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Taylor P. — Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå
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Íàçâàíèå: Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Àâòîð: Taylor P.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Text-to-Speech Synthesis provides a complete, end-to-end account of the process of generating speech by computer. Giving an in-depth explanation of all aspects of current speech synthesis technology, it assumes no specialized prior knowledge. Introductory chapters on linguistics, phonetics, signal processing and speech signals lay the foundation, with subsequent material explaining how this knowledge is put to use in building practical systems that generate speech. Including coverage of the very latest techniques such as unit selection, hidden Markov model synthesis, and statistical text analysis, explanations of the more traditional techniques such as format synthesis and synthesis by rule are also provided. Weaving together the various strands of this multidisciplinary field, the book is designed for graduate students in electrical engineering, computer science, and linguistics. It is also an ideal reference for practitioners in the fields of human communication interaction and telephony.
Ðóáðèêà: Computer science /
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2009
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 597
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 31.10.2010
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
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abbreviations, decoding 98
Abjab writing system 34—35
Acoustic models of speech production 309—340 see "Sound physics "Vowel-tube
Acoustic models of speech production, about the acoustic models 309 339—340
Acoustic models of speech production, assumptions discussion 336—340
Acoustic models of speech production, components of the model 309—311
Acoustic models of speech production, models with vocal-tract losses 335—336
Acoustic models of speech production, nasal cavity modelling 333—335
Acoustic models of speech production, oral cavity sound source positions 335
Acoustic models of speech production, radiation models 330
Acoustic models of speech production, source and radiation effects 336
Acoustic representations 156—159
Acoustic representations, spectogram 157—159
Acoustic representations, spectral analysis/frequency domain analysis 156
Acoustic representations, spectral envelope 156—157
Acoustic theory see "Sound physics "Vowel-tube
Acoustic waves 316—318
Acoustic-space formulation (ASF) 485 493—497
Acronyms, decoding 99
Adapting systems if TTS 50
Addition paradigm 71
Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR) 512—514
Affective communication 8—9
Affective prosody 17 123—124
Affricates 153 201
Air-flow measurement (mouth air flow) 155
Algorithms and features 79—82 see
Algorithms and features, hand written algorithms 80
All-pole modelling, assumptions 337—338
Allophones 162
Allophonic variation 166—167
Alphabetic writing 34
Alternative spellings, decoding 98
Alveolar 154
AM model see "Autosegmental-metrical (AM) intonation model"
Ambiguity issues 22
Ambiguity issues, different words, same form 54
Ambiguity issues, homograph ambiguity 22
Analogue signals 262—278 see
Analogue signals, aperiodic signals 262
Analogue signals, complex exponential sinusoid 266—269
Analogue signals, complex numbers 268
Analogue signals, conjugate symmetric complex amplitudes 268—269
Analogue signals, Euler's formula 266—268
Analogue signals, Fourier series/synthesis/analysis 265—266 269—670
Analogue signals, frequency 264—265
Analogue signals, frequency domain 270—275
Analogue signals, frequency range 274
Analogue signals, fundamental frequency (F0) 148 265
Analogue signals, harmonic frequency 265
Analogue signals, periodic signals 262—269 305—307
Analogue signals, phase shift 264
Analogue signals, quasi-periodic signals 262
Analogue signals, sinusoid signals 263—269
Analogue signals, time domain 270
Analogue signals, waveforms 262
APL (Anderson, Pierrehumbert and Liberman) synthesis scheme 246
Applications, future of 538
Approximates 154 201
Arbitraryness 15
Architectures for TTS 71—75
Architectures for TTS, addition paradigm 71
Architectures for TTS, associative arrays (maps) 72
Architectures for TTS, atomic values 72—73
Architectures for TTS, autosegmental phonology of data structures 73
Architectures for TTS, Delta formulation/structure 74
Architectures for TTS, dictionaries 72
Architectures for TTS, finite partial functions 72
Architectures for TTS, heterogeneous relation graph (HRG) formalism 72—75
Architectures for TTS, list/tree/ladder relations 73
Architectures for TTS, lookup tables 72
Architectures for TTS, overwrite paradigm 71
Architectures for TTS, utterance structure 71
Articulatory gestures 406
Articulatory phonetics see "Speech production/articulatory phonetics"
Articulatory phonology 183 406
Articulatory physiology 406
Articulatory synthesis 405—407
ASCII encoding 70
Aspiration 168
Assimilation effect 167
Associative arrays (maps) 72
Assumed intent for prosody 49—50
atomic values 72—73
Audio-visual speech synthesis 527—529
Audio-visual speech synthesis about audiovisual synthesis 406—407 527—528
Audio-visual speech synthesis and speech control 528—529
Audio-visual speech synthesis, texture mapping 528
Audio-visual speech synthesis, visemes 528
Auditory scales 351—352
Augmentative prosody 18 125—126
Autocorrelation function, for pitch detection 381
Autocorrelation source separation method 360—361
Automatic labelling 521
Autosegmental phonology 73 183
Autosegmental-metrical (AM) intonation model 227 237—239
Autosegmental-metrical (AM) intonation model and the ToBI scheme 247 248
Autosegmental-metrical (AM) intonation model, analysis with 248
Autosegmental-metrical (AM) intonation model, APL synthesis scheme 246
Autosegmental-metrical (AM) intonation model, data-driven synthesis 247—248
Autosegmental-metrical (AM) intonation model, deterministic synthesis 246—247
Autosegmental-metrical (AM) intonation model, prediction of labels from text 246
Autosegmental-metrical (AM) intonation model, synthesis with 245—248
Auxiliary generation for prosody 49—50
Bag-of-features approach 84
Baum — Welch algorithm 449
Bayes' rule 86—87 545
Beam pruning 509
Bilabial constriction 154
Blizzard Challenge testing 526
Boundary accents/tones 121 236 238
Braille 27
Break index concept 115
British English MRPA phoneme inventory 554
British intonation school 227 236—237
Campbell timing model 258
Canned speech 43—44
Cepstra, linear-prediction cepstra 369
Cepstra, mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) 370
Cepstral coefficients, synthesis from 429—431
Cepstrum speech analysis 353—357
Cepstrum speech analysis as deconvolution 355—356
Cepstrum speech analysis for pitch detection 379
Cepstrum speech analysis, definition 353
Cepstrum speech analysis, discussion 356—357
Cepstrum speech analysis, the magnitude spectrum as a signal 353—355
Chain rule 546
Channel/medium (means of conversion) 13
Character, character-to-phoneme conversion 55
Character, definition 54
Character, encoding schemes 69—70
CHATR system 513
Cholskey decomposition technique 359
Chomskian field 534
Classical linear-prediction (LP) synthesis 399—405
Classical linear-prediction (LP) synthesis about LP synthesis 399
Classical linear-prediction (LP) synthesis, a complete synthesiser 403—404
Classical linear-prediction (LP) synthesis, formant synthesis comparison 399—400
Classical linear-prediction (LP) synthesis, impulse/noise source model 400—401
Classical linear-prediction (LP) synthesis, LP diphone-concatenative synthesis 401—403
Classical linear-prediction (LP) synthesis, source modelling 378
Classical linear-prediction (LP) synthesis, source problems 404—405
Classification see "Text-classification algorithms"
Classifiers, F0 models 228
Clitics 60—61
Closed-phase analysis 374—377
Closed-phase analysis, instants of glottal closure points 374
Closed-phase analysis, pre-emphasis 375
Cluster impurity 88
Coarticulation 168
Cocke — Younger — Kasami (CYK) algorithm 104
Collocation rule 84
Colouring effect 167
Common-form model of TTS 5—6 38
communication processes 18—23
Communication processes, ambiguity issues 22
Communication processes, common ground issues 20
Communication processes, dialogue turns 18
Communication processes, effectiveness factor 19—20
Communication processes, efficiency factor 19—20
Communication processes, encoding/decoding 18—19 21—22
Communication processes, Grice's maxims 20
Communication processes, homograph ambiguity 22
Communication processes, information-theoretic approach 23
Communication processes, message generation 18—21
Communication processes, messages 18
Communication processes, semiotics 23
Communication processes, speech, redundancy in 21
Communication processes, text decoding/analysis 22
Communication processes, understanding 19 22—23
Communication, types of 8—13 see
Communication, types of, about communication 8 23—25
Communication, types of, affective communication 8—9
Communication, types of, iconic communication 9—10
Communication, types of, interpreted communication 8
Communication, types of, meaning/form/signal 12—13
Communication, types of, signals 13
Communication, types of, symbolic communication 10—12
Comparison tests 524
Competitive evaluations 526
complex numbers 268
Component/unit testing 525—526
Compound prosodic domains theory 114
Compound-noun phrases 116—117
Comprehension tests 523
Compression, lossless and lossy 215
Computational phonology 184
Concatenative synthesis 401—403
Concatenative synthesis, issues 431—432
Concatenative synthesis, macro-concatenation 431 497
Concatenative synthesis, micro-concatenation 431
Concatenative synthesis, optimal coupling 432
Concatenative synthesis, phase mismatch issues 431—432
Concept-to-speech systems 42—43
Concept-to-speech systems, future of 537
Conditional probability 545
Conjugate symmetric complex amplitudes 268—269
Consonants 153—155
Consonants, affricates 153
Consonants, alveolar 154
Consonants, approximants 154
Consonants, bilabial 154
Consonants, difficult consonants 199—200
Consonants, fricatives 153
Consonants, glides 154—155
Consonants, IPA charts 555
Consonants, labiodental 153
Consonants, nasal stops 153
Consonants, obstruent 154
Consonants, oral stops 153
Context-free grammars (CFGs) 102—104
Context-orientated-clustering 495
Context-sensitive modelling 451—454
Context-sensitive rewrite rule 83—84
Context-sensitive rules 182
Context-sensitive synthesis models 461—463
Continuants 150
Contractions 60
Convolution sum 292
Correlation coefficient 544
Covariance matrix 439
Covariance method 358—360
Coverage (in unit-selection synthesis) 510
Cumulative density functions 549—610
Curse of dimensionality 81 534
Data sparsity problem 81 193
Data-driven intonation models 250—254
Data-driven intonation models about data-driven models 250—251
Data-driven intonation models, dynamic-system models 252—253
Data-driven intonation models, functional models 254
Data-driven intonation models, HMM models 253—254
Data-driven intonation models, SFC model 254
Data-driven intonation models, unit-selection synthesis 251—252
Data-driven synthesis 247—248 435 470—471 see
databases 517—522
Databases and labelling 519—521
Databases, automatic labelling 521
Databases, avoiding explicit labels 521—522
Databases, hand labelling 519—521
Databases, prosody databases 518—519
Databases, text materials 518
Databases, unit-selection databases 517—518
Decision lists 85—86
Decision trees 87—88 221 452—455
Decision trees, clustering 494—496
Decoding/encoding messages 18—19 21—22 see
Decoding/encoding messages, text decoding/analysis 22
Delta formulation/structure 72
Delta/velocity coefficients 438—439
Dental constriction 154
Dependency phonology 183
Deterministic acoustic models, synthesis with 248—250
Deterministic acoustic models, synthesis with, Fujisaki superimpositional models 249
Deterministic acoustic models, synthesis with, Tilt model 249—250
Deterministic phrasing prediction 130—131
Deterministic phrasing prediction, deterministic content function (DCF) 130
Deterministic phrasing prediction, deterministic content function punctuation (DCFP) 131
Deterministic phrasing prediction, deterministic punctuation (DP) 130
Deterministic phrasing prediction, verb-balancing rule 131
Deterministic synthesis models 246—247
Dialogue turns 18
Dictionaries 72
Digital filters 288—294 308
Digital filters about digital filters 288—289
Digital filters and the z-transform 293—294
Digital filters, analysis/design 294—305
Digital filters, analysis/design, about digital filter design 304—305
Digital filters, analysis/design, and the z-domain transfer function 297—298
Digital filters, analysis/design, anti-resonances 303
Digital filters, analysis/design, characteristics 298—304
Digital filters, analysis/design, complex-conjugate pairs of poles 300—302
Digital filters, analysis/design, polynomial analysis (poles and zeros) 294—297
Digital filters, analysis/design, practical properties 304—306
Digital filters, analysis/design, resonance/resonators 300
Digital filters, analysis/design, skirts of poles 302
Digital filters, convolution sum 292 293—294
Digital filters, difference equations 289
Digital filters, ER filter 289
Digital filters, FIR filter 289
Digital filters, impulse response 289—291
Digital filters, linear time-invariant (LTI) filter 288
Digital filters, linearity principle 289
Digital filters, recursive filters 289
Digital filters, scaling 288—289
Digital filters, superposition 289
Digital filters, third-order filters 289
Digital filters, transfer function 293—294
digital signals 278—284 307
Digital signals and the frequency domain 283—284
Digital signals, digital representations 280
Digital signals, digital waveforms 279
Digital signals, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) 281—282
Digital signals, discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) 280—281
Digital signals, Laplace transform 283
Digital signals, Nyquist frequency 279
Digital signals, sample rate/frequency 279
Digital signals, z-transform 282—283
Diphone inventories 414
Diphone unit-selection system 505
Diphone-concatenative synthesis 401—403