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Betchov R. — Stability of Parallel Flows |
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function, definition 54
function, definition 55 63
Abernathy, F.H. 162 163 279
Acoustic fluctuations, equation 207
Acoustic instability 179
Acoustic power 181 182
Acoustic radiation 178 181
Acoustic resonance 187
Acoustic waves 178 179 182
Adams — Moulton method 264
Airy equation 272
Alder, B. 154 279
Alekseyev, Y.N. 225 279
Alfven waves 206—209
Algebraic methods 35—36 197
Alishaev, M.G. 292
Alterman, Z. 292
Amplification see “Growth factor”
Amsden, A.A. 292
Analytical continuation 33 67 78 268
Andreev, A.F. 292
Anliker, M. 292
Arkhipor, V.N. 292
Arnold, V.I. 292y 293
Artiushkov, E.V. 293
Axford, W.I. 293
Axisymmetric flows 228—233
Ayukawa, K. 81 290
Batchelor, G.K. 231 233 279
Becker, E. 293
Beckmann, W. 192 288
Bellman, R.E. 83 276 279 293
Ben Daniel, D.J. 293
Benard, H. 3 158 279
Benjamin, T.B. 123 238 241 245 279 293
Benney, D.J. 4 135 140 279 293 299 304
Bernoulli theorem 19
Bessel functions 51 230
Betchov, R. 51 61 78 110 131 144 218 237 255 260 262 279 280 289
Betz, A. 293
Bhat, W.V. 230 285
Bickley, W. 95 280
Birdsall, C.K. 4 280
Birikh, R.V. 293
Birkhoff, G. 161 280
Bismut, M. 293
Bjorgum, O. 293
Bjorkness effect 176
Blasius boundary layer, eigenvalues 63 84 89 90
Blasius boundary layer, experimental and theoretical comparison 131 132
Blasius boundary layer, in non-Newtonian fluid, eigenvalues 255 256 258
Blasius boundary layer, magnetic 210 211
Blasius boundary layer, stability 64
Blasius boundary layer, three-dimensional eigenvalues 112—116
Blasius functions 46
Blasius, H. 46 280
Bloxsom, D.E., Jr. 293
Blumer, C.B. 313
Bodoia, J.R. 293
Bogoliubov, N. 146 284
Boundary conditions, magnetic 201—202
Boundary conditions, wavy wall 244—245
Boundary layer, boundary conditions 88—89
Boundary layer, compressible inviscid, eigenvalues 180
Boundary layer, compressible neutral stability 187
Boundary layer, compressible, eigenvalues 187
Boundary layer, curved wall, eigenvalues 246 250
Boundary layer, curved wall, stability 246
Boundary layer, decaying solution 73
Boundary layer, definition 45
Boundary layer, displacement thickness 130
Boundary layer, experimental eigenfunctions 132
Boundary layer, experimental eigenvalues 132
Boundary layer, experiments 129—134
Boundary layer, experiments, confirming theory 129—133
Boundary layer, final results 62—65
Boundary layer, hypersonic 174
Boundary layer, in adverse pressure gradient 64 65
Boundary layer, inviscid oscillations 49
Boundary layer, inviscid solutions 46—50
Boundary layer, nonlinear effects 140—141
Boundary layer, numerical integration 83—91
Boundary layer, numerical introduction 83—84
Boundary layer, separation 64
Boundary layer, simplified analysis 45—73
Boundary layer, spatial instability 222—224
Boundary layer, stability, deformable wall 242
Boundary layer, stability, history of experimental results 3 129
Boundary layer, turbulent eigenvalues 262
Boundary layer, unstable 66—73
Boundary layer, unstable solutions 66—68
Boundary layer, viscoelastic 254—256
Boundary layer, with suction 64 65
Bourrieres, F.-J. 293
Boussinesq approximation 189
Boyanovitch, D. 293
Bradshaw, P. 294
Brand, R.S. 294
Braslow, A.L. 294
Brewer, G.R. 4 280
Briggs, R.J. 222 280
Brillouin, L. 294
Brown, F.T. 294
Brown, W.B. 3 74 79 131 171 196 197 225 280
Brownian motion 228
Brushlinskaia, N.N. 294
Buoyancy, across mean flow 189—191
Buoyancy, along mean flow 191—194
Buoyancy, forces 188—194
Buoyancy, forces, definition 189
Burgenhout, T.J. 312
Burgers, J.M. 147 280
Burke, E.R. 161 255
Bushmanov, V.K. 294
Caldwell, D.R. 294
Carrier, G.F. 210 282y
Carstens, M.R. 294
Case, K.M. 294
Cats eyes 152—153 165
Cauchy theorem 66 72
Cauchy — Riemann equations 218 268
Centrifugal forces, effects 191 245—253
Cercignani, C 294
Chan, S.K. 294
Chandrasekhar, S. 3 4 189 245 280
Chang, C.T. 294
Chang, I.D. 294y 308
Chang, T.S. 294
Channel flow, definition 91
Cheng, S.I. 197 225 280
Chiarulli, P. 65 280
Choudhary, R.C 310
Chow, C.-Y. 313
Chu, B.T. 185 280
Chudov, L.A. 295y 308
Circular tubes 228—231
Clauser, F.H. 208 250 280
Clauser, M.V. 250 280
Clay, W.G. 295
Clenshaw, C.W. 295
Coalescence 95
Coefficient of thermal dilation, definition 172
Coefficient of thermal dilation, perfect gas 173
Coefficient of wall resistance 234
Colak — Antic, P. 194 281
Complex functions 11—13
Complex viscosity 255
Compressibility, effects 171—188
Compressibility, generalities 171—172
Compressibility, thermodynamics 172—173
| Compressible critical layer, location 179
Compressible effects, three-dimensional 194—197
Compressible flows, axisymmetric 233
Compressible flows, history 3 171
Computations, example 30—33
Conductivity, electrical 199
Conrad, P.W. 168 281
Conte, S.D. 295
Coppi, B. 295
Corcos, G.M. 230 281
Coriolis force 247 248
Couette flow, eigenvalues 94
Couette flow, nonlinear effects 143—144
Couette flow, plane 93—95 168 230
Covert, E.E. 295
Cowling, T.G. 206 210 281
Cox, B.G. 295
Crandall, S.H. 83 131 284
Criminale, W.O. 114 123 168 218 260 280 281
Critical layer 55—62
Critical layer, compressible 178
Critical layer, definition 45
Critical layer, folding 53 55
Critical layer, location 106—107
Critical layer, magnetic 211—213
Critical layer, magnetohydrodynamic 209
Critical layer, nonlinear effects 141—144
Critical layer, oblique 140
Critical layer, thermal 190
Critical layer, unsteady 68 69—73
Critical layer, viscous solution 56—60
Critical layer, width 56 72
Crow, S.C. 295
Curie, N. 295
Current wave 207 208
Current, equation 203
Curtis, J.T. 297
Curved streamlines, examples 3
Curved wall 245
Curved wall, equation, linear 248
Daen, J. 295
Datta, S.K. 295
Davies, M.H. 295
De Santo, D.F. 296
Deardorff, J.W. 295
Debler, W.R. 295
Debye, P. 295
Deceptive simplifications 42—44
Deem, R.E. 295
Demetriades, A. 171 196 225 281 295
Density fluctuation 175
Destabilizing effect 3 73 103 237 247 255 259 263
Destabilizing effect, three-dimensional 103 115
Detours 66 68
Devan, L. 296
Dhawan, S. 296
Di Prima, R.C 294 296
Dikii, L.A. 296
Dikshit, M.S. 313
Discontinuity 80 180
Discrete vortices, double layer 162—164
Discrete vortices, double row 164—168
Discrete vortices, single layer 159—161
Discrete vortices, single row 161—162
dispersion relation 241 244
Displacement thickness 130 187
Disturbances, axisymmetric 229
Dolaptshiev, B. 296
Dolidze, D.E. 296
Dolph, C.L. 296
Domm, U. 296
Donnelly, R.J. 296
Drazin, P.G. 40 189 253 281 296 297 298 300
Dryden, H.L. 129 281
Dunn, D.W. 3 171 194 281 296 297
Dusty gases 258—259
Dynamic instability 240 242
Eagles, P.M. 297
Eckart, C 297
Eckhaus method 147—148
Eckhaus, W. 147 226 281 284
Eddy viscosity 243 253
Eichhorn, R. 192 281
Eigenfunction, discontinuous 81
Eigenfunction, normalization requirement 122
Eigenfunction, orthogonality relationship 222
Eigenfunction, orthonormal 147
Eigenfunction, set 120—123
Eigenvalues, automated search 78
Eigenvalues, compressible 197
Eigenvalues, continuous set 122—123
Eigenvalues, definition 31
Eigenvalues, discrete set 122
Eigenvalues, search 32
Eisler, T.J. 297
Electric current, definition 199
Electric current, stationary 199
Electric current, time varying 200
Electric field, stationary 198 199
Electric field, time varying 200
Electric potential 199 200
Electrical units 201
Electromagnetic waves 199
electrostatic forces 198
Elliott, D.A. 295
energy equation 16
Energy equation, integrated 169
Energy equation, magnetohydrodynamic 214
Energy method 168—170
Energy, incompressible 15—17
Energy, transfer 16
Enig, J.W. 297
Enthalpy 173
Entropy equation 175
Entropy equation, viscous 184 186
Equations, compressible, two-dimensional, inviscid 175
Equations, compressible, two-dimensional, inviscid, linear 176
Equations, compressible, two-dimensional, viscous, linear 183
Equations, curved walls 247
Equations, cylindrical coordinates 228
Equations, incompressible, linearized 101 118—119
Equations, incompressible, three-dimensional 99
Equivalent transformations, compressible 194—195
Erdelyi, A. 269 281
Ershin, S.A. 297
Esch, R.E. 110 257 297
Eulerian velocity, components 9 151
Evans, M.W. 154 281
Expansion theorem 121
Faller, A.J. 297
Fejer, J.A. 297
Feldman, S. 297
Fernbach, S. 154 279
Ferrio, A. 297
Fettis, H.E. 297
Filler, L. 297
Fisher, J. 161 280
Flax, A.H. 297
Flexible boundaries 233—245
Flexible boundaries, introduction 233—235
Flexible boundaries, simplified analysis 235—238
Flexible boundaries, stability, classification 242—243
Flow visualization 154
Fourier analysis 100 117
Fourier — Laplace transformations 119—120
Fourier — Laplace transformations, inverse 123
Fox, J.A. 197 230 285 304
Free convection 191—194
Free convection, eigenvalues 194
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