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Taylor P. — Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Taylor P. — Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

Íàøëè îïå÷àòêó?
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Íàçâàíèå: Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Àâòîð: Taylor P.


Text-to-Speech Synthesis provides a complete, end-to-end account of the process of generating speech by computer. Giving an in-depth explanation of all aspects of current speech synthesis technology, it assumes no specialized prior knowledge. Introductory chapters on linguistics, phonetics, signal processing and speech signals lay the foundation, with subsequent material explaining how this knowledge is put to use in building practical systems that generate speech. Including coverage of the very latest techniques such as unit selection, hidden Markov model synthesis, and statistical text analysis, explanations of the more traditional techniques such as format synthesis and synthesis by rule are also provided. Weaving together the various strands of this multidisciplinary field, the book is designed for graduate students in electrical engineering, computer science, and linguistics. It is also an ideal reference for practitioners in the fields of human communication interaction and telephony.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2009

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 597

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 31.10.2010

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Lexicons, grapheme-to-phoneme algorithms      208
Lexicons, language lexicons      207
Lexicons, memorising the data      209
Lexicons, offline lexicon      213—214
Lexicons, orthographic and pronunciation variants      210—212
Lexicons, orthography-pronunciation lexicons      207
Lexicons, over-fitting data      209
Lexicons, quality of      215—216
Lexicons, rules for      208—210
Lexicons, simple dictionary formats      210
Lexicons, speaker's lexicons      207
Lexicons, system lexicon      214—215
Lexicons, unknown word problems      216—218
Lijencrants — Fant model for glottal flow      332 374 376
Limited-domain synthesis systems      44
Line-spectrum frequencies (LSFs)      367—369
Linear filters, assumptions concerning      337
Linear time-invariant (LTI) filters      288 310
Linear time-invariant (LTI) filters for nasalised vowels      333—334
Linear-prediction (LP) PSOLA      423—424
Linear-prediction (LP) speech analysis      357—365
Linear-prediction (LP) speech analysis about linear prediction      357—358
Linear-prediction (LP) speech analysis, autocorrelation method      360—361
Linear-prediction (LP) speech analysis, Cholskey decomposition method      359
Linear-prediction (LP) speech analysis, covariance method for finding coefficients      358—360
Linear-prediction (LP) speech analysis, Levinson — Durbin recursion technique      361—362
Linear-prediction (LP) speech analysis, perceptual linear prediction      370
Linear-prediction (LP) speech analysis, spectra for      362—365
Linear-prediction (LP) speech analysis, Toeplitz matrix      361
Linear-prediction (LP) synthesis      see "Classical linear-prediction (LP) synthesis" "Residual-excited
Linear-prediction cepstra      369
Linguistic levels      16—17
Linguistic levels, morphemes/morphology      16
Linguistic levels, phonetics/phonology      16
Linguistic levels, pragmatics      17
Linguistic levels, semantics      16—17
Linguistic levels, speech acoustics      16
Linguistic levels, syntax      16
Linguistic-analysis TTS models      39
Linguistics/speech technology relationship      533—536
Linguistics/speech technology relationship, future of      537—538
Log area ratios      367
Log power spectrum      343—344
Logographic writing      34
Logotomes/nonsense words      415
Lookup tables      72
Lossless tube, assumptions      338
lp      see "Linear-prediction (LP) ..."
Lumped-parameter speech generation model      389
Machine Translation      1
Machine-readable phonetic alphabet (MRPA) phoneme inventory      204—205
Macro-concatenation      497
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)      156
Manhattan distance      486
Marginal distributions      543
markup languages      68—69
Markup languages, java speech markup language      69
Markup languages, speech synthesis markup language (SSML)      69
Markup languages, spoken text markup language      69
Markup languages, VoiceXML      69
Maximal onset principle      185
MBROLA technique      429
Mean opinion score      524
Meaning-to-speech system      42—43
Meaning/form/signal, and communication      12—13
Medium (means of conversion)      13
Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs)      370 429—431 439
Mel-scale      351
Memorising the data (machine learning)      209
Memory-based learning      220—221
Message/form-to-speech synthesis      42
Messages      18
Messages, message generation      20—21
Metrical phonology      114 120 183
Metrical stress      188
Micro-prosody      229
Minimal pair principle/analysis      163 197—199 204
Mis-spellings, decoding      98
Model effectiveness, and synthesis with vocal-tract models      407
Models of TTS      37—41
Models of TTS, common-form model      38
Models of TTS, comparisons      40—41
Models of TTS, complete prosody generation      40
Models of TTS, full linguistic-analysis      39—40
Models of TTS, grapheme form      39
Models of TTS, phoneme form      39
Models of TTS, pipelined      39
Models of TTS, prosody from the text      40
Models of TTS, signal-to-signal      39
Models of TTS, text-as-language      39
Modified rhyme test (mrt)      523 524
Modified timit ascii character set      166
Modularity, and synthesis with vocal-tract models      407
Moments of a PMF      542
Monophthongs      153
Morphemes/morphology      16
Morphology      222—223
Morphology and scope      59
Morphology, derivational      59 222
Morphology, inflectional      222
Morphology, morphological decomposition      222—223
MRPA phoneme inventory      204—205
Multi-band-excitation (MBE)      427
Multi-centroid analysis      371
Multi-pass searching      509
n-gram model      91
Naive Bayes' classifier      86—87
Names, pronunciation      223
Nasal and oral sounds      150
Nasal cavity modelling      333—335
Nasal stops      153
Nasalisation colouring      167
Natural phonology      183
Natural-language parsing      102—105
Natural-language parsing, Cocke — Younger — Kasami (CYK) algorithm      104
Natural-language parsing, context-free grammars (CFGs)      102—104
Natural-language parsing, probabilistic parsers      104—105
Natural-language parsing, statistical parsing      105
Natural-language text decoding      46—47 97—101
Natural-language text decoding about natural-language text      97—98
Natural-language text decoding, acronyms      99
Natural-language text decoding, homograph disambiguation      99—101
Natural-language text decoding, letter sequences      99
Natural-language text decoding, non-homographs      101
Naturalness issues/tests      3 47—48 510 523 524
Naturalness issues/tests, mean opinion score      524
NetTalk algorithm      219—220
Neural networks, and G2P algorithms      219—220
Neutral vowel sound      152—153
NextGen system (AT&T)      513—514
Non-linear phonology      183
Non-linguistic issues      32—33
Non-natural-language text decoding      92—97
Non-natural-language text decoding about non-natural-language text      92
Non-natural-language text decoding, parsing      95
Non-natural-language text decoding, semiotic classification      92—94
Non-natural-language text decoding, semiotic decoding      95
Non-natural-language text decoding, verbalisation      95—97
Non-standard words (NSWs)      106
Non-uniform unit synthesis      480
Nonsense words/logotomes      415
Nuclear accents      230
Null/neutral prosody      18
Number-communication systems      33
Nyquist frequency      279
Observations for HMMs      436—438
Observations for HMMs, covariance matrix      437
Observations for HMMs, Gaussian/normal distribution/bell curve      436—438
Observations for HMMs, multivariate Gaussian      437
Observations for HMMs, probabilistic models      436
Observations for HMMs, probability density functions (pdfs)      436
Observations for HMMs, standard deviation      436
Observations for HMMs, variance      436
Obstruent consonants      154
Offline lexicon      213—214
Open-phase analysis      377—378
Optimal coupling      432
Optimality Theory      183
Oral and nasal sounds      150
Oral cavity      152
Oral cavity, sound source positions      335
Oral stops      153
Over-fitting data      209
Overwrite paradigm      71
Palatalisation      180
Parameterisation of glottal-flow signals      379
Parsing/parsers      53 95 103 see
Parsing/parsers, probabilistic parsers      104—105
Parsing/parsers, statistical parsing      105
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging      82 88—92
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging, generative models      89—90
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging, hidden Markov model (HMM)      89—91
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging, n-gram model      91
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging, observation probabilities      90
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging, POS homographs      88
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging, syntactic homonyms      88—89
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging, transition probabilities      90
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging, Viterbi algorithm      92
Partial-synthesis function      493
Perceptual linear prediction      370
Perceptual substitutability principle      485
Periodic signals      262—269 305—307
Phase mismatch issues      431—432
Phase shift      264
Phase-splicing systems      44
Phone-class join costs      498—499
Phoneme inventories      204—205
Phoneme inventories, British English MRPA      554
Phoneme inventories, modified TIMIT for General American      553
Phoneme TTS models      39
Phonemes and graphemes      28
Phonemes and verbal communication      14 16 161—164
Phones about phones      162—164
Phones, definitions      553—555
Phonetic similarity principle      197—199
Phonetics/phonology      16 see "Phonology" "Phonotactics" "Speech
Phonetics/phonology, phonetic context      167
Phonetics/phonology, phonetic variants      57
Phonological theories      181—184
Phonological theories, articulatory phonology      183
Phonological theories, autosegmental phonology      183
Phonological theories, computational phonology      184
Phonological theories, context sensitive rules      182
Phonological theories, dependency phonology      183
Phonological theories, feature geometry      183
Phonological theories, government phonology      183
Phonological theories, metrical phonology      183
Phonological theories, natural phonology      183
Phonological theories, non-linear phonology      183
Phonological theories, optimality theory      183
Phonological theories, The Sound Pattern of English (SPE)      181—182
Phonology      172—189 see "Phonotactics"
Phonology about phonology      172 189—191
Phonology, lexical stress      186—189
Phonology, maximal onset principle      185
Phonology, metrical phonology      114
Phonology, palatalisation      180
Phonology, phonological phrases      114
Phonology, syllabic consonants      184
Phonology, syllables      184—186
Phonology, word formation/lexical phonology      179—181
Phonotactics      172—179
Phonotactics, distinctive features      174
Phonotactics, feature structure      174—179
Phonotactics, phonotactic grammar      172—177 207
Phonotactics, primitives issues      176
Phonotactics, syllable structures      176—177
Phrasing prediction      129—136
Phrasing prediction, classifier approaches      132—133
Phrasing prediction, deterministic approaches      130—131
Phrasing prediction, experimental formulation      129—130
Phrasing prediction, HMM approaches      133—135
Phrasing prediction, hybrid approaches      135—136
Phrasing/prosodic phasing      112—115
Phrasing/prosodic phasing about phrasing      112—113
Phrasing/prosodic phasing, phasing models      113—115
Pictographic writing      34
Pipelined TTS models      39
Pitch accents      230 234—236
Pitch accents, alignment factors      235—236 534—535
Pitch accents, height factors      235
Pitch detection/tracking      379—381
Pitch detection/tracking, pitch-detection algorithms (PDAs)      379
Pitch range      233—234
Pitch-accent languages      121 227
Pitch-marking      381
Pitch-synchronous overlap and add (PSOLA) techniques      415—421
Pitch-synchronous overlap and add (PSOLA) techniques about PSOLA      415—416 421
Pitch-synchronous overlap and add (PSOLA) techniques, epoch manipulation      417—420
Pitch-synchronous overlap and add (PSOLA) techniques, time-domain PSOLA (TD-PSOLA)      416—417
Pitch-synchronous speech analysis      347 381
Polynomial analysis (poles and zeros)      294—297
Post-lexical processing      223—234
Pragmatics      17
pre-processing      52
Pre-recorded prompt systems      43
Precision and recall scheme      130
Probabilistic and sequence join function      501—502
Probabilistic models      436
Probabilistic parsers      104—105
Probability density functions (pdfs)      436
Probability mass functions (PMFs)      541
Probability theory, continuous random variables      547—550
Probability theory, continuous random variables, cumulative density functions      549—550
Probability theory, continuous random variables, expected values      548—549
Probability theory, continuous random variables, Gaussian (normal) distribution      549
Probability theory, continuous random variables, uniform distribution      549
Probability theory, discrete probabilities      540—542
Probability theory, discrete probabilities, discrete random variables      540—541
Probability theory, discrete probabilities, expected values      541—542
Probability theory, discrete probabilities, moments of a PMF      542
Probability theory, discrete probabilities, probability mass functions (PMFs)      541
Probability theory, pairs of continuous random variables      550—552
Probability theory, pairs of continuous random variables, entropy for      552
Probability theory, pairs of continuous random variables, independent versus uncorrected      551
Probability theory, pairs of continuous random variables, Kullback — Leibler distance      552
Probability theory, pairs of continuous random variables, sum of two      551—552
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables      542—557
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, Baye's rule      545
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, chain rule      546
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, conditional probability      545
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, correlation      544
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, entropy      546—547
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, expected values      543
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, higher-order moments and covariance      544
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, independence      543
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, marginal distributions      543
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, moments of a joint distribution      544
Probability theory, pairs of discrete random variables, sum of random variables      545—546
Problems in text-to-speech      44—50
Problems in text-to-speech, adapting systems      50
Problems in text-to-speech, assumed intent for prosody      49—50
Problems in text-to-speech, auxiliary generation for prosody      49—50
Problems in text-to-speech, homograph ambiguity      46
Problems in text-to-speech, intelligibility issues      48—49
Problems in text-to-speech, natural language text decoding      46—47
Problems in text-to-speech, naturalness      47—48
Problems in text-to-speech, syntactic ambiguity      46—47
Problems in text-to-speech, text classification/semiotic systems      44—46
Processing documents      68—71 see
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