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Adair R.K. — The Great Design: Particles, Fields, and Creation
Adair R.K. — The Great Design: Particles, Fields, and Creation

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Íàçâàíèå: The Great Design: Particles, Fields, and Creation

Àâòîð: Adair R.K.


Although modern physics surrounds us, and newspapers constantly refer to its concepts, most nonscientists find the subject extremely intimidating. Complicated mathematics or gross oversimplifications written by laypersons obscure most attempts to explain physics to general readers.
Now, at long last, we have a comprehensive — and comprehensible — account of particles, fields, and cosmology, written by a working physicist who does not burden the reader with the weight of ponderous scientific notation. Exploring how physicists think about problems, Robert K. Adair considers the assumptions they make in order to simplify impossibly complex relationships between objects, how they determine on what scale to treat the problem, how they make measurements, and the interplay between theory and experiment.
Adair gently guides the reader through the ideas of particles, fields, relativity, and quantum mechanics. He explains the great discoveries of this century — which have caused a revolution in how we view the universe — in simple, logical terms, comprehensible with a knowledge of high school algebra. Performing the difficult task of predigesting complex concepts, Adair gives nonscientists access to what often appears to be an arcane discipline, and captures the joy of discovery which lies at the heart of research.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1987

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 376

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 09.12.2009

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$E=mc^{2}$      94—98
Abbot, Edwin, A.      127n
Abelian      220
Abelian, non-Abelian fields      339—342
Aberration      79
Absolute zero (of temperature)      44
Acceleration, absolute character of      103—104
action      29n 164
Addition of velocities, Galilean Relativity      73
Addition of velocities, Galilean Relativity, Special Relativity      93—94
Alpha particle      195
Ambler, Eric      232 282
Ampere, Andre      128
Ampere’s Law      129—131 133
Angular momentum in quantum mechanics      176—180
Anthropic principle      365—369
Antimatter      236—238
Aristotle      141
Arnold, Mathew      366
Aston, F.W.      249
Asymptotic freedom of quarks      276—278
Atoms as standing waves      198—200
Atoms as standing waves, chemical bases      39 41
Atoms as standing waves, described by quantum mechanics, Bohr Model      194—207
Atoms as standing waves, electromagnetic radiation from      200—202
Avogadro, Amedeo      40
Avogadro’s number      45
Barrier penetration      171—173
Baryon’s      214 228 248
Becquerel, Henri      280
Bell, J.S.      183
Bernoulli, Daniel      42
big bang      311
Binding energy      197
Black holes      108—109 318
Blake, William      366
Bohm — Aharanov effect      64 329—331
Bohm, David      183
Bohr Model of atom      see “Atoms”
Bohr, Neils      6 149 150 196
Boltzmann statistics      181
Boltzmann, Ludwig      140
Born, Max      149
Bose — Einstein statistics      180—182
Bosons      181—182 347 351
Bottom quark      see “Flavor”
boundary conditions      14
Boyle, Robert      41
Boyle’s law      41—43
Bradley, James      79
Brahe, Tycho      353
Brown, Robert      46
Brownian movement      45—47
Butler, C.C.      256
Cabibbo angle      293—296
Cabibbo angle, model      290—294
Cabibbo, Nicolo      291
Carroll, Lewis      230
Causality in Special Relativity      93
Celsius (temperature scale)      44
Chadwick, James      249
Charge      211—213
Charm quark      see “Flavor”
Charmonium      271—274
Chirality      282 344
Clausius, Rudolf      44 146
Collisions      19
COLOR      264—266
Color, magnetism      272 274—275
Commutation      339
Complementary quantities      161—162 163
Compton scattering      174—175
Compton, Arthur      174—176
Conduction (of heat in gases)      44
Conjugation      236—238
Conservation      211 245—247
Conservation of angular momentum      16—22 26—28 140
Conservation of baryons      259
Conservation of charge      211 245—247
Conservation of energy      17—18 26—28 95—97 140 310
Conservation of momentum      16—17 27—28 94—97
Conservation of parity      234—236
Conservation of quarks      259
conservation of the quark      269—271
conservation, independence      249 250 255—256 254—255 306n
conservation, quantization      243—245
conservation, strong interaction      213
Containment of gluons      275
Containment of gluons, of quarks      274—276
Copenhagen, interpretation of quantum mechanics      189
Copernicus      366
Correspondence in Special Relativity      89
Correspondence principle      158 207n
Cosmological principle      309—310 314
Cosmology      308—324
Coulomb scattering      226
Coulomb, Charles      55
Coulomb’s law      55—56 62 64
Coupling constant      220
Covariance      32 35—37
Cowper, Abraham      344
CP invariance      236—240 243 344
CPT invariance      241 243
Creation of the universe      363—365
Cronin, James      238
Curie, Marie      280
Curie, Pierre      38
Curl (mathematics)      53 62 328
Curvature of space, cosmological      313—318 (see also “General Theory of Relativity”)
Dalitz, Richard      232
Dalton, John      40 41
Davisson, C.      155
De Broglie waves      64 165—168 173 234—236 329—331
de Broglie, Louis      64
Delbruck scattering      57
Democritus      see “Demokritos”
Demokritos      38 43 46 141
Density of the Universe      318—321
Diderot, Denis      39
Diffraction of particles      149—155 (see also “Interference”)
Diffusion (of gases)      44
Dimensions of space, more than three      352
Dimensions, consistency in equations      30
Dirac, Paul A.M.      149 236 245 247n
Divergence (mathematics)      58—59 63
Doppler shift      285 311 321—322n
Down quark      see “Flavor”
Eddington, Sir Arthur      141
Einstein      6 8—9 30 46 49 66n 82 86 103 121 123 128 136 149 161 165 176 185 189 282 338 344 345 353 365
Electric field as a changing magnetic field      132
electromagnetic field      128—139 208 325
Electromagnetic field, forces      128—131 133
Electromagnetic field, interaction, under C, P, and T      243
Electromagnetic field, waves      134—137
Electromagnetism      50 54 209—212 325
Electron      54 150 153 159—160 166 194 239 268 358
Electron, helicity      282—284 287—288
Electrostatics      60
Electroweak force      331—340
Energy, kinetic      18
Energy, kinetic, in Special Relativity      96 102
Energy, kinetic, levels of baryons      262—264
Energy, kinetic, levels of charmonium      271—273
Energy, kinetic, levels of mesons      261—262
Energy, kinetic, levels, of atoms      202—204
Energy, kinetic, of the universe      364—365
Energy, kinetic, potential      19—20
Energy, kinetic, quantized      197
Energy, kinetic, stored in electromagnetic field      60—61
Energy, kinetic, stored in strong field      273—274
entropy      145—147
Epistomology in quantum mechanics      150
EPR (Einstein, Podolski, and Rosen) Paradox      183—189
Equations of motion      23
Equivalence principle      103—126 313
Escape velocity      316—317 323n
Ether      74 81
Exclusion principle      180—183
Exclusion Principle and color      265
Expanding Universe      310—313
Families of quarks      344
Faraday, Michael      49 55 128 209
Faraday’s law      131—133
Fermi — Dirac statistics      182—183
Fermi, Enrico      163 255
fermions      182 215 259 347 351
Feynman diagram      210 211—219 219—221
Feynman, Richard      208 209 227
Field      49—66 208
Field particle      see “Force particles”
Field theory      209
Field, conservative      52
Field, electric      60
Field, fundamental      208—229
Field, linearity      57
Field, magnetic      62—64
Field, potential      59
Field, scalar      50—53 359
Field, tensor      50 219
Field, unified      50 (see also “Grand Unified Theories”)
Field, vector      50—53 219
Fitch, Val      238
Fitzgerald, George      84
Flatland      127n
Flavor      259 266—267
Force, fundamental      13 208—209
Force, fundamental, particles      211 227 351
Four-vector, energy-momentum      94—99
Franklin, Benjamin      55
Fraunhofer lines      204
Fraunhofer, J.      204
Freud, Sigmund      5
Galaxies      309—313 318
Galilean transformation      68—72
Galilean transformation, invariance      68—72
Galileo, Galilei      6 39
Gauge Fields      331
Gauge Fields for the strong interactions      340—342
Gauge Fields for the weak interactions      331—332
Gauge Fields, invariance      52 246 325—343
Gauge Fields, transformation      342n
Gauss, Christian      112
Gay-Lussac      40
Gell-Mann, Murray      248 258
General theory of relativity      8 10 32 50 55 103—127 149 313 345
General Theory of Relativity, bending of light by the sun      123 126n
General Theory of Relativity, curvature of space      111—112 119—125
General Theory of Relativity, geometry of space      122—123
General Theory of Relativity, precession of the orbit of Mercury      123—124
Geodesies      111 120
Germer, L.      155
Glashow, Sheldon      209 325
Global symmetries      325—327
Global symmetries, transformations      326
Gluons      212 214 341 347
Gluons, carrying momentum in nuclei      268
Gluons, fields around quarks      276
Goldhaber, Maurice      284
Gradient (mathematics)      52 326 328
Grand unified theories      8 50 209 345—356
Gravitational constant      218
Gravitational interaction      15 216—219
Gravitational interaction, under C, P, and T      243
Graviton      217
Gravity      50 51 56 57 313 325
Gravity as geometry      109—113
Greenwich (time)      68
Guth, Alan      359
GUTs      see “Grand Unified Theories”
Hadrons      214 228n
Heat death of the universe      147
Heat, conduction in gases      44
Heat, conduction in gases, in changes of entropy      146—147
Heisenberg uncertainty principle      see “Uncertainty Principle”
Heisenberg, Werner      149
Helicity of leptons      280
Helicity of leptons, effect on decay rates      287—288
Helicity of leptons, of electrons      282—287
Helicity of leptons, of neutrinos      284—287
Helicity of leptons, of quarks      300—304
Higgs fields      335—337 347 349
Higgs particles in the Creation      359—361
Higgs, Peter      335
Hubble radius      356
Hubble, Edwin      310—313
Humanism, relation to physics      5
Huygens, Christian      190n
Hypercharge      256—264
Hypercharge changing weak neutral decays      297—300
Identical particles      180—183
Inertial systems      68 81 85
Inflation of the universe      359—363
Initial conditions      14
Interaction of the observer in quantum mechanics      164—165
Interference of waves in quantum mechanics      150—155
Invariance      13 14—29
Invariance, with respect to velocity      68
Isotope      41
Ives, Herbert      116
Joyce, James      248 258 298
K-mesons, CP violation      239
Kaluza — Klein theories      352—353
Kaluza, Theodor      352
Kant, Immanuel      39
Keats, John      344
Kelvin (temperature scale)      44
Kepler, Johannes      309 353
Kepler’s second law      22
Kinetic theory of gases      41—45
Klein, Oscar      352
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnot      185
Lagarrigue, A.      338
Lagrange, Joseph Louis      22
Lagrangian      22—24 28—29n 209 334 354 364
Lamarck, Jean      39
Language, limitations      9
Least action, principle of      22
Lee, T.D.      232
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm      6 39
Lepton      215 228n 248 347 358
Lepton, helicities      280—288 306n
Lepton, masses      300
Lepton, under C and P transformations      237
Leukippos      38
Light, absolute character of velocity      136
Light, absolute character of velocity, bending in gravitational field      106—109
Light, absolute character of velocity, projectile theory      80
Lineland      127n
Lines of force      56
Lipkin diagrams      283
Lipkin, Harry      282
Local Symmetries      325—327
Local Symmetries, transformation      326
Lorentz four-vectors      98
Lorentz — Fitzgerald relations      82—85
Lorentz, Hendrick      85 133
Lucretius      38 39
Mach, Ernst      38 45 48n 240
Mach’s principle      240—241
Magnetic field      130—131 133
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