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Campbell S.A. — The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication |
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vapor etching 527
2-D growth 363
Accelerometer, MEMS 544
Acoustic waves 136
Actinic absorbance 195
Actuators, MEMS 546—551
Adatoms 387
Adiabatic heating 127—128
Advanced silicon vapor phase, epitaxial growth techniques 378—381
Aerogel 430
Agglomeration 18
Air bridges 479
Aligners, optical 153—154 165—172
Alloyed contacts 421—423
Alloys 304—305 317
Aluminum 317—318 419—421
Ambient, particle detection and 496
Analog bipolar technologies 507—508
Analysis of variance (Anova) 569—571
Anisotropic etching 269—272
Anisotropy 258—259
Annealing processes 138—140
Anode dark space 250
Anodic bonding 537
Antipov emitter 501
Antireflective coatings 177—178
Antisite defect 413
APCVD 337—339
Aqua regia 417
Arc lamps 131 159—160
Area defect 19
Areal image 153
Aromatic ring 184
Arrenhius function 16
Aspect ratio 301
Atomic flux divergence 426—427
Autodoping 365—366
Avalanche 490
Backstreaming 244
Bamboo effect 426
Bandgap narrowing 494
Barrier height 415—416
Barrier metals 318 349 421
BCF theory 387—389
Bias sputtering 315—316
BiCMOS 504—507
Bipolar junction transistors (BJT) 488—489
Bleaching 195
Blowers 242—244
Boats 90
Boron penetration 455
Borophosphosilicate glass (BPSG) 343
Boule 21 23 24 31
Boundary layers 333—336
Breakdown histogram 79
Bridging oxygen 76
Bridgman growth 27
Bridgman growth, horizontal 29
Bridgman growth, vertical 29—30
Buffered FET logic 474
Buoyancy driven recirculation cells 27
Buried channels 454
Buried collector 494—495
Buried dielectrics 118—120
C-V profiling 55
CAIBE 276—277
Cantilever beam deflection 524
Cantilever beam processing 539 544—545
Capacitive pressure sensor 519
Capping layer 139
Carboxylic acid 186
Chain scission 185
Channel implants 445
channeling 110—112
Charge to breakdown test 79—80
Charge transfer compounds 199
Charged vacancy 43
Chemical beam epitaxy 391—392
Chemical equilibrium 328—330
Chemical mechanical polishing 264—266
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) materials, borophosphosilicate glass 343
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) materials, copper 349—350
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) materials, metals 347—350
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) materials, phosphosilicate glass 327
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) materials, polysilicon 341—342
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) materials, tungsten 347—349
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems, atmospheric 337—339
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems, cold wall 341—342
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems, high-density plasma 345
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems, hot wall 336 339—341
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems, low-pressure CVD 339—343
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems, plasma enhanced 343—347
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems, vertical chamber 340—341
Chemically amplified resists (CARs) 197
Chlorine plasmas 277—281
Chlorosilanes 341—343
Chromium doping 412
cleaning 356—359
Climb 18
Clustering factor 563
Collimated sputtering 314—315
Comer compensation 529
Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS), design 442
Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS), technologies 442—447
Compton effect 206—207
Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) 575—577
Concentration dependence diffusivities 42
Condensation nuclear counters (CNCs) 567
Conductance 239
Confounded variables 572
Contact aligners 165—166
Contacts, ohmic, alloyed 421—423 455
Contacts, ohmic, implanted 418—421
Contacts, resistance (FET) 450
Contacts, Schottky 414—418
Contrast enhancement layers (CELs) 198
Contrast, optical 187—189
control charts see "Statistical process control"
Convection 127
Convection, natural 26 334—335
Coplanar waveguides 424—425 479—480
copper 432
Core doping 31
Coulomb scattering 104—105
Critical angle 110
Critical layers 564
Critical modulation transfer function (CMTF) 190—191
Crooke's dark space 250
Cross linking 185 227
Crucible-heating techniques 302—304
Cryopump 246
Crystal rate monitor 300
Crystals, defects in 15—21
Crystals, lattices in 13—15
Czochralski growth 21—28
Damage, radiation 228—231
Damage, reactive ion etching 281
Damascene process 265 431—432
Dark spaces 250—251
Deal triangle 81
Deal — Grove model 68—71 73
Deep trench 408—410
Defect selective etching 263—264
Defects, crystal 15—21
Defects, epitaxial growth 366—368
Defects, killing 561
Defects, oval 385
Degree of saturation 361
Dehydration bake 191
Delta doping 418
| Denuded zone 21
Depth of focus 168
Design of Experiments (DOE) 572
Design rules 4 151
Developers 192
Diamond structure 16
Diamond-like carbon 429—430
Diazoquinones (DQ) 186
Diborane 366
Dichlorosilane 362
Dielectric isolation (DI) 411
Dielectrics, high permittivity 88—89
Dielectrics, rapid thermal processing 140—141
Diffraction 155—157
Diffusion 8
Diffusion in 59—60
Diffusion, atomistic models of 41—45
Diffusion, furnaces 60—61 90—92
Diffusion, heavy doping effects 47—52
Diffusion, oxidation enhanced 44
Diffusion, predeposition 45
Diffusion, profiles 48—52
Diffusion, pump 245
Diffusion, transient enhanced 138—139
Dimethylzinc (DMZ) 375
Direct-coupled FET logic 474
Discharges DC glow 249—251
Discharges DC glow, RF 251—252
Dislocations 18 367
Dislocations, loops 25
Doping in epitaxial growth 365—366
Double diffused drain 457
DQN positive photoresist 186—187
Drain engineering 457—458
Drain-induced barrier lowering 461—462
Drive in diffusion 45—46
Dry developable resists 199—200
dry etching see "Etching"
Dry oxidation 68 71
Dry pumps 245
Dry pumps, Fraunhofer 157
Dry pumps, Fresnel 156 166
Dry pumps, grating 158
E-beam evaporation 303—304
E-beam exposure see "Photoresist"
Early effect 489—490
ECR plasma 253—254
EL2 sites 413
Electromigration 426
Electron beam lithography (EBL) 208—215
Electron beam lithography (EBL), resists 227—228
Electron beam MBE systems 390—391
Electron diffraction (RHEED) 384—385
Electronic stopping 106
Electrostatic scanning 103
Ellipsometry 78—79
Emissivity 134—135
End point detection 272—274
Enhancement/depletion technology 441—442
Epitaxial growth BCE theory 387—389
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, chemical beam 391—392
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, Deal model 360
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, defects 366—368
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, dopants 365—366
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, extended lateral overgrowth 369
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, halide transport GaAs vapor phase 369—370
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, heteroepitaxial 370—373
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, kink sites 388
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, metallorganic 373—378
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, molecular beam 381—386
Epitaxial growth BCE theory, selective 368—369
Equilibrium, chemical 328—330
Etching, anisotropic 269—270
Etching, damage 281
Etching, doping selective 263
Etching, HDP systems 282—283
Etching, plasma 266—274
Etching, reactive ion 277—281
Etching, wet 259—264
evaporation 295—301
Evaporation, deposition rates 297—299
Evaporation, electron beam 303—304
Evaporation, heating techniques 302—304
Evaporation, radiation damage 303—304
Evaporation, reactive 300
Evaporation, step coverage 301—302
Evaporation, sublimation and 296—297
Excimer laser sources 162—164
Exciplex lasers 162
Exposure 163 164 165
Extended lateral overgrowth (ELO) 369
Extrinsic breakdown 79
Extrinsic gettering 19
Factors 571—575
Fair's vacancy model 42
Faraday cup 103
Faraday dark space 250
Fast ramp furnace 92
Fault kernel 563
Faults, stacking 366—367
Feed gas ratio 362
Fick's laws 39—41
Field implant 444—445
Film stress, extrinsic 518
Film stress, intrinsic 518
Fixed charge 81
Flexural rigidity 524
Float zone refining 30—31
Flow plug 332
Flow process 399
Fluorinated oxide 429
Fluorine to carbon ratio 271
Flux 40
Four point probe 52
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy 368
Frank — Turnbull method 45 51
Fraunhofer diffraction 157
Freeman ion source 100
Frenkel defect 16
Fresnel diffraction 156—157
Full factorial experiments 570—571
Fused silica 76
GaAs on silicon 372
GaAs, anisotropic etching 280—281
GaAs, device isolation 412—414
GaAs, FET technologies 471—481
GaAs, implant activation in 139—140
GaAs, liftoff 283—285
GaAs, MESFET 471—473
GaAs, MOCVD 373—378
GaAs, Schottky diodes 417
GaAs, vapor phase epitaxy 369—370
Gas ballast 242
Gas immersion laser doping 462
Gas source MBE 391
Gas throughput 239
Gas-flow dynamics 331—336
Gate materials for MESFETs 475—476
Gate materials for MOSFETS 454—455
Gate oxidation 88—92
Gettering 19
Glide 18
Glow discharge 249—251
Gold air bridges 479
Grain boundary 19
Grain boundary, stuffing 142
Gross fail area 562
Hall effect 54 520
Halo implants 464
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