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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Mapping s.s., realization of 70.E
Mapping semicontinuous (in a topological linear space) 153.D
Mapping semilinear 256.P 277.L
Mapping separable (rational) 16.I
Mapping simplicial 70.C
Mapping simplicial (between polyhedra) 70.C
Mapping simplicial (relative to triangulations) 70.C
Mapping skew-symmetric multilinear 256.H
Mapping space 202.C 435.D
Mapping space of continuous 435.D
Mapping spin 237.G
Mapping surjective 381.C
Mapping symmetric multilinear 256.H
Mapping Teichmueller 352.C
Mapping theorem Brouwer 99.A
Mapping theorem open 37.I 424.X
Mapping theorem Riemann 77.B
Mapping theorem spectral 251.G
Mapping time-one 126.C
Mapping topological 425.G
Mapping topology induced by a 425.I
Mapping transposed (of a diffusion kernel) 338.N
Mapping transposed (of a linear mapping) 256.G
Mapping truck 202.G
Mapping uniformly continuous 273.I 436.E
Mapping unit 203.F
Mapping, degree of 99.A
Mapping, local degree of 99.B
Maranda, Jean-Marie A.(7-1971) 362.K
Marchand, Jean-Paul 375.r
Marchenko equation, Gel’fand — Levitan — (for a nonlinear lattice) 287.C
Marchenko equation, Gel’fand — Levitan — (for KdV equations) 387.D
Marchenko, Vladimir Aleksandrovich(1922-) 287.C 387.D
Marchuk, Guril Ivanovich(1925-) 304.r
Marcinkiewicz theorem 224.E
Marcinkiewicz, Jozef(1910-) 159.H 224.A 224.E 336.E
Marden, Morris(1905-) 10.r
Mardesic, Sibe(1927-) 382.A
Marginal density functions 397.I
Marginal distribution 342.C 397.H
Margulis, Grcgorii A.(1946-) 122.G
Marion, Jerry Baskcrvillc(1929-) 271.r
Marked K3 surface 72.K
Markov branching process 44.D
Markov branching process multitype 44.E
Markov chains 260.A 342.A
Markov chains embedded 260.H
Markov chains general 260.J
Markov chains imbedded 260.H
Markov chains(non) recurrent 260.B
Markov field theory, Euclidean 150.F
Markov inequality (for polynomials) 336.C
Markov measure 136.D
Markov operators 136.B
Markov partition (for an automorphism) 136.G
Markov process(es) 261 342.A
Markov process(es) branching 44.E
Markov process(es) homogeneous 5.H
Markov process(es) invariant 5.H
Markov process(es) strong 261.B
Markov process(es)strong 261.B
Markov property 261.B
Markov shift 136.D
Markov statistical mechanics 340.C
Markov subshift 126.J
Markov theorem, Gauss- 403.E
Markov time 261.B 407.B
Markov, Andrei Andreevich(1856-1922) 5.H 44.D 44.E 126.F 126.J 127.E 136.B 136.D 136.G 150.F 176.F 182.G 260.A 260.H 260.J 261.A 261.B 336.C 340.C 379.I 403.E 405.C 406.D 407.B
Markov, Andrei Andreevich(1903-) 31.B 161.B 356.r
Markovian decision process 127.E
Markovian policy 405.C
Markovian type (stochastic differential equation) 406.D
Markus, Lawrence J.(1922-) 86.r 126.A 126.H 126.L 126.r 291.r
Markwald, Werner 81.A 81.r
Marotto, Frederick Robert(1950 -) 126.J
Marsden, Jerrold E.(1942-) 126.r 183.r 271.r 286.r 316.r 364.H 420.r
Marshall, Donald E. 164.I
Marsten, Roy Earl(1942-) 215.r
Martin axiom (in set theory) 33.F
Martin bound, Froissart- 386.B
Martin boundary 207.C 260.I
Martin boundary dual 260.I
Martin compactification 207.C
Martin kernel 207.C
Martin, Andre(1931-) 150.D 386.B 386.r
Martin, Donald A. 22.D 22.F 22.H 22.r 33.F 33.r
Martin, Harold C. 304.r
Martin, Paul C. 308.H
Martin, Robert S. 207.C 207.D 260.I
Martin, William Ted(1911-) 21.r
Martin-Loef, Per(1942-) 354.r
Martineau — Harvey duality 125.Y
Martineau, Andre(1930-1972) 125.W 125.Y 125.r 162 168.B 424.X
Martinet, Jean 110.E
Martingale 262 342.A
Martingale — Wiener 406.B
Martingale additive functional 261.E
Martingale local 262.E
Martingale part 406.B
Martingale problem 115.C 261.C 406.A
Martio, Olli Tapani(1941-) 352.F
Marty, F.(?-1939) 272.H 435.E
Maruyama, Masaki(1944-) 16.Y
Maruyama, Toru(1949-) 443.A
MaruyamaGisiro(1916-1986) 115.D 136.D 136.E 250.r 260.J 395.r
Masani, PesiR.(1919-) 395.r
Mascheroni, Lorenzo(1750-1800) 179.B
Maschke, Heinrich(1853-1908) 362.G
Maschler, Michael(1927-) 173.D
Maskit, Bernard(1935-) 122.I 234.D 234.r 416.r
Masley, JohnM.(1947-) 14.L
Maslov bundle 274 C
Maslov index, Keller- 274.C
Maslov, Viktor Pavlovich(1930-) 30.r 274.C 274.I 345.r
Mass 132.A 258.C 271.E
Mass (of a current) 275.G
Mass distribution capacitary 338.K
Mass distribution equilibrium 338.K
Mass lumping 304.D
Mass matrix 304.D
Mass, center of 271.E
Mass, integrals of the center of 420.A
Massau, Junius(1852-1909) 19.B
Masser, David W. 134.r 430.D 430.r
Massey theorem, Blakers — 202.M
Massey, William S.(1920-) 91.r 170.I 201.r 202.M 202.P 410.r
Master equation 402.I
Masuda, Kazuo(1946-) 72.r
Masuda, Kyuya(1937-) 378.I 378.J
Masuyama, Motosaburo(1912-) STR
Matano, Hiroshi(1952-) 263.C 303.G 303.r
Matched asymptotic expansions, method of 25.B
Mathematical axiom 411.I
Mathematical expectation (of a probability distribution) 341.B
Mathematical induction 294.B
Mathematical induction doulbe 294.B
Mathematical induction multiple 294.B
Mathematical induction, axiom of 294.B
Mathematical induction, definition by 294.B
Mathematical linguistics 75.E
Mathematical logic 411.A
Mathematical modeling 40.G 300
Mathematical models in biology 263
Mathematical object 52.A
Mathematical programming 264.A
Mathematical programming problem 264.B
Mathematical structure 409.B
Mathematical system (for a structure) 409.B
Mathematics actuarial 214.A
Mathematics combinatorial 66.A
| Mathematics discrete 66.A
Mathematics in the 17th century 265
Mathematics in the 18th century 266
Mathematics in the 19th century 267
Mather, John Norman(1942-) 51.C—E 126.J 154.E 154.r 286.J 418.r
Mathews, George Ballard(1861-1922) 39.r
Mathieu differential equation 268.A
Mathieu differential equation modified 268.A
Mathieu functions 268
Mathieu functions modified 268.A
Mathieu functions modified, of the first kind 268.D
Mathieu functions modified, of the second kind 268.D
Mathieu functions modified, of the third kind 268.D
Mathieu functions of the second kind 268.D
Mathieu group 151.H
Mathieu method 268.C
Mathieu, Emile Leonard(1835-1890) 151.H 268.A—D
Matiyasevich, Yurii Vladimirovich 97.* 97.r 118.A 196
Matric group 226.B
Matrix (matrices) 269
Matrix (matrices) 269.A
Matrix (matrices) adjacement 186.G
Matrix (matrices) adjoint 269.I
Matrix (matrices) Alexander (of a knot) 235.C
Matrix (matrices) alternating 269.B
Matrix (matrices) amplification 304.F
Matrix (matrices) anti-Hermitian 269.I
Matrix (matrices) antisymmetric 269.B
Matrix (matrices) association 102.J
Matrix (matrices) asymptotic covariance 399.K
Matrix (matrices) bounded 269.K
Matrix (matrices) circuit 254.B
Matrix (matrices) column finite 269.K
Matrix (matrices) companion 301.I
Matrix (matrices) complex orthogonal 269.J
Matrix (matrices) correlation 397.J
Matrix (matrices) covariance 341.B 397.J
Matrix (matrices) density 351.B
Matrix (matrices) design 102.A 403.D
Matrix (matrices) diagonal 269.A
Matrix (matrices) Dirac 377.C
Matrix (matrices) Dirac’s 351.G
Matrix (matrices) error 405.G
Matrix (matrices) Fisher information 399.D
Matrix (matrices) fundamental cutset 186.G
Matrix (matrices) fundamental tieset 186.G
Matrix (matrices) group 226.B
Matrix (matrices) Hasse — Witt 9.E
Matrix (matrices) Hermitian 269.I
Matrix (matrices) identity 269.A
Matrix (matrices) incidence (of a block design) 102.B
Matrix (matrices) incidence (of a graph) 186.G
Matrix (matrices) infinite 269.K
Matrix (matrices) information 102.I
Matrix (matrices) inverse 269.B
Matrix (matrices) invertible 269.B
Matrix (matrices) iteration 302.C
Matrix (matrices) Jacobi 390.G
Matrix (matrices) Jacobian 208.B
Matrix (matrices) lower triangular 269.B
Matrix (matrices) m by n 269.A
Matrix (matrices) mass 304.D
Matrix (matrices) moment 341.B
Matrix (matrices) monodromy 254.B
Matrix (matrices) nilpotent 269.F
Matrix (matrices) noncentrality 374.C
Matrix (matrices) nonsingular 269.B
Matrix (matrices) normal 269.I
Matrix (matrices) of (m, n)-type 269.A
Matrix (matrices) of a bilinear form 256.H
Matrix (matrices) of quadratic form 348.A
Matrix (matrices) of sesquilinear form 256.Q
Matrix (matrices) of the sum of squares between classes 280.B
Matrix (matrices) of the sum of squares within classes 280.B
Matrix (matrices) orthogonal 269.J
Matrix (matrices) parity check 63.C
Matrix (matrices) Paulispin 258.A 351.G
Matrix (matrices) period (of a closed Riemann surface) 11.C
Matrix (matrices) period (of a complex torus) 3.H
Matrix (matrices) port-admittance 282.C
Matrix (matrices) port-impedance 282.C
Matrix (matrices) positive definite 269.I
Matrix (matrices) positive semidefinite 269.I
Matrix (matrices) principal 3.I
Matrix (matrices) projection 269.I
Matrix (matrices) proper orthogonal 269.J
Matrix (matrices) Q- 260.F
Matrix (matrices) rational function 86.D
Matrix (matrices) rectangular 269.A
Matrix (matrices) regular 269.B
Matrix (matrices) Riemann 3.I
Matrix (matrices) row finite 269.K
Matrix (matrices) S- 150.D 386
Matrix (matrices) sample correlation 280.E
Matrix (matrices) scalar 269.A
Matrix (matrices) scale 374.C
Matrix (matrices) Seifert 235.C
Matrix (matrices) semisimple 269.G
Matrix (matrices) similar square 269.G
Matrix (matrices) skew h- 269.I
Matrix (matrices) skew-Hermitian 269.I
Matrix (matrices) skew-symmetric 269.B
Matrix (matrices) square 269.A
Matrix (matrices) stiffness 304.C
Matrix (matrices) stochastic 260.A
Matrix (matrices) symmetric 269.B
Matrix (matrices) symplectic 60.L
Matrix (matrices) transfer function 86.B
Matrix (matrices) transition 126.J 260.A
Matrix (matrices) transposed 269.B
Matrix (matrices) triangular 269.B
Matrix (matrices) tridiagonal 298.D
Matrix (matrices) unipotent 269.F
Matrix (matrices) unit 269.A
Matrix (matrices) unitary 269.I
Matrix (matrices) upper triangular 269.B
Matrix (matrices) variance 341.B
Matrix (matrices) variance-covariance 341.B 397.J
Matrix (matrices) weighting 86.B
Matrix (matrices) zero 269.B
Matrix algebra full 269.B
Matrix algebra total 269.B
Matrix convex of order m 212.C
Matrix element 351.B
Matrix game 173.C
Matrix group 226.B
Matrix monotone decreasing of order m 212.C
Matrix montone increasing of order m 212.C
Matrix representation 362.D
Matrix Riccati differential equation 86.E
Matrix Riccati equation 405.G
Matrix unit 269.B
Matroid 66.G
Matroid operations for 66.H
Matroid p-ary 66.H
Matroid poly- 66.F
Matsuda, Michihiko(1938-) 428.G
Matsumoto, Hideya(1939-) 13.R 122.F
Matsumoto, Kazuo(1922-) 411.J
Matsumoto, Kikuji(1931—) 62.B 124.C 124.r
Matsumoto, Shigenori(1947-) 126.M
Matsumoto, Yukio(1944-) 65.D 114.K
Matsumura, Akitaka(1951-) 41.r 204.F
Matsumura, Hideyuki(1930-) 284.r
Matsusaka, Teruhisa(1926-) 12.B 16.P 16.W 16.r
Matsushima, Yozo(1921-1983) 32.r 122.F 199.r 249.r 384.r
Matsushita, Shin-ichi(1922-) 338.L
Matsuyama, Noboru(1916-) 310.r
Mattis, Daniel Charles 402.r
Mattuck theorem, Lutz — 118.E
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