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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics

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Название: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics

Автор: Ito K.


When the first edition of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics appeared in 1977, it was immediately hailed as a landmark contribution to mathematics: "The standard reference for anyone who wants to get acquainted with any part of the mathematics of our time" (Jean Dieudonné, American Mathematical Monthly).

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 2120

Добавлена в каталог: 18.03.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Purely inseparable element (of a field)      149.H
Purely n-codimensional      125.W
Purely nondeterministic      395.D
Purely transcendental extension      149.K
Puri, MadanLai(1929-)      280.r 371.r
Pursuit, curve of      93.H
Push-down automaton      31.D
Push-down storage      96.E
Pustyl’nik, Evgenii Izievich(1938-)      251.r
Pusz, Wieslaw      402.G
Putnam, Calvin Richard(1924-)      251.K
Putnam, Hilary Whitehall(1926-)      81.D 81.r 97.* 97.r
Putnam’s theorem      251.K
Pyatetskii — Shapiro reciprocity law, Gel’fand —      437.DD
Pyatetskii—Shapiro, Il’ya Iosifovich(1929-)      32.H 122.G 125.r 159.J 384.A 384.C 384.r 437.r 450.Q 450.S
Pythagoras(572-492 B.C.)      60.O 118 139.B 139.D 145 155.C 181 187
Pythagorean closure (of a field)      155.C
Pythagorean extension (of a field)      155.C
Pythagorean field      139.B 155.C
Pythagorean number      145
Pythagorean ordered field      60.O
Pythagorean Theorem      139.D
q-block bundle      147.Q
q-block structure      147.Q
q-boundary      201.B
q-chains      201.B
q-cochains, singular      201.H
q-cycle      201.B
q-dimensional homology classes      201.B
q-expansion formula      134.I
q-face      70.B
q-function Chebyshev      19.G App. Table
q-function simplest Chebyshev      19.G
Q-manifold      382.D
Q-matrix      260.F
q-numbers      130.A
q-representation      351.C
q-simplex oriented      201.C
q-simplex singular      201.E
q-simplex standard      201.E
Q-spaces      425.BB
q.e. ( = quasi-everywhere)      338.F
QCD (= quantum chromodynamics)      132.D
QFD (= quantum flavor dynamics)      132.D
QR method      298.E
qth homology group      201.B
Quadrangles      155.F
Quadrangles complete      343.C
Quadrangular set of six points      343.C
Quadrant, first (of a spectral sequence)      200.J
Quadratic differential (on a Riemann surface)      11.D
Quadratic equation      10.D App. Table
Quadratic field(s)      347
Quadratic field(s) complex      347.A
Quadratic field(s) imaginary      347.A
Quadratic field(s) real      347.A
Quadratic form(s)      348
Quadratic form(s) (on a linear space)      256.H
Quadratic form(s) binary      348.M
Quadratic form(s) complex      348.A
Quadratic form(s) definite      348.C
Quadratic form(s) equivalent      348.A
Quadratic form(s) indefinite      348.C
Quadratic form(s) negative definite      348.C
Quadratic form(s) negative semidefinite      348.C
Quadratic form(s) nondegenerate      348.A
Quadratic form(s) positive definite      348.C
Quadratic form(s) positive semidefinite      348.C
Quadratic form(s) primitive binary      348. M
Quadratic form(s) properly equivalent binary      348.M
Quadratic form(s) real      348.A 348.C
Quadratic form(s) reduced      348.I
Quadratic form(s) Siegel zeta function of indefinite      450.K
Quadratic form(s), bilinear form associated with      256.H
Quadratic form(s), matrix of      348.A
Quadratic irrational number, irreducible      83.C
Quadratic loss function      398.A 399.E
Quadratic nonresidue      297.H
Quadratic programming      349
Quadratic programming nonconvex      264.D
Quadratic programming problem      292.A 349.A
Quadratic reciprocity of Jacobi symbol, law of      297.I
Quadratic reciprocity of Legendre symbol, law of      297.I
Quadratic residue      297.H
Quadratic transformation      16.I
Quadratic transformation locally      16.K
Quadratic transformation locally (of a complex manifold)      72.H
Quadratic transformation locally (of an algebraic surface)      15.G
Quadratrix      187
Quadrature      107.A App. Table
Quadrature confocal, family of      350.E
Quadrature Darboux      110.B
Quadrature of a circle      179.A
Quadrature spectral density      397.N
Quadrature, method of      313.D
Quadrature, pencil of      343.E
Quadrature, solution by      App. A Table
Quadric cone      350.B 350.G
Quadric conical hypersurface      350.G
Quadric conical surface      350.B
Quadric cylindrical hypersurface      350.G
Quadric hypersurface      350.G 350.I
Quadric hypersurface (in a projective space)      343.D 350.I
Quadric hypersurface central      350.G
Quadric hypersurface elliptic      350.G
Quadric hypersurface hyperbolic      350.G
Quadric hypersurface noncentral      350.G
Quadric hypersurface of the hth species, singular (in a projective space)      343.E
Quadric hypersurface parabolic      350.G
Quadric hypersurface properly (n-1)-dimensional      350.G
Quadric hypersurface regular (in a projective space)      343.E
Quadric hypersurface, pencil of      343.E
Quadric surface(s)      350
Quadric surface(s) canonical form of the equation of      350.B
Quadric surface(s) central      350.B
Quadric surface(s) degenerate      350.B
Quadric surface(s) proper      350.B
Quadric(s)      350.A
Quadrivium      187
Qualification Gauignard’s constraint      292.B
Qualification Slater’s constraint      292.B
Qualitative (data)      397.A
Quality      404.A
Quality characteristic      404.A
Quality control      404.A
Quality control statistical      404.A
Quantifier      411.C
Quantifier bounded      356.B
Quantifier existential      411.C
Quantifier Hilbert’s $\varepsilon$      411.J
Quantifier universal      411.C
Quantile $\alpha$-      396.C
Quantile of order p      341.H
Quantile restricted      33.B
Quantitative (data)      397.A
Quantity (quantities) analog      138.B
Quantity digital      138.B
Quantity first fundamental (of a surface)      111.H
Quantity second fundamental (of a surface)      111.H
Quantity thermodynamical      419.A
Quantization      351.D
Quantization second      377.B
Quantized contact transformation      274.F
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD)      132.C 132.D
Quantum electrodynamics      132.C
Quantum field theory      132.C 150.C
Quantum flavor dynamics (QFD)      132 D
Quantum logic      351.L
quantum mechanics      351
Quantum number azimuthal      351.E
Quantum number orbital magnetic      351.E
Quantum number principal      351.E
Quantum statistical mechanics      402.A
Quartic equation      10.D App. Table
Quartile(s)      396.C
Quartile(s) first      396.C
Quartile(s) third      396.C
Quasi-affine (algebraic variety)      16.C
Quasi-algebraically closed field      118.F
Quasi-analytic function      58.F
Quasi-analytic function in the generalized sense      58.F
Quasi-analytic function, family of      58.A
Quasi-analytic function, set of      58.F
Quasi-Banach space      37.O
Quasi-equivalent unitary representation      437.C
Quasi-everywhere (in potential theory)      338.F
Quasi-Frobenius algebra      29.H
Quasi-Fuchsian group      234.B
Quasi-independent of path (a response probability)      346.G
Quasi-invariant measure      225.J
Quasi-inverse (in a Banach algebra)      36.C
Quasi-inverse element (of an element of a ring)      368.B
Quasi-invertible element (of a ring)      368.B
Quasi-p-valent      438.E
Quasi-perfect mapping      425.CC
Quasibarreled (locally convex space)      424.I
Quasibounded harmonic function      193.G
Quasicomplete (locally convex space)      424.F
Quasiconformal mappings      352
Quasiconformal mappings extremal      352.C
Quasiconformal reflection, theorem of      352.C
Quasicontinuous function      338.I
Quasidiscrete spectrum      136.E
Quasidual space (of a locally compact group)      437.I
Quasieontinuity principle (in potential theory)      338.I
Quasigroup      190.P 241.C
Quasilinear (operator)      224.E
Quasilinear (partial differential equation)      320.A 323.D 326.A
Quasilocal ring      284.D
Quasinilpotent (operator)      251.F
Quasinorm (of a vector)      37.O
Quasinormal family (of analytic functions)      435.E
Quasinormed linear space      37.O
Quasiperiodic (translational flow)      126.L
Quasiperiodic motion      136.G 404.F
Quasiperiodic solution (of Hill’s differential equation)      268.B
Quasiprojective algebraic variety      16.C
Quasiprojective morphism      16.E
Quasiprojective scheme      16.E
Quasiregular element (of a ring)      368.B
Quasiregular function, K-      352.B
Quasisemilocal ring      284.D
Quasisimple ring      368.E
Quasisplit algebraic group, k-      13.O
Quasistable distribution      341.G
Quasistatic adiabatic process      419.B
Quasistationary electric circuit      130.B
Quasisymmetric      384.E
Quasivariational inequalities      440.D
Quaternion      29.B
Quaternion algebra      29.D
Quaternion algebra generalized      29.D
Quaternion algebra Hamilton      29.B
Quaternion algebra total definite      27.D
Quaternion field      29.B
Quaternion group      151.B
Quaternion group generalized      151.B
Quaternion hyperbolic space      412.G
Quaternion unimodular group      412.G
Quaternion vector bundle      147.F
Quenouille, Maurice Henri(1924-1973)      421.D
Query      96.F
Questions      351.L
QUEUE      96.E
Queue length      260.H
Queuing model      260.H 307.C
Queuing theory      260.H 307.C
Quillen, Daniel G(1940-)      12.r 16.Y 191.r 200.K 237.A 237.I 237.J 369.F
Quinn, Barbara Keyfitz      286.X
Quinn, Frank S.(1946-)      114.K
Quotient (linear) space (by a linear subspace)      256.F
Quotient (linear) space (with respect to an equivalence relation)      256.F
Quotient bialgebra      203.G
Quotient bundle      147.F
Quotient bundle (of a vector bundle on an algebraic variety)      16.Y
Quotient category      52.N
Quotient chain complex      200.C
Quotient coalgebra      203.F
Quotient complex      201.L
Quotient G-set      362.B
Quotient group (of a group)      190.C
Quotient group (of a topological group)      423.E
Quotient lattice      243.C
Quotient Lie algebra      248.A
Quotient Lie group      249.G
Quotient mapping      425.G
Quotient mapping hereditarily      425.G
Quotient measure      225.H
Quotient object      52.D
Quotient representation (of a linear representation)      362.C
Quotient set (with respect to an equivalence relation)      135.B
Quotient singularity      418.C
Quotient space (by a discontinuous transformation group)      122.A
Quotient space (of a linear space)      256.F
Quotient space (of a topological space)      425.L
Quotient space left (of a topological group)      423.E
Quotient space right (of a topological group)      423.E
Quotient system (of an algebraic system)      409.C
Quotient topological space      425.L
Quotient topology      425.L
Quotient(s) (in a lattice)      243.F
Quotient(s) (of an ideal and a subset of a commutative ring)      67.B
Quotient(s) (of an ordered set)      311.B
Quotient(s) (of numbers)      297.A
Quotient(s) difference      104.A
Quotient(s) differential (at a point)      106.A
Quotient(s) geometric      16.W
Quotient(s) Herbrand      200.N
Quotient(s) integral (in the division algorithm of polynomials)      337.C
Quotient(s) module of, of an R-module with respect to S      67.G
Quotient(s) prime (in a lattice)      243.F
Quotient(s) Rayleigh      68.H 304.B
Quotient(s) ring of total      67.G
Quotient(s) ring of, of a ring with respect to a prime ideal      67.G
Quotient(s) ring of, of a ring with respect to S      67.G
Quotient(s), field of      67.G
Quotient(s), group of (of a commutative semigroup)      190.P
QZ method      298.C
r-closed space      425.U
R-estimator      371.H
r-frame, tangent      105.H
r-ple point (of a plane algebraic curve)      9.B
R-progenerator      29.K
r-section (of a Euclidean (simplicial) complex)      70.B
r-section (of a simplicial complex)      70.C
r-skeleton (of a Euclidean complex)      70.B
Raabe criterion      App. A Table
Raabe, Joseph Ludwig      App.A Table
Raanan, Joseph      173.E
Rabie, M.      173.r
Rabinowitz, Paul H.(1939-)      286.T 286.W 286.r
Rabinowitz, Phillip(1926-)      223.r 299.r 301.r
Racah algebra      353.A
Racah coefficient      353.B
Racah, Giulio(1909-1965)      353.A 353.B 353.r
Rademacher system of orthogonal functions      317.C
Rademacher — Men’shov theorem      317.B
Rademacher, Hans Adolph(1892-1969)      4.A 4.C 4.D 297.r 317.B 317.C 328.* 328.r 357.r
Radial equation      351.E
Radial maximal function      168.B
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