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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
Предметный указатель |
Initial point (of a position vector) 7.A
Initial point (of a vector) 442.A
Initial set (of a correspondence) 358.B
Initial set (of a linear operator) 251.E
Initial state 31.B
Initial surface 321.A
Initial term (of an infinite continued fraction) 83.A
Initial value (for a partial differential equation) 321.A
Initial value (for a stochastic differential equation) 406.D
Initial value (for an ordinary differential equation) 316.A
Initial value problem (for functional-differential equations) 163.D
Initial value problem (for hyperbolic partial differential equations) App. A Table
Initial value problem (for integrodifferential equations) 222.B
Initial value problem (for ordinary differential equations) 313.C 316.A
Initial value problem (for partial differential equations) 321.A
Initial value problem Navier — Stokes 204.B
Initial value problem singular (for partial differential equations of mixed type) 326.C
Initial vertex 186.B
Initial-boundary value problem 325.K
Injection 381.C
Injection (homomorphism of cohomology groups) 200.M
Injection (in a category) 52.D
Injection canonical 381.C 381.E
Injection canonical (from a subgroup) 190.D
Injection canonical (on direct sums of modules) 277.F
Injection canonical (on free products of group) 190.M
Injection natural (from a subgroup) 190.D
Injective (Banach space) 37.M
Injective (C*-algebra) 36.H
Injective (mapping) 381.C
Injective (object in an Abelian category) 200.I
Injective A-module 277.K
Injective class 200.Q
Injective dimension 200.K
Injective envelope 200.I
Injective module, (R, S)- 200.K
Injective resolution (in an Abelian category) 200.I
Injective resolution j- 200.Q
Injective resolution right (of an A-module) 200.F
Injectivity radius 178.C
Injectivity, rational 200.O
Inner area 216.F 270.G
Inner automorphism(s) (of a group) 190.D
Inner automorphism(s) (of a ring) 368.D
Inner automorphism(s), group of (of a group) 190.D
Inner automorphism(s), group of (of a Lie algebra) 248.H
Inner capacity, Newtonian 48.F
Inner derivation (of a Lie algebra) 248.H
Inner derivation (of an associative algebra) 200.L
Inner function 43.F
Inner harmonic measure 169.B
Inner measure 270.E
Inner measure Lebesgue 270.F
Inner product (between a linear space and its dual space) 256.G
Inner product (in a Hermitian linear space) 256.Q
Inner product (in a Hilbert space) 197.B
Inner product (in a metric vector space) 256.H
Inner product (of a pair of linear spaces) 424.G
Inner product (of hyperspheres) 76.A
Inner product (of vectors) 256.A 442.B
Inner product Hermitian 256.Q
Inner product space 442.B
Inner solution 112.B
Inner topology (of a Lie subgroup) 249.E
Inner transformation (in the sense of Stoilow) 367.B
Inner variable 112.B
Inner volume 270.G
Innovation 405.H
Inose, Hiroshi(1951-1979) 16.r 450.S
Inoue, Masahisa(1946-) 72.K
Inoue, Masao(1915-) 338.r
Input data, error of 138.B
Input, Poisson 260.H
Inrevolvable oval 89. E
Inscribe (in a sphere) 139.I
Inscribed circle (of a regular polygon) 357.A
Inseparable element (of a field) 149.H
Inseparable element purely 149.H
Inseparable extension (of a field) 149.H
Inseparable extension purely 149.H
Inseparable polynomial 337.G
Inseparable, purely (rational mapping) 16.I
Inspection sampling 404.C
Inspection, expected amount of 404.C
Instantaneous state 260.F 261.B
Instruction 31.B
Instruction single-address 75.C
Insurance death 214.B
Insurance mixed 214.B
Insurance survival 214.B
Insurance, amount of 214.A
Insurance, cost of 214.B
Insured, amount 214.A
Integer polyhedron 215.C
Integer programming 215 264.C
Integer programming problem 0-1 215.A
Integer programming problem all- 215.A
Integer programming problem mixed 215.A
Integer programming problem pure 215. A
Integer(s) 294.C
Integer(s) algebraic 14.A
Integer(s) Cartan (of a semisimple Lie algebra) 248.N
Integer(s) Gaussian 14.U
Integer(s) p-adic 439.F
Integer(s) p-adic, ring of 439.F
Integer(s) rational 294.B
Integrability (of multivalued vector functions) 443.I
Integrability condition, complete 428.C
Integrability strong 443.I
Integrable 406.B
Integrable -(function) 221.B
Integrable (function) 221.B
Integrable (G-structure) 191.A
Integrable (in the sense of Riemann) 216.A
Integrable (increasing process) 262.D 406.B
Integrable (representation) 437.X
Integrable absolutely 216.E 216.F
Integrable Birkhoff (function) 443.E
Integrable Bochner (function) 443.C
Integrable completely (system of independent 1-forms) 154.B 428.D
Integrable D- (function) 100.D
Integrable Daniell — Stone (function) 310.I
Integrable Denjoy (in the wider sense) 100.D
Integrable distribution 125.N
Integrable Dunford 443.F
Integrable Gel’fand — Pettis (function) 443.F
Integrable increasing process 262.D 406.B
Integrable Lebesgue (function) 221.B
Integrable locally, function 168.B
Integrable Perron (function) 100.F
Integrable Pettis 443.F
Integrable process of bounded variation 406.B
Integrable Riemann (function) 216.A
Integrable scalarly 443.F 443.I
Integrable square (function) 168.B
Integrable square (unitary representation) 437.M
Integrable system 287.A
Integrable termwise (series) 216.B
Integrable uniformly (family of random variables) 262.A
Integrable weakly (function) 443.E
Integrably homotopic 154.F
Integral -lattice 27.A
Integral bilinear functional 424.R
Integral calculus 216
Integral character (of the homology group of a Riemann surface) 11.E
Integral closure (of a ring) 67.I
Integral cohomology group 201.H
Integral constant 216.C
Integral cosine 167.D
Integral current 275.G
| Integral curvature (of a surface) 111.H
Integral curve (of a Monge equation) 324.F
Integral curve (of ordinary differential equations) 316.A
Integral direct sum 308.G
Integral divisor (of an algebraic curve) 9.C
Integral divisor (of an algebraic number field) 14.F
Integral divisor (on a Riemann surface) 1 1.D
Integral domain 368.B
Integral domain Noetherian 284.A
Integral element 428.E
Integral element k-dimensional 191.I
Integral element ordinary 428.E
Integral element regular 428.E
Integral equation(s) 217
Integral equation(s) Abel 217.L
Integral equation(s) associated 217.F
Integral equation(s) Fredholm 217.A
Integral equation(s) Hammerstein 217.M
Integral equation(s) homogeneous 217.F
Integral equation(s) linear 217.A
Integral equation(s) nonlinear 217.M
Integral equation(s) numerical solution of 217.N
Integral equation(s) of Fredholm type 217.A
Integral equation(s) of Volterra type 217. A
Integral equation(s) singular 217.J
Integral equation(s) transposed 217.F
Integral equation(s) Volterra 217.A
Integral exponent 167.D
Integral form 248.W
Integral formula Cauchy 198.B
Integral formula Poisson 198.B
Integral formula Villat App. A Table
Integral formula Weyl 225.I
Integral function 429.A
Integral geometry 218
Integral geometry, principal formula of 218.C
Integral homology group of a polyhedron 201.D
Integral homology group of a simplicial complex 201.C
Integral hypersurface (of a partial differential equation) 320.A
Integral ideal (of an algebraic number field) 14.C
Integral inequality, Hoelder 211.C
Integral invariant(s) 219
Integral invariant(s) absolute 219.A
Integral invariant(s) Cartan’s relative 219.B
Integral invariant(s) relative 219.A
Integral kernel 217.A 251.O
Integral left ideal 27.A
Integral logarithm 167.D
Integral manifold 428.A 428.B 428.D
Integral manifold k-dimensional 191.I
Integral manifold ordinary (of a differential ideal) 428.E
Integral manifold regular (of a differential ideal) 428.E
Integral manifold singular (of a differential ideal) 428.E
Integral method, summable by Borel’s 379.O
Integral operator 68.N 100.E 250.O
Integral operator Calderon — Zygmund singular 217.J 251.O
Integral operator Fourier 274.C 345.B
Integral operator of Hilbert — Schmidt type 68.C
Integral point 428.E 428.F
Integral quotient (in the division algorithm of polynomials) 337.C
Integral representation 362.G 362.K
Integral representation Cauchy 21.C
Integral representation Herglotz 43.I
Integral representation Laplace — Mehler App. A Table
Integral representation Schlafli 393.B
Integral right ideal 27.A
Integral sine 167.D
Integral singular homology group 201.E
Integral test, Cauchy (for convergence) 379.B
Integral theorem Cauchy 198.A 198.B
Integral theorem Fourier double 160.B
Integral theorem Fourier single 160.B
Integral theorem stronger form of Cauchy 198.B
Integral transforms 220.A
Integral two-sided -ideal 27.A
Integral vector 428.E
Integral(s) (= integrally dependent) 67.I
Integral(s) (of a distribution with respect to ) 125.H
Integral(s) (of a function) 221.B
Integral(s) (of a Monge — Ampere equation) 278.B
Integral(s) (of differential forms) 105.T
Integral(s) (of multivalued vector functions) 443.I
Integral(s) (scheme) 16.D
Integral(s) Abelian 11.C
Integral(s) action 80.Q
Integral(s) Airy App. A Table
Integral(s) almost (element of a ring) 67.I
Integral(s) Banach 310.I
Integral(s) Bartle — Dunford — Schwartz 443.G
Integral(s) Bessel 39.B
Integral(s) Birkhoff 443.E
Integral(s) Bochner 443.C
Integral(s) Bromwich 240.D 322.D App. Table
Integral(s) Carson App. A Table
Integral(s) complete additivity of the (in Lebesgue integral) 221.C
Integral(s) complete elliptic App. A Table
Integral(s) complete elliptic, of the first kind 134.B
Integral(s) complete elliptic, of the second kind 134.C
Integral(s) conjugate Fourier 160.D
Integral(s) constant 216.C
Integral(s) cosine 167.D App. Table
Integral(s) curvilinear 94.A
Integral(s) curvilinear (with respect to a line element) 94.D
Integral(s) curvilinear (with respect to a variable) 94.D
Integral(s) D(*)- 100.D
Integral(s) Daniell — Stone 310.I
Integral(s) definite App. A Table
Integral(s) definite (in a Riemann integral) 216.C
Integral(s) definite (of a hyperfunction) 125.X
Integral(s) definite D- 100.D
Integral(s) Denjoy 100
Integral(s) Denjoy (in the restricted sense) 100.D
Integral(s) Denjoy (in the wide sense) 100.D
Integral(s) direct 308.G
Integral(s) direct (of unitary representations) 437.H
Integral(s) Dirichlet (in Dirichlet problem) 120.F
Integral(s) Dirichlet (in Fourier’s single integral theorem) 160.B
Integral(s) double (in Riemann integral) 216.F
Integral(s) Dunford 251.G 443.F
Integral(s) elliptic 11.C 134.A App. Table
Integral(s) elliptic, of the first kind 134.A
Integral(s) elliptic, of the second kind 134. A
Integral(s) elliptic, of the third kind 134.A
Integral(s) energy 420.A
Integral(s) Euler, of the first kind 174.C
Integral(s) Euler, of the second kind 174.C
Integral(s) exponential 167.D App. Table
Integral(s) Feynman 146
Integral(s) first (of a completely integrable system) 428.D
Integral(s) Fourier 160. A
Integral(s) Fresnel 167.D App. Tables 19.II
Integral(s) Gauss 338.J
Integral(s) Gel’fand 443.F
Integral(s) Gel’fand — Pettis 443.F
Integral(s) harmonic 194. A
Integral(s) Hilbert’s invariant 46.C
Integral(s) hyperelliptic 11.C
Integral(s) hypergeometric 253.B
Integral(s) improper (in Riemann integral) 216.D 216.E
Integral(s) incomplete elliptic (of the first kind) 134.B
Integral(s) indefinite (in Lebesgue integral) 221.D
Integral(s) indefinite (in Riemann integral) 198.B 216.C
Integral(s) indefinite D- 100.D
Integral(s) intermediate App. A Table
Integral(s) intermediate (of a Monge — Ampere equation) 278.B
Integral(s) iterated (in Lebesgue integral) 221.E
Integral(s) iterated (in Riemann integral) 216.G
Integral(s) Jacobi 420.F
Integral(s) L- 221.B
Integral(s) Lebesgue 221.B
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