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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics

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Название: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics

Автор: Ito K.


When the first edition of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics appeared in 1977, it was immediately hailed as a landmark contribution to mathematics: "The standard reference for anyone who wants to get acquainted with any part of the mathematics of our time" (Jean Dieudonné, American Mathematical Monthly).

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 2120

Добавлена в каталог: 18.03.2009

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Предметный указатель
Function(s) complex-valued      165.B
Function(s) composite      106.I
Function(s) concave      88.A
Function(s) conical      App. A Table
Function(s) conjugate      159.E 160.D
Function(s) conjugate harmonic      193.C
Function(s) constant      381.C
Function(s) continuous (on a metric space)      84
Function(s) continuous additive interval      380.B
Function(s) convex      88.A
Function(s) coordinate (in the Ritz method)      304.B
Function(s) coordinate (of a fiber bundle)      147.B
Function(s) cosigma      134.H App. Table
Function(s) counting (of a meromorphic function)      272.B
Function(s) covariance      386.A 395.A
Function(s) criterion      127.A
Function(s) cross spectral density      421.E
Function(s) cumulative distribution      341.B 342.C
Function(s) cylindrical      39.B App. Table
Function(s) D-integrable      100.D
Function(s) Daniell-Stone integrable      310.E
Function(s) decision      398.A
Function(s) decision, space of      398.A
Function(s) Dedekind eta      328.A
Function(s) Dedekind zeta      14.C 450.D
Function(s) defining (of a hyperfunction)      125.V
Function(s) density      397.D
Function(s) derived      106.A
Function(s) digamma      174.B
Function(s) dimension (on a continuous geometry)      85.A
Function(s) Dirac delta      App. A Table
Function(s) Dirichlet      84.D 221.A
Function(s) distance      273.B
Function(s) distribution      168.B 341.B 342.C
Function(s) divisor      295.C
Function(s) divisor of (on an algebraic curve)      9.C
Function(s) divisor of (on an algebraic variety)      16.M
Function(s) dn      App. A Table
Function(s) doubly periodic      134.E
Function(s) E-      430.D
Function(s) effectively calculable      356.C
Function(s) eigen- (for an integral equation)      271.F
Function(s) eigen- (of a boundary value problem)      315.B
Function(s) eigen- (of a linear operator)      390.A
Function(s) elementary      131
Function(s) elementary Abelian      3.M
Function(s) elementary, of class n      131.A
Function(s) elliptic      134 323.A 323.D
Function(s) elliptic cylinder      268.B
Function(s) elliptic irrational      134. A
Function(s) elliptic theta      134.I App. Table
Function(s) elliptic, of the first kind      134.G
Function(s) elliptic, of the second kind      134.G
Function(s) elliptic, of the third kind      134.H
Function(s) empirical characteristic      396.C
Function(s) empirical distribution      250.F 374.E 396.C
Function(s) energy      126.L 279.F
Function(s) energy spectrum      433.C
Function(s) entire      429.A
Function(s) entire algebroidal      17.B
Function(s) envelope power      400.F
Function(s) error      167.D App. Table
Function(s) estimating      399.D
Function(s) Euler      295.C
Function(s) even      165.B
Function(s) explicit      165.C
Function(s) exponential      131.D
Function(s) exponential generating      177.A
Function(s) exponential, of an operator      306.C
Function(s) exponential, with the base a      131.B
Function(s) factorial      174.A
Function(s) family of quasi-analytic      58.A
Function(s) Feller transition      261.B
Function(s) finite-valued      443.B
Function(s) finitely additive set      380.B
Function(s) flat      58.C
Function(s) Frechet differentiable      286.E
Function(s) frequency      397.D
Function(s) frequency response      421.E
Function(s) Fuchsian      32.B
Function(s) gamma      150.D 174 App. Table
Function(s) Gel’fand — Shilov generalized      125.S
Function(s) general Mathieu      268.B
Function(s) general recursive      356.C 356.F
Function(s) generalized      125.S
Function(s) generalized divisor      295.C
Function(s) generalized rational      142.B
Function(s) generating (of a contact transformation)      82.A 271.F
Function(s) generating (of a sequence of functions)      177.A
Function(s) generating (of an arithmetic function)      295.E
Function(s) global implicit, theorem      208.D
Function(s) grand partition      402.D
Function(s) Green      188.A 189.B
Function(s) Green (a-order)      45.D
Function(s) Green (of a boundary value problem)      315.B
Function(s) Green, method      402.J
Function(s) Gudermann      131.F App. Table
Function(s) half-Bessel      39.B
Function(s) Hamiltonian      219.C 271.F
Function(s) Hankel      39.B App. Table
Function(s) harmonic      193
Function(s) harmonic kernel      188.H
Function(s) hazard      397.O
Function(s) Heaviside      125.E 306.B App. Table
Function(s) Hey zeta      27.F
Function(s) higher transcendental      289.A
Function(s) Hilbert characteristic (of a coherent sheaf on a projective variety)      16.E
Function(s) Hilbert modular      32.G
Function(s) Hill      268.E
Function(s) holomorphic      198
Function(s) holomorphic (of many variables)      21.C
Function(s) holomorphic (on an open set in a complex manifold)      72.A
Function(s) holomorphic, germ of      21.E
Function(s) hyper-      125.V
Function(s) hyperarithmetical      356.H
Function(s) hyperbolic      131.F
Function(s) hypergeometric      206.A App. Table
Function(s) hypergeometric (of the hyperspherical differential equation)      393.E
Function(s) hypergeometric, of confluent type      167.A App. Table
Function(s) hypergeometric, with matrix argument      206.E
Function(s) identity      381.C
Function(s) implicit      165.C 208
Function(s) implicit, theorem      208.A 286.G
Function(s) implicit, theorem (in Banach algebra)      36.M
Function(s) implicit, theorem (in locally convex spaces)      286.J
Function(s) impulse      306.B App. Table
Function(s) incomplete beta      174.C App. Table
Function(s) incomplete gamma      174.A App. Table
Function(s) increment      380.B
Function(s) indicator (of a subset)      342.E 376.C
Function(s) inner      43.F
Function(s) integral      429.A
Function(s) integral of, with respect to a volume element (on a $C^\infty$-manifold)      105.W
Function(s) interpolation      223.A
Function(s) interval      380.A
Function(s) invariant decision      398.E
Function(s) inverse      198.L 381.C
Function(s) inverse analytic      198.L
Function(s) inverse trigonometric      131.E
Function(s) Jacobi elliptic      App. A Table
Function(s) joint density      397.J
Function(s) Julia exceptional      272.F
Function(s) jump      306.C
Function(s) K-pseudoanalytic      352.B
Function(s) K-quasiregular      352.B
Function(s) k-valued algebroidal      17.A
Function(s) Kelvin      39.G App. Table
Function(s) kernel      188.G
Function(s) Koebe extremal      438.C
Function(s) Kummer      167.A App. Table
Function(s) Lagrangian      271.F 292.A
Function(s) Laguerre      App. A Table
Function(s) Lame, of the first kind      133.B
Function(s) Lame, of the first species      133.C
Function(s) Lame, of the fourth species      133.C
Function(s) Lame, of the second kind      133.C
Function(s) Lame, of the second species      133.C
Function(s) Lame, of the third species      133.C
Function(s) Lane — Emden      291.F
Function(s) Laplace spherical      393.A
Function(s) Lebesgue measurable      270.J
Function(s) Legendre      393.B App. Table
Function(s) likelihood      374.J 399.M
Function(s) likelihood estimating      399.M
Function(s) linear      74.E
Function(s) linear discriminant      280.I
Function(s) linear fractional      74.E
Function(s) linear regression      397.H 397.J 403.D
Function(s) locally integrable      168.B
Function(s) logarithmic, to the base a      131.B
Function(s) loss      398.A
Function(s) lower limit      84.C
Function(s) lower semicontinuous (in a set)      84.C
Function(s) Lyapunov      126.F 163.G
Function(s) major      100.F
Function(s) Mangoldt      123.B
Function(s) many-valued      165.B
Function(s) Mathieu      268
Function(s) Mathieu, of the first kind      268.B
Function(s) Mathieu, of the second kind      268.D
Function(s) maximal concentration      341.E
Function(s) mean concentration      341.E
Function(s) measurable      270.J
Function(s) measurable vector      308.G
Function(s) meromorphic      21.J 272
Function(s) meromorphic (on a complex manifold)      72.A
Function(s) meromorphic (on an analytic space)      23.D
Function(s) minimax decision      398.B
Function(s) minor      100.F
Function(s) modified Bessel      39.G App. Table
Function(s) modified indicator      341.C
Function(s) modified Mathieu      268.A
Function(s) modified Mathieu, of the first kind      268.D
Function(s) modified Mathieu, of the second kind      268.D
Function(s) modified Mathieu, of the third kind      268.D
Function(s) modular (of a locally compact group)      225.D
Function(s) modular, of level N      32.C
Function(s) Moebius      66.C 295.C
Function(s) moment-generating      177.A 341.C
Function(s) monotone      166. A
Function(s) monotone decreasing      166.A
Function(s) monotone increasing      166.A
Function(s) monotonic      166.A
Function(s) Morse      279.B
Function(s) multidimensional gamma      374.C
Function(s) multiplicative      32.A
Function(s) multiplicative automorphic      32.A
Function(s) multiplicity (of a mapping)      246.G
Function(s) multivalent      438
Function(s) multivalued      165.B
Function(s) n-dimensional distribution      342.C
Function(s) n-times continuously differentiable      106.K
Function(s) n-times differentiable      106.D
Function(s) Nash — Moser implicit, theorem      286.J
Function(s) nice (on a $C^\infty$-manifold)      114.F
Function(s) nondecreasing      166.A
Function(s) nondegenerate theta      3.I
Function(s) nonincreasing      166.A
Function(s) nontangential maximal      168.B
Function(s) normal (of ordinal numbers)      312.C
Function(s) normal density      397.D
Function(s) nth derived      106.D
Function(s) null      310.I
Function(s) number-theoretic      295.A 356.A
Function(s) objective      264.B 307.C
Function(s) odd      165.B
Function(s) of at most class 1      84.D
Function(s) of bounded variation      166
Function(s) of class $C^n$, $C^0$, $C^1$, $C^\infty$, or $C^\omega$      106.K
Function(s) of class $C^r$ at a point      105.G
Function(s) of class $C^r$ in a $C^\infty$-manifold      105.G
Function(s) of class $C^\infty$ (of many variables)      58.B
Function(s) of class n, 0, 1, $\xi$, or $\omega$      84.D
Function(s) of confluent type      167
Function(s) of confluent type and Bessei functions      App. A Table
Function(s) of Gevrey class      168.B
Function(s) of many variables      165.C
Function(s) of n variables      165.C
Function(s) of positive type      192.B 192.J
Function(s) of several variables      106.I 106.J
Function(s) on a variety      16.A
Function(s) operating      192.N
Function(s) order (of a meromorphic function)      272.B
Function(s) orthogonal      317 App. Table
Function(s) orthogonal, Haar system of      317.C
Function(s) orthogonal, Rademacher system of      317.C
Function(s) orthogonal, Walsh system of      317.C
Function(s) outer      43.F
Function(s) P-, of Riemann      253.B
Function(s) Painleve transcendental      288.C
Function(s) parabolic cylinder      167.C
Function(s) parametric      102.A 399.A
Function(s) partial      356.E
Function(s) partition      402.D
Function(s) payoff      173.B
Function(s) pentagamma      174.B
Function(s) periodic      134.E
Function(s) phase (of a Fourier integral operator)      274.C 345.B
Function(s) piecewise continuous      84.B
Function(s) plurisubharmonic      21.G
Function(s) point      380.A
Function(s) polygamma      174.B App. Table
Function(s) positive real      282.C
Function(s) power      400.A
Function(s) primitive      216.C
Function(s) primitive recursive      356.A 356.B 356.F
Function(s) primitive, derivatives and      App. A Table
Function(s) probability generating      341.F
Function(s) proper (of a boundary value problem)      315.B
Function(s) proper convex      88.D
Function(s) propositional      411.C
Function(s) proximity (of a meromorphic function)      272.B
Function(s) pseudo-      125.C
Function(s) psi      174.B
Function(s) quadratic loss      398.A 399.E
Function(s) quasi-analytic      58.F
Function(s) quasi-analytic, family of      58.A
Function(s) quasi-analytic, set of      58.F
Function(s) quasicontinuous      338.I
Function(s) radial maximal      168.B
Function(s) rank      66. F
Function(s) rapidly decreasing $C^\infty$-      168.B
Function(s) rate distortion      213.E
Function(s) rational entire      429.A
Function(s) rational, field of      337.H
Function(s) rational, on a variety      16.A
Function(s) real      165.B
Function(s) real analytic      106.K 198.H
Function(s) real-valued      165.B
Function(s) regression      397.I
Function(s) regular      198
Function(s) regular, at a subvariety      16.B
Function(s) regular, on an open set (of a variety)      16.B
Function(s) representative (of a compact Lie group)      249.U
Function(s) representing (of a predicate)      356.B
Function(s) representing (of a subset)      381.C
Function(s) reproduction      263.A
Function(s) Riemann $\zeta$-      450.B
Function(s) Riemann (of a Cauchy problem)      325.D
Function(s) Riemann integrable      216.A
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