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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Meyer, Kenneth R.(1937-) 126.K 126.I 126.M
Meyer, Paul-Andre(1934-) 261.r 262.D 262.r 406.r 407.B 407.r
Meyer, Wolfgang T.(1936-) 109.r 178.r 279.G 279.r
Meyer, Yves 251.r
Michael theorem 425.X
Michael, Ernest Arthur(1925-) 425.X 425.Y 425.AA 425.CC
Michel, Rene 178.r 304.r
Michelson, Albert Abraham(1852-1931) 359.A
Micro-analytic 125.CC 274.E
Micro-pseudolocal property 345.A
Microboundle 147.P
Microboundle normal PL 147.P
Microboundle PL 147.P
Microboundle tangent PL 147.P
microcanonical ensemble 402.D
Microdifferential equation 274.G
Microdifferential operator 274.F
Microdifferential operator of finite order 274.F
Microdifferential operator of infinite order 274.F
Microfunction 274.E
Microfunction holomorphic 274.F
Microlocal analysis 274 345.A
Microlocal operator 274.F
Microlocally elliptic (operator) 345.A
Middle point 7.C
Middle-square method 354.B
midpoint 7.C
Midpoint rule 303.E
Midrange 374.G
Migdal, A.A. 361.C
Miiller, Claus Ernst Friedrich(1920-) 323.J 393.r
Miiller, Werner(1949-) 391.M
Miiller—Breslau, Heinrich Franz Bernhard(1851-1925) 19.r
Miintz, C.H. 336.A
Mikami, Yoshio(1875-1950) 230.r
Mikhallov, A.V. 387.G
Mikhlin, Solomon Grigor’evich(1908-) 46.r 217.r
Mikusiiiski,JanG.(1913-) 306.A 306.B
Mikusinski operator 306.B
Miles, G. 136.E
Milgram, Arthur N.(1912-) 112.J
Milgram, R.James(1939-) 65.r
Miller, Charles F., III(1941 -) 97.r
Miller, David Charles(1918-) 291.F
Miller, K.S. 104.r
Miller, Louis W. 376.r 389.r
Millett, Kenneth Cary(1941-) 154.H
Mills equation, Yang — 80.G
Mills field, Yang — 150.G
Mills functional, Yang — 80.Q
Mills G-connection, Yang — 80.Q
Mills, Robert L.(1927-) 80.Q 80.r 150.G
Milne corrector 303.F
Milne method 303.E
Milne predictor 303.E
Milne — Simpson formula 303.E
Milne, James Stuart(1942-) 450.r
Milne, William Edmund(1890-) 303.E
Milne—Thomson, Louis Melville(1891-1974) 104.r NTR
Milnor fibering theorem 418.D
Milnor fibration 418.D
Milnor invariant 235.D
Milnor monodromy 418.D
Milnor number (in Milnor fibering theorem) 418.D
Milnor, John Willard(1931-) 56.F 56.r 65.C 65.E 70.C 99.r 109.r 111.r 114.A—C 114.F—K 114.r 126.N 147.H 147.P 154.H 178.E 237.J 237.r 365.O 391.C 418.D 418.r 426 App.A Table
Mil’man property, Krein — 443.H
Mil’man theorem 37.G
Mil’man theorem Krein — 424.U
Mil’man, David Pinkhusovich(1913-) 37.G 424.U 443.H
Mimura, Masayasu(1941-) 263.D
Mimura, Yositaka(1898-1965) 434.C 434.r
Mimura, Yukio(1904-1984) 162
Minakshisundaram — Pleijel asymptotic expansion 391.B
Minakshisundaram, Subbaramiah(1913-1968) 121.r 323.M 379.r 391.B 391.r
Minemura, Katsuhiro(1945-) 437.r
Minimal (algebraic surface) 15.G
Minimal (algebraic variety) 16.I
Minimal (ideal) 368.F
Minimal (immersion) 275.A
Minimal (superharmonic function) 260.I
Minimal (transformation) 136.H
Minimal basis (of a principal order or an algebraic number field) 14.B
Minimal chain (for a transition probability) 260.F
Minimal complete class 398.B
Minimal complex 70.E
Minimal condition (in an ordered set) 311.C
Minimal condition restricted (in a commutative ring) 284.A
Minimal diffeomorphism 126.N
Minimal element (in an ordered set) 311.B
Minimal flow 126.N
Minimal function, - 367.E
Minimal immersion 275.A
Minimal immersion branched 275.B
Minimal immersion generalized 275.B
Minimal model 15.G
Minimal model (for the algebra of differential forms) 114.L
Minimal model Neron (of an Abelian variety) 3.N
Minimal model relatively 15.G
Minimal operator 112.E
Minimal parabolic k-subgroup 13.Q
Minimal polynomial (of a linear transformation) 269.L
Minimal polynomial (of a matrix) 269.F
Minimal polynomial (of an algebraic element) 149.E
Minimal prime divisor (of an ideal) 67.F
Minimal projection, Lie 76.B
Minimal realization 86.D
Minimal relatively 15.G 16.I
Minimal resolution 418.C
Minimal set 126.E
Minimal splitting field (of a polynomial) 149.G
Minimal submanifold 275.A 365.D
Minimal sufficient -field 396.E
Minimal surface 111.I 334.B
Minimal surface affine 110.C
Minimal surface branched 275.B
Minimal surface equation 275.A
Minimal variety 275.G
Minimality 16.I
Minimality absolute 16.I
Minimally almost periodic group 18.I
Minimally elliptic singularity 418.C
Minimax (estimator) 399.H
Minimax decision function 398.B
Minimax level test 400.F
Minimax principle (for eigenvalues of a compact operator) 68.H
Minimax principle (for statistical decision problem) 398.B
Minimax principle for 391.G
Minimax solution 398.B
Minimax theorem 173.C
Minimization problem, group 215.C
Minimizing sequence 46.E
Minimum (minima) of a function 106.L
Minimum (minima) relative (at a point) 106.L
Minimum (minima) successive (in a lattice) 182.C
Minimum (minima) weak 46.C
Minimum chi-square method, modified 400.K
Minimum curvature property 223.F
Minimum element (in an ordered set) 311.B
Minimum immersion 365.O
Minimum norm property 223.F
Minimum principle energy 419.C
Minimum principle enthalpy 419.C
Minimum principle for 391.G
Minimum principle Gibbs free energy 419.C
Minimum principle Helmholtz free energy 419.C
Minimum principle of 391.D
Minimum solution (of a scalar equation) 316.E
Minimum variance unbiased estimator, uniformly 399.C
Minimum-cost flow problem 281.C
Minkowski inequality 211.C App. Table
| Minkowski reduction theory (on fundamental regions) 122.E
Minkowski space 258.A
Minkowski space-time 359.B
Minkowski theorem 182.C
Minkowski theorem on discriminants 14.B
Minkowski theorem on units 14.D
Minkowski — Farkas theorem 255.B
Minkowski — Hasse character (of a nondegenerate quadratic form) 348.D
Minkowski — Hasse theorem (on quadratic forms over algebraic number fields) 348.G
Minkowski — Hlawka theorem 182.D
Minkowski, Hermann(1864-1909) 14.B 14.D 14.U 89.D 89.E 118.C 122.E 122.F 182.A 182.C—E 182.r 196 211.C 255.B 258.A 296.A 348.D 348.G 348.K 359.B App.A Table
Minlos theorem 424.T
Minlos, Robert Adol’fovich(1931-) 258.r 341.J 424.T
Minor (of a matrix) 103.D
Minor (of a matroid) 66.H
Minor arc 4.B
Minor axis (of an ellipse) 78.C
Minor Fredholm’s first 203.E
Minor Fredholm’s rth 203.E
Minor function 100.F
Minor principal (of a matrix) 103.D
Minorsky, Nicholas(1885-) 163.B
Minsky, M.L. 75.r
Minsky, Marvin C 385.r
Minty, George James(1929-) 281.r 286.C
Minus infinity 87.D
Minute (an angle) 139.D
Miranda, Carlo(1912-82) 323.r
Mirimanov, D. 145
Mishchenko, Evgenif Frolovich(1922-) 86.r
Mishkis, Anatolii Dmitrievich 163.B
Misiurewicz, Michal(1948-) 126.K
Misner, Charles William(1932-) 359.r
Mitchell, Andrew Ronald 223.r
Mitchell, Benjamin Evans(1920-) 52.N 52.r 200.I
Mitome, Michiwo(1909-1976) STR
Mitropol’skii, Yurii Alekseevich(1917-) 290.D 290.F
Mitsui, Takayoshi(1929-) 4.F 4.r 123.F 328
Mittag — Leffler theorem 272.A
Mittag-Leffler, Gustav Magnus(1846-1927) 47 267 272.A
Mityagin, Boris Samuilovich(1937-) 424.S
Miura, Robert Mitsuru(1938-) 387.B
Miwa, Megumu(1934-) 118.E
Miwa, Tetsuji(1949-) 112.R 253.E 387.C
Mixed Abelian group 2.A
Mixed area (of two ovals) 89.D
Mixed group 190.P
Mixed Hodge structure 16.V
Mixed ideal 284.D
Mixed initial-boundary value problem (for hyperbolic operator) 325.K
Mixed insurance 214.B
Mixed integer programming problem 215.A
Mixed model 102.A
Mixed periodic continued fraction 83.C
Mixed problem 322.D
Mixed spinor rank (k, n) 258.B
Mixed strategy 173.C
Mixed tensor 256.J
Mixed type, partial differential equation of 304.C 326.A
Mixing (automorphism) k-fold 136.E
Mixing (automorphism) strongly 136.E
Mixing (automorphism) weakly 136.E
Mixture 351.B
Miyadera, Isao(1925-) 162 378.B
Miyajima, Kimio(1948-) 72.G
Miyajima, Shizuo(1948-) 310.H
Miyakawa, Tetsuro(1948-) 204.C
Miyake, Katsuya(1941-) 16.Z
Miyakoda, Tsuyako(1947-) 301.C
Miyanishi, Masayoshi(1940-) 15.H 15.r
Miyaoka, Yoichi(1949-) 72.K 72.r
Miyata, Takehiko(1939-1983) 226.r
Miyoshi, Tetsuhiko(1938-) 304.r
Mizohata equation, Lewy — 274.G
Mizohata, Sigeru(1924-) 112.B 112.D 112.P 274.B 274.G 274.I 320.I 320.r 321.F 321.G 321.r 323.M 325.G 325.H 345.A
Mizukami, Masumi(1951-) 16.r
Mizumoto, Hisao(1929-) 367.I
Mizutani, Akira(1946-) 304.r
Mizutani, Tadayoshi(1945-) 154.G
ML estimator 399.M
Mobility, axiom of free (in Euclidean geometry) 139.B
Mod 1, real number 355.D
Mod p (modulo p) Hopf invariant 202.S
Mod p (modulo p) isomorphism (in a class of Abelian groups) 202.N
Modal logic 411.L
Modal proposition 411.L
Modal unbiased estimator 399.C
MODE 396.C 397.C
Mode sample 396.C
Model (of a mathematical structure) 409.B
Model (of a symbolic logic) 276.D 411.G
Model (of an algebraic function field) 9.D
Model Bayesian 403.G
Model Bradley — Terry 346.C
Model Bush — Mosteller 346.G
Model canonical 251.N
Model component 403.F
Model components-of-variance 403.C
Model countable (of axiomatic set theory) 156.E
Model derived normal (of a variety) 16.F
Model dual resonance 132.C
Model Estes stimulus-sampling 346.G
Model experimentation 385.A
Model factor analysis 403.C
Model fixed effect 102.A
Model functional 251.N
Model game theoretic 307.C
Model Glashow — Weinberg — Salam 132.D
Model Ising 340.B 402.G
Model Klein (of non-Euclidean geometry) 285.C
Model learning 346.G
Model linear 403.D
Model linear logistic 403.C
Model log linear 403.C
Model Luce - 346.G
Model mathematical, in biology 263
Model metabolic (in catastrophe theory) 51.F
Model minimal 15.G
Model minimal (for the algebra of differential forms) 114.L
Model mixed 102.A
Model multiple 403.E
Model multivariate linear 280.B
Model natural (in axiomatic set theory) 33.C
Model normal linear 403.C
Model of human death and survival 214.A
Model Poincare (of geometry) 285.D
Model queuing 260.H
Model random-effects 102.A 403.C
Model relatively minimal 15.G
Model Sakata 132.D
Model scheduling 307.C
Model Scheffe 346.C
Model selection 401.D
Model simple 403.F
Model spin-flip 340.C
Model static (in catastrophe theory) 51.B
Model stochastic Ising 340.C
Model stochastic programming 307.C
Model string 132.C
Model Sz. — Nagy — Foias 251.N
Model theory 276
Model Thurstone — Mosteller 346.C
Model Veneziano 132.C 386.C
Model Whittaker 450.O
Modeling, mathematical 300
Modification (of a stochastic process) 407.A
Modification holomorphic (of an analytic space) 23.D
Modification proper (of an analytic space) 23.D
Modification spherical 114.F
Modified Bessel functions App. A Table
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