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Edminister J.A. — Schaum's outline of electromagnetics |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
AC resistance, of transmission lines 237
Air gaps, cores with 177
Air-gap line, negative 183 184
Ampere (unit) 76 174
Ampere turns (unit) 174
Ampere's law 135—153 137
Ampere's law for magnetic circuits 174 176—177
Antenna parameters 294—296
Antennas 293—313
Antennas, available power of 300
Antennas, directivity of 295—296
Antennas, effective area for 300
Antennas, effective length of 297
Antennas, electric dipole 293—294
Antennas, linear arrays of 300—301
Antennas, monopole 298
Antennas, ohmic loss of 296
Antennas, power gain of 296
Antennas, radiation efficiency of 296
Antennas, receiving 299—300
Antennas, self-impedance of 298—299
Antennas, small circular-loop 296
Array factor 300
Arrays: endfire 301
Arrays: linear, of antennas 300—301
Arrays: uniform 301
Associative law 1
Attenuation factor 280—281
Attenuation factor, total 281
Attenuation, per-meter 255
Available power of antennas 300
Avogadro's number 86
Axial components, transverse components from 275
Axial fields 274—275
Axial fields, determination of 276—277
B see Magnetic flux density
B-W curve 174 175
Back-voltage in inductor 172
Beam width, half-power 295
Biot — Savart law 135—137
Boundary conditions: across interface of two dielectrics 207
Boundary conditions: at interface of two dielectrics 100—101
Boundary conditions: conductor-dielectric 83—85
Boundary reflection coefficient 240
Boundary relations, for magnetic fields 205—206
Boundary, current sheet at 106—017
Capacitance 95—113
Capacitance of transmission lines 237
Capacitance, definition of 96—97
Capacitance, equivalent 97
Capacitors: energy stored in 98
Capacitors: multiple-dielectric 97—98
Capacitors: parallel-plate, fringing of 43—44
Cartesian coordinate system 3—4
Cartesian coordinate system: curl in 138—139
Cartesian coordinate system: del operator in 49—50
Cartesian coordinate system: differential displacement vector in 59
Cartesian coordinate system: divergence in 47—49
Cartesian coordinate system: divergence, curl, gradient, and Laplacian in 314
Cartesian coordinate system: electric flux density in 39
Cartesian coordinate system: field vector in 274
Cartesian coordinate system: gradient in 63
Cartesian coordinate system: Laplace's equation in 114—115
Cartesian coordinate system: Laplace's equation in, in one variable 116—117
Cartesian coordinate system: Laplace's equation in, product solution of 117—118
Cartesian coordinate system: Laplacian of vector in 216
Cartesian coordinate system: Maxwell's equations in 217—218
Cartesian coordinate system: position vectors in 6
Characteristic impedance 240
Characteristic impedance, good, Maxwell's equation solutions for 220—221
Characteristic impedance, in motion: through time-dependent fields 196—197
Characteristic impedance, in motion: through time-independent fields 195—196
Characteristic impedance, parallel, inductance of 171
Characteristic impedance, perfect, imaging in 307
Conservative fields 60
Conservative property of electrostatic field 60
Constant currents 76
Continuity of current 82—83
Continuity of current, equation of 82
Contour, closed 60
Convection current 77
Convection current density (J) 77
Coordinate system, divergence, curl, gradient, and Laplacian in 314
Coordinate systems 3—4 (See
coordinates 3
Core lengths 174
Cores, with air gaps 177
Coulomb (unit) 13
Coulomb forces 13—31
Coulomb's law 13—14 101
Critical wave number 282
Cross product of two vectors 2
Curl 47
Curl in coordinate systems 314
Curl of gradient as zero vector 139
Curl of vector field 137—139
Curl, divergence of, as zero scalar 139
Current density 76
Current density, conduction 192
Current density, convection 77
Current density, displacement 192
Current density, magnetic field strength and 139
Current density, total 193
Current elements, magnetic force on 155—156
Current filament, vector magnetic potential for 141
Current law, Kirchhoffs 82
Current sheet 81
Current sheet at boundary 106—107
Current sheet density 81—82
Current source, phasor fields outside 293
Current(s) (I) 79
Current(s) (I), constant 76
Current(s) (I), continuity of see Continuity of current
Current(s) (I), displacement see Displacement current
Current(s) (I), time-variable 76
Cutoff frequency 277—278
Cutoff wavelength 286
Cylindrical conductors, inductance of 171
Cylindrical coordinate system see Circular cylindrical coordinate system
Cylindrical guides 284
D see Electric flux density
D'Arsonval meter movement 161
DC resistance, of transmission lines 237
Decibel (unit) 229
Del operator 49—50
Delay time 248
Density: charge see Charge density
Density: current see Current density
Density: energy 71
Density: flux see Flux density
Depth of penetration 220
Determinants 2
dielectric constant 13
Dielectric free-space interface 102—103
Dielectric losses 280—281
Dielectric-conductor boundary conditions 83—85
Dielectrics: boundary conditions across interface of two 207
Dielectrics: boundary conditions at interface of two 100—101
Dielectrics: perfect, Maxwell's equation solutions for 219—220
Dielectrics: polarization of see Polarization of dielectric materials
Dielectrics: two, in multiple-dielectric capacitors 97
Differential line element 5
Differential surface element 5
Differential volume 4—5
Diffusion 278
Dipole antennas, electric 293—294
Dipole moment, electric 95
Dipole: finite-length 296—298
Dipole: magnetic 296
Directivity, of antennas 295—296
| Dispersive medium 219
Displacement current 192—204
Displacement current density 192
Displacement current, definition of 192—193
Displacement flux 32
Displacement vectors 13
Distributive law 1
Divergence 47—58
Divergence in cartesian coordinates 47—49
Divergence in coordinate systems 314
Divergence of curl as zero scalar 139
Divergence of electric flux density 49
Divergence of gradient of potential function 114—115
Divergence of zero 52
Divergence theorem 50—51
Divergence, definition of 47
Divergence, negative 47
Dominant mode of waveguides 278—279
Dot product of two vectors 1—2
Double-stub matching 245—247
Drift velocity 76
e see Electric field intensity
Effective area for antennas 300
Effective length of antennas 297
Electric component of force 155
Electric current see Current entries
Electric dipole antennas 293—294
electric dipole moment 95
Electric field intensity (E) 13—31 114
Electric field intensity (E), definition of 14—15
Electric field intensity (E), due to point charges 21
Electric field intensity (E), fixed-charge 99
Electric field intensity (E), fixed-voltage 98—99
Electric field intensity (E), flux density and 34—35
Electric field intensity (E), motional 195
Electric field intensity (E), potential function and 63—64
Electric field intensity (E), tangential component of 100
Electric field intensity (E), units of 15
Electric fields: magnetic fields combined with 155
Electric fields: point charges causing 21
Electric fields: static, energy in 64—65
Electric fields: work done against 59
Electric fields: work done by 59
Electric flux 32—46
Electric flux density (D) 33—34
Electric flux density (D), antisymmetrical 127—128
Electric flux density (D), divergence of 49
Electric flux density (D), electric field intensity and 34—35
Electric flux density (D), fixed-charge 99
Electric flux density (D), fixed-voltage 98—99
Electric flux density (D), normal component of 100
Electric flux, definition of 32—33
Electric potential: between two points 60—61
Electric potential: definition of 60
Electric potential: of charge distributions 61—62
Electric potential: of point charges 61
Electric susceptibility 95
Electromagnetic waves 216—236
Electromotive force 172
Electron mobility 85
Electron-gas theory 76
electron-hole pairs 78
Electrostatic field 59—75
Electrostatic field, conservative property of 60
Endfire arrays 301
Energy density 71
Energy differences 72
Energy: in static electric fields 64—65
Energy: instantaneous rate of, leaving volume 226
Energy: stored in capacitors 98
Equation of continuity for current 82
Equipotential surfaces 63
Equivalent capacitance 97
Farad (unit) 96
Faraday homopolar generator 201
Faraday's law 171—172
Faraday's law, integral form of 194
Faraday's law, two-term form of 196
Ferromagnetic materials 174
Field lines 288—289
Field vector 274
Fields: axial see Axial fields
Fields: conservative 60
Fields: electric see Electric fields
Fields: electrostatic 59—75
Fields: magnetic see Magnetic fields
Fields: radial 148
Fields: time-dependent, conductors in motion through 196—197
Fields: time-independent, conductors in motion through 195—196
Fields: transverse 274—275
Fields: vector see Vector fields
Finite-length dipole 296—298
First nulls 301
Fixed-charge electric field intensity and electric flux density 99
Fixed-voltage electric field intensity and electric flux density 98—99
Flux density: electric see Electric flux density
Flux density: magnetic see Magnetic flux density
Flux lines 32—33
Flux linkage 169
Flux: displacement 32
Flux: electric see Electric flux
Flux: magnetic 140
Forces: Coulomb 13—31
Forces: electromotive 172
Forces: in magnetic fields 154—168
Forces: magnetomotive 174
Forces: moment of 157
Fourier sine series 130
Free charge 83
Free space, Maxwell's equation solutions in 220
Free-space interface, dielectric 102—103
Free-space permeability 140
Frequency of harmonic wave 217
Fringing of parallel-plate capacitors 43—44
Friss transmission formula 300
Gauss' divergence theorem 50
Gauss' law 34
Gaussian surfaces, special 35—36
Generator, Faraday homopolar 201
Geometrical factor 237
Gradient 62—63
Gradient in coordinate systems 314
Gradient, curt of, as zero vector 139
Gradient, divergence of, of potential function 114—115
Guide wavelength 277
H see Magnetic field strength
Half-power beam width 295
Half-power points 295
Helical motion 155
Henry (unit) 140 169
Hertzian dipole antennas 293—294
High-frequency lines 241
Homopolar generator, Faraday 201
i see Current
Imaging in perfect conductor 307
Impedance matching 243—244
Impedance: characteristic 240
Impedance: intrinsic 218 222
Impedance: mutual, of antennas 298—299
Impedance: self-impedance, of antennas 298—299
Impedance: wave 276
Impendence measurement, transmission line 247—248
Incidence: angle of 222
Incidence: normal, interface conditions at 221—222
Incidence: oblique 222
Incidence: plane of 222
Induced voltage 172
Inductance 169—191
Inductance of transmission lines 237 238
Inductance, definition of 169—170
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