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Mason G.W., Griffen D.T., Merrill J. — Physical Science Concepts |
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Absolute brightness 245 253
Absolute dating 279 286-289 383
Absolute time 284
Absorption spectrum 139-140 260
Abyssal hills 273 276 316 323 325 382 384
Abyssal plains 273-274 276 316 323 325 382 384
Acceleration 20-23 25
acids 205-208 211 212-218 220-221 377
Activation energy 174 179
ADP 216 221 377
Alcohol 88 167 195 203 211
Alexander (the Great) 6 16 71 87 166 240 307
Alloys 159 183 185 188-189 374
Alluvial fans 339
Alpha decay 224-225 230 232
Alpha particles (rays) 136-137 141 224 231 370
Alternating Current 33
Ambient temperature thermal energy 107 111-112 367
Amino acid 207 211 215-218 221 377
Amino acid fabrication 216
Amino group 206 210-213
Ammonia 88 205 207 210 213 215 219-220 268 377
Ammonoids 331-332 334
Amplitude 117-118 121-122 144-145 151
Anaxagoras 260
Antinode 160
Apparent brightness 245 253
Aquinas, Thomas 4 9 353
Archimedes 17 49 53 298 324 384
Archimedes' principle 49 53 298 384
Aristarchus (of Samos) 71-72 243 260
Aristotle 3-4 8-9 16 71 87 92 94 130 166 251 327 353 365
Asthenosphere 297-300 308 312-313 315-320 323- 324 343
Astronomical distance measuring 243-245 246-247
Astronomical unit 266 275
Atmosphere 219 297
Atmosphere, origin of 343
Atomic clock 79 83
Atomic mass 136 141-142 159 163-164 166 168 170 223 232 349 370 372
Atomic mass unit 136 141
Atomic number 158-161 163 165-168 223-226 230-232 296 372 378
Atomic volume 163 169 372
atoms 13-14 17
ATP 216 220-221 377
Authority 1-2 5-6 9 75 112 130 353
Autotrophs 216 377
Average molecular kinetic energy 98 103
Avogadro's hypothesis 100 168 172 175 179
Avogadro, Amedeo 100 168 172 175 179
Bacon, Francis 17 62 301
Basal slip 339
Basalt 270 273-276 295 297 299-300 306 308-309 312 382
Base 79 167 202 205 208-210 212 294 296 298 315 377 383
Base level 339 345 385
Basement rocks 322 324
Becquerel, Henri 285
Benioff zones 317-318
Benioff, Hugo 317-318 321
Bernoulli, Daniel 102
Beta decay 225-226 230-234 237-238 241 378
Beta particles (rays) 231
Bethe, Hans 261
big bang 243 248-254 263 380
Binary accretion model 269 275
Biosphere 327 334
Black Dwarf 258 261-262
Black hole 259 261-262 382
Bohr model 137-138 141 161
Bohr, Niels 75 137-138 140-141 143 148-149 155 157 161 163 166 239
Boltzmann, Ludwig 102
Born, Max 6 43 75 84 149 163 249 252 261 279 316
Boyle, Robert 102 159 167
Brahe, Tycho 5 7
Brightness-distance 245-246 253
Brittleness 187-188
Brocchi, Giovanni Batista 328
Brongniart, Alexander 328
Brownian motion 75 95-96 102-103 111 211 365 370
Buoyancy 47 49 51 53 298
Buoyant force 49-54 359-360
Cambrian period 288 333
Cannizzaro, Stanislao 168
Capture model 269 275
Carbohydrate 106 204 212
Carbon chains 201 207 211-212 220
Carbonization 330 334
Carbonized residues 330
Carbonyl group 204-205 211-213
Carboxyl group 205-206 210-213
Carnot, Sadi 111
Cast 128 130 243 330 334
catalyst 207
Catastrophe theories 263 266 276 382
Catastrophism 288 328
Causality 2 8-9 288
Cavendish balance 34 291 299
Cavendish, Henry 31 34 136 140 167 291 299
Cell nutrients 215-216
cells 12 201 203 207-209 216 218-219 227-228 323 344 379
Cenozoic era 283 288 308 323 333 340
Centripetal 20 25 42-45 358-359
Centripetal accelerations 42
Centripetal forces 42-43 358
Cepheid variables 245
Chain reaction 203 236-237 239-242 379
Charge 31-34
Charge on an electron 134
Charged particles in atoms 133 142
Chemical bond 178-179 185 189 193 197
Chemical elements 155 159 169 349
Chemical formulas 176-179 190
Chemical potential energy 59 61-63 107-109 361-362 364 367-368
Chemical reaction 61 63 174 177-180 207 362
Chemical reactivity 184-185 188
Chlorophyll 213 216 220-221 377
Circuit 33 35 361
circular motion 17 24 42 44 56 69
Clausius, Rudolf 102 111
Cleanthes 260
Collisional model 269 275
COLOR 89 92
Combustion 61 63 65 85 167 224 285 362
Complex organisms 218 344
Compound 174 179
Compression force 92
Compression waves 116-117 121-122
Compton, Arthur 240 387
concepts 347
Conductors 33 35 40 91 93-94 169 365
Conservation laws 55 63 67 82
Conservation of angular momentum 56-57 63 264 269 275
Conservation of electric charge 55-56 63 230 240
Conservation of energy 59-60 62-63 65 102 106 113 211 367
Conservation of linear momentum 56 63
Conservation of mass 55 62-63 167-168 177-178 211 230 240
Conservation of mass number 230 240
Conservation of mass-energy 83 230 240 261 364
Constructive interference 120-121 126 130 144 155 160
Contact forces 34 39-40 43-44 47-49 53 316 357 359
Continents 269-272 275
continuous 32 89 92
Continuous model of matter 87 92
Continuous spectrum 92-93 139 381
Continuously habitable zone 269 275
Control rod 240
Convection 51-54 60-65 296-297 308 312-313 315-317 323-325 333 362
Convection currents 296-297 308 312-313 315-317 323-325 333
Convergent plate boundaries 317 323-325
Copernicus, Nicholas 5 71-72 251 260 362
Core 296 299-300 343
| Core, composition of 296
Cosmological inflation 249 253
Cosmological redshift 246 253-254 380
Cosmology 4-5 243 247 251-253 380
Coulomb 32 35
Covalent bonds 193 195 197 199 201 211-213 220
Craton 271-272
Crick, Francis 209-210 214
Cross-cutting relations 280 288-289
Crust 14 295 299
Crystal 14 17-18 133 145 151 179 186-187 195 197 263
Curie temperature 296 299 306 312 384
Curved spacetime 253
Cuvier, Georges 328
da Vinci, Leonardo 130 328
Dalton, John 102 159 167-168
Dark energy 251 253-254
Dark matter 249 253-254
Darwin, Charles 111-112 260
Daughter product 285 287-288
Davisson, Clinton 150-151
de Broglie, Louis 143 145-146 150-151 155 371
De Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc 263
de Laplace, Pierre Simon 264
De Sitter, William 252
Decay curve 285 287 289 383
Deceleration 20-21 25
Deductive method 17
Deep ocean floor 273
Deep oceanic trench 275
Deltas 339
Dense oxide 299
density 89 92
Deoxyribonucleic acid 208 212 333
Deoxyribose 204 208 210 212-213
Destructive interference 121 144 155 160
Differentiated planet 297 299-300 383
Diffraction 120-122 125-127 130-132 143 145-146 152 369-370
Digges, Thomas 251
Direct Current 33
Discrete 32
Discrete spectrum 89-90 92-93 137-138 140-141 157
Disorder 105-114 171-172 178-179 216 221 347 367-368
Divergent plate boundaries 316 324-325
DNA 208-210 212-221 333 335 377-378
Doppler effect 246 253 380
Du Toit, Alexander 307
Dust cloud 261
Efficiency of energy conversion 109
Einstein, Albert 55 75-77 82 84-85 96 103 130 149-150 234 239 247-248 252-253 258 364 379
Elastic 90-91 93
Elastic constant 90 93 365
Elastic limit 91 93
Elastic rebound 292 321
Electric charge 31-34 134
Electric current 33 35-36 45 65 91-93 113 133 357 365
Electrical conductivity 184-185 188-189 374
Electrical force constant 33 35
Electrical force law 32 131
Electrical model of matter 32 34-36 134
Electrical nonconductivity 188
Electrical potential energy 58-59 61-64 97-98 101 103 107 234 366 379
Electrical properties 91-92 94
Electrically nonconducting 186 188
Electricity, simple experiments with 31
Electrolysis 175-176 179-180 374
Electromagnetic family 124
Electromagnetic interaction 34
Electromagnetic radiation 123
Electron capture 225-226 229-232 237 378-379
Electron microscope 145-146
Electrons 12 17
Electrons as particles 134
Element 159 167 169 174
Elementary particle 17 84 237 239-241
Emission spectra 141
Empedocles (the Sicilian) 166
Energy 57-66
Energy crisis 109 112
Energy transfer and transformation processes 60-62 66
Energy wells 157 186
Energy, forms of 57-59
entropy 107-109 111-113 171-172 347 367
Enzymes 207-208 210 213 216-218 220-221 377
Epicenter 293-295 299-300 318
Epicurus (of Samos) 251
Equilibrium (thermodynamic) 110 112
Era 283 288-289 304-305 308-309 312-313 317 323 333 340 344
Eratosthenes 243
Essential amino acid 216 221
ethane 202 212-213
evaporation 97-98 101 103-104 304 337 345 362 366 385
Events (spacetime) 76 83
Exclusion principle 156-157 160 168 183 186
Existence 2 8
Expanding Universe 246-249 253 380
External mold 330 334
Falling objects 29 34 37
Families 163 165 169
Fatty acids 205 212
fault 280 282-283 289 292-293 299 320-321 323 325 384
Fauna 281 288
Faunal succession 281-282 287-288 328 331 334
Fermi, Enrico 239
Feynman, Richard 144-145 387
Finding forces 39 45 47 53 357
First law of motion 19-21 24-26 41-43 53 56 353-354
Fission 226-227 230 232 235-237 239-242 269 275 379
Fission model 269 275
Fixed stars 5 71-72 268
Fizeau, Armand 123 130
Floating objects 50 53
Flora 281 288 303-304 312-313
Fluids 47-48 50-51 53 63 88 90 93-95 103 117 122 270 298 344 360 364-366 368
Fold mountains(belt) 271-275 325 344
Forces 21 25
Ford, W. K 249
Formulas and names of salts 187
Fossils 8 280-281 283 287-288 301 303-304 309 312-313 327-335 344 383-384
Foucault pendulum 69-70 72
Foucault, Jean Bernard Leon 69-74 363
Frames of reference 73 76-77
Franklin, Benjamin 239 301
Fraunhofer, Josef 260
Free-fall acceleration 29 35 44
frequency 117 121
Fresnel, Augustin 130
Friction 21 25
Friedmann, Alexander 252
Frisch, Otto 239
Fuel rod 241
Functional groups 203 207 210-213
Galaxies 15-18 34 43 77 219 243 245-253 255 258-259 380-381
Galilei, Galileo 5-6
Gamma decay 225-226 230 234 237
Gamma particles (rays) 64 124 225-227 378
Gases 88 93 99-100
Gay - Lussac, Joseph Louis 167-168
General theory of relativity 247-248 252-253 258 261 359
Geologic column 283-284 286-289 331 334 383
Gesner, Konrad von 328
Glaciers 305 312 337 339-342 345 385
Glossopteris flora 303 312-313
Gluons 238-241 249
Gneiss 270-271 276
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 211
Granite 270-271 273 275 279 297 300 382
Gravitational acceleration 34 37 39 43-44 357
Gravitational constant 31 33 35 291 299
Gravitational interaction 17 25 29-31 34 39-41 49 237 250 252 255 261 358-359 364
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