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Sears F.W. — Optics |
Предметный указатель |
Magnifier 139
Magnifying glass 139
Maksutov corrector 121
Malus Etienne L. 184
Malus law 188
Maxwell, James Clerk 2
Michelson, Albert A. 14
Micron 18
Microscope, compound 142
Microscope, electron 270
Microscope, simple 139
Microwaves 20
Millimicron 18
Mirage 7
Mirror, focal length of 74
Mirror, focal points of 74
Mirror, plane 34
Misiimum deviation 48
Monochromatic light 49
Monochromator 346
Mtcheisoii interferometer 213
Myopia 135
Near point 134
Negative lena 101
Newton's rings 207
Newton, Sir Isaac 18 95
Newtonran, ions equation 95
Newtonran, mounting 155
Nicol prism 181
Node 210
Nonspectral color 362
Normal magnification 150 263 269
Number, atomic 302
Numerical aperture 260
Object 60
Object, virtual 77
Objective 142
Ocular 140
Oit-immersioa objectiye 267
Opera glass 150
Optic, axis 177
Optic, nerve 13
Optica, geometrical 60
Optica, physical 167
Optical activityt 94
Ordinary ray 180
Overall magnification 142
Pencil 5
Pencil, astigmatic 41
Pencil, homocentrie 5
Penta prism 46
Penumbra 8
Perverted image 38
photoelectric effect 3 288
Photoelectron 3
Photometer 332
Photometer, flicker 334
Photometry 322
Photon 3 290
Phototube 291
Physical optics 167
Planck, Max 2 311
Planck’s constant 290
Plane of incidence 29
Plane, mirror 34
Plate, half-wave 187
Plate, quartet-wave 187
Plate, retardation 185
Points of mirfdr 74
Points of surface 73
Points, focal, of lens 87 104
Polarization 167
Polarization by double refraction 181
Polarization by reflection 173
Polarization, partial 183
Polarization, percentage 183
Polarizer 176
Polarizing angle 175
Polaroid 182
Polychromatic light 49
Porro 46
Porro prism 46
Porro, reflecting 44
Porro, refraction by 47
Porro, spectrometer 160
Positive lens 301
Power, dispersive 60
Presbyopia 134
Primaryj colors 352 367
Principal, planes of lens 89
Principal, points of lens 89
Principle of superposition 203
Prism, achromatic 51
Prism, Amici 46
Prism, binocular 148
Prism, deviation by 47
Prism, diopter 139
Prism, direct vision 51
Prism, dispersion by 47
Prism, imit of resolution 276
Prism, Nicoi 181
Prism, Penta 46
Projection lantern 155
Pupil of eye 183
Pupil, exit 151 263
purity 360
Purkinje effect 323
Quanta 290
quantum mechanics 298
Quarter-wave plate 187
Radiant, emfttance 309
Radiant, energy 307
Radiant, flux 308
Radiation, resonance 301
Radiation, thermal 307
Radiator 307
Radiator, complete 310
Rainbow 54
Ramsden 141
Ramsden ocular 141
Rangefinder 158
| Rational spectrum 239
Ray 4
Ray, extraordinary 180
Ray, ordinary 180
Rayleigh, limit of resolution 257
Rayleigh, scattering formula 200
Real image 34 63
Reflectance 173 309
Reflectance, average 361
Reflecting prism 44
Reflecting prism, telescope 153
Reflection 24
Reflection at spherical surface 67
Reflection of linear light 169
Reflection, angle of 26
Reflection, grating 238
Reflection, law of 25
Reflection, total 28 43
Reflector, retrodirective 37 90
Refracting telescope 145
Refraction 24
Refraction at a spherical surface 60
Refraction by a prism 47
Refraction, angle of 26
Refraction, atmospheric 6
Refraction, double 176
Refraction, index of 17 49
Refraction, law of 25
Relative, aperture 117
Relative, luminosity 323
Replica grsting 238
Resolution, limit of 257
Resonance, level 301
Resonance, radiation 301
Retardation plat 185
retina 132
Retrodirective reflector 37 90
Roentgen, W. K. 241
Rowland, J. H. 240
Saturation 322 350
Scattering 195
Schmidt corrector 120
Secondary image 124
Series, spectral 284
Shadow, geometrical 8 221
Sign, conventions of 61
Simple, lens 86
Simple, microscope 138
Sit, law 311
Snell, Willfebrord 27
Snell’s law 27
Spectacles 136
Spectral, emittanee 313
Spectral, reflectance 334
Spectral, series 284
Spectral, transmittance 334
Spectrograph 163
Spectrometer, prism 160
Spectrophotometry 334 367
Spectroscope 162
Spectrum, absorption 300
Spectrum, Band 302
Spectrum, electromagnetic 19
Spectrum, irrational 239
Spectrum, line 282
Spectrum, rational 239
Spectrum, visible 18
Spectrum, X-ray 302
Spherical aberrat ion of 117
Spherical aberration 63
Spherical aberration of lens 114
Spherical aberration of mirror 117
Spyglass 147
Standard, candle 329
Standard, meter 214
standing waves 209
Stefan — Boltzmann, constant 316
Stefan — Boltzmann, law 315
Stefan, Josef 316
Stop, aperture 158
Stop, field 158
Subtractive color mixture 363
Superposition, astronomical 145
Superposition, Galilean 149
Superposition, limit of resolution 268
Superposition, nrinctpk of 203
Superposition, reflecting 153
Superposition, refracting 145
Superposition, terrestrial 147
Terrestrial telescope 147
Thermal radiation 307
Thick lens 86 103
Thick lens, focal length of 104
Thin lens 86 91
Thin lens, focal length of 92
Threshold frequency 288
Total reflection 28 43
Transmission grating 238
Transmittance, spectral 334
Transverse magnification 69
Trichromatic coefficient 354 355
Tristimulufi value 364
Vertex 60
Virtual, image 34 63
Wave front 3
Wave length, dominant 350 360
Wave mechanics 270 298
Wavelength, DeBroglie 220
Waves, standing 209
White, light 360
White, point 360
Wiener’s experiment 211
Wien’s displacement law 315
work function 290
X-ray, diffraction 741
X-ray, spectra 302
Yellow spoc 133
Young, Thomas 1 18 214
Young’s experiment 214
Zeeman effect 285
Zeeman, Pieter 285
Zones, Fresnel 245
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