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Betchov R. — Stability of Parallel Flows |
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Monnin, C.F. 309
Moore, F.K. 307
Moore, R.L. 307
Morawetz, C.S. 33 286
Morduchow, M. 307
Morozov, A.I. 293
Morton, K.W. 309
Murphy, W.D. 307
Nachtsheim, P.R. 83 92 191 192 194 210 286
Narasimha, R. 296
Navier — Stokes equations 9 99 136 201
Nayfeh, A.H. 307
Nihoul, J.C.J. 307
Noh, W.F. 307
Noise 128 157 161 228
Non-Newtonian behavior 254—258
Nondimensionalization, definition 27
Nonlinear effects 135—149
Nonlinear processes, analytic studies 144—149
Nonlinear processes, history 3 4
Nonlinear range, experiment 133—134
Nonlinear solutions, numerical techniques 155
Nonparallelism, effects 224—227
Nonweiler, T. 307
Normalized functions 120
Nosova, L.N. 51 286
Numerical experiment, definition 149
Numerical experiment, discrete vortices 157—168
Numerical experiment, distributed vortices 149—157
Numerical experiment, introduction 149—151
Numerical procedure, errors 264 265
Numerical techniques, miscellaneous remarks 89—91
Obliquity, effects 196 197
Ohms law 199 200
Okamura, T. 83 89 224 277 291
Onji, A. 302
Orr — Sommerfeld equation 2 74 121 253 267
Orr — Sommerfeld equation, adjoint 122
Orr — Sommerfeld equation, cylindrical coordinates 229
Orr — Sommerfeld equation, integral 109
Orr — Sommerfeld equation, magnetohydrodynamic 213
Orr — Sommerfeld equation, operator 145
Orr — Sommerfeld equation, solutions 266—274
Orr, W.McF. 2 168 256
Orthogonalization, procedure 83
Orthogonalization, techniques 275—277
Oscillations, spatially growing 216—224
Osterle, J.F. 293
Ostrach, S. 191 192 256 507
Oswatitsch, K. 307
Outer expansion 269—270
Ovchinnikov, V.V. 307
Overflow 28
Pai, S.I. 307
Panel fluttering 238—240
Panel fluttering, characteristic functions 239
Parallel flow, examples 3
Pashinina, L.V. 301
Pasta, J.R. 308
Pavlov, B.M. 308
Pavlov, K.B. 308
Perfect gas, mean flow 173
Perfect gas, relations 173
Perkis, C.L. 230 286
Perturbation, three-dimensional, controlled 132
Pezzoli, G. 308
Pierce, D. 308
Pierce, J.G. 308
Plapp, J.E. 308
Plesset, M.S. 308
Pocinki, L.S. 308
Poiseuille flow, axisymmetric 229—230
Poiseuille flow, axisymmetric, spatial instability 230
Poiseuille flow, plane 91—92
Poiseuille flow, plane, eigenvalues 92 94
Poiseuille flow, plane, magnetic eigenvalues 210 212
Poiseuille flow, plane, magnetohydrodynamic 210
Poiseuille flow, plane, nonlinear effects 143
Poiseuille flow, plane, simplified analysis 92—93
Ponomarenko, I.B. 575
Potter, M.C 308
Powers, J.O. 83 286
Prandtl number, definition 183
Prandtl, L. 2 286 287
Pressure equation, compressible free stream 178
Pressure equation, magnetohydrodynamics 202 203
Pressure equation, three-dimensional, compressible 195
Pressure equation, three-dimensional, incompressible 118
Pressure equation, two-dimensional, compressible 177
Pressure equation, two-dimensional, incompressible 13—14
Pressure equation, viscous compressible 185
Pressure fluctuations, hypersonic boundary layer 180 181
Pressure fluctuations, neutral supersonic 182
Pressure wave 18
Pressure wave, magnetohydrodynamic 205—206
Pressure wave, stationary 18—20
Pretsch, J. 65 230 287
Price, J.F. 299
Prislin, R.H. 301
Program, inviscid cases 28—29
Program, testing 29—30
Protter, M.H. 307
Quinn, B. 308
Rabenstein, A.L. 257 285 308
Raetz, G.S. 147 222 287
Raja Gopal, E.S. 308
Rajapps, N.R. 308
Ram, A. 306
Raman, K.R. 230 284
Randall, D.G. 311
Rayleigh equation 27 37 46 104 269
Rayleigh equation, cylindrical coordinates 232
Rayleigh equation, definition 4
Rayleigh method 35
Rayleigh theorem 105 107 231 232
Rayleigh, Lord 1 28 35 105 107 123 245 287
Reid, W.H. 121 226 288 300 308
Reshotko, E. 171 177 210 285 286 288 308 309
Resistive instability, definition 4
Reversible effect 176
Reynolds number 1
Reynolds number, boundary layer, definition 63
Reynolds number, critical value 2 83 108—111
Reynolds number, magnetic 209
Reynolds number, magnetic, low value approximation 209—211
Reynolds number, transitional 109
Reynolds stresses 16 107—108 111—112 182 215
Reynolds stresses, deformable boundary 237 238
Reynolds, O. 1 288
Rheinboldt, W. 309
Ricatti equation 43
Richtmyer, R.D. 309
Riis, E. 309
Roberts, K.V. 309
Roberts, P.H. 309
Robinson, A.R. 309
Rom (Rabinowicz), J. 309
Rosenblat, S. 293
Rosenbluth, M.N. 309
Rosenhead, L. 159 160 288 309
Rosenshtoh, I.L. 309
Roshko, A. 158 288
Rosliakov, G.S. 308 309
Rossow, V.J. 210 211 288
Rotating cylinders, numerical solutions 157
Rotating flow instability, basic mechanism 246—247
Rowe, P.W. 309
Rowland, W.R. 311
Roze, N.V. 168 284
Rubin, S.G. 309
| Rudraiah, N. 309
Rusbridge, M.G. 309
Russell, P.E. 294
Saffman, P.G. 258 288
Sagdeev, R.Z. 315
Sakipov, Z.B. 297
Sani, R. 296 309
Sargent, L.M. 4 100 129 132 134 135 141 284
Sato, H. 39 221 288 309 310
Saunders, P.A. 309
Schade, H. 36 42 149 286 288 310
Schensted, I.V. 121 288
Schlichting, H. 2 5 95 227 288
Schmidt, E. 192 288
Schubauer, G.B. 3 129 132 217 289 302 310
Scriven, L.E. 311
Secondary instability 250—253
Secondary instability, coordinates 252
Secondary instability, definition 250
Secondary instability, formulation 251
Secondary instability, results 252
Sellars, J.R. 230 281
Sen, A.K. 310
Separation of fluctuations 10—11
Sergienko, A.A. 310
Serrin, J. 170 289 310
Sexl, T. 230 289 310
Shair, F.H. 310
Shaw, R.P. 307
Shea, J.F. 299
Shear flow, inviscid, flexible boundary 243—244
Shear flow, magnetohydrodynamic 208—214
Shear flow, oscillations, flexible boundary 241—243
Shear flow, streaklines 151—154
Shear layer, in non-Newtonian fluid, eigenvalues 257
Shear layer, inviscid 26—37
Shear layer, inviscid, complete calculations 33—35
Shear layer, inviscid, effect of wall 36—37
Shear layer, inviscid, eigenfunctions 33 34
Shear layer, inviscid, eigenvalues 33
Shear layer, near wall, eigenvalues 36
Shear layer, non-Newtonian fluids 256—258
Shear layer, nonlinear effects 139—140 148—149
Shear layer, viscous, eigenvalues 79 81 82
Shen, S.F. 83 92 110 170 173 178 286 289 310
Shen, S.T. 310
Shih Pi, W.-Y. 292
Shirely, L.K. 310
Shustov, S.N. 310
Simon, A. 309
Sinai, la.G. 306
Singh, K. 51 289
Singularities, spatial 217 220—223
Sinha, K.D. 310
Sirazetdinov, T.K. 310
Sirieix, M. 306
Sizonenko, V.L. 310
Skramstad, H.K. 3 129 132 217 289
Slattery, R.E. 295
Slezkin, N.A. 310
Smirnov, A.D. 51 289
Smith, A.M.O. 83 89 224 227 245 246 247 277 289 291
Smith, M.H. 311
Soehngen, E.E. 300
Sommerfeld, A. 2 289
Sonic point 177
Sorokin, V.S. 305 311
Soundwaves 178 179 182
Spangenberg, W.G. 311
Sparrow, E.M. 311 313
Spatial amplification, definition 216
Spatial growth, analytic relations 217—218
Spatial growth, temporal comparison 216—217
Specific heat, at constant pressure, definition 172
Specific heat, at constant pressure, perfect gas 173
Specific heat, at constant volume, definition 172
Specific heat, at constant volume, perfect gas 173
Speed of sound, definition 172 173
Speed of sound, perfect gas 173
Speidel, L. 311
Spence, D.A. 311
Spiegel, E.A. 311
Spielberg, K. 310 311
Spike 134
Sproull, W.T. 258 289
Squire theorem 103—104 140
Squire theorem, magnetohydrodynamic 203—204
Squire, H.B. 101 259
Srinivasan, S.K. 311
Stability, definition 1
Stability, main categories 3
Stability, surfaces 112—116
Stability, surfaces, neutral 112—116
Stabilization by cooling 178
Stabilizing effect 64 147 178 211 212 225 244
standing waves 100
Stepanov, K.N. 311
Stern, M.E. 311
Sternberg, J. 311
Sternling, C.V. 311
Steurer, J.W. 311
Stewartson, K. 311
Stiffness, definition 234 235
Stratified layers, oscillations 188—194
Streaklines, definition 151
Struminskii, V.V. 311
Stuart method 144—147
Stuart, J.T. 4 104 134 141 144 170 204 210 213 282 286 289 294 311
Stuetzer, O.M. 312
Stuper, J. 312
Successive solutions 123
Sundaram, A.K. 312
Super layer 260
Supersonic boundary layer, two-dimensional 186—188
Suprunenko, I.P. 312
Suskin, I.V. 311
Swift, J. 48 290
Synge, J.L. 109 110 290
Szablewski, W. 312
Szewczyk, A. 78 110 157 192 280 290
Talwar, S.P. 312
Taneda, S. 312
Tani, I. 134 290
Taniuti, T. 301
Tarasov, Y.A. 308 312
Tatsumi, T. 34 81 91 95 290
Taylor, G.I. 2 168 245 290
Taylor, J.B. 309
Tchen, C.-M. 312
Tetervin, N. 312
Thermal properties, wall 171
Thermodynamic relations 172
Thermodynamic relations, fluctuations 176 188
Thoman, D.C 157 290
Thomas, L.H. 83 92 290
Thompson, W.B. 206 290 312
Thornton, P.E. 307
Three-dimensionality, experiment 132 133 135
Tidstrom, K.D. 4 100 129 132 134 135 141 283 284 302
Tietjens function 2 55
Tietjens, O. 2 55 290
Timan, H. 311
Time reversal 80
Timman, R. 312
Tollmien — Schlichting waves, definition 5
Tollmien, W. 2 5 131 231 290 298 313
Toong, T.-Y. 313
Total pressure, definition 203
Townsend, A.A. 141 290
Transformations 101—103
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