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Konopinski E.J. — Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles
Konopinski E.J. — Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles

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Íàçâàíèå: Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles

Àâòîð: Konopinski E.J.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Ýëåêòðîìàãíåòèçì/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1981

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 626

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 15.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Electromagnetic field, relativistic tensor for      381
Electromagnetic waves      26 see Radiation Spherical
Electromagnetic waves in conductors      581—584
Electromagnetic waves in dielectrics      559
Electromagnetic waves in free space      180—183
Electromagnetic waves in waveguides      194—199
Electromagnetic waves, potential description of      185—186
electromotive force (EMF)      23
Electron radius      294 430—431 see
Electron spin      402—404 547—548
Electrostatic field      3 8—9 29—34
Electrostatic field between conductors      491—493
Electrostatic field in dielectrics      522—524
Electrostatic field, discontinuity at charged surfaces      30 38 442 528 see Laplace
Electrostatic lens      147
Electrostatic potential      27 31—34 54—61
Electrostatic potential in dielectrics      522—524
Electrostatic potential on and between conductors      491 —493
Electrostatic potential, discontinuity at dipole layers      39 52 518
Electrostatic shielding      499
Elliptic polarization      187 205 225
Energy (mechanical)      123 407 411—412 463 see Interaction Radiation of
Energy (mechanical) in atoms      143 146
Energy (mechanical) of CM motion      346—347 350 361
Energy (mechanical), mass equivalent      342—346
Energy (mechanical), relativistic      342—346 413 446
Energy flux      see Poynting vector
Energy losses in conducting media      156 582 585 591—592
Energy losses in resonant cavities      202—203
Energy losses in wave guides      597—598
Energy losses to radiation      437—440 452 455—459 463 570—571 596
Energy losses to resistance      23 112 156 582
Energy-momentum 4-vector      342—343
Energy-momentum 4-vector, canonical      407 413—414
Energy-momentum 4-vector, composite      345—346
Equations of motion for electron spins      402—404
Equations of motion for polarizations      572 602
Equations of motion with radiative reactions      441—442 445 447—450 462
Equations of motion, canonical      123 409 412 415
Equations of motion, Lagrangian      408 414
Equations of motion, Newtonian      122—126 136 143 145 292 600
Equations of motion, relativisitic      393—396 398 400 409
Exotic atoms      460—461
Faraday Cage      499
Faraday induction      22—24 28 112 171 402 545
Faraday induction in moving circuit      108—109 111—113
Faraday induction in rotating loop      28 109
Faraday induction in translated loop      28 109
Ferroelectrics      548
ferromagnetism      541 546—548
Field angular momentum      3 168
Field angular momentum in multipole fields      260—262
Field angular momentum of charge and magnetic monople      179
Field angular momentum, conservation      169 391 428 458 460
Field angular momentum, flux tensor      169
Field angular momentum, radiation of      226 235 271 460
Field energy      2—4 154 see Radiation
Field energy density      48 116 154
Field energy flux      see Poynting vector
Field energy in capacitors      538
Field energy in conductors      582
Field energy in dielectrics      536 560
Field energy in plane wave      186 560
Field energy in resonant cavities      201—202
Field energy of free field (isolated)      185 260
Field energy of inductive circuits      114—115 121 608
Field energy, conservation of      155 185 389—390 424
Field energy, electrostatic      41 47—48
Field energy, magnetostatic      110—117 556
Field energy, mass equivalent      117 430—431
Field energy, self-      4 42 121 429—436
Field energy, time-averaged      177 560
Field energy-momentum      388—391 424 434—435
Field momentum      2—4 123 157 392 432—435
Field momentum as measured by vector potential      158—160
Field momentum flux$(-\mathbf{T})$      160—162
Field momentum in plane wave      187
Field momentum, conservation      157 162 388—390
Field momentum, density      157
Field momentum, radiated      321 440 444—445
Field tensor      381
Field-line representations      9—12 164 471—472 474
Fields      1 8 469 see Magnetic Radiation
Fields, advanced      210—211 443
Fields, attached      3 287 315—321 see
Fields, retarded      210—211
Fission      53 374
Flux      473 see Magnetic
Flux of angular momentum      169
Flux of current (I)      18
Flux of energy      see Poynting vector
Flux of momentum      160—162
Flux, electric      10—11 25—26
Flux, time-averaged      178 560
force      see also Interaction energy Lorentz Minkowski
Force and the law of reactions      103—105
Force between charge and conductor      500—503
Force between charged spheres      27
Force between currents      103—105 119
Force between magnet and permeable material      556
Force between magnetic poles      16
Force density      106
Force density, 4-vector      387
Force in a dielectric      527 536—537 539—540
Force invariance to galilean transformations      107
Force on a current      102 119
Force on a magnetic monopole      179
Force on conductors      500—503
Force on magnetic bodies      556
Force transmission      see Stress vector
Force, centrifugal      125 145
Force, Coriolis      145
Four-velocity      394n 395
Fourier integrals (transforms)      68—71 384
Fourier series      67—68
Fourier transform equations      176— 177
Fourier — Bessel series      512—514
Free (isolated) fields      1—3
Free (isolated) fields, plane wave constituents      182 384—385
Free (isolated) fields, potential description of      185—186 384—385
Free (isolated) fields, properties of      154 157 185 259—262
Free (isolated) fields, spherical wave constituents      243 255 260 273
frequency      175
Frequency distributions      see Spectra
Frequency emitted in multipole radiations      279
Frequency shift      see Doppler shift Recoils
Fresnel formulas      564—565 589
g-factor      98 404
Galilean invariance of force      107
Galilean invariance of relative velocity      351
Galilean relativity      107 324—325
Galilean transformation of coordinates      326
Galilean transformation of fields      107—108 116—117 119 127n 320—321 382
Gauge      174
Gauge invariance      172—173 379 478
Gauge invariance and charge conservation      428
Gauge invariance, interpretation of      174
Gauge of scalar potential      31 33—34 49—50 478
Gauge of vector potential      87 174 477 485
Gauge, Lorentz      172—174
Gauge, solenoidal (transverse, Coulomb)      172n 179 185 264 301
Gauss law      9—12
Gauss law and the residue theorem      520
Gauss law in application      27—28 317 496—497
Gauss theorem      473
Gradient      469—472
Gradient drift      150—151
Gradient, 4-vector      377
Gradient, curlessness of      478
Gradient, representations of      470 486
Gradient, resolution of      489
Gradient, space-time      377
Green theorems      55—58 481—482
Green’s function      see Propagator (Green’s function)
Group velocity      576—577
gyromagnetic ratio      98
Half-width      203 465
Hall effect      128
Hamiltonian      412
Hamiltonian as 4-vector component      413
Hamiltonian for particle in field      413
Hamiltonian, relativistic      415
Hamilton’s principle      see Variation principle
Hankel functions      511
Hankel functions of imaginary argument      515
Hankel functions, spherical      238—241 278
Helicity      78 191 see of circular
Helicity of photons      278
Helmholtz equation      177 181 237
Hemispheres at different potentials      83
Hemispheres of charge      83—84
Huyghens’ wavelets      214 237 243 262 284n
Hysteresis      546—548
Images in conductors      494—498 503—505 517—518
Images in dielectrics      530—531 535
Images in parallel plates      503—504
Images of currents      555—556
Images of dipoles      505
Impact parameter      312
Impedance      608
Index of refraction      559 564
Index of refraction as function of frequency      570 573 576—577 605—606
Index of refraction, complex      583 587 605
Inductance, mutual      112 115 120
Inductance, self-      114—115 121
Induction, Maxwell      24—26 28 319—320
Infinitesimal generators of rotations      246 248
Infinitesimal generators of translations      245—246
Inhomogeneous plane wave      587
Intensity of radiation      218
Intensity of radiation in abeam      322
Intensity of radiation, spectral      299
interaction energy      see also Field energy Potential
Interaction energy between currents      114—115
Interaction energy defining the scalar potential      49
Interaction energy dipole-dipole      46 149
Interaction energy of charge(s)      40—42
Interaction energy of charge(s) with dipole and quadrupole      46
Interaction energy of charge(s) with potential      42 49 123 133 419
Interaction energy of current with potential      133
Interaction energy of dielectric and field      539
Interaction energy of electric dipole $(-D\bulletE)$      45—46
Interaction energy of interfering fields      48—49 160
Interaction energy of magnetic dipole (-\mu\bulletB)      130—131 146 402
Interaction energy of quadrupole      44
Interaction energy spin-orbit      402
Interference of fields      48—49 160 453
Interference ofradiations      215 221 270
Invariance      see Adiabatic invariance Galilean Gauge Relativistic
Ionosphere, propagation in      609
Ionosphere, reflections from      606
Joule heating      23
Kinematics, relativistic      339
Kirchhofflaw      89
Lagrange equation      408
Lagrange equation for field      419
Lagrange equation, relativistic      414
Lagrangian of field      419 421
Lagrangian of particle in field      410 415
Laplace equation      54 84 480
Laplace fields      54 507 see Orthogonal
Laplacian (operator)      480
Laplacian (operator), representations of      481 487
Larmor frequency      141 229—231
Larmor precession      140—141
Larmor precession in Zeeman effect      143—145
Larmor radiation formula      291
Larmor radiation formula as dipole approximation      291
Larmor radiation formula, relativistic      437
Latitude effect on cosmic rays      151
Legendre equation      72
Legendre polynomials      72—73 83 see
Lenz law      24 111
Lienard — Wiechert potential      285 301
Line broadening      310 366—367 462 465—466
Line of charge      30 33 508 516 538
Line of charge as pole in complex plane      519—520
Line of charge, images of      503
Line of dipoles      52 508—509 520
Local field in dielectric      525 573
Longitudinal potential      186 263 266
Lorentz boost      378 380 382 401—402
Lorentz condition      172 379
Lorentz contraction      319 332—333 373 378
Lorentz force      106
Lorentz force as defining fields      106—107
Lorentz force in equations of motion      122 394—395
Lorentz force in Faraday induction      108
Lorentz gauge      172— 174 379—380
Lorentz invariance      see Relativistic invariance
Lorentz line shape      203—204 465
Lorentz potential      172
Lorentz potential, 4-vector      379
Lorentz transformation of coordinates      330—331 372
Lorentz transformation of fields      382
Lorentz transformation of potentials      401
Lorentz — Dirac equation      443—446
Maclaurin series      519
Maclaurin series as a multipole expansion      520
Magnet (permanent)      552—554
Magnet, force on, in external field      556
Magnetic bottle      28 120 135—136
Magnetic dipole field of moving      401—402
Magnetic dipole field, nonstatic      228
Magnetic dipole field, static      88—89 94—97 100—103
Magnetic dipole moment      94—97
Magnetic dipole moment of electron      402
Magnetic dipole moment of orbiting charge      125 146—
Magnetic dipole moment of spinning spheres      94 117
Magnetic dipole moment, adiabatic invariance      137 149
Magnetic dipole moment, distribution of      119 541—542
Magnetic dipole moment, force on      130—131
Magnetic dipole moment, induced      125 545
Magnetic dipole moment, interaction energy of      130—131 134—135 146—147 402
Magnetic dipole moment, radiating      229 268
Magnetic dipole moment, torque on      140—141 170
Magnetic field      16 102 106 see
Magnetic field of moving charge      93 118 287—288 319—320
Magnetic field, galilean transformation of      107—108
Magnetic field, potential description of      87 90 171
Magnetic field, relativistic transformation of      382
Magnetic flux      22
Magnetic flux and field energy      113—115 121
Magnetic flux and inductance      111—115 120—121
Magnetic flux and vector potential      111—113 120 159
Magnetic induction      543
Magnetic mirror      135—138
magnetic moment      see Magnetic dipole moment
Magnetic monopole      18n 178—179
Magnetic permeability      545
Magnetic pole      15—16
Magnetic pole, distribution of      543
Magnetic pole, force on      103 556
Magnetic pressure      164 167—168
Magnetic scalar potential      95 99 269 549 552
Magnetic shielding      551
magnetic susceptibility      546
magnetization      541 545
Magnetization, curl as current      542 552 554
Magnetization, divergence as pole distribution      543 552—553
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