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Konopinski E.J. — Electromagnetic fields and relativistic particles |
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Magnetization, radiation by 268n 279
Magnetomotive force (mmf) 19
Magnetostatic field 3 86—87 93
Magnetostatic field of a dipole 88—89 94—97 100—103
Magnetostatic field of a permanent magnet 552—555
Magnetostatic field of a solenoid 118 544
Magnetostatic field of circular loop 91—92 118
Magnetostatic field of spinning spheres 87—89 117—118
Magnetostatic field of straight-line current 19 118
Magnetostatic field of translated sphere 119
Magnetostatic lens 148
Magnetron 151
Mass 339
Mass at rest 343
Mass of self-field 117 431 449 453
Mass, composite 347
Mass, electromagnetic 4 117 368
Mass, gravitational 345
Mass, kinetic 341
Mass, renormalization of 117 431
Matrix elements of field angular momentum 261 277
Matrix elements of field momentum 281
Matrix elements of Lorentz rotation 331 372—373
Matrix elements of spin 251 277
Matrix elements of vector addition 254
Maxwell equations 7 12—25 29 86 180
Maxwell equations covariant form 383
Maxwell equations on complex plane 85
Maxwell equations, Maxwell — Lorentz equations 26—27
Maxwell equations, phenomenological 524 558
Maxwell induction 24—26
Maxwell induction by moving charge 28 319—320
Maxwell stress tensor 162— 164
Mean life of cavity energy 202—204
Mean life of decay 334 371 374 see
Mean life of exotic atoms 461
Mean life to equilibrium in conductors 581
Metals, ultraviolet transparency of 604—606
Microwaves (radar) 571 592 595
Minkowski force 396 415 444—445 448 450
Minkowski space 329
Minkowski stress tensor 539
Modes see also Orthogonal sets
Modes in cavities 200—201 207 280
Modes, TE and Tm 196—199 206—207
Modes, TEM 196n 206—207
Modified Bessel function 515—517
Momentum 339 see Field
Momentum conservation 345—346 352 364
Momentum of CM 346 350
Momentum, relativistic 341—344 413 414
Monochromatic field 177 see Spherical
Monochromatic field, equations for 176—177
Monochromatic radiation see Radiation
Monochromatic representative 175
Monopole, electric 35
Monopole, magnetic 18n 178—179
Mossbauer effect 367—368
Motions of a point charge see also Equations of motion
Motions of a point charge in a magnetic bottle 136—138 399
Motions of a point charge in a uniform electric field 39—40 396—398
Motions of a point charge in a uniform magnetic field 124—126 398—399
Motions of a point charge in crossed fields 126—128 399—401 405
Motions of a point charge, radiative 449—454
Motions of a point charge, relativistic 396—401
Multipole moments, electrostatic 35 80—81
Multipole moments, magnetostatic 102—103 268
Multipole moments, radiating 265 267—268 279
Near-zone fields 215—216 227 232 288n
Neumann boundary condition 60
Neumann functions 510—511
Neumann functions, spherical 240—241
Neutron magnetic moment 98n see
Nonlinear optics 571n
Normalization 63
Nuclear radiation 234 367—368
Nucleons 374 430n
Ohm law 22 580
Ohmic losses 112 156 178 582 608
Ohmic losses in cavity resonators 202
Ohmic losses in waveguides 597
Operators rotation 246—251
Operators translation 245—246
Operators, d’alembertian 173 377
Operators, gradient 377 469—470
Operators, laplacian 480
Operators, spin 250—252
Optical frequencies 599 601—602 see
Orthogonal sets 55 63 see Legendre Spherical
Orthogonal sets, completeness of 64 69 71 243
Orthogonal sets, sine-wave modes 62 66
Orthogonal sets, transverse plane waves 183
Orthonormality 63 329 331—332
Oscillator radiation 223—224 235 291 462—465
Paramagnetism 545 548
Parity of levels in cavity 280
Parity of radiation 279—280
Penetration depths of waves 568 588 see
Permeability 545
Phase differences between and 584—585 608
Phase differences in polarization 189—191
Phase shifts by scattering 280—281
Photon 5 344
Photon angular momentum 277n
Photon from annihilation 368—372 375
Photon from bremsstrahlung 314
Photon gravitating 368
Photon helicity 278
Photon momentum 187n 363—365
Photon spin 278
Pinch effect 120 168
Pions 368—372 374
Plane of charge 30 34
Plane waves 183—184
Plane waves as constituents of fields 182 384—386
Plane waves in conductors 583—584
Plane waves in dielectrics 559—560
Plane waves, generation of 218
Plane waves, inhomogeneous 587
Plane waves, partial waves of 242
Plane waves, spherical wave constituents 272—273
plasma 122
Plasma frequency 604
Plasma, motions in 125—126 138 168
Poincare stress 431
Point charge 8
Point charge with conductors 493—497 500—504
Point charge with dielectrics 530—532 536—538 540
Point charge, interaction energy 40 46 49 123 133 419
Point charge, moving field see Velocity field
Point charge, multipoles 36
Point charge, orbiting, Zeeman effects on 142—147
Point charge, radiation field of 287 315
Point charge, radiative reaction on 442
Point charge, self-energy of 43 430—435
Point charge, static field 8
Point-charge radiation 288—292 see Synchro-tron
Point-charge radiation at high speeds 295—298
Point-charge radiation from orbiting charge 224—227 229—231 454—460
Point-charge radiation from oscillating charge 223—224 235
Point-charge radiation, relativistic 436—440
Poisson equation 31 54—57 480 482—485
Polarizability 524—526 540 572—573 601
Polarization current 557—558
Polarization of dielectrics 522 524—525 535—536
Polarization of waves, by reflection 566
Polarization of waves, circular 190—191
Polarization of waves, elliptic 189
Polarization of waves, linear (plane) 189—190
Polarization of waves, unpolarized 192
| Polarization vectors 189
Polarized beams, detection as 403 404
Polarized radiation 229 233 259 302
Polarized radiation from circling charges 225 231
Polarized radiation from oscillating charges 224 225
Polarized radiation from synchrotron 305
Polarizer 191 205
Positron annihilation 18n 368—369 375
Positron-electron pairs 375 430n 442—443
potential energy 409 411 469 471—472 see
Potential energy as a field energy 49 135
Potential energy, derivability of force from 40 472
Potential vector see Vector potential
Potential, advanced 210—211 443
Potential, retarded 210—211 283—285 443
Potential, scalar 21 31 54—57 171 478
Potential, scalar, gauging of 31 33—34 174 478
Potential, scalar, interpretation 49—50 174 see Laplace
Power loss see Energy losses
Power, instantaneously radiated 218
Power, instantaneously radiated, as a relativistic invariant 437 440
Power, instantaneously radiated, by an accelerated charge 289
Poynting vector 155
Poynting vector in material media 560 582
Poynting vector, time-averaged 178
Preacceleration 453
Precession see Larmor procession Thomas
Pressure (in fields) 164 165 167
Pressure (in fields) of radiation 206
Propagator (Green’s function) 481 484
Propagator (Green’s function), dyadic 262
Propagator (Green’s function), retarded 211—212 381
Propagator (Green’s function), static 55—57 76 518
Proper time 394 414—415
PuLSE see Wave packets
Q (quality) of acavity 202n
Quadrupole field 84 147—148
Quadrupole moment when invariant 52
Quadrupole moment, electrostatic 35 37 52
Quadrupole moment, interaction of 44 46
Quadrupole moment, radiating 232—234 267
Quantum mechanics of photons 4—5 276n
Quantum-mechanical effects 406 414n 418n 430n 439n
Quantum-mechanical effects in bremsstrahlung 315
Quantum-mechanical effects in line broadening 466
Quantum-mechanical effects in Thomson scattering 295 365
Quantum-mechanical effects on atomic radiation 456—458
Quasistatic approximation see Adiabatic approximation
Quasistatics of conductors 592
Radar 571
Radial waves 214 217 238—241
Radiation 217—219
Radiation (wave) zone 217 288n
Radiation field of point charge 287 315
Radiation from antennas 219—221 235 236
Radiation of angular momentum 226—227 235 271 458—460
Radiation of energy 218—219 270—271 288—291 295—298 436—440
Radiation of momentum 321 440
Radiation pattern see Angular distibution of radiation
Radiation pressure 206
Radiation width see Line broadening
Radiation, absorption of 570—571
Radiation, bremsstrahlung 310—315
Radiation, electric dipole 223—226 230—231
Radiation, magnetic dipole 229—230
Radiation, multipole 270—271
Radiation, nuclear 234 367—368
Radiation, quadrupole 233—236
Radiation, recoils from 365—367
Radiation, synchrotron 303—310 439
Radiation, virtual 226
Radiative reaction 442 445 459—460
Radio waves 592 606
Radius of gyration 125
Rapidity 450
Rays 188
Recoils from radiation 365—367
Reflection at conductors 205 586—591 604—606
Reflection at dielectrics 560 569 577—578
Reflection by an electron see Thomson scattering
Reflection by ionosphere 606
Reflection in magnetic mirror 138
Reflection, polarizaton by 566
Reflection, total internal 568—569
Refraction in conductors 587—588 590
Refraction in dielectrics 563
Refraction of fields at boundaries 528—529
Relativistic invariance 328—329
Relativistic invariance and conservation laws 421—428
Relativistic invariance in helical orbits 399
Relativistic invariance of 4-volume elements 379
Relativistic invariance of d’alembertian operator 377
Relativistic invariance of lagrangian 414—415 419 421
Relativistic invariance of Mandelstam variables 355
Relativistic invariance of plane-wave phases 386
Relativistic invariance of proper times and volumes 394 434
Relativistic invariance of radiated power 437 440
Relativistic kinetic energy 343
Relativistic transformations see also Lorentz transformation
Relativistic transformations and Thomas precession 373
Relativistic transformations of accelerations 374 437
Relativistic transformations of coordinates 330 372
Relativistic transformations of energy-momentum 344
Relativistic transformations of fields 382
Relativistic transformations of potentials 401
Relativistic transformations of spin pseudovector 403n
Relativistic transformations of velocity 337—338 372
Relativity, Einstein’s theory of 325—326
Relativity, galilean 106—108 326
Renormalization of mass 117 431
Resistance 22—23 580
Resonance absorption 572 602—603
Resonance breadth 203—204 366—367 602—603
Resonance cavity see Cavity resonator
Resonance fluorescence 366
Rest energy 343 347
Retarded potential 210—211 283—285 443
Ring of charge 30 32 74—75
Ring of charge, moments of 52 81
Rodrigues formula 72
Runaway solutions 447 463n
Scattering angles 349 352—355 357—360
Scattering cross section 293
Scattering, electromagnetic: by conducting sphere 280—281
Scattering, electromagnetic: by conducting sphere, resonant 366—368
Scattering, electromagnetic: by conducting sphere, Thomson 292—295 322 365
Screening effects 315
Selection rules 227n 458
Selection rules and angular-momentum conservation 458—460
Selection rules on parity 280
Self-energy 42 48 133
Self-energy of charged spheres 42 117 429
Self-energy of electrons 430—434
Self-field 4 42 121
Self-field in uniform motion 432—436
Self-field, mass of 117 431 449 453
Self-field, point charge plus 429—431
Separation of variables 62 238 507 509—510
Shielding, electrostatic 499
Shielding, magnetic 551 555
signal propagation 574—577
Signal propagation by Huyghens’ wavelets 214 284n 446 449
Simultaneity, relativity of 335
Skin depth 595
Snell’s law 563
Snell’s law for conductors 588
Solenoid 118 121 159 544—545
Solenoidal gauge see Gauge solenoidal Coulomb)
Source-density 4-vector 378
Sources as divergences 474
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