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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Kulikov, Leonid Yakovlevich 2.D
Kulk, W.V.D. 428.r
Kulkarni, Ravi S.(1942-) 72.r
Kullback discrimination information 213.D
Kullback — Leibler (K-L) information number 398.G
Kullback, Solomon(1907-) 213.D 398.G 403.C 403.r
Kumano-go, Hitoshi(1935-82) 112.L 274.r 323.r 345.A 345.B
Kummer criterion 145 App. Table
Kummer differential equation App. A Table
Kummer extension 172.F
Kummer function 167.A App. Table
Kummer surface 15.H
Kummer, Ernst Eduard(1810-1893) 14.L 14.N 14.O 14.U 15.H 145 167.A 172.F 206.A 236 267 379.I 450.J App.A Tables 19.I
Kunen, Kenneth(1943-) 33.r
Kunieda, Motoji(1879-1954) 121.B 240.B
Kunila, Hiroshi(1937-) 86.r 115.D 260.J 261.r 406.B 406.r
Kuntzmann, Jean(1912-) 71.r 75.r
Kunugi theorem, Iversen — Beurling — 62.B
Kunugui, Kinjiro(1903-75) 22.C 22.F 62.B 62.E 62.r 100.A 100.r
Kuo (PLK) method, Poincare — Lighthill — 25.B
Kuo Yung-Huai 25.B
Kupka, Ivan Adolf-Karl(1937-) 126.r
Kupradzc, Viktor Dmitrievich(1903-1985) 188.r
Kuramochi compactification 207.C
Kuramochi kernel 207.C
Kuramochi, Zenjiro(1920-) 207.C 207.D 367.E 367.G
Kuranishi prolongation theorem 428.G
Kuranishi space 72.G
Kuranishi, Masatake(1926-) 72.G 249.D 249.V 286.J 428.F 428.G 428.r
Kurata, Masahiro(1943-) 126.J
Kuratowski space 425.Q
Kuratowski, Kazimierz(Casimir)(1896-1980) 22.D 22.G 22.r 79.D 79.r 186.H 425.A 425.Q 425.r 426
Kuroda, Shige Toshi(1932-) 331.E 375.C
Kuroda, Sigekatu(1905-1972) 411.J 411.r
Kuroda, Tadashi(1926-) 367.E
Kurosh, Aleksandr Gennadievich(1908-1971) 2.E 2.r 29.J 103.r 161.A 161r 190.r 337.r
Kurosu, Konosuke(1893-1970) 240.B
Kurth, Rudolf(1917-) 116.r
kurtosis 396.C 397.C
Kurtosis population 396.C
Kurusima, Yosihiro(?-1757) 230
Kusaka, Makoto(1764-1839) 230
Kushner, Harold Joseph(1933-) 86.E 405.r
Kushnirenko, Anatolii Georgievich 418.r
Kusunoki, Yukio(1925-) 143.r 207.C 207.D 207.r 367.G 367.I
Kutta methods, Runge — 303.D
Kutta — Gill method, Runge — 303.D
Kutta, Wilhelm Martin(1867-1944) 301.D 303.D
Kuwabara, Ruishi(1951-) 391.N
Kuyk, Willem(1934-) 32.r
L*-space 87.K
l-adic cohomology 450.Q
l-adic coordinate system 3.E
l-adic representation 3.E
L-distribution 341.G
L-estimator 371.H
L-function Artin 450.G 450.R
L-function Dirichlet 450.C
L-function Hecke 450.E
L-function Hecke (with Grossencharakter) 450.F
L-function of automorphic representation 450.N
L-function of elliptic curves 450.S
L-function p-adic 450.J
L-function Weil 450.H
L-group 450.N
L-integral 221.B
L-space 87.K
L-space abstract 310.G
L-space Frechet 87.K
L.B. (loosely Bernoulli) 136.F
L.C.M. (least common multiple) 67.H 297.A
l.u.b. (least upper bound) 311.B
Labeled graph 186.B
Lacey, Howard Elton(1937-) 37.r
Lachlan, Alistair H. 276.F
Lacroix, Sylvestre Francois(1765-1843) 181
Lacunary structure (of a power series) 339.E
Lacunas for hyperbolic operators 325.J
Ladder down- 206.B
Ladder method 206.B
Ladder up- 206.B
Ladyzhenskaya, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna(1922-) 204.B—D 204.r 286.r 323.P
Lafonlaine, Jacques(1944-) 364.H
Lag 163.A
Lagged variables 128.C 274.C
Lagrange bracket 82.A 324.D
Lagrange differential equation 320.A App. Table
Lagrange differential equation, Euler — 46.B
Lagrange equations of motion 271.F
Lagrange formula (for vector triple product) 442.C
Lagrange identity 252.K
Lagrange interpolation 223.A
Lagrange interpolation coefficients 223.A
Lagrange interpolation polynomial 223.A 336.G App. Table
Lagrange manifold, conic 345.B
Lagrange method (of describing the motion of a fluid) 205.A
Lagrange method of indeterminate coefficients 106.L
Lagrange method of variation of constants 252.D
Lagrange multiplier 46.B
Lagrange multiplier, method of 106.L
Lagrange partial differential equation App. A Table
Lagrange problem (in calculus of variations) 46.A
Lagrange remainder App. A Table
Lagrange resolvent 172.F
Lagrange stable 126.E
Lagrange stable negatively 126.E
Lagrange stable positively 126.E
Lagrange — Charpit method 322.B App. Table
Lagrange, J.L. 238
Lagrange, Joseph Louis(1736-1813) 4.D 20 46.A 46.B 82.A 83.C 83.D 105.A 106.E 106.L 107.A 107.B 109 126.A 126.E 126.L 126.J 150.B 151.B 172.A 172.F 190.Q 205.A 223.A 238 252.D 252.K 266 271.F 274.C 275.A 296.A 301.C 322.B 324.D 336.G 342.A 420.B 420.D 428.C 442.C App.A Tables 14.I 15 21.II
Lagrange-stable motion 420.D
Lagrangian density 150.B
Lagrangian density free 150.B
Lagrangian derivative 205.A
Lagrangian function 271.F 292.A
Lagrangian manifold, conic 274.C
Lagrangian vector field 126.L
Laguerre differential equation App. A Tables 20.
Laguerre formula, Gauss- (in numerical integration) 299.A
Laguerre function App. A Table
Laguerre geometry 76.B
Laguerre inversion 76.B
Laguerre polynomials 317.D App. Table
Laguerre polynomials associated 317.D
Laguerre transformation 76.B
Laguerre, Edmond Nicolas(1834-1886) 76.B 137 299.A 317.D 429.B App.A Tables 26.VI
Lainiotis, Dimitri G. 86.r
Lakshmikantham, Vangipuram(1924-) 163.r
Laksov, Dan(1940-) 9.E
Lamb, Sir Horace(1849-1934) 205.r 446.r
Lambert series 339.C
Lambert, Jack D. 303.r
Lambert, Johann Heinrich(1728-1777) 83.A 83.E 332 339.C
Lambert, Robert Joe(1921-) 303.r
Lame differential equation 133.B
Lame differential equation generalized 167.E
Lame function of the first kind 133.B
Lame function of the first species 133.C
Lame function of the fourth species 133.C
Lame function of the second kind 133.C
Lame function of the second species 133.C
Lame function of the third species 133.C
Lame, Gabriel(1795-1870) 133.B 133.C 145 167.E
Lamellar vector field 442.D
Laminar flow 205.E 433.A
Lamperti, John Williams(1932-) 44.E 342.r
Lance, E.Christopher(1941 -) 308.F
Lanczos method 298.D 298.E 301.N
Lanczos, Cornelius(1893-1974) 298.D 298.E 301.J 301.N 302.r
Land, A.H. 215.D
| Landau constant 77.F
Landau equation 146.C
Landau symbols (O,o) 87.G
Landau theorem 43.J
Landau theorem Wiener — Ikehara 123.B
Landau variety 146.C
Landau — Nakanishi equation 146.C
Landau — Nakanishi variety 146.C 386.C
Landau, Edmund Georg Herman(1877-1938) 4.A 4.r 43.J 43.K 43.r 77.F 87.G 87.r 106.r 107.A 121.C—E 123.B 123.F 123.r 131.r 160.G 216.r 240.B 242.A 242.r 294.r 295.D 297.r 339.r 347.r 450.I 450.r
Landau, Lev Davidovich(1908-68) 130.r 146.A 146.C 146.r 150.r 205.r 259.r 402.r 433.B
Landau, Yoan D. 86.r
Landen transformation 134.B App. Table
Landen, John(1719-90) 134.B App.A Table
Landford, Oscar Erasmus, III(1940-) 126.K 150.C 340.B 340.F 402.G
Landkof, Naum Samoilovich(1915-) 338.r
Landsberg, Georg(1865-1912) 11.r
Landshoff, Peter Vincent(1937-) 146.r 386.r
Lane — Emden function 291.F
Lane, Jonathan Homer(1819-1880) 291.F
Lang, Serge(1927-) 3.M 3.r 6.r 12.B 14.r 28.r 105.r 118.D 118.F 118.r 134.r 172.r 182.r 198.r 200.r 256.r 277.r 337.r 368.r 430.r 450.r
Langevin equation 45.I 402.K
Langevin, Paul(1872-1946) 45.I 402.K
Langhaar, Henry L. 116.r
Langlands, Robert Phelan(1936-) 32.H 32.r 437.DD 437.r 450.A 450.G 450.N 450.O 450.S 450.T
Language 31.D 276.A
Language accepted by 31.D
Language external 75.C
Language machine 75.C
Lapidus, Leon(1910-1975) 303.r
Laplace differential equation 323.A App. Table
Laplace differential equation 2-dimensional case App. A Table
Laplace differential equation 3-dimensional case App. A Table
Laplace expansion theorem (on determinants) 103.D
Laplace method 30.B
Laplace operator 323.A 442.D
Laplace spherical functions 393.A
Laplace theorem, de Moivre — 250.B
Laplace transform 240 App. Table
Laplace transform and operational calculus App. A Table
Laplace transform Fourier — 192.F
Laplace — Beltrami operator 194.B
Laplace — Mehler integral representation App. A Table
Laplace — Stieltjes transform 240.A
Laplace, P.S. 239
Laplace, Pierre Simon(1749-1827) 30.B 103.D 107.B 126.A 192.F 194.B 239 240.A 250.A 266 306.A 323.A 342.A 342.r 401.E 442.D App.A Tables 18.II
Laplacian 323.A 442.D App. Table
Laplacian in the large 109
Laplacian large deviation 250.B
Lappo—Danilevskil, Ivan Aleksandrovich 253.r
Large inductive dimension (Ind) 117.B
Large numbers, law of 250.B
Large numbers, strong law of 250.C
Large numbers, weak law of 395.B
Large sample theory 401.E
Large semigroup algebra 29.C
Large sieve method 123.E
Larger topology 425.H
Larger, stochastically 371.C
Largest nilpotent ideal (of a Lie algebra) 248.D
LaSalle, Joseph Pierre(1916-83) 86.F
Lascoux, Jean 146.A C
Lashnev space 425.CC
Lashnev, Nikolai Serafimovich 425.CC
Lashof, Richard Kenneth(1922-) 279.C 365.O
Lasker, Emanuel(1868-1941) 12.B
Last multiplier, Jacobi App. A Table
Last theorem of Fermat 145
Last theorem of Poincare 153.B
Last-out memory, first-in 96.E
Latin rectangle 241.E
Latin square(s) 102.K 241
Latter, Robert H.(1946-) 168.B
Lattice constants (of a lattice group) 92.C
Lattice distribution 341.D
Lattice equivalent 92.D
Lattice gauge theory 150.G
Lattice group(s) 182.B
Lattice group(s) (of a crystallographic group) 92.A
Lattice(s) - (of a separable algebra) 27.A
Lattice(s) -complete 243.D
Lattice(s) -complete vector 310.C
Lattice(s) (= lattice ordered set) 243
Lattice(s) (in ) 182.B
Lattice(s) (of a crystallographic group) 92.A
Lattice(s) (of a Lie group) 122.G
Lattice(s) A- 92.E
Lattice(s) anti-isomorphic 243.C
Lattice(s) Archimedean vector 310.C
Lattice(s) B- 92.E
Lattice(s) Banach 310.F
Lattice(s) black and white 92.D
Lattice(s) Boolean 42.A 243.E
Lattice(s) Boolean, of sets 243.E
Lattice(s) Bravais 92.B
Lattice(s) C- 92.E
Lattice(s) color 92.D
Lattice(s) complemented 243.E
Lattice(s) complete 243.D
Lattice(s) complete vector 310.C
Lattice(s) conditionally -complete 243.D
Lattice(s) conditionally complete 243.D
Lattice(s) critical, in M with respect to S 182. B
Lattice(s) distributive 243.E
Lattice(s) dual 243.C 310.E 450.K
Lattice(s) dually isomorphic 243.C
Lattice(s) F- 92.E
Lattice(s) homogeneous (in ) 182.B
Lattice(s) I- 92.E
Lattice(s) inhomogeneous (in ) 182.B
Lattice(s) integral - 27.A
Lattice(s) modular 243.F
Lattice(s) normal - 27.A
Lattice(s) normal vector 310.F
Lattice(s) of sets 243.E
Lattice(s) one-dimensional 287.A
Lattice(s) P- 92.E
Lattice(s) primitive 92. E
Lattice(s) quotient 243.C
Lattice(s) Toda 287.A 387.A
Lattice(s) vector 310.B
Lattice(s) weight 92.C
Lattice-homomorphism 243.C
Lattice-isomorphism 243.C
Lattice-ordered group 243.G
Lattice-ordered group Archimedean 243.G
Lattice-ordered linear space 310.B
Lattice-ordered set 243.A
Lattice-point formula 220.B
Lattice-point problems 242
Lattice-spin systems 402.G
Latus rectum 78.D 78.E
Laufer, Henry B.(1945-) 418.r
Laugwitz, Detlef(1932-) 111.r
Laurent expansion 198.D
Laurent series 339.A
Laurent, Pierre Alphonse(1813-1854) 198.D 339.A
Laurent-Duhamel, Marie Jeanne(1797-1872) 322.D
Lauricella, G. 206.D
Lavine, Richard B.(1938-) 375.C
Lavita, James A. 375.r
Lavrent’ev, Mikhail Alekseevich(1900-1980) 336.F 352.A 352.D 352.E 436.I
Lavrik, Aleksandr Fedorovich(1927-) 123.E
Law(s) (of a solution of a stochastic differential equation) 406.D
Law(s) absorption (in a lattice) 243.A
Law(s) absorption (in algebra of sets) 381.B
Law(s) adiabatic 205.B
Law(s) alternating (in a Lie algebra) 248.A
Law(s) antisymmetric (for ordering) 311.A
Law(s) arcsine (for Brownian motion) 45.E
Law(s) arcsine (for distribution function) 250.D
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