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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Normalized (into an orthonormal set) 197.C
Normalized (vector) 139.G
Normalized contrast 102.C
Normalized valuation 439.E
normalizer 136.F 190.C
Normally cobordant 114.J
Normally distributed, asymptotically 399.K
Normally flat along a subscheme (a scheme) 16.L
Normed linear space 37.B
Normed ring 36.A
Normed space, countably 424.W
Normed vector lattice 310.F
Normic form 118.F
North pole 74.D 140
Northcott, Douglas Geoffrey 67.I 200.r 277.r 284.r
Northern hemisphere 140
Norton, Richard E.(1928-) 146.C
Norton, Simon Phillips(1952-) 151.I
Noshiro, Kiyoshi(1906-1976) 62.B 62.C 62.E
Notation full international 92.E
Notation Kendall 260.H
Notation Schoenflies (for crystal classes) 92.E App. Table
Notation short international 92.E
Notation, system of (for ordinal numbers) 81
Notion, common 35.A
Nourein, Abdel Wahab M. 301.F
Novikov closed leaf theorem 154.D
Novikov, Petr Sergeevich(1901-1975) 22.D 22.F 22.H 97.* 97.r 161.B
Novikov, Sergei Petrovich(1937-) 56.F 114.J 126.N 154.B 154.D 387.C 387.r
Nowhere dense set 425.N
Nozaki, Akihiro(1936-) 31.r 75.D 75.r
nth approximation (of an n-times differentiable function) 106.E
nth convergent (of an infinite continued fraction) 83.A
nth derivative (of a differentiable function) 106.D
nth derived function 106.D
nth differential (of a differentiable function) 106.D
nth order partial derivatives 106.H
nth order, differential of 106.D
nth partial quotient 83.A
nth term 165.D
Nuclear (C*-algebra) 36.H
Nuclear class 68.I
Nuclear norm 68.K.
Nuclear operator 68.I 68.K
Nuclear space 424.S
Nucleolus 173.D
Null (vector in the Minkowski space-time) 359.B
Null boundary, open Riemann surface of 367.E
Null cobordant 235.G
Null function 310.I
Null geodesic 399.D
Null homotopic (continuous mapping) 202.B
Null hypothesis 400.A
Null recurrent (point) 260.D
Null sequence (in a-adic topology) 284.B
Null set 270.D 310.I 381.A
Null set function-theoretic 169
Null set of class 169.E
Null space 251.D
Null system 343.E
Null-bicharacteristic 320.B
Nullity (of a critical point) 279.B
Nullity (of a graph) 186.G
Nullity (of a linear mapping) 256.F
Nullity (of a linear operator) 251.D
Nullity (of a matrix) 269.D
Nullity column (of a matrix) 269.D
Nullity of relative 365.D
Nullity row (of a matrix) 269.D
Number field 149.C
Number field algebraic 14.B
Number field p-adic 257.A 439.F
Number field relative algebraic 14.I
Number operator 377.A
Number system, point range of 343.C
Number theory 296
Number theory analytic 296.B
Number theory, consistency proof for pure 156.E
Number theory, elementary 297
Number theory, fundamental theorem of elementary 297.C
Number theory, geometric 296.B
Number theory, pure 156.E
Number(s) 294
Number(s) A- 430.C
Number(s) abundant 297.D
Number(s) algebraic 14.A
Number(s) amicable 297.D
Number(s) average sample 404.C
Number(s) azimuthal quantum 315.E
Number(s) Bell 177.D
Number(s) Bernoulli 177.B
Number(s) Betti 200.K 201.B
Number(s) Brill — Noether 9.E
Number(s) calculable 22.G
Number(s) cardinal 49.A 312.D
Number(s) Cayley 54
Number(s) characteristic (of a compact operator) 68.I
Number(s) characteristic (of a manifold) 56.F
Number(s) Chern 56.F
Number(s) chromatic 157.E 186.I
Number(s) class (of a Dedekind domain) 67.K
Number(s) class (of a simple algebra) 27.D
Number(s) class (of an algebraic number field) 14.E
Number(s) Clifford 61.A
Number(s) coincidence (of a mapping) 153.B
Number(s) completeness of real 294.E
Number(s) complex 74.A 294.F
Number(s) composite 297.B
Number(s) condition 302.A
Number(s) continuity of real 294.E
Number(s) cyclomatic 186.G
Number(s) decomposition (of a finite group) 362.I
Number(s) Dedekind’s theory of real 294.E
Number(s) deficient 297.D
Number(s) Euler 177.C 201.B App. Table
Number(s) Fermat 297.F
Number(s) Froude 116.B
Number(s) generalized decomposition (of a finite group) 362.I
Number(s) Goedel 185 356.C 356.E
Number(s) Grashoff 116.B
Number(s) imaginary 74.A
Number(s) incidence 146.B 201.B
Number(s) initial 312.D
Number(s) intersection (of divisors) 15.C
Number(s) intersection (of homology classes) 65.B 201.O
Number(s) intersection (of sheaves) 16.E
Number(s) irrational 294.E 355.A
Number(s) irrational real 294.E
Number(s) Kullback — Leibler information 398.G
Number(s) Lebesgue 273.F
Number(s) Lefschetz 153.B
Number(s) Lefschetz (of a variety) 16.P
Number(s) linking 99.C
Number(s) Liouville 430.B
Number(s) Lyapunov characteristic 314.A
Number(s) Mach 116.B 205.B
Number(s) magnetic Reynolds 259
Number(s) mean (of sheets) 272.J
Number(s) Mersenne 297.E App. Table
Number(s) Milnor 418.D
Number(s) modulus 418.E
Number(s) mole 419.A
Number(s) n-gonal 296.A
Number(s) Napier 131.D
Number(s) natural 294.A 294.B
Number(s) negative 355.A
Number(s) negative rational 294.D
Number(s) normal 354.F
Number(s) Nusselt 116.B
Number(s) of colors 92.D
| Number(s) of denominator 186.I
Number(s) of independence 186.I
Number(s) of irregularity (of an algebraic variety) 16.P
Number(s) of partitions 177.D 328
Number(s) of replications 102.B
Number(s) of sheets (of an analytic covering space) 23.E
Number(s) of sheets (of covering surface) 367. B
Number(s) of treatment combinations 102.L
Number(s) orbital magnetic quantum 315.E
Number(s) ordinal 312.B
Number(s) p-adic 439.F
Number(s) Peclet 116.B
Number(s) pentagonal 4.D
Number(s) perfect 297.D
Number(s) perfect, of the second kind 297.D
Number(s) Picard (of a variety) 15.D 16.P
Number(s) Poisson 271.G
Number(s) polygonal, of order k 4 5
Number(s) Pontryagin 56.F
Number(s) positive 355.A
Number(s) positive rational 294.D
Number(s) Prandtl 116.B
Number(s) prime 297.B
Number(s) principal quantum 315.E
Number(s) pseudorandom 354.B
Number(s) Pythagorean 145
Number(s) ramification 14.K
Number(s) random 354
Number(s) rational 294.D 294.E
Number(s) rational real 294.E
Number(s) real 294.E 355.A 355.D
Number(s) real, mod 1 355.O
Number(s) relatively prime 297.A
Number(s) Reynolds 116.B 205.C
Number(s) rotation 99.D 111.E 126.I
Number(s) S*- 430.C
Number(s) S- 430.C
Number(s) self-intersection 15.C
Number(s) Stiefel — Whitney 56.F
Number(s) Stirling, of the second kind 66.D
Number(s) T*- 430.C
Number(s) T- 430.C
Number(s) Tamagawa 13.P
Number(s) transcendental 430.A
Number(s) translation 18.B 18.D
Number(s) type 314.A
Number(s) U*- 430.C
Number(s) U- 430.C
Number(s) wave (of a sine wave) 446
Number(s) wave, vector (of a sine wave) 205.F
Number(s) weakly compact cardinal 33.E
Number(s) weakly inaccessible cardinal 33.E
Number(s) Weil 3.C
Number(s), Cantor’s theory of real 294.E
Number(s), connectedness of real 294.E 355.B
Number(s), geometry of 182
Number-theoretic function(s) 295.A 356.A
Number-theoretic function(s) additive 295.B
Number-theoretic function(s) completely additive 295.B
Number-theoretic function(s) completely multiplicative 295.B
Number-theoretic function(s) multiplicative 295.B
Numbering, Goedel 185.A
Numerals, Arabic 26
Numerator, partial (of an infinite continued fraction) 83.A
Numerical analysis 300
Numerical differentiation 299.E
Numerical integration 299
Numerical method 300
Numerical range (of a linear operator) 251.E
Numerical solution of algebraic equations 301
Numerical solution of integral equations 217.N
Numerical solution of linear equations 302
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations 303
Numerical solution of partial differential equations 304
Numerical tensor App. A Table
Numerically connected (divisor) 232.D
Numerically equivalent (cycles) 16.Q
Numerically semipositive 15.D
Nusselt number 116.B
Nusselt, Ernst Kraft Wilhelm(1882-1957) 116.B
Nutation 392
Nyikos, Peter J. 273.K
Nyquist criterion 86.A
Nyquist theorem 402.K
Nyquist, Harry(1889-1976) 86.A 402.K
O(n) (orthogonal group) 60.I
O-S positivity 150.F
OA (orthogonal array) 102.L
Ob (object) 52.A
Obata, Morio(1926-) 364.F 364.G 364.r 391.D
Oberhettinger, Fritz(1911 -) 220.r 389.r App.A Table
Object 52.A 411.G
Object cofinal 52.D
Object domain 411.G
Object final 52.D
Object graded 200.B
Object group (in a category) 52.M
Object in predicate logic 411.G
Object initial 52.D
Object injective 200.I
Object isomorphic 52.D
Object mathematical 52.A
Object of type j+1 356.F
Object of type O 356.F
Object projective 200.I
Object quotient 52.D
Object S-, category of 52.G
Object variable 411.G
Object zero 52.N
Objective function 264.B 307.C
Objective probability 401.B
Oblate App. A Table
Oblique circular cone 350.B
Oblique coordinates (in a Euclidean space) 90.B
Observability 86.C
Observables 351.B
Observation complete 405.C
Observation partial 405.C
Observation process 405.F
Observation vector 102.A
Observation, cost of 398.F
Observer, Luenburger 86.E
Obstacle, Dirichlet problem with 440.B
Obstruction class 56.E
Obstruction cocycle 147.L 305.B
Obstruction(s) 305
Obstruction(s) primary 147.L 305.C
Obstruction(s) secondary 305.D
Obstruction(s) surgery 114. J
Obstruction(s) tertiary 305.D
Obstruction(s) to an (n + l)-dimensional extension 305.B
Obstruction(s) to an n-dimensional homotopy 305.B
Obtuse angle (in Euclidean geometry) 139.D
OC-curve (operative characteristic curve) 404.C
Ochan, Yurii Semenovich(1913—) 100.r
Ochiai, Takushiro(1943-) 21.N 21.O 191.r 384.r
Octahedral group 151.G
octahedron 357.B
Oda, Tadao(1940-) 16.Z 16.r 72.K
Oda, Takayuki(1950-) 450.S
Odd element (of a Clifford algebra) 61.B
Odd function 165.B
Odd half-spin representation 61.E
Odd half-spinor 61.E
Odd permutation (in a symmetric group) 151.G
Odd ratio 397.K
Odd state 315.H
Odqvist, Folke K.G. 188.r
Oenopides(c.5th century B.C.) 187
Of bounded variation 443.G
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