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Edminister J.A. — Schaum's outline of electromagnetics |
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Inductance, internal 172—173
Inductance, mutual 173
Inductance, self-inductance 172
Inductor, back-voltage in 172
Infinite line charge 17
Infinite plane charge 18
Infinity, zero reference at 61
Instantaneous power 231
Interface conditions at normal incidence 221—222
Internal inductance 172—173
Intrinsic concentration 87
Intrinsic impedance 218 222
Intrinsic semiconductors 78
Inverse-square law of point charge 17
Iron-core magnetics 174
Isotropic radiator 295
j see Conduction current density; Convection current density
Kirchhoff's law 82 176
Laplace's equation 114—134
Laplace's equation in cartesian coordinate system see Cartesian coordinate system Laplace's
Laplace's equation, definition of 114
Laplace's equation, explicit forms of 114—115
Laplacian, in coordinate systems 314
Legendre polynomial: higher-order 130
Legendre polynomial: of order n 119
Lenz's law 194
Lever arm 157
Line charge 16
Line charge density 16
Line charge, infinite 17
Line element, differential 5
Linear arrays of antennas 300—301
Lorentz force 155
Lossless lines 241
Lossless lines, transients in 248—250
Lossless waveguide, power transmitted in 279—280
Lossy waveguide, power dissipation in 280—281
Magnetic circuits 173—174
Magnetic circuits, Ampere's law for 174 176—177
Magnetic circuits, parallel 178
Magnetic component of force 155
Magnetic dipole 296
Magnetic field strength (H) 135 206
Magnetic field strength (H), current density and 139
Magnetic field strength (H), tangential component of 206
Magnetic fields: boundary relations for 205—206
Magnetic fields: electric fields combined with 155
Magnetic fields: forces and torques in 154—168
Magnetic fields: static 135
Magnetic fields: time-variable 192
Magnetic flux 140
Magnetic flux density (B) 140 206
Magnetic flux density (B), normal component of 206
Magnetic force: on current elements 155—156
Magnetic force: on particles 154
Magnetic moment: of planar coil 157—158
Magnetic moment: of planar current loop 1S8
Magnetic potential, vector 141—142
Magnetization curves 174
Magnetomotive force 174
Mass-action law 87
Matching: double-stub 245—247
Matching: impedance 243—244
Matching: single-stub 244—245
Maximum value theorem 116
Maxwell's equations 114 205—215
Maxwell's equations, free-space set 208
Maxwell's equations, general set 208
Maxwell's equations, interface conditions at normal incidence 221—222
Maxwell's equations, solutions for good conductors 220—221
Maxwell's equations, solutions for partially conducting media 218—219
Maxwell's equations, solutions for perfect dielectrics 219—220
Maxwell's equations, solutions in free space 220
Mean value theorem 116
Mean value theorem in special case 120—121
Method of images 109—110
Mho (unit) 80
Mil, circular 87
Mobility 76
Mobility, electron 85
Mode cutoff frequencies 277—278
Moment: electric dipole 95
Moment: magnetic see Magnetic moment
Moment: of force 157
Monopole antennas 298
Monopole, quarter-wave 298
Motion: charges in 76
Motion: conductors in see Conductors in motion
Motion: helical 155
Motional electric field intensity 195
Multiple coils 177
Multiple-dielectric capacitors 97—98
Mutual impedance, of antennas 298—299
Mutual inductance 173
n-type semiconductor materials 78
Negative air-gap line 183 184
Neper (unit) 229
Net charge 82
Net charge density 82—83
Net charge in region 32
Newton (unit) 13
NI rise and NI drop 176
Nulls, first 301
Oblique incidence 222
Ohm's law 76
Ohm's law, point form of 77
Ohmic loss of antennas 296
Operating wavelength 277
Orthogonal surfaces 3—4
p-type semiconductor materials 78
Parallel conductors, inductance of 171
Parallel magnetic circuits 178
Parallel plate geometrical factors 238
Parallel polarization 224
Parallel wire geometrical factors 238
Parallel-plate capacitors, fringing of 43—44
Particles, magnetic force on 154
Pattern function 294
Penetration, depth of 220
Per-meter attenuation 255
Period of harmonic wave 217
Permeability 140
Permeability, free-space 140
Permeability, relative 140
Permittivity 13
Permittivity, relative 13 95—96
Perpendicular polarization 223—224
Phasor fields 293
Phasors 239
Planar coil, magnetic moment of 157—158
Plane charge, infinite 18
Plane waves 218
Plane, of incidence 222
Point charges: causing electric fields 21
Point charges: electric field intensity due to 21
Point charges: electric potential of 61
Point charges: in spherical coordinate system 38
Point charges: inverse-square law of 17
Point charges: work done in moving 59
Point form of Ohm's law 77
Points, electric potential between two 60—61
Poisson's equation 114 127
Polar form 239
Polarity 194
Polarization of dielectric materials 95—96
Polarization of dielectric materials, parallel 224
Polarization of dielectric materials, perpendicular 223—224
Position vectors 5
Potential difference 61
| Potential function (V): divergence of gradient of 114—115
Potential function (V): electric field intensity and 63—64
Potential: electric see Electric potential
Potential: vector magnetic 141—142
Power gain of antennas 296
Power: available, of antennas 300
Power: complex 226
Power: dissipated in lossy waveguide 280—281
Power: instantaneous 231
Power: Poynting vector and 225—226
Power: transmitted in lossless waveguide 279—280
Power: work and 156—157
Poynting vector 226
Poynting vector, power and 225—226
Propagation constant 216
Quarter-wave monopole 298
Quarter-wave transformer 260
R see Resistance
Radial fields 148
Radiation efficiency of antennas 2%
Radiation intensity 295
Radiation resistance 294
Radiator, isotropic 295
Receiving antennas 299—300
Rectangular-guide formulas 284
Reflection: angle of 222
Reflection: Snell's law of 222
reflectors 302
Refraction, Snell's law of 222
Relative permeability 140
Relative permittivity 13 95—96
Relaxation time 83
Reluctance 176
resistance (R) 80
Resistance (R), radiation 294
Resistance (R), surface 281
resistivity 76
Resistivity, conductivity as reciprocal of 87
Right-hand rule 136
Scalar function, gradient of 62—63
Scalar triple product 7—8
Scalars 1
Scalars, zero, divergence of curl as 139
Self-impedance, of antennas 298—299
Self-inductance 172
Semiconductors 78
Sheet charge 16
Sheet current, vector magnetic potential for 141
SI unit prefixes 314
SI units, rationalized 13
Sidelobes 301
Siemens (unit) 77 80
Single-stub matching 244—245
sinks 47
Sinusoidal steady-state transmission-line excitation 239—241
Skin depth 220
Skin effect 172—173
Slotted lines 247
Small circular-loop antennas 296
Smith chart 241—243
Snell's law: of reflection 222
Snell's law: of refraction 222
Solenoids, inductance of 171
sources 47
Space, free see Free space
Spherical coordinate system 3—4
Spherical coordinate system, curl in 139
Spherical coordinate system, differential displacement vector in 59
Spherical coordinate system, divergence in 48
Spherical coordinate system, divergence, curl, gradient, and Laplacian in 314
Spherical coordinate system, gradient in 63
Spherical coordinate system, Laplace's equation in 115
Spherical coordinate system, Laplace's equation in, product solution of 119
Spherical coordinate system, point charge in 38
Spherical coordinate system, potential in 64
Spherical shells, concentric 67
standing waves 224—225
Standing-wave ratio, voltage 241
Static electric fields, energy in 64—65
Static magnetic field 135
Stokes' theorem 142
Surface charge density 16
Surface element, differential 5
Surface resistance 281
Surfaces: equipotential 63
Surfaces: orthogonal 3—4
Susceptibility, electric 95
TE (transverse electric) waves 276
time constant 83
Time-dependent fields, conductors in motion through 196—197
Time-distance plots 248—250
Time-independent fields, conductors in motion through 195—191%
Time-variable currents 76
Time-variable magnetic field 192
TM (transverse magnetic) waves 276
Toroids, inductance of 171
Torque: definition of 157
Torque: in magnetic fields 154—168
Transformer, quarter-wave 260
Transients in lossless lines 248—250
Transmission formula, Friss 300
Transmission lines 237—273
Transmission lines, distributed parameters 237—238
Transmission lines, double-stub matching 245—247
Transmission lines, impedance mathcing 243—244
Transmission lines, impedance measurement 247—248
Transmission lines, incremental model 239—240
Transmission lines, per-meter attenuation 255
Transmission lines, single-stub matching 244—245
Transmission lines, sinusoidal steady-state excitation 239—241
Transmission lines, slotted 247
Transmission lines, uniform 237
Transmission, angle of 222
Transverse components from axial components 275
Transverse electric (ТЕ) waves 276
Transverse fields 274—275
Transverse length, unit, charge transport per 81
Transverse magnetic (TM) waves 276
Traveling waves 226—227
Triple product: scalar 7—8
Triple product: vector 7
Tuner circle 245
Uniform arrays 301
Uniform transmission lines 237
Uniqueness theorem 115—116
Unit vectors 1
V see Potential function
Vector algebra 1—3
Vector analysis 1—12
Vector fields 47
Vector fields, curl of 137—139
Vector integral 14
Vector magnetic potential 141—142
Vector notation 7
Vector sum 14
Vector triple product 7
Vector wave equations 216
Vector(s) 1
Vector(s), absolute value of 1
Vector(s), component form of 1
Vector(s), cross product of two 2
Vector(s), displacement 13
Vector(s), dot product of two 1—2
Vector(s), position 5
Vector(s), Poynting see Poynting vector
Vector(s), projection of one, on second 7
Vector(s), unit 1 3
Vector(s), zero, curl of gradient as 139
Velocity, drift 76
Voltage drop 80
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