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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
Предметный указатель |
Problem(s) type (for Riemann surfaces) 367.D
Problem(s) Waring 4.E
Problem(s) weak form of the boundary value 304.B
Problem(s) well-posed (in general case) 322.A
Problem(s) word (in a finitely presented group) 161.B
Procedure classification 280.I
Procedure exploratory 397.Q
Procedure Lyapunov — Schmidt 286.V
Procedure random sampling 373.A
Procedure sampling 373.A
Procedure shortest-path 281.C
Procedure statistical decision 398.A
Process - (of a complex manifold) 72.H
Process (=stochastic process) 407.A
Process (in catastrophe theory) 51.F
Process (on a measure space) 136.E
Process additive 5 342.A
Process age-dependent branching 44.E
Process asymmetric Cauchy 5.F
Process autoregressive 421.D
Process autoregressive integrated moving average 421.G
Process autoregressive moving average 421.D
Process Bernoulli 136.E
Process Bernoulli, very weak 136.E
Process Bernoulli, weak 136.E
Process birth 260.G
Process birth and death 260.G
Process bond percolation 340.D
Process branching 44 342.A
Process branching Markov 44.E
Process Cauchy 5.F
Process centered 5.B
Process compound Poisson 5.F
Process contact 340.C
Process continuous-state branching 44.E
Process death 260.G
Process diffusion 115
Process dual 261.F
Process exponent of the stable 5.F
Process Feller 261.B
Process finitely determined (F.D.) 136.E
Process Galton — Watson branching 44.B
Process Gaussian 176 342.A
Process Gaussian, complex 176.C
Process generalized stochastic 407.C
Process homogeneous Markov 5.H
Process Hunt 261.B
Process increasing 262.D
Process independent 136.E
Process integrable increasing 406.B
Process integrable, of bounded variation 406.B
Process invariant Markov 5.H
Process irreversible 402.A
Process isothermal 419.B
Process Ito 406.B
Process Levy 5.B
Process linear stationary iterative 302.C
Process Markov 261 342.A
Process Markov branching 44.D
Process Markovian decision 127.E
Process moving average 421.D
Process multistage allocation 127.A
Process multistage choice 127.A
Process multitype Galton — Watson 44.C
Process multitype Markov branching 44.E
Process Newton iterative 301.D
Process normal 176.C
Process observation 405.F
Process one-sided stable, of the exponent, 5.F
Process osculating 77.B
Process percolation 340.D
Process point 407.D
Process Poisson 5.D
Process positive regular 44.C
Process process oscillator 315.F
Process progressive 407.B
Process quadratic variation 406.B
Process quasistatic adiabatic 419.B
Process recurrent 261.B
Process reversed 261.F
Process sample 407.A
Process shift associated with the stationary 136.D
Process signal 405.F
Process site percolation 340.D
Process spatially homogeneous 261.A
Process stable 5.F
Process stationary 342.A 395.A
Process stationary Gaussian 176.C
Process stochastic 342.A 407
Process stochastic, with stationary increments of order n 395.I
Process strictly stable 5.F
Process strictly stationary 395.A
Process strong Markov 261.B
Process strongly stationary 395.A
Process subadditive 136.B
Process sweeping-out 338.L
Process symmetric Cauchy 5.F
Process symmetric stable 5.F
Process system 405.F
Process temporally homogeneous 261.A
Process temporally homogeneous additive 5.B
Process transient 261.B
Process very weak Bernoulli (V.W.B.) 136.E
Process weak Bernoulli (W.B.) 136.E
Process weakly stationary 395.A
Process weakly stationary, of degree k 395.I
Process Wiener 5.D 45.B
Process with independent increments 5.B
Processing, data 96
Processor, central 75.B
Proclus(410(411)-485) 187
Producer’s risk 404.C
Product algebraic variety 16.A
Product bundle 147.E
Product category 52.B
Product complex 200.H 350.D
Product decomposition, dual direct 422.H
Product double chain complex 200.E
Product event 342.B
Product formula (for the Hilbert norm-residue symbol) 14.R
Product formula (for the norm-residue symbol) 14.Q
Product formula (on invariant Haar measures) 225.E
Product formula (on valuations) 439.H
Product formula Trotter 315.F
Product mapping 425.K
Product measure 270.H
Product measure space 270.H
Product measure space complete 270.H
Product metric space 273.B
Product of inertia 271.E
Product rule 299.D
Product space 425.L
Product space reduced 202.Q
Product theorem for dimension 117.C
Product topological space 425.L
Product topology 425.L
Product uniform space 436.E
Product uniformity 436.E
Product(s) (in quadrangular set of six points) 343.C
Product(s) (of algebraic varieties) 16.A
Product(s) (of cardinal numbers) 49.C
Product(s) (of completely additive classes) 270.H
Product(s) (of elements of a graded algebra) 203.B
Product(s) (of elements of a group) 190. A
Product(s) (of hyperfunctions) 125.X 274.E
Product(s) (of ideals) 67.B
Product(s) (of knots) 235.A
Product(s) (of linear operators) 37.C 251.B
Product(s) (of matrices) 269.B
Product(s) (of objects) 52.E
| Product(s) (of ordinal numbers) 312.C
Product(s) (of paths) 170
Product(s) (of real numbers) 355.B
Product(s) (of sets) 381.B
Product(s) (of tensors) 256.K
Product(s) amalgamated (of a family of groups) 190.M
Product(s) Blaschke 43.F
Product(s) bracket (in a Lie algebra) 248.A
Product(s) cap (in (co)homology groups of a space) 201.K
Product(s) cap (in homological algebra) 200.K 201.K
Product(s) cardinal (of a family of ordered sets) 311.F
Product(s) Cartesian (of a family of sets) 381.E
Product(s) Cartesian (of mappings) 381.C
Product(s) Cartesian (of ordered simplicial complexes) 70.C
Product(s) Cartesian (of s.s. complexes) 70.E
Product(s) Cartesian (of sets) 381.B
Product(s) Cauchy (of series) 379.F
Product(s) complex (of cell complexes) 70.D
Product(s) cross- (in cohomology groups of a space) 201.J
Product(s) cross- (in homology groups of a space) 201 .J
Product(s) cross-(of vector bundles) 237.C
Product(s) crossed (in von Neumann algebra theory) 308.I
Product(s) crossed (of a -algebra) 36.I
Product(s) crossed (of a commutative ring and a group) 29.D
Product(s) cup (in K-theory) 237.C
Product(s) cup (of cohomology classes) 201.I
Product(s) cup of derived functors 200.K
Product(s) cup, reduction theorem 200.M
Product(s) difference 337.I
Product(s) divergent infinite 374.F
Product(s) Euler 450.V
Product(s) exterior (of a p-vector and q-vector) 256.O
Product(s) exterior (of differential forms) 105.Q
Product(s) exterior (of elements of a linear space) 256.O
Product(s) exterior (of two vectors) 442.C
Product(s) external (of derived functors) 200.K
Product(s) fiber, over S 52.G
Product(s) free (of groups) 190.M
Product(s) Hermitian inner 256.Q
Product(s) infinite 379.G App. Table
Product(s) inner (for a pairing) 424.G
Product(s) inner (in a Hermitian linear space) 256.Q
Product(s) inner (in a Hilbert space) 197.B
Product(s) inner (in a metric vector space) 256.H
Product(s) inner (of two hyperspheres) 76.A
Product(s) inner (of two n-tuples) 256.A
Product(s) inner (of two vectors) 442.B
Product(s) inner (with respect to a linear space and its dual space) 256.G
Product(s) inner, space 442.B
Product(s) interior (of a differential form with a vector field) 105.Q
Product(s) internal (of derived functors) 200.K
Product(s) intersection (of homology classes) 201.O
Product(s) intersection (of two subvarieties) 16.Q
Product(s) Kronecker (of matrices) 269.C
Product(s) logical (of propositions) 411.B
Product(s) of ideals of a commutative ring 67.B
Product(s) of inertia 271.E
Product(s) ordinal (of a family of ordered sets) 311.G
Product(s) partial 379.G
Product(s) Pontryagin 203.D
Product(s) projective -tensor 36.H
Product(s) proper (of two normal g-lattices) 27.A
Product(s) restricted direct 6. B
Product(s) Riemannian (of Riemannian manifolds) 364.A
Product(s) scalar (of linear operators) 37.C
Product(s) scalar (of two vectors) App. A Table
Product(s) scalar triple (of three vectors) 442.C
Product(s) skew (of measurable transformations) 136.D
Product(s) slant 201.K
Product(s) smash 202.F
Product(s) spatial tensor 36.H
Product(s) symmetric (of a topological space) 70.F
Product(s) tensor (of A-homomorphisms) 277.J
Product(s) tensor (of A-modules) 277.J
Product(s) tensor (of algebras) 29.A
Product(s) tensor (of chain complexes) 201.J
Product(s) tensor (of cochain complexes) 201.J
Product(s) tensor (of distributions) 125.K
Product(s) tensor (of Hilbert spaces) 308.C
Product(s) tensor (of linear mappings) 256.I
Product(s) tensor (of linear representations) 362.C
Product(s) tensor (of linear spaces) 256.I
Product(s) tensor (of locally convex spaces) 424.R
Product(s) tensor (of sheaves) 383.I
Product(s) tensor (of vector bundles) 147.F
Product(s) tensor (of von Neumann algebras) 308.C
Product(s) torsion (in a category) 200.K
Product(s) torsion (of two A-modules) 200.D 200.K
Product(s) vector 442.C App. Table
Product(s) vector triple 442.C App. Table
Product(s) wedge (of derived functors) 200.K
Product(s) Weierstrass canonical 429.B
Product(s) Whitehead 202.P
Product(s), sum of 216.A
Production planning 376
Production rule 31.B
Profinite groups 210.C
Program evaluation and review technique 376
Program machine-language 75.C
Programming 75.C 385.B
Programming bilinear 364.D
Programming chance-constrained 408.A
Programming convex 264.C
Programming disjunctive 264.C
Programming dynamic 127.A 264.C
Programming fractional 264.C
Programming geometric 264.D
Programming integer 264.C
Programming linear 264.C
Programming linear mathematical 264.D
Programming mathematical 264.A
Programming multiobjective 264.C
Programming multistage 264.C
Programming network 264.C
Programming nonconvex 264.D
Programming parametric 264.C
Programming problem 0-1 integer 215.A
Programming problem all-integer 215.A
Programming problem concave 292.A
Programming problem convex 292.A
Programming problem linear 255.A
Programming problem mathematical 264.B
Programming problem mixed integer 215.A
Programming problem nonlinear 264.C
Programming problem pure-integer 215.A
Programming problem quadratic 292.A 349.A
Programming stochastic 264.C 408.A
Programming stochastic, model 307.C
Programming two-stage linear, under uncertainty 255.F
Programming two-stage stochastic 408.A
Progression arithmetic 379.I App. Table
Progression geometric 379.I App. Table
Progressive (set) 407.B
Progressive process 407.B
Progressively measurable (stochastic process) 407.B
Projecting (in a projective space) 343.B
Projection (from a direct product set) 381.E
Projection (in a projective space) 343.B
Projection (of a covering space) 367.B
Projection (of a fiber bundle) 147.B
Projection (of a fiber space) 148.B
Projection (of a Hilbert space) 197.E
Projection (on a tangent bundle of a Banach manifold) 286.K
Projection (onto a homogeneous space) 199.A
Projection (to a quotient set defined by an equivalence relation) 135.B
Projection canonical (on modules) 277.F
Projection canonical (onto a quotient set) 135.B
Projection center of (in projective geometry) 343.B
Projection Lie minimal 76.B
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