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Nayfeh A.H., Mook D.T. — Nonlinear Oscillations |
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Absorber, vibration 370 387
Accelerating mass 486
Acoustic, field 509
Acoustic, geometrical method of 555 570
Acoustic, waves 614
Adjustment of frequencies 472 475 479 482
Adjustment of frequencies for plate 519
Aerodynamics 98—100
Aeroelastic systems 269
Airplane 181
Airstream 508 601
Analog, simulation 266 306
Analog, simulation, dynamic: of Berger's equations 504
Analog, simulation, dynamic: of von Karman's equations 503
Analytic method 445
Analytic method of characteristics 555 556 571 582 609
Analytic method, advantages of 411
Analytical techniques see Method
Andronov and Witt, method of 206
Angle of attack 98 99 443
Angle ply 502
Anisotropic 502 508
Annular, plate 502 508
Anode see Circuit
Aperiodic 221
Arc discharge 107
arch 267 268 447
Area, equal, rule 507
Artificial satellite see Satellite
Aspect ratio 504
Asymmetries 442
Atmosphere 228 443 568
Attenuation 563 564 566
Attitude stability, satellite 331
Attraction see Domain
Autonomous system 165 175 179 270 340 417
Autonomous system, equations 229
Autoparametric resonance 269 406.
Averaging, methods of 62 63 121—122 137 138 270 309 311 369 445 555
Averaging, methods of, for coupling of modes in strings 417
Averaging, methods of, for multi-degree-of-freedom systems 417
Averaging, methods of, for nonideal systems 229—231
Averaging, methods of, for parametrically excited systems 354 424
Averaging, methods of, for strongly nonlinear problems 157
Averaging, methods of, for waves in bars 571 575 607
Axial 448 455
Axial, prestressing 460
Axial, restraint 460
Axle 82
Backbone curve 167
Ballooning motion see Nonplanar motion
Band 269
bar 35 36
Bar, curved 268
Bar, finite 571—583
Bar, longitudinal waves along 544
Bar, nonlinear elastic 521
Bar, nonuniform 519
Bar, rotating 448
Bar, waves along 544—583
Basin 568
Beam 30 192 224 387 447—485
Beam on elastic foundation 35—38 445
Beam with varying properties 447. See also Column
Beam, buckled 433 447
Beam, cantilever 448
Beam, clamped-clamped 530—533
Beam, curved 449
Beam, dynamic buckling of 24
Beam, equations of motion 448
Beam, hinged-clamped 32—35 420 469—485 529
Beam, hinged-hinged 452—455 460—468 525—529
Beam, longitudinal inertia 445 455—460
Beam, longitudinal-transverse coupling 450—452 455—460
Beam, nonlinear clastic 444
Beam, nonuniform 447
Beam, parametrically excited 24 449
Beam, plane bending of 267
Beam, supported by springs 432
Beam, survey of 444
Bearing 107 129 331
Beating, heart 6
Beating, heart, phenomenon 18 209 223 224
Belt 269
Benard cells 156
Bending 192
Bending energy 503
Bending instability 268
Bending moment 501
Berger's equations 504 507 541—542
Bessel functions 240
Betatron 379
Bifurcation 65 70 75 158 494
Bisector rule 568
Blade 219
Block waves 273
Block, sliding 434
Boom sonic 568
Boundary conditions: axial restraint 460
Boundary conditions: nonlinear 445
Boundary conditions: spring 453
Boundary conditions: time-dependent 454
Boundary conditions: varying 258
Boundary-value, problem 446 551 552.
Breaking distance 562 563 571
Bubble, pulsating 100
Buckled beam 433 447 460
Buckling, dynamic 24 84 305
Buckling, dynamic, load 259 267
Buckling, dynamic, of column by nonideal energy source 360
Buckling, dynamic, of free-fixed column 317—320
Buckling, dynamic, post 506
Burgers' equation 37 562 607
Burgers' equation, exact solution of 608
Canonical form 547 550 551
Canonical form, system 174 284
Canonical form, variables 369 see also Jordan canonical form
cantilever 448
Capacitor see Circuit
Capillary-gravity waves 601
CART 434
Catastrophe 170 171
Cathode see Circuit
Cauchy problem 551
Center 2 45 116 207 208 349
Center for modulational instability 594
Characteristic, exponents 21 276 278 314 550 551
Characteristic, exponents, determination of 283 284
Characteristic, exponents, for Mathieu equation 285 see also Hill's equations
Characteristics 577
Characteristics, analytic method of 555 609
Characteristics, exact, of wave equation 612
Characteristics, for -order system 550—551
Characteristics, for second-order system 546—550
Characteristics, of motor 225 229 283 284
Characteristics, significance of 551—553
Chattering 107
Chinchilla 367
Circle, particle on rotating 41—42 79
Circle, ring 447
Circuit, electrical 103—105 261 262 338 349
Circuit, electrical, consisting of two oscillators 374
Circular, plate 502 507—519 536—542
Classification of singular points 110—117
Classification of waves 544
Clock pendulum 155
Closed trajectory 45 49
Cnoidal waves 593
Cochlear 397
col 2 44
| column 379
Column of fluid 587 611
Column with hysteresis 100
Column, buckled 443 447
Column, dynamic stability of 24 264—268 317—320
Column, imperfect 267
Column, parametrically excited 23 24 259 305 317—320 343 360
Column, stability of 460
Column, thin-walled 267
Column, variable cross section 267 see also Beam
Combination resonance 26 28 219 242 366 367 374 469
Combination resonance, destabilizing effects of viscosity on 24 268 320—321 338
Combination resonance, difference 366
Combination resonance, for Duffing equation 15 183—187 192—195
Combination resonance, for gyroscopic systems 336—338
Combination resonance, for hinged-clamped beam 480—485
Combination resonance, for hinged-hinged beam 467—468
Combination resonance, for parametric-ally excited systems 23 430
Combination resonance, for sound waves in ducts 362
Combination resonance, for systems with quadratic nonlinearities 201—203 438 440
Combination resonance, for van der Pol oscillator 216—219
Combination resonance, in machinery 269
Combination resonance, in shafts 269 396
Combination resonance, in two-degree-of-freedom systems 414—417 434 437 438
Combination resonance, in waveguides 363
Combination resonance, summed 366
Combination resonance, with repeated frequencies 325—328
Commensurable frequencies 17 186 189 192 194 203 210 218 219 366 379 394 519
Commensurable frequencies in hinged-hinged beam 461
Commensurable frequencies, destabilizing effect on gyroscopic systems 402
Compatability equations 505
Composite 445 see
Concavity 546
Conductor, current-carrying 67—71
Coning 158
Conlinua 444
Conservative single-degree-of-freedom system 1 39
Consistency condition 549
Constitutive relation 545 548
Constitutive relation for viscoelastic material 563 564
Constraint, nonlinear 445 535
Continual exchange of energy 27 366 367 370 385 394 410 411 460
Continuous systems 30 444
Control 275 231.
Convergence 388
Coordinate 372
Coulomb damper 97
Coulomb damping 95 97 106 125—127 149 234 246
Coulomb damping, combined with viscous damping 152
Coupling, nonlinear 366 373 386 394 421 447
Coupling, nonlinear, coefficients 461 469
Coupling, nonlinear, of longitudinal and transverse oscillations 440—452 455—460
Coupling, nonlinear, of modes 460 468
Crankshaft 259
Critical speed 219
Critical speed, passage through 227
Critical speed, viscous coefficient 563
Critical speed, wavenumber 37 616
Cross ply 502
Crystal 273
Cumulative 563 583
Current-carrying conductory 67—71
Current-carrying conductory, bifurcation values for 70
Current-carrying conductory, phase planes for 69 70
Curvature, large 444
Curve: backbone 167
Curve: closed 45 46 48 49 143
Curve: frequency-response 166
Curve: of constant energy 42
Curve: phase 166
Curve: stationary 222 see also Integral
Curved, beam 449
Curved, plate 509
Cusp 46 70 170
Cutout, plate with 507
CYCLE see Limit cycle
Cylinder: containing fluid 506
Cylinder: restrained by a spring 93
Cylinder: rolling on circular surface 78 351 434 435
Damper 130 396
Damper, Lanchester-type 130. See also Coulomb damper
Damping 163
Damping from experiment 163
Damping, analytic form 97
Damping, dry friction 3
Damping, effect on parametric resonance 267—269 300 301 320 341
Damping, force 96 97
Damping, influence on response of Duffing equation 167 168
Damping, internal 331 396
Damping, mechanisms 95—107
Damping, modal 481 520
Damping, models 449
Damping, positive 95
Damping, sinusoidal function of velocity 240 see also Coulomb damping; Form drag;
Decay rate 566
Decay rate into solitions 595
Decay rate of shock 566
Decay rate, effect of internal resonance 386
Deep see Water
Deflection, waves 571. See also Beam; Disc; Membrane; Plate; Ring; Shell; String
Deformable body 444 445
Degenerate point 47 70
Delayed, amplitude limiting 147
Delayed, shock formation 583
Delta function 467
Demultiplication of frequency 181. See also Subharmonic resonance
Dependence rate 555
Dependence, domain of 552 553
Derivative-expansion method 571. See also Multiple scales
Determinacy, domain of 552
Determinant 496 497.
Detuning 8
Detuning parameter 8 163 175 178 179 185 188 199 230 291 293 308
Dielectric 598
DIP 592
Dirac, delta function 467
Directly excited 468 471
Dirichlet see Lagrange
Disc 444
Discontinuous, derivatives 549. See also Shock
Disk 92
Disk spinning 441 505 506
dispersion relation 544 545 585 586 596 615
Dispersive waves 35 544 545.
Dissipation, effect on waves 565 566 583
Dissipation, function 373 555
Dissipation, internal 563 see also Damping
Distortion, nonlinear 560 561 571 572 574 605.
Divergence 508
Divisor see Small divisor
Domain, of attraction 10 172 173
Domain, of dependence 552 553
Drag force 96
Drag-out phenomenon 219
Drift 3 49 56 198 200
Drilling 374
Dry friction see Coulomb damping
Dual-spin satellite 331 396
Duct 361 587 603 614
Duffing equation 9 10 162—195 352 516 531
Duffing equation, coupled 396
Duffing equation, parametrically-excited 343—348
Duffing equation, response to multifrequency excitation 16
Duffing equation, state plane 10
Dumbbell satellite 396
Dynamic, stability 184 259 260 264—269
Dynamic, stability, pressure 508 see also Buckling
Ears 367
Eigenvalue 23 111 11 1 234 274 275 280 283 344
Eigenvalue for beams 453
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