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Betchov R. — Stability of Parallel Flows |
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Transformations, axisymmetric flow 232—233
Transition, forecasting 227 228
Treanor, C.E. 297
Trehan, S.K. 313
Trilling, L. 313
Tserkovnikov, Y.A. 313
Tsien, F.-H. 301
Tsou, F.K. 311 313
Tumarkin, S.A. 51 256
Turbulence, Burgers model 147
Turbulence, definition 109
Turbulent flow 259—263
Turbulent flow, stability, concept of 259—260
Turbulent flow, stable, example 261
Turbulent flow, unstable, example 262
Uberoi, M.S. 313
Ulam, S. 308
Uniform stream, neutral oscillation 24—25
Uniform stream, nonstationary cases 22
Uniform stream, oscillation 17—22
Vaglio — Lanrin, R. 297
van Driest, E.R. 313
Van Dyke, M. 269 290
Vasudeva, B.R. 131 134 284
Vedenov, A.A. 313
Velikhov, E.P. 212 290
Velocity field, effect of critical layer 60—62
Velte, W. 313
Viilu, A. 313
Viscoelastic flows 254—258
Viscosity, effects 80—82
Viscosity, fluctuations 183 253
Viscosity, heat conduction, and 182—188
Viscosity, second coefficient 183
Viscosity, variable 253
Viscous effects, two uniform streams 26
Viscous flow, machine analysis 74—96
Viscous oscillations, properties 108—112
Viscous shear layer, effect of wall 82—83
Viscous shear layer, general method 74—78
Viscous shear layer, numerical results 78—80
Viscous stresses 183
Voigt time 254
Von Baranoff, A. 313
von Karman alley, frequency 158 167
von Karman alley, observed facts 157—159
von Karman, T. 158 290
Voronin, V.I. 313
Vortices, longitudinal 248
Vorticity 14—15
Vorticity, analogy, critical layer 58—60
Vorticity, concentration, theory 134
Vorticity, current equation 208 209
Vorticity, definition 14
Vorticity, equation, inviscid linear compressible 176 177
Vorticity, equation, inviscid linear incompressible 35 48
| Vorticity, general 136
Vorticity, general, magnetohydrodynamic 203
Vorticity, general, small magnetic Reynolds number 209
Vorticity, general, stratified flow 189
Vorticity, general, viscous, incompressible 15
Vorticity, general, wall region 51
Vorticity, lingering 27
Vorticity, oriented 135
Vorticity, solution, critical layer 57
Vorticity, wall induced 51 52
Vorticity, wave 18 207 208
Vorticity, wave, stationary 20—22
Vrebalovich, T. 171 186 196 284
Wake, compressible 178
Wake, inviscid 37—42
Wake, inviscid, eigenvalues 38—40
Wake, inviscid, spatial eigenvalues 217—221 223
Wake, inviscid, spatial instability 219—222
Wake, viscous 95—96
Walker, W.S. 104 282 299
Wall effect 36
Wallhagen, R. 294
Wang, H. 150 297
Wang, K.C 313
Watson, J. 115 147 291 294 313
Watson, K.M. 301
Wave combination postulate 136—138
Wave number, definition 12
Wave packet 126
wave velocity 12
Waves, Tollmien — Schlichting 5
Wazzan, A.R. 83 89 90 224 277 297
Wedemeyer, E. 313
Wen, K.S. 255 297 313
Whitham, G.B. 313
Wilkinson, W.L. 254 297
Wille, R. 306 314
Willson, A.J. 314
Wing, G.M. 293
Witting, H. 251 282 291
Wooding, R.A. 314
Wooler, P.T. 314
Wortmann, F.X. 314
Wright, J.P. 314
Yamada, H. 314
Yang, K.-T. 314
Yang, T.-T. 314
Yih, C.-S. 314 315
Zaat, J.A. 572 315
Zaitsev, A.A. 315
Zaslavskii, G.M. 315
Zeiberg, S.L. 315
Zhukhovitskii, E.M. 293 298
Zien, H.M. 197 285 304
Zumartbaev, M.T. 315
Zysina — Molozhen, L.M. 315
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