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Sears F.W. — Optics |
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Abbe’s sine condition 70
Aberration of light 11
Aberration, chromatic 127
Aberration, spherical 63
Absorptance 300
Absorptance, spectrum 300
Absorption 308
Accommodation 134
Achromatic, doublet 128
Achromatic, light 360
Achromatic, prism 51
Adaptation 13
Ame tropic 135
Amici prism 46
Analyser 184
Anderson, W. C 15
Angle, critical of incidence 26
Angle, critical of reflection 26
Angle, critical of refraction 26
Angle, critical, for total reflection 43
Angle, critical, glancing 243
Angle, critical, of deviation 47
Angle, critical, polarizing 175
Angular magnification 139
Angular magnification of telescope 146
Antigmatism, of eye 135
Antigmatism, of lens 122
Antinode 210
Aperture, numerical 260
Aperture, relative 117
Aperture, stop 15
Apianatic lens 122
Aqueous humor 132
Astigmatic pencil 41
Astronomical telescope 145
Atom, Bohr 292
Atomic number 302
Average reflectance 361
Axis 60
Axis, optic 177
Babinet compensator 190
Band spectrum 302
Beam 5
Beam, candlepower 328
Biaxial crystal 177
Birefringence 177
Blaokbody 310
Blind spot 133
Bohr atom 292
Bohr, Niels 292
boundary conditions 170
Bradley, James 11
Bragg's law 244
Bragg, W. L. 242
Brewster, Sir David 175
Brewster’s law 175
Brightness 322 336
Camera 157
Candle 327
Candle, standard 329
Cassegranian mounting 155
Caustic 118
Center of curvature 60
chromatic aberration 127
Chromatic ness 322
Chromatidty 350
Chromatidty, diagram 355
Circle of confusion 115 158
Circttlar light 185
Collimator 161
Color of an object 359
Color, complementary 362
Color, mixture, additive 351
Color, nonspectral 362
Color, primary 352 367
Color, sensation of 322
Color, subtractive 363
Colorimetry 350
Coma 121
Complementary color 362
Complete radiator 310
Component of color mixture 36
Compound, lens 86 107
Compound, microscope 142
Compton effect 3
Compton, A. H. 3
Concave grating 240
Conventions of sign 61
Converging lem 101
Cornea 132
Critical angle for total reflection 43
Crystalline lens 132
Cylindrical lens 102
Depth of field 15
Deuterium 297
Deviation by a prism 47
Deviation, angle of 47
Deviation, minimum 48
Dichroism 182
Diffraction 65 221
Diopter 138
Diopter, prism 139
Dioptric power 138
Direet-vision prism 51
dispersion 17 49
Dispersion by a prism 47
Dispersive power 50
Distortion 125
Diverging lens 101
Dominant wave length 350 360
Double refraction 176
Doublet, achromatic 128
Eclipses 9
Efficiency, luminous 325
Einstein, Albert 289
Einstein’s photoelectric equation 290
Electromagnetic spectrum 19
Electron Horoscope 270
emission 308
Emittance, radiant 309
Emittance, spectral 313
Emmetropic 135
Energy, radiant 307
Erect image 70
Erecting lens 147
Ether 2
EUiptscal light 185
Exit pupil 151 263
Extraordinary ray 180
eye 132
Eye, lens 141
Eye, limit of resolution 260
Eye, point 151
Eyepiece 140
Far point 134
Fermat's principle 30 66
Fermat, Pierre de 30
Field, curvature of 68
field, depth of 158
Field, lens 141
Field, stop 158
Fluorescent lamp 345
Flux, luminous 324
Flzeau, A. H. L. 13
Focal length of lens 90
Focal length of mirror 74
Focal length of thick lens 104
Focal length of thin lens 92
Focal length of thin lenses in contact 108
| Focal length of thin lenses not in contact 108
Focal lengths of surface 73
Focal planes of lens 87
Focal points of lens 87
Focal points of mirror 74
Focal points of surface 73
Focal points of thick lens 104
Footcandle 330
Foucault, Leon 1 13
Fovea centralis 133
Fraunhofer 225
Fraunhofer by circular aperture 244
Fraunhofer, diffraction 225
Fraunhofer, Joseph 18 216
Fraunhofer, lines 302 344
Frequency, threshold 288
Fresnel 225
Fresnel by a slit 223
Fresnel by circular aperture 248
Fresnel by circular obstacle 251
Fresnel by straight edge 252
Fresnel of x-rays 241
Fresnel, Augustin 1 18
Fresnel, diffraction 225
Fresnel, grating 233
Fresnel, zones 245
Fresnel’s formulae 174
Galilean telescope 149
Galileo 9
Gamma rays 20
Gauss, Karl F. 94
Gaussian lens equation 94
Geometrical optics 60
Glancing angle 243
graphical methods 75 106
Grating, concave 240
Grating, diffraction 216 233
Grating, limit of resolution 274
Grating, reflection 238
Grating, replica 238
Grating, transmission 238
Half-period element 245
Half-wave plate 187
Heat transfer by radiation 317
Hertz, Heinrich 2 288
Honrefleeting films 206
Hue 322 350
Huy gene 141
Huygens ocular 141
Huygens’ principle 5
Hyperopia 135
Illuminance 330
Illuminance by extended source 337
Image 60
Image in plane mirror 34
Image, erect 70
Image, inverted 70 100
Image, perverted 38
Image, primary 124
Image, real 34 63
Image, secondary 124
Image, virtual 34 63
Images in three dimensions 38 98
Incandescent lamp 344
Incidence, angle of 26
Incidence, plane of 20
Index of refraction 17 49
Infrared 20
Intensity, luminous 326
Interference 203
Interference in thin films 203
Interference, double slit 214 233
Interference, many slits 216 237
Interferometer, Michelson 213
Inverted image 70 100
Iris 133
Irradiance 308
Irrational spectrum 239
Kerr effect 194
Lambert 341
Lambert's law 36
Lateral magnification 68
LC.I. color mixture data 354
Least confusion, circle of 115
Lengths, focal of lens 87 90 104
Lengths, focal of mirror 74
Lengths, focal of surface 73
Lens, aplanatie 122
Lens, compound 86 107
Lens, converging 101
Lens, crystalline 132
Lens, cylindrical 102
Lens, diverging 1 01
Lens, erecting 147
Lens, eye 141
Lens, field 141
Lens, focal length of 87 90 104
Lens, focal planes of 87
Lens, focal points of 87 104
Lens, negative 101
Lens, positive 101
Lens, principal planes of 89
Lens, principal points of 89
Lens, simple 86
Lens, spherical aberration of 114
Lens, thick 86 103
Lens, thin 86 91
Lensrnaker’s equation 92
Lensrnaker’s equation, circular 186
Lensrnaker’s equation, definition of 3
Lensrnaker’s equation, elliptical 185
Lensrnaker’s equation, light, achromatic 360
Lensrnaker’s equation, linear 168
Lensrnaker’s equation, linearly polarized 4
Lensrnaker’s equation, monochromatic 49
Lensrnaker’s equation, natural 168
Lensrnaker’s equation, nature of 1
Lensrnaker’s equation, plane polarised 4
Lensrnaker’s equation, polychromatic 49
Lensrnaker’s equation, quanta 290
Lensrnaker’s equation, unpolamed 168
Lensrnaker’s equation, velocity of 9
Lensrnaker’s equation, white 360
Limit of eye 260
Limit of grating 274
Limit of microscope 262
Limit of prism 276
Limit of resolution 257
Limit of teiescope 268
Line Spectrum 282
Linear light 168
Linear light, reflection of 169
Linearly polarized light 4 168
Lippmann process 2
Longitudinal magnification 99
Looming 7
Lorentz, Hendrik A. 285
Lumen 324
Luminance 334
Luminosity, relative 323
Luminous, efficiency 325
Luminous, flux 324
Luminous, intensity 326
Lux 330
Macula 133
Magnification, angular 139
Magnification, lateral 68
Magnification, longitudinal 99
Magnification, normal 150 263 269
Magnification, overall 142
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