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Slater J.C., Frank N.H. — Electromagnetism
Slater J.C., Frank N.H. — Electromagnetism

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Íàçâàíèå: Electromagnetism

Àâòîðû: Slater J.C., Frank N.H.


The present book is the second of several volumes which are intended to replace the Introduction to Theoretical Physics written by the same authors in 1933. By separating the material on mechanics, on electromagnetism, and on the quantum theory, we believe that it is possible to give a somewhat better rounded treatment of each of these fields, which will be more useful to the teacher and the student. We have taken advantage of the opportunity to give a considerably more complete treatment of the foundations of electrostatics and magneto-statics, and to introduce some of the new developments in electromagnetic theory since 1933. At the same time, we have tried to preserve, and even to extend, the general unity of treatment which we believed so important when the earlier book was published. We have a conviction that the teaching of theoretical physics in a number of separate courses, as in mechanics, electromagnetic theory, potential theory, thermodynamics, and modern physics, tends to keep a student from seeing the unity of physics, and from appreciating the importance of applying principles developed for one branch of science to the problems of another.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.11.2010

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Absorption coefficient, optical      308—112 125—126
Ampere      3 53
Ampere's law      59—62 83—85
Ampere, unit      213
Anomalous dispersion      see "Dispersion"
Associated Legendre polynomials or associated spherical harmonics      32—34 152 224—226
Atomic refractivity      116
Bessel's equation and function      140—142 152—156 232—234
Biot — Savart law      53—57 63—64 157—158
Boundary conditions, electromagnetic field      44—46 71 117 137
Capacity      21—23 206—207
Cavities, field in      50—51 75
Cavities, resonant      145—146
Charge density      23
Clausius — Mosotti law      110
Coefficients of Fourier series      30—31 164—165 217—220
Coherence of light      161—165
Condenser      21—23 40—47
Condenser, energy of      96
Conduction of electricity in metals, electron theory of      106 111—112
Conductivity, specific electrical      85 111—112
Conductor of electricity as an equipotential      15
Constitutive equations      85
Continuity conditions, electromagnetic wave      117 137
Continuity, equation of      84
Convergence of Fourier series      217—220
Coordinates, curvilinear, vector operations in      221—223
Cornu's spiral      185—186
Coulomb      10—12 214
Coulomb's law      2 12 158
Cross section, scattering      160
Curl in curvilinear coordinates      222—223
Curl of a vector      14 199
Curl of electric field      14 79—80 83
Current, density of      61
Current, displacement      83—85
Current, surface      67
Curvilinear coordinates, vector operations in      221—223
Cutoff in wave guide      129 146
D' Alembert's equation      88
D' Alembert's equation, solution of      169—173
Demagnetizing factor      73—75
Density of energy in electromagnetic field      95—103 213
Density, charge      23
Density, current      61
Diamagnetism      65
dielectric constant      43—44 105—114
Dielectric constant, relation of to polarization      43—44
Dielectrics      41—52 105—114
Dielectrics, types of      41—42
Diffraction      175—192
Dipole and dipole moment, electric      35—42 227—231
Dipole and dipole moment, magnetic      59 70
Dipole and dipole moment, oscillating      157—161
Discontinuity in electromagnetic field      44—46 71 117 137
Dispersion of electromagnetic waves in metals      111—112
Dispersion, electron theory of      105—114
Displacement current      83—85 211
Displacement, electric      42—43
Divergence in curvilinear coordinates      222
Divergence of a vector      24 190
Divergence of electric field      24
Divergence of magnetic induction      57
Divergence theorem      200—202
Dominant mode      130
Double layer      35—39 171
Einstein's theory of relation between energy and mass      101
Electric conductivity      106 111—112
Electric displacement      42—43 206
electric field      1—52 206
Electric field in a spherical cavity      52
Electric images      16—17 47—49
Electromagnetic field of oscillating dipoles      157—161
Electromagnetic field, energy in      95—103
Electromagnetic field, wave equation for      91
Electromagnetic induction      78—83 210—211
Electromagnetic units      208—211
Electromagnetic waves      90—95 103
Electromagnetic waves in metals      90—95 103 111—112
Electromagnetic waves, polarization of      124
Electromagnetic waves, reflection and refraction of      117—128
Electromagnetic waves, spherical      148—163
Electromotive force      79—81
Electron      11
Electron theory and dispersion      105—114
Electron, radius of      101 160
Electrostatic field, energy in      95—103 213
Electrostatic potential      14—18 86—88
Electrostatic problems and potential theory      11—52
Electrostatic units      205—208
Ellipsoid, magnetized      75
Energy, electrical      95—103 213
Energy, magnetic      97—103 213
Equation of continuity      84
Equipotential surfaces      15—17
Farad      11
Faraday's induction law      3 78—83 210—211
Fermi statistics      114
ferromagnetism      66—67 72—77
Field      see "Electric field" "Electromagnetic "Electrostatic "Magnetic
Flux, magnetic      79—80
Force on charge and current      10 54—55 205—206
Fourier series      30—31 164—165 217—220
Fraunhofer diffraction      180—192
Fresnel diffraction      180—187
Fresnel equations for reflection      6 120—128
Fresnel integrals      185
Fresnel zones      173—178
Gauss      54
Gauss's theorem      3—4 19—21 34
Gaussian units      211—213
Generalized coordinates, vector operations in      211—223
Gradient in curvilinear coordinate      221
Gradient of a scalar      14 198—199
Green's distribution      38—39
Green's method for differential equations      25—26 38—39
Green's theorem      25 170
Henry      54
Hertz electric waves      7 93
Hertz vector      166
Huygens' principle      5 167—178
Hysteresis      73—77
Images, method of      16—17 47—49
Impedance, wave      95
Index of refraction      105—114
Induction vector, magnetic      54—77
Induction, electromagnetic      78—83 210—211
Intensity of electric field      10
Intensity of magnetic field      69
Laplace's equation      4 23—27 29—40 44 168—173
Laplacian in curvilinear coordinates      31 222
Leakage, magnetic      75—77
Legendre polynomials, associated      32—34 152 224—226
Legendre's equation      32 152 224—226
Lines of force      15—17
Lippman fringes      132
Lorenz — Lorentz Law      110
Magnetic field      53—77 209—210
Magnetism      53—77 209—210
Magnetization vector      67—70 209—210
Magnetomotive force      75—77
Maxwell's equations      2—7 43 58 85—86 94—95 148—149 211
Metals, classical electron theory of      111—112
Metals, plane waves of light in      90—95 103 111—112
Metals, reflection of light from      125—128
Method of images      16—17 47—49
Modes in wave guide      129
Molecular refractivity      116
Multiple-valued potential      62
Multipoles      36 227—231
Mutual inductance      80—82 211
Neumann functions      see "Bessel's equation"
Newton's law of motion      1
Normal incidence, reflection coefficient at      119—120
Oersted      3 53
Ohm      214
Ohm's law      15 208
Ohm's law in differential form      85
Open circuits      83—85
Optics      90—128 148—194
Oscillating dipole, radiation from      157—161
Oscillator strength      110
Parallel-plate condenser      21—22 206
Paramagnetism      65
Permeability, magnetic      69—70
Permittivity      43
Phase change in total reflection      124
Plane waves      90—95 103
Plane waves, reflection and refraction of      117—128
Poisson's equation      4 23—27 31 63
Polarizability      37 44
Polarization of dielectric      42—46
Polarization of light      124
Polynomials, Legendre      32 152 224—226
Potential, electrostatic      14—18 86—88
Potential, magnetostatic      57—62
Potential, retarded      168—173
Potential, scalar      14—18 86—88
Potential, vector      62—64 82—83 86—88
Poynting's vector      99—103
Poynting's vector, practical units for      213—215
Products of vectors      196—198
Progressive waves      90—95 103
Propagation constant      91—92 126—127
Quadrupoles      227—231
Quantum theory      7—9 112—114
Radiation, electromagnetic      90—103 148—165
Rayleigh      130
Rayleigh scattering      160
Reflection      117—128
Refraction      117—128
Refraction, index of      105—114
Relativity, theory of      9
Relaxation time      89
Resistance, specific      85 111—112
Resolving power of a lens      189—190
Resolving power, grating      192
Resonance scattering      161
Resonant cavity      135 145—146
Retarded potential      168—173
Scalar potential      14—18 86—88
Scalar product      196—197
Scattering of light      154—156 159—165
Self-inductance      80—83 211
Separation of variables      29—35
Skin depth      126
Snell's law      118—119
Solenoid, energy in      98
Solenoid, magnetic field in      61 71
Solids, dispersion in      109—114
Specific conductivity      85 208
Specific inductive capacity      43 208
Specific resistance      85 208
Spectral analysis of a light wave      164—165
Sphere, conducting      35
Sphere, dielectric      49—50
Sphere, magnetized      72—74
Spherical electromagnetic waves      148-161
Spherical harmonics      32—34 152 224—226
Spherical harmonics, associated, or associated Legendre polynomials      32—34 152
standing waves      142—145
Stokes's theorem      80 202—203
Surface-charge density      20—21
Susceptibility, electric      44 207—208
Susceptibility, magnetic      70
Thomson's formula for scattering of light      160—161
Toroid      71
Total reflection      123—124
Transverse electric and magnetic modes      136—142 144—150
Traveling waves      90—95 103
Unit vectors      195—196
Units, electrical      10—12 205—216
Vector operations in generalized coordinates      221—223
Vector potential      62—64 82—83 86—88
Vectors      10 195—204
Velocity of light      93
Volt      10—12 213
Wave equation      91 139—140
Wave guide      129—146
Weber      10 54 215
Work      14
X rays      106 160—161 183
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