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Smith M.B., March J. — March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure |
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Sulfonium salts reaction with base 1420
Sulfonyl anions 574—575
Sulfonyl chlorides aryl, from aromatic compounds 703
Sulfonyl chlorides aryl, from aryl diazonium salts 937
Sulfonyl chlorides by the Reed reaction 924
Sulfonyl chlorides from hydrocarbons 924
Sulfonyl chlorides hydrolysis of 575
Sulfonyl chlorides reaction with alcohols 576
Sulfonyl chlorides reaction with amides 576
Sulfonyl chlorides reaction with amines 577
Sulfonyl chlorides reaction with ammonia 576
Sulfonyl chlorides reaction with aromatic compounds 704
Sulfonyl chlorides reactions with Grignard reagents 577—578
Sulfonyl chlorides reduction with zinc 577
Sulfonyl fluorides, reaction with aromatic compounds 704
Sulfonyl halides see “Halides sulfonyl”
Sulfonyl hydrazides, reaction with halogenation agents 577
Sulfonyl sulfur, nucleophilic strength 575
Sulfonylation, of aromatic compounds 704
Sulfonylhydrazides, acyl, reduction to aldehydes 534
Sulfoxides alkene, and Mislow — Evans rearrangement 1455
Sulfoxides alkene, thermolysis 1455
Sulfoxides and the Pummerer rearrangement 1566
Sulfoxides bonding 45
Sulfoxides by the Knoevenagel condensation 1688
Sulfoxides diaryl, as side products 704
Sulfoxides elimination with base 1336
Sulfoxides from aldehydes 1688
Sulfoxides from alkenes with and RSH 1688
Sulfoxides from aromatic compounds 1688
Sulfoxides from esters 1688
Sulfoxides from Grignard reagents 1688
Sulfoxides from ketones 1688
Sulfoxides from methysulfinyl anion 1688
Sulfoxides from organometallic compounds 1688
Sulfoxides from sulfinic esters 1688
Sulfoxides from sulfoxides 1688
Sulfoxides from thioethers 1688
Sulfoxides from thiols 1541
Sulfoxides from thionyl chloride 1688
Sulfoxides from unsaturated sulfoxides 1688
Sulfoxides indirectly from sulfones 1688
Sulfoxides pyrolysis of 1336
Sulfoxides reaction with acetic anhydride 1566
Sulfoxides reduction of 1557
Sulfoxides reduction with 1557
Sulfoximine-titanium reagents 1240
Sulfur and aromatization 1511
Sulfur and ring closing reaction 704
Sulfur dichloride, reaction with aromatic compounds 703
Sulfur dioxide as a solvent 396 450
Sulfur dioxide extrusion from cyclic sulfones 1354—1355
Sulfur dioxide reaction with aryl diazonium salts 937
Sulfur dioxide reaction with hydrocarbons and chlorine 924
Sulfur dioxide solvent for oxidative cleavage of ketones 1522
Sulfur hexafluoride and valence electrons 13
Sulfur nucleophiles reaction with aryl halides 863
Sulfur reaction with diazoalkanes 1248
Sulfur reaction with Grignard reagents 797
Sulfur stabilization of carbanions 231
Sulfur trioxide and aromatic sulfonation 702
Sulfur trioxide and DMSO for oxidation of alcohols 1516
Sulfur trioxide reaction with alcohols 493
Sulfur trioxide reaction with trihalomethanes 464
Sulfur ylids see “Ylids sulfur”
Sulfuric acid anhydrides 494
Sulfuric acid cleavage of ethers 465
Sulfuric acid reaction with aromatic compounds 702
Sulfuric acid reaction with aryl aldehydes 732
Sulfuric acid reaction with aryl sulfonic acids 734—735
Sulfuric acid valence electrons 12
Sulfurization, of aromatic compounds, the Herz reaction 704
Sulfuryl chloride, reaction with Grignard reagents 797
Super acids 219 328
Super acids and carbocation stability 219
Super acids and cleavage of hydrocarbons 814
Super acids and electrocyclic rearrangements 1435
Super acids and H-D exchange 770
Super acids reaction with hydrocarbons 787
Super-aromaticiry 66
Supercritical and Diels — Alder reactions 1066
Supercritical as a solvent 454
Superimposability and chirality 125
Suprafacial addition, in Diels — Alder reactions 1072
Suprafacial migration, [1,5]-H sigmatropic rearrangement 1437
Suprafacial process 1342
Suzuki coupling 868
Suzuki-type coupling 938
Swain — Scott equation 444
Swain — Scott equation and Marcus theory 444
Swern oxidation 1516
Symmetry, planes and optical activity 127—128
Symmetry-forbidden transitions 209
Symproportionation and addition of alkanes to alkenes 1017
Syn nomenclature 147
Syn-anti dichotomy, in the E2 reaction 1304
Syn-periplanar conformation 169
Syn/anti diastereomers, in the aldol reaction 1221
Synclinal conformation 169
Syndones and aromaticity 70
Synthesis acetoacetic ester 549
Synthesis and chiral auxiliaries 149
Synthesis and Cram’s rale 147—148
Synthesis and the Felkin — Ahn model 148
Synthesis and the Wittig reaction 1236
Synthesis Arndt — Eistert 1405—1407
Synthesis asymmetric and enantiomeric composition 143
Synthesis asymmetric and the chiral pool 147
Synthesis asymmetric, general principles 147—150
Synthesis chiral catalysts and solvents 150
Synthesis cyanoacetic 549
Synthesis double asymmetric 150
Synthesis double-asymmetric and hydroboration 1015
Synthesis Fisher indole 1452—1453
Synthesis malonic ester 549
Synthesis of peptides 509
Synthesis Sorensen method 549
Synthesis stereoselective 147—150 166—167
Synthesis stereospecific 166—167
Synthetic reactions by tetrahedral mechanism 442
Synthetic reactions nucleophilic substitution 440—441
Synthon, definition 556
Synthon, definition 2’’ rule 145
Synthon, definition T states see “Triplet states”
t-Butoxide, potassium 232
t-Butyl radical 1390
t-Butylamides, hydrolysis 476
t-Butylbenzene, nitration, and the ortho/para ratio 686
t-Butylbenzoic acids, acid strength 346
t-Butylbutyl radical 244
t-Butylhydroperoxide, in Sharpless epoxidation 1053
t-Butyllithium 234
t-Butyllithium mixed aggregates 237
t-Butylpyridines, base strength 347
t-Butylthionitrate. reaction with ketones 780
t-Pentyl cation 1380
Tamao — Fleming oxidation 482
Tandem vicinal difunctionalization 1028
Tartaric acid and diastereomers 145
Tartaric acid and mechanical separation 153
Tartrate and Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation 1053
Tautomerism 73—77
Tautomerism and aliphatic nitro compounds 76
Tautomerism and hydropyridines 76
Tautomerism and isotope effects 298
Tautomerism and pyridine thiols 76
Tautomerism and pyridones 76
Tautomerism and the reaction 763
Tautomerism azo compounds to hydrazones 778
Tautomerism enamine-imine 1000
| Tautomerism enol content of carbonyl compounds 74
Tautomerism imine-enamine 77 1000
Tautomerism in sugars 77
Tautomerism keto-enol 73—75 773—775 976
Tautomerism keto-enol and decarboxylation of glycidic acids 809
Tautomerism keto-enol and enolate anions 775
Tautomerism keto-enol and equilibration 774
Tautomerism keto-enol and hydration of allenes 996
Tautomerism keto-enol and isomerization 774
Tautomerism keto-enol and labeling 775
Tautomerism keto-enol and racemi/ation 774
Tautomerism keto-enol, catalysis by acids and bases 774
Tautomerism nitroso-oxime 76
Tautomerism oxime-nitroso 1463
Tautomerism phenol-keto 75—76
Tautomerism proton-shift 75—77
Tautomerism ring chain 77
Tautomerism valence 77
Tautomerism valence and 1,2,3-tri-t-burylcyclobutadiene 1449
Tautomerism valence and Cope rearrangement 1447
Tautomerization see “Tautomerism”
Tautomers, of bullvalene 1448
TEBA and oxidative cleavage of aryl nitriles 1530
Tebbe alkenylation 1237—1238
Tebbe’s reagent 1238
Telomers from radical addition to alkenes 978
Temperature and bond rotation 295
Temperature and entropy 278
Templates, chiral, and conjugate additions 1029
TEMPO-NCS and oxidation of alcohols 1515
Termolecular addition, with alkenes 972
Terpenes and Wagner — Meerwein rearrangements 1393
Terpinene, reaction with oxygen 1055
Tervalent atoms, and chiraliry 129
Test Baeyer, for alkenes 1049
Test for alkyl haUdes 494
Test for amines, Hinsberg test 576
Test from primary amines 506
tet and Baldwin’s rales 283—284
Tetra-t-butyltetrahedrane 1354
Tetracarbonylferrate disodium, and the Tishchenko reaction 1566
Tetracarbonylferrate reaction with alkyl halides 562
Tetracarbonylferrate reaction with carbon monoxide 563
Tetracarbonylferrate reaction with halogen 565
Tetracarbonylferrate reagents for alkylation of 563
Tetracyclohexanes 182—183
Tetraesteranes 183
Tetraglyme and the Chapman rearrangement 1464
Tetrahedral mechanism 424—428 434
Tetrahedral mechanism and ester hydrolysis 425
Tetrahedral mechanism and nucleophilic addition to carbonyls 1173
Tetrahedral mechanism and SET 424
Tetrahedral mechanism and stereoelectronic control 427
Tetrahedral mechanism and stereoelectronic effects 427
Tetrahedral mechanism and substitution at vinyl carbon 428
Tetrahedral mechanism catalysis 427
Tetrahedral mechanism kinetics 425
Tetrahedral mechanism reaction of Grignard reagents and acyl halides 567
Tetrahedral mechanism synthetic reactions 442
Tetrahedranes 182—183
Tetrahydrofuran cleavage 490
Tetrahydrofuran conformation 178
Tetrahydrofuran derivatives for alcohols 919
Tetrahydrothiophene S-oxide, conformation 178
Tetrakis-triphenylphosphinopalladium 496 (see “Palladium catalysts”)
Tetramethylbutane, formal steric enthalpy 190
Tetramethylcyclodecenes 1304
Tetramethylcyclooctatetraene dication and aromaticity 54
Tetramethylthiourea, reaction with alcohols and alkyl halides 496
Tetramethyltin, reaction with aryl diazoniura salts 937
Tetrapropylammonium perruthenate see “TPAP”
TH-2-norbornylcarbinol 1422
TH-sec-butylborohydride, reduction of aldehydes andketones 1198
Thallium (III) acetate, and reaction of amines with alkenes 1056
Thermochemistry of 3-sulfolene 1066
Thermochemistry of acylazides 1412
Thermochemistry of alkene sulfoxides 1455
Thermochemistry of alkoxides 811
Thermochemistry of alkylbaranes 1409
Thermochemistry of amine oxides 1420
Thermochemistry of aryl diazonium tetrafluoroborates 875
Thermochemistry of aziridines 1061
Thermochemistry of bicyclic ketones 1347
Thermochemistry of carboxylic acids 808 1327
Thermochemistry of diazo ketones 1250
Thermochemistry of episulfones 1248
Thermochemistry of imino esters 1464
Thermodynamic acidity 228
Thermodynamic stability and the Wittig reaction 1235
Thermodynamics and reactions 277—278
Thermodynamics kinetic vs. thermodynamic control 284—285
Thexylborane 1012
THF, complex with borane 1014
Thiazoles, conversion to aldehydes 559
Thiazolium salts, catalysts for the benzoin condensation 1243
Thiiranes, from alkenes 1054
Thiiranium ions, and amino sulfenylation 1058
Thio esters from aromatic compounds 722
Thio esters reduction to thioethers 1550
Thio — Claisen rearrangement 1452
Thioacetals, hydrolysis 467
Thioacids from acyl halides 497
Thioacids reagents for preparation 498
Thioaldehydes conversion to thioamides 925
Thioaldehydes from aldehydes 1184
Thioalkyl ketones, from ketones 783
Thioalkylation, of phenols 722
Thioamides and cis/trans isomers 158—159
Thioamides from amides 1184
Thioamides from amines 1688
Thioamides from ammonia 1688
Thioamides from aromatic compounds 719 1688
Thioamides from isothiocyanates 1218 1688
Thioamides from ketones 1688
Thioamides from thioaldehydes 925
Thioamides from thioaldehydes generated in situ 1688
Thiobenzophenone, reaction with phenyllithium 1172
Thiocarbamates from alcohols 1688
Thiocarbamates from hydrolysis of thiocyanates 1688
Thiocarbamates from isothiocyanates 1183 1688
Thiocarbamates from thiocyanates 1179
Thiocarbonates, hydrogenolysis of 527
Thiocarbonyl ylids, as 1,3-dipoles 1061
Thiocyanates by Katritzky pyrylium-pyridinium method 499
Thiocyanates from acyl peroxides 1689
Thiocyanates from alkenes 1689
Thiocyanates from alkyl halides 499 1688
Thiocyanates from amines 499
Thiocyanates from aryl halides 1688
Thiocyanates from diazonium salts 1689
Thiocyanates hydrolysis of 1179
Thiocyanates reaction with alkyl halides 499
Thiocyanates reaction with aromatic compounds 722
Thiocyanates reaction with epoxides and eerie ammonium nitrate 1248
Thioesters and HSAB theory 341
Thioesters from acyl halides 497
Thioesters from alkyl halides 565
Thioesters from esters 1184
Thioesters reduction 533
Thioesters reduction to thioethers 1550
Thioethers and the Zinin reduction 1553
Thioethers aryl, from aromatic compounds 703
Thioethers aryl, from aryl diazonium salts 874
Thioethers aryl, from aryl halides 863
Thioethers by the heteroatom Diels Alder reaction 1689
Thioethers by the Stevens rearrangement 1689
Thioethers cleavage with lithium naphthalenide 941
Thioethers from alcohols 496
Thioethers from alkenes 998 1689
Thioethers from alkyl halides 494 496 1689
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