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Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics |
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Integral(s) Lebesgue — Radon 94.C
Integral(s) Lebesgue — Stieltjes 94.C 166.C
Integral(s) logarithmic 167.D App. Table
Integral(s) Lommel 39.C
Integral(s) multiple (in Lebesgue integral) 221.E
Integral(s) multiple (in Riemann integral) 216.F
Integral(s) n-tuple (in Riemann integral) 216.F
Integral(s) of a function with respect to a volume element 105.W
Integral(s) of a vector field App. A Table
Integral(s) of angular momentum 420.A
Integral(s) of Cauchy type 198.B
Integral(s) of the center of mass 420.A
Integral(s) over a singular chain 105.T
Integral(s) over an oriented manifold 105.T
Integral(s) Pettis 443.F
Integral(s) Poisson 168.B 193.G
Integral(s) probability App. A Table
Integral(s) regular first 126.H
Integral(s) repeated (in Lebesgue integral) 221.E
Integral(s) repeated (in Riemann integral) 216.G
Integral(s) Riemann 37.K 216.A
Integral(s) Riemann lower 216.A
Integral(s) Riemann upper 216.A
Integral(s) Riemann — Stieltjes 94.B 166.C
Integral(s) scalar 443.F 443.I
Integral(s) sine 167.D App. Table
Integral(s) singular 217.J
Integral(s) spectral 390.D
Integral(s) Stieltjes 94.B
Integral(s) stochastic 261.E 406.B
Integral(s) stochastic, of Stratonovich type 406.C
Integral(s) surface 94.A 94.E
Integral(s) surface (with respect to a surface element) 94.E
Integral(s) trigonometric 160.A
Integral(s) vector 443.A
Integral(s) vector-valued 443.A
Integral(s) with respect to (of a distribution) 125.H
Integrally closed (in a ring) 67.I
Integrally closed completely (ring) 67.I
Integrally closed ring 67.I
Integrally dependent element (of a ring) 67.I
integrand 216.A
Integrate 216.A
Integrate (an ordinary differential equation) 313.A
Integrating factor App. A Table
Integration along a fiber (of a hyperfunction) 274.E
Integration automatic, scheme 299.C
Integration by parts 216.C
Integration by parts (in the Stieltjes integral) 94.C
Integration by parts (on D-integral) 100.G
Integration constant (in a general solution of a differential equation) 313.A
Integration formula based on variable transformation 299.B
Integration formula Gauss (in the narrow sense) 299.A
Integration formula Poisson App. A Table
Integration formula Villat App. A Table
Integration graphical 19.B
Integration numerical 299
Integration Romberg 299.C
Integration, contour of (of curvilinear integral) 94.D
Integration, domain of 216.F
Integration, Jacobi’s second method of 324.D
Integration, path of (of curvilinear integral) 94.D
Integrodifferential equation(s) 163.A 222
Integrodifferential equation(s) of Fredholm type 222.A
Integrodifferential equation(s) of Volterra type 222.A
Integrodifferential equation(s) Prandtl’s 222.C
Integrodifferential equation(s) Wiener — Hopf 222.C
Intensity, traffic 260.H
Intensive (thermodynamical quantity) 419.A
Interaction 102.H
Interest, assumed rate of 214.A
Interference (of waves) 446
Interior (of a manifold) 105.B
Interior (of a polygon) 155.F
Interior (of a segment) 155.B
Interior (of a set) 425.B
Interior (of a simplex) 70.C
Interior (of an angle) 139.D 155.B
Interior capacity, Newtonian 48.F
Interior cluster set 62.A
Interior field equation 359.D
Interior operator 425.B
Interior point 425.B
Interior problem (in Dirichlet problems) 120.A
Interior product (of a differential form with a vector field) 105.Q
Intermediate convergent (of an irrational number) 83.B
Intermediate field 149.D
Intermediate integrals App. A Table
Intermediate integrals of Monge — Ampere equation 278.B
Intermediate-value theorem 84.C
Intermittent structure 433.C
Internal (in nonstandard analysis) 293.B
Internal energy 419.A
Internal irregular point 338.L
Internal law of composition (of a set) 409.A
Internal product 200.K
Internal space in catastrophe theory (in static model) 51.B
Internal state 31.B
Internal symmetry 150.B
Internally stable set 186.I
Internally thin set 338.G
International notation (for crystal classes) 92.B
International system of units 414.A
Interpolating (for a function algebra) 164.D
Interpolating sequence 43.F
Interpolation (of a function) 223 App. Table
Interpolation (of a stationary process) 176.K 395.E
Interpolation Chebyshev 223.A 336.J
Interpolation coefficient, Lagrange’s 223.A
Interpolation formula 223.A
Interpolation formula Bessel App. A Table
Interpolation formula Everett App. A Table
Interpolation formula Gauss App. A Table
Interpolation formula Gauss’s backward 223.C
Interpolation formula Gauss’s forward 223.C
Interpolation formula Newton App. A Table
Interpolation formula Newton’s backward 223.C
Interpolation formula Newton’s forward 223.C
Interpolation formula Stirling App. A Table
Interpolation function 223.A
Interpolation inverse 223.A
Interpolation Lagrange 223.A
Interpolation method 224.A
Interpolation of operators 224
Interpolation polynomial 223.A
Interpolation polynomial Hermite 223.E
Interpolation polynomial Lagrange 336.G App. Table
Interpolation polynomial Newton 336.G
Interpolation polynomial trigonometric 336.E
Interpolation problem 43.F
Interpolation scheme, Aitken 223.B
Interpolation space 224.A
Interpolation space complex 224.B
Interpolation space real 224.C
Interpolation spline 223.F
Interpolation theorem 224.B 224.C
Interpolator formula 299.A
Interquartile range 397.C
intersect 155.B
Intersect properly (on a variety) 16.G
Intersect transversally 105.L
Intersection (of events) 342.B
Intersection (of projective subspaces) 343.B
Intersection (of sets) 381.B
Intersection (of subspaces of an affine space) 7.A
Intersection chart 19.D
Intersection complete 16.A
Intersection multiplicity (of two subvarieties) 16.Q
Intersection number (of divisors) 15.C
Intersection number (of homology classes) 65.B 201.O
| Intersection number (of sheaves) 16.E
Intersection number self- 15.C
Intersection product (in algebraic varieties) 16.Q
Intersection product (in homology theory) 201.O
Intersection property, finite 425.S
Intersection theorem (of affine geometry) 7.A
Intersection theorem (of projective geometry) 343.B
Intersection theorem Cantor’s 273.F
Intersection theorem Krull 284.A
Interval (in a Boolean algebra) 42.B
Interval (in a lattice) 243.C
Interval (in a vector lattice) 310.B
Interval (in an ordered set) 311.B
Interval (in real number space) 355.C
Interval basic 4.B
Interval closed 140 355.C
Interval confidence 399.Q
Interval estimation 399.Q 401.C
Interval fiducial 401.F
Interval finite 355.C
Interval function 380.A
Interval function additive 380.B
Interval function continuous additive 380.B
Interval infinite 355.C
Interval of absolute stability 303.G
Interval of continuity (for a probability distribution) 341.C
Interval of relative stability 303.G
Interval open 140 355.C
Interval principle of nested 87.C
Interval supplementary 4.B
Interval tolerance 399.R
Intrablock analysis 102.D
Intransitive (permutation group) 151.H
Intrinsic angular momentum 415.G
Intrinsic homology 114.H
Intuitionism 156.A
Intuitionism semi- 156.C
Intuitionistic logic 411.L
Invariance homotopy 201.D
Invariance isospin 351.J
Invariance Lorentz 150.B
Invariance of a confidence region 399.Q
Invariance of dimension, theorem on (of Euclidean spaces) 117.D
Invariance of domain, Brouwer theorem on 117.D
Invariance of speed of light, principle of 359.B
Invariance principle (of hypothesis testing) 400.E
Invariance principle (of wave operators) 375.B
Invariance principle Donsker’s 250.E
Invariance principle Strassen’s 250.E
Invariance theorem of analytic relations 198.K
Invariance topological (homology groups) 201.A
Invariant decision function 398.E
Invariant derivation (on an Abelian variety) 3.F
Invariant differential form (on an Abelian variety) 3.F
Invariant distribution(s) (of a Markov chain) 260.A
Invariant distribution(s) (of second quantization) 377.C
Invariant estimator 399.I
Invariant estimator best 399.I
Invariant field 172.B
Invariant integral, Hilbert’s 46.C
Invariant level test, uniformly most powerful (UMP) 400.E
Invariant Markov process 5.H
Invariant measure problem 136.C
Invariant measure(s) 225
Invariant measure(s) (of a Markov chain) 260.A
Invariant measure(s) (of a Markov process) 261.F
Invariant measure(s) (under a transformation) 136.B
Invariant measure(s) G- 225.B
Invariant measure(s) quasi- 225.J
Invariant measure(s) relatively 225.H
Invariant measure(s) smooth 126. J
Invariant measure(s) sub- 261.F
Invariant measure(s) transverse 154.H
Invariant statistic 396.I
Invariant statistic maximal 396.I
Invariant subgroup (of a group) 190.C
Invariant subspace (of a linear operator) 164.H
Invariant subspace doubly 164.H
Invariant tensor field left 249.A
Invariant tensor field right 249.A
Invariant test 400.E
Invariant test almost 400.E
Invariant torus 126.L
Invariant(s) App. A Table
Invariant(s) - (of a central simple algebra) 29.G
Invariant(s) (decision problem) 398.E
Invariant(s) (element under a group action) 226.A
Invariant(s) (function algebra) 164.H
Invariant(s) (hypothesis) 400.E
Invariant(s) (in the Erlangen program) 137
Invariant(s) (measure) 136.B 225 270.L
Invariant(s) (of a cohomology class of a Galois group) 59.H 257.E
Invariant(s) (of a normal simple algebra) 257.G
Invariant(s) (of an Abelian group) 2.B
Invariant(s) (of an elliptic curve) 73.A
Invariant(s) (S-matrices) 386.B
Invariant(s) (subspace of a Banach space) 251.L
Invariant(s) (underflow) 126.D
Invariant(s) absolute 12.A 226.A
Invariant(s) absolute integral 219.A
Invariant(s) almost G- 396.I
Invariant(s) Arf — Kervaire 114.J
Invariant(s) basic 226.B
Invariant(s) birational 12.A
Invariant(s) Browder — Livesay 114.L
Invariant(s) Cartan (of a finite group) 362.I
Invariant(s) Cartan relative integral 219.B
Invariant(s) conformal 77.E
Invariant(s) covering linkage 235.E
Invariant(s) differential (on an m-dimensional surface) 110.A
Invariant(s) Eilenberg — Postnikov (of a CW-complex) 70.G
Invariant(s) fundamental (of a space with a Lie transformation group) 110. A
Invariant(s) fundamental differential (of a surface) 110.B
Invariant(s) G- (element) 226.A
Invariant(s) G- (measure) 225.A
Invariant(s) G- (statistics) 396.I
Invariant(s) generalized Hopf 202.Q
Invariant(s) Hasse (of a central simple algebra) 29.G
Invariant(s) homotopy 202.B
Invariant(s) homotopy type 202.F
Invariant(s) Hopf 202.S 202.U
Invariant(s) Hopf, modulo p 202.S
Invariant(s) integral 219
Invariant(s) isomorphism (on a measure space) 136.E
Invariant(s) Iwasawa 14.L
Invariant(s) k- (of a CW-complex) 70.G
Invariant(s) left (metric in a topological group) 423.I
Invariant(s) left, Haar measure 225.C
Invariant(s) left, tensor field 249.A
Invariant(s) metric (on a measure space) 136.E
Invariant(s) Milnor 235.D
Invariant(s) negatively 126.D
Invariant(s) normal 114.J
Invariant(s) of n-ary form of degree d 226.D
Invariant(s) of order p 110. A
Invariant(s) of weight w 226.D
Invariant(s) PCT 386.B
Invariant(s) Poincare’s differential 74.G
Invariant(s) positively 126.D
Invariant(s) rearrangement 168.B
Invariant(s) relative 12.A 226.A
Invariant(s) relative integral 219.A
Invariant(s) right, Haar measure 225.C
Invariant(s) right, tensor field 249.A
Invariant(s) sampling procedure 373.C
Invariant(s) semi- 226.A
Invariant(s) semi- (of a probability distribution) 341.C
Invariant(s) shape 382.C
Invariant(s) spectral 136.E
Invariant(s) TCP- 386.B
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