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Taylor P. — Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Taylor P. — Text-to-Speech Synthesis

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Íàçâàíèå: Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Àâòîð: Taylor P.


Text-to-Speech Synthesis provides a complete, end-to-end account of the process of generating speech by computer. Giving an in-depth explanation of all aspects of current speech synthesis technology, it assumes no specialized prior knowledge. Introductory chapters on linguistics, phonetics, signal processing and speech signals lay the foundation, with subsequent material explaining how this knowledge is put to use in building practical systems that generate speech. Including coverage of the very latest techniques such as unit selection, hidden Markov model synthesis, and statistical text analysis, explanations of the more traditional techniques such as format synthesis and synthesis by rule are also provided. Weaving together the various strands of this multidisciplinary field, the book is designed for graduate students in electrical engineering, computer science, and linguistics. It is also an ideal reference for practitioners in the fields of human communication interaction and telephony.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2009

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 597

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 31.10.2010

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Processing documents, character encoding schemes      69—70
Processing documents, interpreting characters      69—71
Productiveness property      15
Prominence      115—121
Prominence prediction      136—139
Prominence prediction, compound-noun phrases      136—137
Prominence prediction, data-driven approaches      138—139
Prominence prediction, function-word prominence      138
Prominence, data and labelling      119—121
Prominence, discourse prominence patterns      118—119
Prominence, emphatic prominence      119
Prominence, nuclear prominence      116
Prominence, prominence shift      117—118
Prominence, prominence systems      119—121
Prominence, syntactic prominence patterns      116—118
Pronunciation      192—224 see "Lexicons"
Pronunciation about pronunciation      192—193 224
Pronunciation by analogy      220—221
Pronunciation, a phonological system for      197—207
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, about phonological system development      197
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, affricates      201
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, approximants/vowel combinations      201—202
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, difficult consonants      199—200
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, diphthongs      201
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, glides      201—202
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, inventory defining      203—204
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, minimal pairs principle/analysis      197—199 204
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, MRPA phoneme inventory      204—205
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, phoneme inventory      204—205
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, phoneme names      204—206
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, phonetic similarity principle      197—199
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, phonotactics/phonotactic grammar      207
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, rhotic/non-rhotic accents      202
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, simple consonants and vowels      197—199
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, syllabic issues      206—207
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, syllable boundaries      206
Pronunciation, a phonological system for, TIMIT phoneme inventory      203—204
Pronunciation, abstract phonological representations      196—197
Pronunciation, data sparsity problem      193
Pronunciation, language origin issues      223
Pronunciation, morphology      222—223
Pronunciation, names      223
Pronunciation, phonemic and phonetic input      193—194
Pronunciation, phonetic input problem      194—195
Pronunciation, post-lexical processing      223—224
Pronunciation, structured phonemic representation      195—196
Prosodic and verbal content      30—31
Prosodic hierarchy      114
Prosodic interaction      146
Prosodic meaning and function      122—127
Prosodic style      127
Prosody about prosody      14
Prosody in reading aloud      36—37
Prosody, affective      17
Prosody, augmentative      18
Prosody, determination from text      127—129
Prosody, determination from text, augmentative prosody control      128
Prosody, determination from text, prosody and human reading      127—129
Prosody, determination from text, prosody and synthesis techniques      128—129
Prosody, determination from text, TTS models      40
Prosody, null/neutral      18
Prosody, prediction from text      53 111—145 see "Prominence" "Prominence "Prosody
Prosody, prediction from text, about prosody      111—112 144—145
Prosody, prediction from text, affective prosody      123—124
Prosody, prediction from text, augmentative prosody      125—126 142
Prosody, prediction from text, intonation and tune      121—122
Prosody, prediction from text, intonational-tune prediction      139
Prosody, prediction from text, labelling schemes/accuracy      139—141
Prosody, prediction from text, linguistic theories/prosody      141—142
Prosody, prediction from text, phrasing      112—115
Prosody, prediction from text, prosodic meaning and function      122—127
Prosody, prediction from text, prosodic phase structures      113
Prosody, prediction from text, prosodic style      127
Prosody, prediction from text, real dialogues      143—144
Prosody, prediction from text, speaker choice/variability      142—143
Prosody, prediction from text, suprasegmentality      124
Prosody, prediction from text, symbolic communication      126—127
Prosody, prediction from text, underspecified text      142
Pruning methods      508—509
Pruning methods, beam pruning      509
PSOLA      see "Pitch-synchronous overlap and add (PSOLA) techniques"
Punctuation and tokenisation      65—66
Punctuation, status markers      65
Punctuation, underlying punctuation      66
Pure unit selection      477
Quality improvements, future of      537
Radiation models for sound      330
Radiation models for sound, assumptions      338
Reading aloud      35—37
Reading aloud and silent reading      35—36
Reading aloud, prosody in      36—37
Reading aloud, style issues      37
Reading aloud, verbal content      37
RealSpeak system      514
Reduced stress      187
Redundancy, in speech      21
Reflection coefficients      366—367
Regression algorithms, F0 contour models      228
Resequencing algorithms      477
Residual analysis, for pitch detection      381
Residual manipulation      423
Residual speech signals      372—374
Residual speech signals, error signals      372
Residual speech signals, inverse filtering      372
Residual-excited linear prediction      421—424
Residual-excited linear prediction about residual excited LP      421—423
Residual-excited linear prediction, linear-prediction PSOLA      423—424
Residual-excited linear prediction, residual manipulation      423
Resonance      159
Resonance, formants      159—160
Resonance, resonant systems      311—313
Rhotic/non-rhotic accents      202
rVoice system      514
Scope and morphology      59
Second-generation synthesis systems      412—434 see "Residual-excited "Sinusoidal
Second-generation synthesis systems about second-generation systems      412—413 433—434
Second-generation synthesis systems, cepstral coefficients, synthesis from      429—431
Second-generation synthesis systems, concatenation issues      431—432
Second-generation synthesis systems, diphone inventory creation      414
Second-generation synthesis systems, diphones from speech      414—415
Second-generation synthesis systems, MBROLA technique      429
Second-generation synthesis systems, speech units in      413—415
Secondary stress      187
segments      162
Semantics      16—17
Semiotic classification      45 79 92—94
Semiotic classification and translation      45—46
Semiotic classification, open-class rules      93
Semiotic classification, specialist sub-classifiers      93
Semiotic decoding      95
Semiotic systems      33—34
Semiotics      23
Sentences      14 62—63
Sentences, sentence splitting      53 67—68
Sentences, sentence-final prosody      67
Sentences, style manuals      68
Sentential stress      186—187
Sequence join classifier      503
Signal processing and unit-selection      511
Signal-to-signal TTS models      39
Signals and communication      13 see "Digital "Transforms"
Sine function      277
Singular-value decomposition (SVD)      502
Sinusoid signals      263—265
Sinusoidal models techniques      424—429
Sinusoidal models techniques about sinusoidal models      424—425
Sinusoidal models techniques, harmonic/noise models (HNMs)      426—429
Sinusoidal models techniques, multi-band-excitation (MBE)      427
Sinusoidal models techniques, pure sinusoidal models      425—426
Sound Pattern of English, The (SPE)      181—182
Sound sources      see "Speech production/articulatory phonetics"
Sound, physics of      311—319 see
Sound, physics of, acoustic capacitance      317
Sound, physics of, acoustic impedance      317
Sound, physics of, acoustic inductance      317
Sound, physics of, acoustic reflection      318
Sound, physics of, acoustic resistance      317
Sound, physics of, acoustic waves      316—318
Sound, physics of, boundary conditions      315
Sound, physics of, lossless tubes      317
Sound, physics of, resonant systems      311—313
Sound, physics of, sound propagation      317
Sound, physics of, speed of sound      316
Sound, physics of, standing waves      314
Sound, physics of, travelling waves      313—315
Source signal representations      372—379
Source signal representations, closed-phase analysis      374—377
Source signal representations, impulse/noise models      378
Source signal representations, open-phase analysis      377—378
Source signal representations, parameterisation of glotta-flow signals      379
Source signal representations, residual signals      372—374
Source-filter separation      see "Cepstrum speech analysis" "Filter-bank "Linear-prediction
Source-filter separation assumptions      338
Source/filter model of speech      151
SPE (The Sound Pattern of English)      181—182
Speaker choice/variability      142—143
Spectral analysis/frequency domain analysis      156
Spectral representations of speech, short term      343—345
Spectral representations of speech, short term, envelopes      345
Spectral-envelope      156—157
Spectral-envelope and vocal-tract representations      362—372
Spectrograms      157—159
Spectrograms in speech analysis      348—351
Speech acoustics      16
Speech production/articulatory phonetics      146—156 see "Glottis/glottal
Speech production/articulatory phonetics about speech production      146—147
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, consonants      153—155
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, continuants      150
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, egressive pulmonic air stream      147
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, examining speech production      155—156
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, fundamental frequency (FO)      148
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, harmonics      148—149
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, larynx      148
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, neutral vowel sound      152—153
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, oral and nasal sounds      150
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, oral cavity      152
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, source/filter model of speech      151
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, stop sounds      150
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, timbre      149
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, unvoiced sounds      150
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, velum      150
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, vocal folds      148
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, vocal organs      147
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, vocal-tract filter      150—151
Speech production/articulatory phonetics, vowels      151—153
Speech recognition      1 22
Speech signals analysis      341—386 see "Epoch "Filter-bank "Linear-prediction "Pitch "Source
Speech signals analysis about speech analysis      341 384—386
Speech signals analysis, short term      341—352
Speech signals analysis, short term, auditory scales      351—352
Speech signals analysis, short term, envelopes      345
Speech signals analysis, short term, equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) scale      352
Speech signals analysis, short term, frame lengths and shifts      345—349
Speech signals analysis, short term, mel-scale      351
Speech signals analysis, short term, pitch-asynchronous analysis      347
Speech signals analysis, short term, pitch-synchronous analysis      347
Speech signals analysis, short term, spectral representations      343—345
Speech signals analysis, short term, spectrograms      348—351
Speech signals analysis, short term, time-frequency tradeoff      346
Speech signals analysis, short term, windowing      342—345
Speech signals analysis, spectral-envelope and vocal-tract representations      362—372
Speech synthesis markup language (SSML)      69
Speech technology/linguistics relationship      533—536
Speech technology/linguistics relationship, future of      537—538
Speech, communicative use principles      160—172
Speech, communicative use principles, about communicating with speech      161—162
Speech, communicative use principles, allophones      162
Speech, communicative use principles, allophonic variation      166—167
Speech, communicative use principles, aspiration      168
Speech, communicative use principles, assimilation effect      167
Speech, communicative use principles, coarticulation      168
Speech, communicative use principles, colouring effect      167
Speech, communicative use principles, continuous nature issues      169—170
Speech, communicative use principles, distinctiveness issues      171—172
Speech, communicative use principles, IPA alphabet      163—165
Speech, communicative use principles, minimal pair      163
Speech, communicative use principles, modified timit ascii character set      166
Speech, communicative use principles, nasalisation colouring      167
Speech, communicative use principles, phonemes      161—164
Speech, communicative use principles, phones      162—164
Speech, communicative use principles, phonetic context      167
Speech, communicative use principles, segments      162
Speech, communicative use principles, targets      168—169
Speech, communicative use principles, transcriptions      170—171
Speech, disfluences in      30
Speech, redundancy in      21
Speech/writing comparisons      26—35
Speech/writing comparisons, component balance      31—32
Speech/writing comparisons, form comparisons      28—29
Speech/writing comparisons, non-linguistic contents      32—33
Speech/writing comparisons, number-communication systems      33
Speech/writing comparisons, physical natures of      27—28
Speech/writing comparisons, prosodic and verbal contents      30—31
Speech/writing comparisons, semiotic systems      33—34
Speech/writing comparisons, speech spontaneity      30
Speech/writing comparisons, usage of each      29—30
Speed of sound      316
Splicing costs      499
Spoken text markup language      69
Standard deviation      436
standing waves      314
Statistical parsing      105
Status markers      65
Stochastic signals      288
Stop sounds      150
Stress in speech      116
Stress in speech, lexical stress      116 186—189
Stress in speech, metrical stress      188
Stress in speech, reduced stress      187
Stress in speech, secondary stress      187
Stress in speech, sentential stress      186—187
Strict layer hypothesis      114
Style manuals      68
Sum of random variables      545—546
Sums-of-products model      257—258
Superimpositional intonation models      242
Superposition of functional contours (SFC) model      254
Support-vector machines      221
Suprasegmentality      124
Syllables      184—186
Syllables, boundaries      206
Syllables, syllabic consonants      184
Syllables, syllabic writing      34
Symbolic language/communication      10—12 126—127
Symbolic language/communication, combinations of symbols      11—12
Synonyms      57—58
Syntactic ambiguity      46—47
Syntactic analysis      102
Syntactic hierarchy      16
Syntactic homonyms      88—9
Syntactic phrases      16
Syntactic prominence patterns      116—18
Syntactic trees      102
Syntax      16
Synthesis      see also "Classical linear-prediction (LP) synthesis" "Formant "Hidden synthesis "Second-generation "Vocal-tract synthesis
Synthesis of prosody      see "Autosegmental-metrical (AM) intonation model" "Data-driven "Deterministic synthesis "Intonation "Timing
Synthesis, articulatory synthesis      405—407
Synthesis, synthesis algorithms, future of      536—537
Synthesis, synthesis specification      387—388
System lexicon      214—215
1 2 3 4 5
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