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Smith M.B., March J. — March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure
Smith M.B., March J. — March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure

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Íàçâàíèå: March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure

Àâòîðû: Smith M.B., March J.


"March has been uncompromising in his search for clarity and utility in presentations of a wide variety of essential organic chemistry. It remains an accessible and useful tool for both specialists and nonspecialists in the field. It does an excellent job both as a text for first-year graduate students and a handy reference for others."-Journal of Chemical Education "The ratio of information to price makes this book a wonderful bargain."-American Scientist
New to this Fifth Edition:
* Michael Smith from the University of Connecticut joins as coauthor for the Fifth Edition
* Contains 20,000 valuable, selected references to the primary literature-5,000 new to this edition
* 40 entirely new sections covering the most important developments in organic chemistry since the previous edition
* Updated illustrations of molecular structures

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 5-th edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 2083

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.02.2007

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Diazonium coupling      700
Diazonium ions      448 700
Diazonium ions and amide hydrolysis      475
Diazonium ions and the Bamford — Stevens reaction      1335
Diazonium ions ionization to carbocation      1393
Diazonium salts      448
Diazonium salts and ionization to aryl cations      853
Diazonium salts aryl, and isomerization      700
Diazonium salts aryl, coupling      700
Diazonium salts aryl, coupling and acidity      700
Diazonium salts aryl, coupling with alkenes      929—930
Diazonium salts aryl, coupling with arylboronic acids      938
Diazonium salts aryl, formation of      701
Diazonium salts aryl, mechanism of formation      817
Diazonium salts aryl, methylation of      937
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with $Me_4Sn$      937
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with $NaNO_2$      936
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with $SO_2$      937
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with aromatic compounds      928
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with CuCl or CuBr      935—936
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with CuCN      936
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with cuprous halides      935
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with hydrogen sulfide anion      874
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with hypophosphorous acid      934
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with iodide      875
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with oximes      938
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with sulfur nucleophiles      874
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with thiol anions      874
Diazonium salts aryl, reaction with water      874
Diazonium salts aryl, reduction of      934
Diazonium salts coupling with alkenes      937
Diazonium salts from amines      1664
Diazonium salts from aromatic compounds      1664
Diazonium salts reaction with active methylene compounds      778
Diazonium salts reaction with enolate anions      778
Diazonium salts reaction with malonic esters      779
Diazonium salts reduction with $LiAlH_4$      1556
Diazonium salts reduction with sodium sulfite      1556
Diazonium tetrafluoroborates, aryl, thermolysis      875
Diazonium, as a leaving group      447
Diazosulfides, as intermediates      874
Diazotization of amines      448 816
Diazotization of amino acids      522
Dibal reduction of alkynes      1007
Dibal reduction of carbonyl compounds      1198
Dibal reduction of oximes      1555
Dibromides from alkenes      1041
Dibromides from hydrazones      1196
Dibromocarbene      249
Dibromoisocyanuric aid, and aromatic bromination      706
Dibromoketones, reaction with organocnprates      539
Dibromomethane, and the Simmons — Smith reaction      1088
Dicaranylborane      1015
Dicarboxyacetylene, reaction with bromine      973
Dicarboxylic acids from cyclic ketones      1521
Dicarboxylic acids oxidative bisdecarboxylation      1530
Dicarboxylic acids pyrolysis with $ThO_2$      574
Dicarboxylic acids radical halogenation      909
Dicarboxylic acids reaction with diesters      487
Dicarboxylic acids reaction with lead tetraacetate      1530
Dications      222; see “Carbocations”
Dichlorides, conpling, electrochemical      537
Dichlorine monoxide      914
Dichlorobenzenes and benzyne intermediates      860
Dichloroborane-dimethyl sulfide      1014
Dichlorocarbene      248
Dichlorocarbene formation of      250
Dichloromethyl ethers, reaction with lithium triethylcarboxide      1423
Dichloromethyl methyl ether, reaction with aromatic compounds      717
Dichromate oxidation of alcohols      1514 1515
Dichromate oxidation of aromatic diols      1517
Dichromate reaction with aldehydes      917
Dicobalt octacarbonyl and hydroformylation of alkenes      1037
Dicobalt octacarbonyl reaction with organomercury halides      800
Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide      see “DCC”
Dicyclohexylurea, byproduct of esterification with DCC      485
Dieckmann condensation      569—570 (also see “Claisen condensation”)
Dieckmann condensation and the acy loin condensation      1562
Dieckmann condensation mechanism of      570
Dielectric effects, in solvents, algorithm      450
Diels — Alder reactions      289 1092 1062—1075
Diels — Alder reactions a biradical mechanism      1067
Diels — Alder reactions and $LiClO_4$      1066
Diels — Alder reactions and 3-sulfolene      1066
Diels — Alder reactions and a Moebius strip      1071
Diels — Alder reactions and alkyne trimerization      1090
Diels — Alder reactions and alkynes      1062
Diels — Alder reactions and aromatic compounds      1063
Diels — Alder reactions and cation radicals      1065
Diels — Alder reactions and cisoid conformations of dienes      1064
Diels — Alder reactions and Claisen rearrangement      1450
Diels — Alder reactions and cyclic dienes      1064
Diels — Alder reactions and dienophiles      1062
Diels — Alder reactions and high pressure      457 1066
Diels — Alder reactions and Hueckel systems      1071
Diels — Alder reactions and isotope effects      1067
Diels — Alder reactions and Lewis acid complexes      1065
Diels — Alder reactions and microwaves      1065
Diels — Alder reactions and Mobius systems      1071
Diels — Alder reactions and orbital symmetry      1068
Diels — Alder reactions and photochemical reactions      1071
Diels — Alder reactions and polymerization      1065
Diels — Alder reactions and rate      1065
Diels — Alder reactions and reaction of oxygen with dienes      1055
Diels — Alder reactions and the cyclic mechanism      979
Diels — Alder reactions and the Mobius — Hiickel method      1070
Diels — Alder reactions and the Woodward — Hoffmann rules      1068
Diels — Alder reactions and thermal reactions      1071
Diels — Alder reactions and transoid conformations of dienes      1063
Diels — Alder reactions and ultrasound      1075
Diels — Alder reactions and [2+2]-cycloadditions      1077
Diels — Alder reactions antarafacial additions      1073
Diels — Alder reactions antibody catalyzed      1065
Diels — Alder reactions basis sets      1070
Diels — Alder reactions cationic      1065
Diels — Alder reactions cleavage of adducts      1069
Diels — Alder reactions concertedness      1068
Diels — Alder reactions dienophiles and [3+2]-cycloaddition      1061
Diels — Alder reactions enantioselectivity      1065
Diels — Alder reactions encapsulation      1066
Diels — Alder reactions exo/endo selectivity      1064
Diels — Alder reactions frontier-orbital method      1068—1070
Diels — Alder reactions heteroatom      1075
Diels — Alder reactions heteroatom, enantioselectivity      1075
Diels — Alder reactions HOMO and LUMO      1070
Diels — Alder reactions homo Diels — Alder reaction      1063
Diels — Alder reactions HOMO-LUMO interactions      1074
Diels — Alder reactions in aqueous media      1066
Diels — Alder reactions in supercritical $CO_2$      1066
Diels — Alder reactions intramolecular      1066
Diels — Alder reactions inverse electron demand      1067
Diels — Alder reactions Lewis acid catalysis      1065
Diels — Alder reactions mechanism      1066—1067
Diels — Alder reactions normal      1073
Diels — Alder reactions of cyclobutadiene      59
Diels — Alder reactions on alumina      1066
Diels — Alder reactions on zeolites      1066
Diels — Alder reactions orbital overlaps      1074
Diels — Alder reactions photochemical      1065
Diels — Alder reactions rate acceleration      1065—1066
Diels — Alder reactions regioselectivity      1063
Diels — Alder reactions regioselectivity and MO      1064
Diels — Alder reactions retro      1066 1348
Diels — Alder reactions retro, CO extrusion      1347
Diels — Alder reactions retro, in water      1066
Diels — Alder reactions reversibility      1066
Diels — Alder reactions solvent effects      1065
Diels — Alder reactions stereochemistry      1064
Diels — Alder reactions substituent effects      1067
Diels — Alder reactions suprafacial addition      1072
Diels — Alder reactions twisted      1073
Diels — Alder reactions with anthracene      1063
Diels — Alder reactions with azadienes      1075
Diels — Alder reactions with benzynes      855 1062
Diels — Alder reactions with furans      1075
Diels — Alder reactions with maleic anhydride      1062
Diels — Alder reactions with phenyl vinyl sulfone      1062
Diels — Alder reactions with quinones      1062
Diene alcohols, and the oxy-Cope rearrangement      1445
Diene ketones, and the Nazarov cyclization      1021
Diene, conjugated, from vinylboranes      1425
Dienes addition of carbanions      1018
Dienes and isomerization of double bonds      991
Dienes and orbital symmetry      1428
Dienes and UV absorption      310
Dienes aza      see “Azadienes”
Dienes by conjugate elimination      1326
Dienes by coupling of allylic halides      541
Dienes by extrusion of CO      1347
Dienes by isomerization of alkynes      773
Dienes by the Cope rearrangement      1666
Dienes by the Ramberg — Backlund reaction      1342
Dienes by the Stille reaction      931—932 1666
Dienes chiral and the Diels — Alder reaction      1065
Dienes cisoid and the Diels — Alder reaction      1064
Dienes conjugated and reaction with alkyl halides      1047
Dienes conjugated, acylation of      784
Dienes cyclic in the Diels — Alder reaction      1064
Dienes dimerization      1091
Dienes from alkenes      1666
Dienes from alkyne alcohols      1327
Dienes from alkynes      1020 1666
Dienes from alkynes and Schwartz’s reagent      1020
Dienes from allylic halides      1666
Dienes from bicyclobutanes      1460
Dienes from dienes      1437
Dienes from hydrogenation of aromatic compounds      1666
Dienes from pyrolysis of allylic acetates      1330
Dienes from sigmatropic rearrangements of 1,5-dienes      1666
Dienes from thermolysis of 3-sulfolene      1066
Dienes from vinyl boranes      939 1666
Dienes from vinyl Inflates      931
Dienes from vinyltin compounds      931 1666
Dienes gas phase addition of HI      992
Dienes heteroatom, reaction with alkenes      1075
Dienes HOMO and LUMO of      1070
Dienes hydrogenation of      1005
Dienes intramolecular alkene addition      1019
Dienes molecular orbitals of      1070
Dienes photolysis of      1426
Dienes radical addition to      978
Dienes reaction with alkenes      1062—1075
Dienes reaction with boranes      1015
Dienes reaction with carbenes      1985
Dienes reaction with chlorosulfonyl isocyanate      1251
Dienes reaction with heteroatom alkenes      1075
Dienes reaction with organozirconium compounds      1039
Dienes reaction with oxygen      1054
Dienes reaction with silanes      1039
Dienes ring closure, and the frontier orbital method      1429
Dienes transoid and the Diels — Alder reaction      1063
Dienes trimerization of      1091
Dienophiles      1062; also see “Alkenes”
Dienophiles and regioselectivity in the Diels — Alder reaction      1063
Dienophiles chiral in the Diels — Alder reaction      1065
Diesters from alkenes      1049
Diesters reaction with dicarboxylic acids      487
Diethyl azodicarboxylate (DEAD), and formation of allenes      772
Diethyl azodicarboxylate and dehydration of diols      480
Diethyl azodicarboxylate and elimination of hydroxy acids      1346
Diethyl azodicarboxylate and Mitsunobu esterification      486
Diethyl azodicarboxylate in esterification reactions      486
Diethyl diazoacetate, reaction with aldehydes      785
Diethylaminosulfur trifluoride      see “DAST”
Diethylene glycol      481
Diethylene glycol as a solvent for $S_E1$      764
Diethylmercury      237
Diethylzinc, and the Simmons — Smith reaction      1089
Diethylzinc, reaction with aldehydes      1211
Differential absorption and resolution      152
Diffusion control and kinetics      279
Difluorides from oximes      1197
Difluoro compounds      1196
Difluoroamine, reaction with amines      530
dig and Baldwin’s rules      283—284
Dihalides and elimination reactions      1343
Dihalides and Friedel — Crafts alkylation      710
Dihalides and the E2reaction      1301
Dihalides and the Wurtz reaction      536
Dihalides by radical halogenation      1666
Dihalides by the haloform reaction      1666
Dihalides elimination      1343
Dihalides formation of Grignard reagents      805
Dihalides from $CCl_4$      1666
Dihalides from aldehydes      1195 1666
Dihalides from alkenes      1041 1666
Dihalides from alkyl nitrites      1666
Dihalides from alkynes      992 1666
Dihalides from amines      1666
Dihalides from aryl nitro compounds      1666
Dihalides from epoxides      1666
Dihalides from trihalides      1666
Dihalides from trihalo acids      1666
Dihalides fromketones      1195 1666
Dihalides Grignard reactions of      1206
Dihalides hydrolysis of      463
Dihalides mixed from alkenes      1041
Dihalides reaction with malonate anion      550
Dihalides reaction with sulfide ion      497
Dihedral angle and conformation      168
Dihydrophenanthrene, intermediate in photocyclization of stilbene      1436
Dihydropyran, reaction with alcohols      996
Dihydroquinidines and dihydroxylation of alkenes      1050
Dihydroxylation and kinetic resolution      154
Dihydroxylation catalytic, of alkenes      1049
Dihydroxylation of alkenes      1048—1051
Dihydroxylation of alkenes, diastereoselectivity      1050
Dihydroxylation of alkenes, enantioselectivity      1050
Dihydroxylation of alkenes, with peroxide      1049
Dihydroxylation of aromatic compounds      1050
Dihydroxylation of benzene      1050
Dihydroxylation Sharpless asymmetric      1050
Diimide, dimerization      254
Diimide, reaction of azo compounds      1556
Diimide, reaction with alkenes      1007
Diiodomethane, and the Simmons — Smith reaction      1088
Diions and ketene — imine cycloaddition      1250
Diions in the benzidine rearrangement      1456
Diions in [2+2]-cycloadditions      1080
Diisobutylaluminum hydride      see “Dibal”
Diisopinocampheylborane      154 1014
Diisopropyl azodicarboxylate, reaction with alcohols      502
Diisopropylacetylene, trimerization of      1089
Diketones acyl halides      568
Diketones cleavage of      812
Diketones conversion to enol ethers      481
Diketones from alkynes      1523 1540
Diketones from aromatic carboxylic aids      1563
Diketones from bis imidazole of oxalic acid      1215
Diketones from epoxy ketones      1398
Diketones fromketones      1531
Diketones oxidative cleavage      1520
Diketones reaction with hydrazines      1193
Dilongifolylborane      1015
Dimer mechanisms, for $S_NAr$ reactions      852
Dimerization in radical addition to alkenes      977
Dimerization of alkanes      926
Dimerization of alkenes      1077
Dimerization of alkynes      927 1020
Dimerization of carbenes      252
       © Ýëåêòðîííàÿ áèáëèîòåêà ïîïå÷èòåëüñêîãî ñîâåòà ìåõìàòà ÌÃÓ, 2004-2025
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