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Liboff R.L. — Introductory quantum mechanics |
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Abramowitz, N. 240
Addition theorem, for Legendre polynomials 348 531p see
Adiabatic invariant 602
Adiabatic perturbation 594 603p
Adiabatic process 62p
Adiabatic theorem 594
Airy functions 240 249p
Alkali metals 518
Alkali metals, electronic distributions for 517
Alkaline earths 518
Alpha decay, nuclear 248p
Ammonia molecule 591p
Angular momentum and rotation 328 341p 365
Angular momentum classical 9ff 26p
Angular momentum, addition of 345ff 353ff
Angular momentum, commutator relations for 311
Angular momentum, eigenstates of 326
Angular momentum, eigenvalues of 318ff
Angular momentum, Hermiticity of 317p
Angular momentum, matrices for 442ff
Angular momentum, orbital plus spin 491ff
Angular momentum, quantum 309ff
Angular momentum, uncertainty relations and 313 340p
Anharmonic oscillator 555p
Annihilation operator 183ff 438
Anticommutator see "Jordan — Wigner anticommutation rules"
Antisymmetric operator 427
Antisymmetric state 296 512
Balmer series 40
Band gap see "Energy bands"
Band structure see "Energy bands
Bardeen, J. 541
Basis 419ff
Baym, G. 518
Belinfante, E 57
Bell, J. 57
Bessel functions 379p
Bessel's equation 379p 393
Bessel's inequality 106p
Beta decay 162 600p
Bethe, H. A. 58
Blackbody radiation 29ff 61p
Bloch wavefunctions 268ff 281p 283p
Bloch's theorem 269
Bogoliubov, N. N. 547
Bohm, D. 57
Bohr Atomic Model 38ff 407p 464p 532p
Bohr frequency 411
Bohr magneton 457 459
Bohr radius 39 395 406p
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization rule 243 407p
Boltzmann distribution 58p 587 590
Boltzmann statistics 547
Born approximation 621 625p
Born approximation, standard form of 623
Born postulate 53 68
Born — Fock theorem 596
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 532
Borowitz, S. 77
Bose commutation rules 637
Bose — Einstein condensation 539
Bose — Einstein distribution 591p 638
Boson 511 535
boundary conditions 204 390 419
Box, energy representation for 430
Box, one-dimensional 86ff 555p
Box, three-dimensional (table) 393
Box, two-dimensional 294ff
Bragg reflection 277ff
Brillouin, L. 232
Broken symmetries 167
Calcium energy levels 530
Calcium P states 527
Canonical distribution 487p
Canonical transformation 440p
Canonical variables 17 440p
Cauchy sequence 95 106p
Cauchy — Schwartz inequality 106p
Causality 637
Center of mass 384 391p
Center-of-mass frame 617 621p
Central field approximation 514
Central potential 384
Charge density 405 570p
Chopped wave 149
Circulation, quantum 548
Classical trajectory 174p
Clauser, J. 58
Clebsch — Gordon coeffcients 349 352p 499
Coherent photons 589
Cold emission 247p
Column-vector representation 420
Commutator relations 124ff 140p
Commutator relations and uncertainty principle 134ff 136p 141p
Compatible operators 52 440p
Complementary variables 52 68
Complete sequence 106p 425p
Complete set of commuting operators 137ff 202 424
Complete space 106p
Complex variables 26p
Compton effect 49p
Compton effect and wavelength 50p
Conduction in solids 291ff
Conservation principle of angular momentum 166
Conservation principle of energy 164
Conservation principle of momentum 165
Conservation principle of parity 167
Constants of the motion 11 160 163
Constants, physical 642
Contact potential 36
Continuity conditions 73 390 614
Continuity equation 206
Cooper pairs 541
Cooper, L. N. 541
Coordinate representation 70 633
Coordinates cyclic 12
Coordinates generalized 3
Coordinates good 3
Coordinates, canonical 5 17
Correspondence principle 91 156 254p
Correspondence principle, angular momentum 378p
Correspondence principle, harmonic oscillator 192ff
Correspondence principle, hydrogen atom 408p
Correspondence principle, radiation law 588
Correspondence principle, rigid-sphere scattering 616
Correspondence principle, WKB method 232ff
Coulomb interaction energy 526
Coulomb potential, shielded 624
Coupled representation 347 351 437 478
covalent bond 534
Creation operator 183ff 438
Cross section, diffrential 607
Cross section, total 607
Current density 206ff 210p 368p
Current density, divergence of 376p
Cyclotron frequency 381
Davisson — Germer experiment 45
de Broglie hypothesis 44
de Broglie wavelength 44 46
de Broglie wavelength, and WKB method 232
de Broglie wavelength, electron 48p
de Broglie wavelength, proton 48p
Degeneracy 131ff 139 590
Degeneracy of hydrogen energies 399 408p
Degeneracy quantum 547p
Degeneracy symmetry 298 302
Degeneracy, accidental 298 300p
Degeneracy, exchange 294
Degenerate perturbation theory 560 565
Degrees of freedom 5
| Delta function see "Dirac delta function"
Density of states 60p 62p 591p
Density operator 482
Density operator and equation of motion 483 604p
Determinism 51
Deuterium molecule 344p 535 538p 539p
Deuterium molecule, nuclear component wavefunction for 537
Deuterium molecule, rotational modes of 535
Deuteron 265p 392p
DeWitt, B. 70
Diagonal matrices 422 434p
Diagonalization 421 44lp
Diagonalization of submatrix 561
diamond 292
Dicke, R. H. 486
Diffaction 304p
Dipole radiation 412
Dirac delta function 70ff 155
Dirac delta function in Cartesian coordinates 639
Dirac delta function in cylindrical coordinates 641
Dirac delta function in spherical coordinates 640
Dirac equation 156
Dirac notation 93ff
Distribution function 541
Doppler shift 547p
Drift velocity see "Velocity drift"
Dumbbell, rigid see "Rotator rigid"
effective mass 271
Effective potential 387 388
Ehrenfest's principle 58 166
Einstein A and В coeffcients 586
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen paradox 489p
Einstein, photoelectric theory of 34
Electronic distributions in atoms, table of 516
energy bands 275 283p 520p 574 575p
energy gaps 274ff 547
Energy operator 67 103 436
Ensemble 109
Ensemble, average 109 483
entropy 61p 540
Equipartition hypothesis 59p
Estle, T. 517
Exchange binding 532
Exchange energy 526
Exchange operator 476 510 514p
Exchange symmetry 510
Excitations in liquid helium 545
Exclusion principle 35 204 512 517 523 539
expectation value 73
Expectation value time development of 159ff
Fermi energy 35 62p 293
Fermi energy of copper 63p
Fermi energy of sodium 63p
Fermi sea 36
Fermi — Dirac distribution 638
Fermi's golden rule see "Golden rule"
Fermi, E. 584
Fermion 511
Feshbach, H. 575
Feynman, R. 77 461 545
Fine structure see "Hydrogen atom"
Fine-structure constant 41p 51p 501
Fleischmann, H. H. 369
Fock, V. 596
Forbidden domain 24ff
Forbidden domain, central potential of 388 389
Fraga, S. 518
Frauenfelder, H. 167
Free particle in Cartesian coordinates 359ff
Free particle in spherical coordinates 365ff
Free-particle propagator 152 157p
Freedman, S. 58
Frohlich, H. 542
Function space 95
Function space, complete 95 106p
Function space, linear 95
Gasiorowicz, S. 532
Gaussian distribution 75
Gaussian wave packet 151 158p
Germanium 292
Goertzel, G. 271 375
Goffan, C. 96
Golden Rule 583
Golden rule and Born approximation 621
Goldstein, H. 17
Good quantum numbers 138 440p 479p
Good variables 138
Goodstein, D. L. 545
Gordon, J. P. 589
Gottfried, K. 70 330
Gradshteyn, I. S. 398
Gravitation 36p 400p
Green's theorem 370p
Group property 429p
Halogens 518 548p
Hamilton's equations 11 12 17 22p
Hamiltonian classical 12ff 16 49p
Hamiltonian perturbation 550
Hamiltonian quantum 67 380 383 466
harmonic oscillator 179ff 415p
Harmonic oscillator in electric field 60lp
Harmonic oscillator in energy representation 437ff
Harmonic oscillator in momentum space 199ff
Harmonic oscillator, excited states of 189
Harmonic oscillator, ground state of 188
Harmonic oscillator, matrices of 437ff
Harmonic oscillator, representation of radiation field 592p
Harmonic oscillator, spectrum of 186
Harmonic oscillator, two-dimeasional 300ff 564
Harmonic perturbation 579
Harmonic perturbation and Born approximation 621
Harris, E. G. 410
Heat capacity of liquid helium 543
Heavy hydrogen 406p see
Heisenberg's uncertainty relation 51ff 136p
Heisenberg's uncertainty relation for energy-time 581
Heisenberg's uncertainty relation for temperature-space 540 546p
Helium 523ff
Helium II 543 548p
Helium, ionization energy of 527
Helium, isotope of 545
Helium, singly ionized 406p
Henley, E. 167
Hermite polynomials 189 195p 382
Hermite's equation 189 198p
Hermitian adjoint 101 427
Hermitian operators 100 104ff
Hidden variables 57
High-frequency limit 582
Hilbert space 94ff 334 341p
Hilbert space, superposition principle and 113ff
hole 293 548p
Huang, K. 487
Hund's rules 520
Hydrogen atom 8 394ff 601p
Hydrogen atom, eigenenergies of 40 400
Hydrogen atom, eigenstates of 400
Hydrogen atom, fine-structure 501
Hydrogen atom, ground-state 401
Hydrogen atom, radial wavefunction of 394 403
Hydrogen chloride molecule, rotational modes of 325p
Hydrogen chloride molecule, vibrational modes of 325p
Hydrogen chloride, rotational modes of 325p
Hydrogen chloride, vibrational modes of 185 325p
hydrogen molecule 532ff
Hydrogen molecule, nuclear component wavefunction of 537
Hydrogen molecule, potential of 534
Hydrogen molecule, rotational modes of 539p
Hydrogenic atoms 394
Ideal gas 61p
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