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Haken H. — Laser light dynamics (volume 2) |
Предметный указатель |
Absorptive optical bistability 217 231
Adiabatic approximation 169
Angular beam width 53
Annihilation operator, electrons 237
Annihilation operator, photons 237
Axial wave 5
Bad cavity case 198
Beam divergence 20
Beam width 53
Benard instability 189
Bistability condition 228 230
Bistability condition, general case 229
Bloch equations 104 105
Bose — Einstein statistics 272
Broadening, inhomogeneous 80
Broadening, of lines 23 25
Bunching of photons 273
Cavity 1 2 44 215
Cavity mode 44 119
Chaos 9 22 187 191 208
Chaos, criteria 194
Chaos, routes to 195
Chaotic laser light 188 198
Chaotic motion 191
Chaotic outburst 198
Characteristic function 282 183
Chemical laser 30
CO, laser 33 34
CO, molecule 34
Coexistence of modes 91 92 95 187
Coherence 20
coherent interaction 122
Color center laser 41
Commutation relation, bosons 237
Commutation relation, Fermions 237
Competition of modes 187
Conduction band 36 39
Confocal resonator 46 49
Confocal resonator, field distribution 53 54
Control parameter 195 196
Convection instability 189
Cooperative stationary state 229
Correlation functions 246 247
Coupling constant 118 120
Creation operator, electrons 237
Creation operator, photons 237
Critical fluctuations 317
Critical inversion 64
Critical slowing down 317
Damped field mode 280
Damping, of dipole moments 105
Darwin's principle 88 90
Density matrix 7 8 277 279
Density matrix, equation of motion 277
Dipole approximation 120
Dispersive optical bistability 217 231
Distributed feedback laser 48
Distribution function, of laser light 265
Distribution function, of photon numbers 270
Doppler broadening 148
Doppler effect 26 84
Dye laser 31 32
Dye laser, energy levels 32
Electronic transitions in semiconductors 35
Electronic transitions, two-level atom 15
Elimination of atomic variables, two-photon laser 305
Emission, spontaneous 234 253
Emission, stimulated 234 253
Energy band 36 40
Energy levels, laser 34
Energy levels, dye laser 32
Energy levels, exciton laser 41
Energy levels, He-Ne laser 31
Energy levels, ruby 28
Energy scheme, two-level atom 15
Exact resonance 123
Excimer laser 30
Exciton laser 38 41
External field 202 204
Fabry — Perot resonator 3 55 215
Fabry — Perot resonator, field distribution 57
Feigenbaum number 196
Fermi energy 40
Fictitious particle 250 260 268 270
Field energy, quantized 237
Field equations 118 121
Field equations for slowly varying amplitudes 118
Field mode 120
Field mode, damped 280
Fluctuations, critical 317
Fluctuations, deterministic 188
Fluctuations, quantum mechanical 188 241 244
Fokker — Planck equation 7 8 266 267 290
Fokker — Planck equation, generalized, of the laser 290 294
Fokker — Planck equation, stationary solution 267
Fokker — Planck equation, time dependent solutions 275
Four-level atom, pump scheme 25
Free electron laser 42
Frequency coupling 147
Frequency locking 143 145
Frequency locking, of three modes 142
Frequency pushing 151
Frequency shift 129 140 169
Frequency shift in the laser gyro 147
Fresnel number 49
Gain 82
Gain modulation 161
Gap 35 27
Gas laser 29 84
Gas laser, single mode operation 147
Gaussian frequency distribution 86
Gaussian line 26 122
Generalized Fokker — Planck equation of the laser 290
Glauber — Sudarshan distribution function 284
Gyroscope 146
Hanburry — Brown — Twiss experiment 258
He-Ne laser 29 30
He-Ne laser, energy levels 31
Heatbath 10 236 278
Heisenberg equation 240
Hierarchy of instabilities 195
Hole burning 78 80 82 84 85 140 142 150
Hole burning, spatial 87 88 92
Homogeneous broadening 25 123
Huygens' principle 50
Hysteresis 221 227 230 231 232 317
Incoherent processes 122
Inhomogeneous broadening 25 80 85 122 230
Instability hierarchies of laser light 187
Instability hierarchy 195
Instability points, general treatment 164
Interaction field-atoms, coherent 278 294
Interaction function W 74
Intermittency 197
inversion 61 105 197 243 246
Inversion density 82
Inversion modulation 206
Inversion pulsations 138 141 142
Inversion, critical 64
Inversion, saturated 62 80
Inversion, unsaturated 62 80
Irrationality condition 188
Irregular motion 194
k-selection rule 36
Lamb dip 150
LAMP 7 21
Landau theory of phase transitions 314
Landau — Hopf picture 195 196
| Langevin equations of the laser, quantum mechanical 245
Langevin equations, quantum mechanical 234 240
Langevin equations, two-photon laser 303
Laser at threshold 264
Laser below threshold 249
Laser chaos produced by external field 202
Laser chaos produced by inversion modulation 206
Laser condition 14 17 63 125 126
Laser equations in a resonator 110
Laser equations, basic 119
Laser gyro 146
Laser Hamiltonian 235
Laser in external field 202
Laser light, chaotic 198
Laser materials 27
Laser principle 1
Laser resonator 44 46
Laser systems 22
Laser transition 24
Laser with saturable absorbers 183
Leontovich condition 56
Lifetime of photons 17
Light quanta 253
Line broadening 23 25
Line narrowing, with increasing pump 251
Linear stability analysis 168 171
Linearization 165
Longitudinal relaxation time 106
Lorentzian line 26 75 122
Lorenz equations 190 191
Lorenz model of turbulence 189 190
Loss modulation 158 160
Lyapunov exponent 194 195
Maser principle 1
Matter equations 101 121
Matter equations, macroscopic 109
Maxwell's distribution 26
Maxwell's equations 6 98 99
Mean field limit, in optical bistability 225 226 228
Metastable state 29
Mode competition 88
Mode coupling 142
Mode in a Fabry — Perot resonator 57
Mode locking 157
Mode locking, active 154 158
Mode locking, passive 154 158
Modes 1 2 44 110 111
Modes, orthogonality relations 111
Modes, reduced equations for amplitudes 136
Modes, stable 167 169
Modes, unstable 167 168 169
Multimode action, of solid state lasers 136
Multimode laser 72 77 88
Multimode laser simple examples 139
Multistability 224 228
NaCl 42
Neodymium glass laser 28
Neodymium YAG laser 29
Newhouse — Ruelle — Takens picture 196
Nonequilibrium phase transitions 310 314
Occupation number 60 242
One-atom stationary state 229
Open system 5 6
Optical bistability 9 215 216
Optical bistability, absorptive 231
Optical bistability, dispersive 231
Optical bistability, general case 223
Optical bistability, mean field limit 225 226 228
Optical maser 1
Optical transistor 10 216
Optical transitions, semiconductors 38
Optical transitions, three-level atom 67
Optical transitions, two-level atom 60
Order parameter 169 176 314
Order parameter, equation of motion 170 179
Order parameter, solution of equation 178
Orthogonality relation of modes 111
p-n junction 37 40
Pattern evolution, close to instability points 164
Period doubling 196
Period tripling 197
Phase diffusion 264
Phase locking 155
Phase transitions 9 22
Phase transitions, Landau theory 314
Phase transitions, nonequilibrium 310 314
Photon 14 17
Photon statistics 7 8 264
Poisson distribution 273
Potential, of fictitious particle 268 270
probability distribution 268
Properties of laser light 19
pulse width 156
Pump scheme, four-level atom 25
Pump scheme, three-level atom 23 24
Pump scheme, two-level atom 16 23
Pumping 16 23 24 122
Pumping process 106
Q-distribution function 284
Q-switching 70 72
Quality of resonator 48
Quantum classical correspondence 8
Quantum mechanical Langevin equations 240
Quantum theory 7 12
Quantum theory of the laser 234
Quasiperiodic motion 194
Quasiperiodicity 187 194
Radiationless transition 24
Rate equations 6 12 59 152 153
Rate equations, derivation of 151
Rate equations, multimode laser 72 77
Rationality condition 188
Recombination 24
Recombination region 41
Reduced equations, for mode amplitudes 136
Relaxation of inversion 106
Relaxation oscillations 67 70
Relaxation processes 122
Relaxation time 122
Relaxation time, longitudinal 106
Relaxation time, transverse 105
Resonance condition 57
Resonator 44 46 110 119
Resonator modes 110 119
Resonator, confocal 46
Resonator, convex-plane 46
Rhodamine 6G
Ring cavity 47 125
Ring laser 47 125
Rotating wave approximation (RWA) 113 121
Routes to chaos 187 195
Ruby 5 14 27 28
Ruby, energy levels 28
Ruby, experimental setup 14
Ruelle — Takens picture 196
Running waves 116
RWA 113 121
Saturable absorber 158 159 160 183
Saturated inversion 62 80 128
Saturation dip 150
Saturation intensity 220
Second laser threshold 178
Self-organization 310 311
Self-pulsing lasers, basic equations 162
Semiclassical laser equations, in the RWA and SVAA 116
Semiclassical laser equations, macroscopic quantities 108
Semiclassical laser equations, theory 6 12 98 (23
Semiconductor laser 35 41
Sideband 142
Single mode laser 85 123 126 131
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