — Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles

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Íàçâàíèå: Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles

Àâòîð: Konopinski E.J.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýëåêòðîìàãíåòèçì/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1981

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 626

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 15.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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4-vector momentum      342—344
Abraham — Lorentz equation      117 440—443
Absorption coefficient      591
Absorption of radiation      570—571 see
Acceleration field      287 315
Acceleration in rotating frames      145
Acceleration, relativistic transformation of      374 437
action      see Variation principle
Addition theorem for scalar spherical harmonics      79
Addition theorem for vector spherical harmonics      262
Adiabatic approximation for magnetostatic energy      113 133
Adiabatic approximation in cavity resonator      203
Adiabatic approximation in mirror effect      137
Adiabatic approximation of point-charge magnetic field      93—94
Adiabatic approximation of radiating orbits      455—456
Adiabatic invariance of magnetic flux through orbit      137 149
Adiabatic invariance of orbital magnetic moment      137 149
Advanced field      210—211 443
Airy integrals      306
Alternating currents      28 109 594 608
Ampere’s Law      18—21 102 592
Ampere’s law for surface currents      199
Ampere’s law, applications of      27—28 168 519
Analyzer      see Polarizer
Angles of incidence, reflection, and refraction at conductors      205 587—588
Angles of incidence, reflection, and refraction at dielectrics      560—563
Angular distribution of radiation      219
Angular distribution of radiation by multipoles      271
Angular distribution of radiation by point charge      289 291 296—297
Angular distribution of radiation from antenna      220 235—236
Angular distribution of radiation from orbiting charge      225 235
Angular distribution of radiation from oscillating dipole      224
Angular distribution of radiation from pion decay      371
Angular distribution of radiation from quadrupoles      233—234 236
Angular distribution of radiation scattered by sphere      281
Angular distribution of radiationfrom synchrotron      307—308
Angular distribution of radiationfrom Thomson scattering      293—294
Angular momentum (mechanical)      98 169 see
Angular momentum (mechanical) and selection rules      458—460
Angular momentum (mechanical) in atomic orbits      143—147 455 458
Angular momentum (mechanical) in gyromagnetic ratio      98
Angular momentum (mechanical) of electron spin      402—404
Angular momentum (mechanical) of Larmor precession      141—147
Angular momentum (mechanical), transfer to magnetic dipole      170
Annihilation, 14n      368—369
Annihilation, positron, 14n      368—369 375
Anomalous dispersion      574
Antenna radiation      219—221 235
Antenna radiation from dipole antennas      236
Associated Legendre functions      76 247
Atomic radiation      230—231 234 366—367 454—461
Attached field      3—4 160
Attached field of moving point charge      287—288 315—321 see Velocity
Attenuation length (in conductors)      484—585 605 see
Beams      274—275 281—282
Bessel equation      510
Bessel function      510—512
Bessel function, modified      515—517
Bessel function, spherical      240—241 278
Beta spectrometer      148
Betatron      149 160
Biot — Savartlaw      93 103
BMT (Bargmann — Michel — Telegdi) equation (for spin)      403—404
Bound charges (in dielectrics)      522—523
Bound charges (in dielectrics) in capacitors      537
Bound charges (in dielectrics) on surfaces      528 537—538
Bound charges (in dielectrics), coating free charges      537
Bound charges (in dielectrics), forces on      539—540
Bound charges (in dielectrics), nonstatic      557—558
boundary conditions      58 82
Boundary conditions at conductor surfaces      492 528 588 608
Boundary conditions at dielectric surfaces      528—529 561
Boundary conditions at perfect reflectors      193—196
Boundary conditions in wave guide      195—196
Boundary conditions, Dirichlet      59 74n
Boundary conditions, magnetostatic      544 554—555
Boundary conditions, Neumann      60
Boundary conditionsat infinity      61 67 549
Bremsstrahlung      310—315
Brewster’s angle      565—566 577—578
Canonical (= conjugate) momentum      409 413
Canonical (= conjugate) momentum in electromagnetic field      123 143—145
Canonical (= conjugate) momentum, relativistic      410 413—414
Canonical equations of motion      412 415
Capacitance      527 537
Cascade times of successive radiations      460—461
Cauchy theorem      85
Causality      211 335
Cavity resonator      199—204
Cavity resonator, cylindrical      207
Cavity resonator, rectangular      200—201
Cavity resonator, spherical      280
Center of mass (CM) of electromagnetic field      392
Center of mass frame      350—351
Center of mass relativistic definition of      346—347
Center of mass velocity      346 350
Charge      7 8 13
Charge and gauge invariance      173 428
Charge induced on conductors      193—194 491—492 496—498 503—505 588
Charge, conservation of      14 378
Charge, induced in dielectrics      see Bound charges
Charge, self-energy of      42—43 117 429—431
Charge-current 4—vector      377—378
Child’s equation      51
Circular current loop      90—92 118
Circular current loop, magnetic moment of      88—89 94 96
Classical electron radius      294 430
Clausius — Mossotti equation      526
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients      254
Coaxial cable      196n 207 596
Cold emission      142 147
Collimatingeffect      353 355
Collisions of electrons and atoms      311—313
Collisions, defining mass      339—341
Collisions, elastic      347—348 358—360 374—375
Collisions, inelastic      347—348 360—361 374—375
Commutation relations      248—249 251
Complementarity      187—189
Completeness      64
Completeness of Fourier sets      69 71
Completeness of spherical harmonics      243
Complex plane representations      84—85 518—520
Complex plane representations of electrostatic fields      66 84—85
Complex plane representations of sources by singularities      518— 520
Complex plane representations, calculus of      84—85
Compton effect      295 363—364
Compton wavelength      364 367
Conduction currents      582 603
Conduction electrons      582 599—603
Conductivity      580
Conductivity at high frequencies      600—601
Conductivity, complex      600—601
Conductors      490 579
Conductors, attenuation in      584—585 605
Conductors, boundary conditions at      492 528 588 608
Conductors, fields inside      490—491 581—584
Conjugate momentum      see Canonical (= conjugate) momentum
Conservation laws      153
Conservation laws for charge      14 377—378
Conservation laws for field angular momentum      169 391 428
Conservation laws for field energy      155 185
Conservation laws for field energy-momentum      389—390 424
Conservation laws for field momentum      157 162
Conservation laws of energy-momentum      345—347
Conservation laws relations to invariances      421—428
Continuity equations      see Conservation laws
Continuous spectra      298—299 322
Correspondence limit      457—458 466
Coulomb force field      8 43
Coulomb force field in dielectrics      527 536
Coulomb gauge      see Gauge solenoidal Coulomb)
Coulomb potential      40
Coulomb potential in atoms      142—143
Covariance in Lorentz transformations      342 376
Cross section      293
Cross section for bremsstrahlung      314
Cross section for electromagnetic scattering      281
Cross section for Thomson scattering      293—294
Curie’s law      546
Curl      476
Curl as supplement to divergence      479—480
Curl at a surface      193 492 544 552 561 588
Curl, divergencelessness of      477
Curl, representations of      470—471 487
Current (flux)      18
Current density      14—15 179 475 see
Current density in filament      219
Current density in rigid rotation      87
Current density of conduction      580 600 603
Current density on surface      193—194 542 554
Current density, 4-vector      378
Current density, force on      102 106
Current density, images of      555
Current density, magnetization      542
Current density, polarization      557—558
Current density, torque on      139
Current distributions in conductors      592—595
Current force on      105 119 167—168
Current loops, fields of      90—92 118 119
Current loops, force between two      119—120
Current loops, images of      555
Current loops, moments of      95—96 119
Current of rigidly rotating charge      28 89
Current straight-line, field of      19 118
Current tube elements of      97
Curvature drift      151
Cutoff frequency in wave guide      197—198
Cutoff frequency of reflections      604—606
Cyclotron      148
Cyclotron frequency      124
Cyclotron radiation      235 297
Cylindrical harmonics      509—511 see Hankel Neumann
Damping, radiative      463
Decay (spontaneous disintegration)      348 349 362
Decay constant (rate)      371 463
Decay of neutral pions      374—375
Decay time (mean life) of cavity field      202—204
Decay time to electrostatic equilibrium      581
Decay time, radiative      463
Delta distribution (functions) of directions      243
Delta distribution, integral representation of      69 71
Delta distribution, one-dimensional      69 71
Delta distribution, three-dimensional      56 71
Diamagnetism      545—548
Diamagnetism of charge motion in magnetic fields      125
dielectric constant      525—526
Dielectric constant as function of frequency      540 571—573 603—604
Dielectric constant, complex      603—604
Dielectrics      490 522
Dielectrics, boundary conditions at      528—530 561
Dielectrics, field energy in      535—536 539 560
Dielectrics, fields in      523—526
Dielectrics, force transmissions in      537 539—540
Dielectrics, stresses on      538—540
Dielectrics, waves in      558—559
Diffraction      188
Dilatation of charge density      378
Dilatation of mass-energy      342
Dilatation of time intervals      333—334 373—374
Dipole      see Electric dipole moment Magnetic
Dipole radiation      221—227 229—231 235 266
Dipole radiation and line width      367 457—458
Dipole radiation as Larmor approximation      291
Dipole radiation from antennas      236
Dipole radiation, Zeeman effects on      230—231
Dipole-dipole interaction      46 53 149
Dirichlet condition      59 74n
Disintegration      see Decay (spontaneous disintegration)
Disks of charge      30 33 52
dispersion      573—577
Dispersion by prisms      573—574 578
Dispersion of pulse      574—577
Dispersion, anomalous      574
Dispersion, lack of, in free space      205
Displacement current      25
Displacement current in conductors      592—593
Displacement current in dielectrics      557n 582
Displacement current, across condenser      578
Divergence      472—474
Divergence and flux      473—474
Divergence at a surface      39 523 540 544 588
Divergence of a tensor      161
Divergence, four-dimensional      378
Divergence, representations of      470— 471 486
Doppler shift      335—337
Doppler shift of sound versus light      336—337
Doppler shift, applications of      367—368 373—374
Doppler shift, transverse      386—387
Double layer      39 52
Double layer as cut in complex plane      518
Drift, (E x B)      126—128 168 399—401 405
Drifts in plasmas      150—151
Duality of multipole fields      265
Dyadic Green’s function      262
Dyadic representations      35 262
Dynamics of fields      416—421
Dynamics of fields, CM motion      392
Dynamics of particles in fields      39—40 122—123
Dynamics of particles in fields, relativistic      393—396 408—416
D’alembertian (operator)      173
D’Alembert’sprinciple      425 445n
Earnshaw’s theorem      27
Eigenfrequency      176
Eigenfrequency levels in resonant cavity      280
Eigenfunctions      176 183 237 245—246
Eigenfunctions of rotation operators      247—249 252—255
Eigenfunctions plane waves      183 245—246
Eigenfunctions simultaneous      183 248—249 255
Eigenfunctions spherical waves      247—249 255
Eigenvalues      176 183 237 245—246
Eigenvalues of angular momentum      261—262
Eigenvalues of frequency      176
Eigenvalues of rotation operators      247—249 251—252 255
Eigenvalues of spin      251—252
Eigenvalues of wave vectors      183 245—246
Eigenvector functions      see Vector spherical harmonics
Eigenvectors of spin      251—252
Einstein postulates      326
Electric dipole fields      222—227
Electric dipole fields, nonstatic      222
Electric dipole fields, static      36—37
electric dipole moment      35— 37
Electric dipole moment, distribution of      38—39 52 522
Electric dipole moment, force on      45 505
Electric dipole moment, induced      498 505 572
Electric dipole moment, interaction energy of      45—46
Electric dipole moment, invariance      52
Electric dipole moment, line of      52
Electric dipole moment, radiating      221 223—225 266 464
Electric dipole moment, torque on      45 505
Electric dipole moment, translated magnetic dipole      401—402
Electric displacement field $(\mathbf{D})$      524
electric field      8 12 106
Electric field, galilean transformation of      107
Electric field, potential description of      31 49—50 171
Electric field, relativistic transformation of      382
Electric susceptibility      525
electromagnetic field      1
Electromagnetic field isolated      1—3 154—155 184—185 259—262
Electromagnetic field, potential description of      170— 171 379
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